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Полдня, второй каньон, шестимильный ручей, рафтинг по бурной воде

Прогуляйтесь по высоким стенам каньона и каскадным водопадам в этом 4-часовом сплаве с гидом. Испытайте себя на порогах класса IV, спускаясь по живописной Шестимильной реке, проходя через здоровые лосося и кристально чистую воду. Найдите приключения, безопасно путешествуя по этому маршруту с двумя каньонами, который начинается недалеко от Хоуп.
Город: Аляска
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $176.04
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $176.04
Что включено
Complimentary hot showers
Professional guide
Complimentary hot tub
RV Parking Available
Complimentary hot beverages
Use of helmet, drysuit, river shoes, and personal flotation device
Complimentary hot showers
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь высокий уровень физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • Минимальный возраст – 12 лет.
  • Все пассажиры должны быть физически способны пройти тренировочный заплыв нашего гребца
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (14)
Danielle E
Jul 2019
I've never been water rafting. My boyfriend and I are here from Colorado. Neil was the best guide. The whole crew was fantastic. Made it very easy to get in and be comfortable. We only did two canyons, would definitely go back and do the third canyon. I loved all of the enthusiasm from the guides, it really helped ease my anxiety! The water was cold, but the dry suits and shoes they provide kept me dry and the layers I brought (long sleeve, leggings, hoodie and long socks) kept me warm on a 60° day. I highly recommend this rafting tour, the location was beautiful and they take pictures of you and your boat group while you're rafting so don't worry about not having your phone or camera.
Jun 2019
Booked to do this for myself, 17 y/o , friend, her husband and 13 y/o daughter. First of all.... it is definitely an exhausting experience. The 13 y/o didn't make it to the canyon she got too overwhelmed and a bit scared after the swim test. The swim test, yes there is one, no it's not a joke. You are throwing yourself into creek and swimming against current until you flip on your back and then swim to the boat or the side if the creek in 38 degree water. It was very very hard, and a bit scary. The guides do a great job of truly explaining the extent of what the experience can be to give everyone the option to bow out. But you truly can't imagine until you experience it. I am so glad I did the first 2 canyons but I never did the 3rd, by that point I was just DONE, so exhausted and really cold. Definitely layer up good. My drysuit was not dry... probably had some pinholes in the sock part because I had water get in from the beginning of just stepping into the creek but everyone else in my group stayed pretty dry. Every guide was really nice but think ours Neal was the best... because he got us through it and no one fell in... that means alot in my book lol Actually he was really informative, friendly and extremely helpful. Everyone should definitely experience something like this atleast once :)

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