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Хана и Халеакала: 45-минутный вертолетный тур

Вы сможете насладиться всеми достопримечательностями Мауи, которые обязательно нужно увидеть, во время захватывающих вертолетных экскурсий по Мауи! Поднимитесь к кратеру спящего вулкана Халеакала высотой 10 000 футов (3050 метров), пролетите над тропическими лесами Ханы и многое другое. Экспертное повествование включено в полеты на вертолете Мауи.
Город: Мауи
Fri 14 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $276.67
Fri 14 Mar
Начинается с $276.67
Что включено
45 minute flight over East Maui
45 minute flight over East Maui
45 minute flight over East Maui
Бригады, обученные сердечно-легочной реанимации /оказанию первой помощи и безопасности на воде
Спасательный жилет
45 minute flight over East Maui
Большой защищенный плот доступен для всех гостей Моаны (отлично подходит для начинающих и детей)
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Ограничения по весу: в соответствии с правилами FAA все пассажиры должны быть взвешены при регистрации. -в. Для каждого пассажира весом 240 фунтов или более или общим весом 420 фунтов на пару во время бронирования необходимо приобрести дополнительное место. Это необходимо для безопасности и комфорта всех пассажиров. Важно указать точный вес тела при оформлении заказа.
  • Всем пассажирам рекомендуется носить темную одежду, чтобы во время полета меньше отражалось в окнах и чтобы вы могли делать более качественные фотографии во время тура.
  • Во время бронирования НЕОБХОДИМО сообщить вес всех пассажиров. Недостаточное представление массы тела может привести к отмене при регистрации без возврата средств.
  • Маршруты полетов и достопримечательности могут меняться в зависимости от погоды.
  • Младенцы в возрасте до 24 месяцев должны сидеть на взрослом колени. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, СВЯЖИТЕСЬ С AIR MAUI, ЕСЛИ ПРИВОЗИТЕ МЛАДЕНЦА. Более 24 месяцев должны занимать отдельное оплачиваемое место. Мы соблюдаем те же правила FAA, что и авиакомпании.
  • Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с Air Maui напрямую, чтобы узнать время регистрации и вылета, по крайней мере, за 72 часа до вылета!
  • Недоступно для инвалидных колясок. Нет подъемника для инвалидных колясок, и персонал не может лично /физически помочь людям сесть в вертолет.
  • Вертолет представляет собой общую кабину для 6 пассажиров и одного пилота в каждом туре.
Что ожидать
Air Maui Helicopter Tours
Maui helicopter tours meet at the easy to locate Kahului Heliport. Take to the air and enjoy Maui's diverse landscape of dormant volcanoes, rugged lava flows, lush tropical rainforests and deep valleys filled with cascading waterfalls. Maui helicopter rides are perfect because around 75% of Maui is inaccessible on the ground due to the extreme terrain and rainforests.
Pipiwai Trail
Climb onboard your luxury, air-conditioned A-star helicopter. Each helicopter has six forward-facing seats providing each passenger unobstructed 180-degree views. Recline on leather seats, listen to the stereo CD music and hear descriptive narration from your friendly, professional pilot.
Haleakala Crater
The multi-vision video system records all the great sites of your tour, including the pilot narration set to background music. After the flight, you may purchase the flight  recording on a USB for an additional charge.
Road to Hana Tours
Enjoy enchanting waterfalls and the awe-inspiring Haleakala Crater, Maui's own sleeping volcano with a summit extending into the heavens more than 10,000 feet (3050 meters) and admire the tropical Hana Rainforest before Maui helicopter tours return to the Kahului Heliport.
Haleakala National Park
Upper Waikani Falls
Air Maui Helicopter Tours
Maui helicopter tours meet at the easy to locate Kahului Heliport. Take to the air and enjoy Maui's diverse landscape of dormant volcanoes, rugged lava flows, lush tropical rainforests and deep valleys filled with cascading waterfalls. Maui helicopter rides are perfect because around 75% of Maui is inaccessible on the ground due to the extreme terrain and rainforests.
Pipiwai Trail
Climb onboard your luxury, air-conditioned A-star helicopter. Each helicopter has six forward-facing seats providing each passenger unobstructed 180-degree views. Recline on leather seats, listen to the stereo CD music and hear descriptive narration from your friendly, professional pilot.
