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Ханохано Ханалей Искатель приключений Охота за мусором

Добро пожаловать в интерактивную охоту за мусором, разработанную моим гидом!
Эти уникальные впечатления являются отходом от традиционной охоты за мусором и созданы, чтобы позволить посетителям нового места быстро погрузиться вглубь. Они дают возможность поговорить с местными жителями о забавных темах, проявить творческий подход к окружающей среде и выступить в роли детективов в поисках произведений искусства и интересных местных историй.
Волшебная часть — это энергия и уникальность, которые вы привносите за стол, потому что каждая игра заканчивается. выглядит немного иначе. Это возможность беззаботно и весело пообщаться с товарищами по команде, получить множество забавных фотографий и видео и позволить себе просто играть.
Игра предназначена для людей всех возрастов, которым нравится исследовать и заниматься творчеством. Малыши хорошо справляются со взрослой командой.
Эта игра является совместным творением между вами и вашим интерактивным хостом, который настраивает и взаимодействует с вами во время игры. Конкретные правильные ответы получают дополнительные истории и факты от вашего хоста, который находится у вас в кармане в Whats App.

Город: Кауаи
Fri 20 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $37.00
Fri 20 Sep
Начинается с $37.00
Что включено
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут перевозиться в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Вы должны быть в состоянии ходить по ровной поверхности в течение 2 часов. Эта охота требует 2 часов энергии и сосредоточенности.
  • Социальное дистанцирование на протяжении всего опыта
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнений
  • Это мероприятие проводится на открытом воздухе и ваша группа будет частной вечеринкой. Ваш хост будет общаться с вами через Whats App, чтобы курировать ваше приключение.
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (31)
Jun 2022
This was not a scavenger hunt. It was not an organized activity. The cell service on the island is really spotty and we were not able to participate because of that.
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2022
Hi Future Hunters! Thanks for considering my hunt. I could understand why you might find a one star review concerning so I would like to clarify some things to help you decide if this hunt is a good fit for you. This is an event you need to do a little preparation for so your game will flow correctly. If you don't listen to the whats app info you will miss some important pregame info. I have also found in 4 years of hosting hunts that if a team will not send a team name/photo before the start it seldom goes well. That is the start of the game and the game involves following directions/rules. That is the defination of a game. One of those directions is giving hunters where to find a quiet spot to do the powwow. This team didnt do this and it was too hard to hear me or focus in a busy place. Combine this with not doing the team photo, it doesnt work because the game gets HARDER after those directions and you miss part of how it works. It is a scavenger hunt but it IS different then traditional hunts. But its a great game, and super fun and rewarding for those who come ready to play. Two days ago I hosted a young woman and her sister who hit the ground running after landing in Lihue and had an amazing adventure. So yes this experience varies greatly depending on what you put into it. Kristy Rader, the guest, ignored all calls and texts by whats app and phone to check in on them and never responded. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everyone right for this hunt. But the truth is its up to you.
Dec 2021
Talking to locals about their culture It was good. The majority of the questions were interesting to find the answers, Unfortunately this was done remotely, it took us about an hour and a half to finally get the questions on our cell phone. The reception was not good in that area where we were supposed to meet someone and no one was there but us. The host lived in Arizona. It was only two of us on the scavenger hunt we advise you to change the name because it was not a scavenger hunt as we know it. we are over 65+ years old and some of the activities was too strenuous and jumping off a pier no we could not do that. Then we were told we had to walk a mile and a half and in our condition we cannot do that. We had a really nice time but it was not worth the money we paid.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2021
Glad to hear you had fun talking to locals and had a really nice time! Unlike a lot of activities where you just roll up and start this activity is better to think of like bowling.. you need your correct shoes on and to get lined up for your success. In the same way you do need to make contact on whats app before the hunt. Sending your team name and photo before the game so we develop a communication style is part of the game so skipping that is not optimal. And yes, although I do tell my hunters they can drive if needed it is true this is an active and challenging hunt that normally includes 1 to 1 and 1/2 miles of easy walking. I believe being on foot is the best way to explore a new place. As my listing explains it is not a traditional scavenger hunt like any you have done before. It has creative challenges social interaction and being detectives on the hunt. I do host it remotely. I am like a game show host in your pocket. Come ready for something new!
Oct 2021
We had a great time and enjoyed learning more about the Hawaiian culture. The clues were fun and easy to follow and we learned many interesting things from the people we met! I would highly recommend this to do with friends or family. It was a good time had by all and we enjoyed making fun memories along the way!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2021
Your team of 4 ladies in leis rocked Hanalei! Thanks for allowing me to be part of your group adventure!

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