Haleakala Crater
The multi-vision video system records all the great sites of your tour, including the pilot narration set to background music. After the flight, you may purchase the flight  recording on a USB for an additional charge.
Road to Hana Tours
Enjoy enchanting waterfalls and the awe-inspiring Haleakala Crater, Maui's own sleeping volcano with a summit extending into the heavens more than 10,000 feet (3050 meters) and admire the tropical Hana Rainforest before Maui helicopter tours return to the Kahului Heliport.
Haleakala National Park
Upper Waikani Falls
Air Maui Helicopter Tours
Maui helicopter tours meet at the easy to locate Kahului Heliport. Take to the air and enjoy Maui's diverse landscape of dormant volcanoes, rugged lava flows, lush tropical rainforests and deep valleys filled with cascading waterfalls. Maui helicopter rides are perfect because around 75% of Maui is inaccessible on the ground due to the extreme terrain and rainforests.
Pipiwai Trail
Climb onboard your luxury, air-conditioned A-star helicopter. Each helicopter has six forward-facing seats providing each passenger unobstructed 180-degree views. Recline on leather seats, listen to the stereo CD music and hear descriptive narration from your friendly, professional pilot.
Haleakala Crater
The multi-vision video system records all the great sites of your tour, including the pilot narration set to background music. After the flight, you may purchase the flight  recording on a USB for an additional charge.
Road to Hana Tours
Enjoy enchanting waterfalls and the awe-inspiring Haleakala Crater, Maui's own sleeping volcano with a summit extending into the heavens more than 10,000 feet (3050 meters) and admire the tropical Hana Rainforest before Maui helicopter tours return to the Kahului Heliport.
Haleakala National Park
Upper Waikani Falls
Air Maui Helicopter Tours
Maui helicopter tours meet at the easy to locate Kahului Heliport. Take to the air and enjoy Maui's diverse landscape of dormant volcanoes, rugged lava flows, lush tropical rainforests and deep valleys filled with cascading waterfalls. Maui helicopter rides are perfect because around 75% of Maui is inaccessible on the ground due to the extreme terrain and rainforests.
Pipiwai Trail
Climb onboard your luxury, air-conditioned A-star helicopter. Each helicopter has six forward-facing seats providing each passenger unobstructed 180-degree views. Recline on leather seats, listen to the stereo CD music and hear descriptive narration from your friendly, professional pilot.
Haleakala Crater
The multi-vision video system records all the great sites of your tour, including the pilot narration set to background music. After the flight, you may purchase the flight  recording on a USB for an additional charge.
Road to Hana Tours
Enjoy enchanting waterfalls and the awe-inspiring Haleakala Crater, Maui's own sleeping volcano with a summit extending into the heavens more than 10,000 feet (3050 meters) and admire the tropical Hana Rainforest before Maui helicopter tours return to the Kahului Heliport.
Haleakala National Park
Upper Waikani Falls
Air Maui Helicopter Tours
Maui helicopter tours meet at the easy to locate Kahului Heliport. Take to the air and enjoy Maui's diverse landscape of dormant volcanoes, rugged lava flows, lush tropical rainforests and deep valleys filled with cascading waterfalls. Maui helicopter rides are perfect because around 75% of Maui is inaccessible on the ground due to the extreme terrain and rainforests.
Pipiwai Trail
Climb onboard your luxury, air-conditioned A-star helicopter. Each helicopter has six forward-facing seats providing each passenger unobstructed 180-degree views. Recline on leather seats, listen to the stereo CD music and hear descriptive narration from your friendly, professional pilot.
Haleakala Crater
The multi-vision video system records all the great sites of your tour, including the pilot narration set to background music. After the flight, you may purchase the flight  recording on a USB for an additional charge.
Road to Hana Tours
Enjoy enchanting waterfalls and the awe-inspiring Haleakala Crater, Maui's own sleeping volcano with a summit extending into the heavens more than 10,000 feet (3050 meters) and admire the tropical Hana Rainforest before Maui helicopter tours return to the Kahului Heliport.
Haleakala National Park
Upper Waikani Falls
Air Maui Helicopter Tours
Maui helicopter tours meet at the easy to locate Kahului Heliport. Take to the air and enjoy Maui's diverse landscape of dormant volcanoes, rugged lava flows, lush tropical rainforests and deep valleys filled with cascading waterfalls. Maui helicopter rides are perfect because around 75% of Maui is inaccessible on the ground due to the extreme terrain and rainforests.
Pipiwai Trail
Climb onboard your luxury, air-conditioned A-star helicopter. Each helicopter has six forward-facing seats providing each passenger unobstructed 180-degree views. Recline on leather seats, listen to the stereo CD music and hear descriptive narration from your friendly, professional pilot.
Haleakala Crater
The multi-vision video system records all the great sites of your tour, including the pilot narration set to background music. After the flight, you may purchase the flight  recording on a USB for an additional charge.
Road to Hana Tours
Enjoy enchanting waterfalls and the awe-inspiring Haleakala Crater, Maui's own sleeping volcano with a summit extending into the heavens more than 10,000 feet (3050 meters) and admire the tropical Hana Rainforest before Maui helicopter tours return to the Kahului Heliport.
Haleakala National Park
Upper Waikani Falls
Air Maui Helicopter Tours
Maui helicopter tours meet at the easy to locate Kahului Heliport. Take to the air and enjoy Maui's diverse landscape of dormant volcanoes, rugged lava flows, lush tropical rainforests and deep valleys filled with cascading waterfalls. Maui helicopter rides are perfect because around 75% of Maui is inaccessible on the ground due to the extreme terrain and rainforests.
Pipiwai Trail
Climb onboard your luxury, air-conditioned A-star helicopter. Each helicopter has six forward-facing seats providing each passenger unobstructed 180-degree views. Recline on leather seats, listen to the stereo CD music and hear descriptive narration from your friendly, professional pilot.
Haleakala Crater
The multi-vision video system records all the great sites of your tour, including the pilot narration set to background music. After the flight, you may purchase the flight  recording on a USB for an additional charge.
Road to Hana Tours
Enjoy enchanting waterfalls and the awe-inspiring Haleakala Crater, Maui's own sleeping volcano with a summit extending into the heavens more than 10,000 feet (3050 meters) and admire the tropical Hana Rainforest before Maui helicopter tours return to the Kahului Heliport.
Haleakala National Park
Upper Waikani Falls
Вертолетные туры Эйр Мауи
Вертолетные туры Мауи встречаются на вертолетной площадке Кахулуи, которую легко найти. Поднимитесь в воздух и насладитесь разнообразным ландшафтом Мауи с спящими вулканами, бурными потоками лавы, пышными тропическими лесами и глубокими долинами, заполненными каскадными водопадами. Полеты на вертолете Мауи идеальны, потому что около 75% территории Мауи недоступны с земли из-за экстремальной местности и тропических лесов.
Тропа Пипивай
Поднимитесь на борт своего роскошного вертолета A-star с кондиционером. Каждый вертолет имеет шесть обращенных вперед кресел, обеспечивающих каждому пассажиру беспрепятственный обзор на 180 градусов. Откиньтесь на кожаные сиденья, послушайте стерео музыку на компакт-диске и послушайте описательный рассказ вашего дружелюбного профессионального пилота.
Кратер Халеакала
Многофункциональная видеосистема записывает все замечательные места вашего тура, включая пилотный рассказ под фоновую музыку. После полета вы можете приобрести запись полета на USB-накопителе за дополнительную плату.
Дорога в Хана Турс
Наслаждайтесь очаровательными водопадами и впечатляющим кратером Халеакала, собственным спящим вулканом Мауи с вершиной, уходящей в небо более чем на 10 000 футов (3050 метров), и полюбуйтесь тропическим тропическим лесом Хана, прежде чем вертолетные туры Мауи вернутся на вертолетную площадку Кахулуи.
Национальный парк Халеакала
Верхний водопад Вайкани
Показать 45 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (87)
Dec 2022
Captain Kirk was amazing. Gorgeous flight, safe and my ladies had so much fun. Saw some whales too! Highly recommend
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Happy to hear you enjoyed your flight with Captain Kirk! We really appreciate the recommendation as well. Aloha~
Dec 2022
Excellent pilot, saw the best views, awesome trip! Very professional company, helicopters are top notch.
Colorado K
Nov 2022
Had a lovely time on this great helicopter tour! We had to change routes due to weather but got to see lovely waterfalls, valleys, ocean cliffs, and Molokai. I love taking helicopter tours in the Hawaiian islands because so many places are inaccessible.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Exactly! The beauty of doing the helicopter flight is getting to see those untouched areas from above otherwise unseen. Thank you again for choosing to fly with us!

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