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Велосипедный тур Happy Hour по Новому Орлеану

Совершите непринужденную экскурсию по местным водопоям с нашим туром «Счастливый час». В этом туре мы держимся подальше от перегруженного Французского квартала и Центрального делового района. Мы посещаем местные места в Мариньи и Байуотере. Вы прокатитесь по двум самым уникальным районам города. Вы посетите бары, которые находятся в глуши. Вы узнаете много нового о городе и его окрестностях, но прежде всего хорошо проведете время.
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $30.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $30.00
Что включено
Bicycle and helmet
One local drink
Use of bicycle
Local Guide
Bottle of water
Bicycle and helmet
One local drink
Дополнительная информация
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Есть специальные детские кресла
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Не рекомендуется путешественникам с плохой сердечно-сосудистой системой здоровье
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется в зонах с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием
  • Регулярно транспортные средства продезинфицированы
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
New Orleans
Take a laid-back tour of local watering holes with our Happy Hour Tour. We stay out of the congested French Quarter and Central Business District on this tour. We are hitting local spots in the Marigny and Bywater. You will ride around two of the most unique neighborhoods in the city. You will visit bars that are off the beaten path. You will learn things about the city and the neighborhoods, but primarily you will have a good time. The tour starts and ends at our bike shop located conveniently near the French Quarter, one block off Frenchmen Street in the Faubourg Marigny neighborhood. We will set you up on a bicycle before your group of no more than 12 bike riders set off on the tour. A complimentary local drink will be offered at that time. Your tour guide will then take you around the neighborhoods and stop at their favorite spots. Typically, we stop at three bars. The stops depend on the day, the guide, and the group.
New Orleans
Take a laid-back tour of local watering holes with our Happy Hour Tour. We stay out of the congested French Quarter and Central Business District on this tour. We are hitting local spots in the Marigny and Bywater. You will ride around two of the most unique neighborhoods in the city. You will visit bars that are off the beaten path. You will learn things about the city and the neighborhoods, but primarily you will have a good time. The tour starts and ends at our bike shop located conveniently near the French Quarter, one block off Frenchmen Street in the Faubourg Marigny neighborhood. We will set you up on a bicycle before your group of no more than 12 bike riders set off on the tour. A complimentary local drink will be offered at that time. Your tour guide will then take you around the neighborhoods and stop at their favorite spots. Typically, we stop at three bars. The stops depend on the day, the guide, and the group.
New Orleans
Take a laid-back tour of local watering holes with our Happy Hour Tour. We stay out of the congested French Quarter and Central Business District on this tour. We are hitting local spots in the Marigny and Bywater. You will ride around two of the most unique neighborhoods in the city. You will visit bars that are off the beaten path. You will learn things about the city and the neighborhoods, but primarily you will have a good time. The tour starts and ends at our bike shop located conveniently near the French Quarter, one block off Frenchmen Street in the Faubourg Marigny neighborhood. We will set you up on a bicycle before your group of no more than 12 bike riders set off on the tour. A complimentary local drink will be offered at that time. Your tour guide will then take you around the neighborhoods and stop at their favorite spots. Typically, we stop at three bars. The stops depend on the day, the guide, and the group.
New Orleans
Take a laid-back tour of local watering holes with our Happy Hour Tour. We stay out of the congested French Quarter and Central Business District on this tour. We are hitting local spots in the Marigny and Bywater. You will ride around two of the most unique neighborhoods in the city. You will visit bars that are off the beaten path. You will learn things about the city and the neighborhoods, but primarily you will have a good time. The tour starts and ends at our bike shop located conveniently near the French Quarter, one block off Frenchmen Street in the Faubourg Marigny neighborhood. We will set you up on a bicycle before your group of no more than 12 bike riders set off on the tour. A complimentary local drink will be offered at that time. Your tour guide will then take you around the neighborhoods and stop at their favorite spots. Typically, we stop at three bars. The stops depend on the day, the guide, and the group.
New Orleans
Take a laid-back tour of local watering holes with our Happy Hour Tour. We stay out of the congested French Quarter and Central Business District on this tour. We are hitting local spots in the Marigny and Bywater. You will ride around two of the most unique neighborhoods in the city. You will visit bars that are off the beaten path. You will learn things about the city and the neighborhoods, but primarily you will have a good time. The tour starts and ends at our bike shop located conveniently near the French Quarter, one block off Frenchmen Street in the Faubourg Marigny neighborhood. We will set you up on a bicycle before your group of no more than 12 bike riders set off on the tour. A complimentary local drink will be offered at that time. Your tour guide will then take you around the neighborhoods and stop at their favorite spots. Typically, we stop at three bars. The stops depend on the day, the guide, and the group.
New Orleans
Take a laid-back tour of local watering holes with our Happy Hour Tour. We stay out of the congested French Quarter and Central Business District on this tour. We are hitting local spots in the Marigny and Bywater. You will ride around two of the most unique neighborhoods in the city. You will visit bars that are off the beaten path. You will learn things about the city and the neighborhoods, but primarily you will have a good time. The tour starts and ends at our bike shop located conveniently near the French Quarter, one block off Frenchmen Street in the Faubourg Marigny neighborhood. We will set you up on a bicycle before your group of no more than 12 bike riders set off on the tour. A complimentary local drink will be offered at that time. Your tour guide will then take you around the neighborhoods and stop at their favorite spots. Typically, we stop at three bars. The stops depend on the day, the guide, and the group.
Жители Нового Орлеана
Совершите непринужденную экскурсию по местным водопоям с нашим туром «Счастливый час». В этом туре мы держимся подальше от перегруженного Французского квартала и Центрального делового района. Мы посещаем местные места в Мариньи и Байуотере. Вы прокатитесь по двум самым уникальным районам города. Вы посетите бары, которые находятся в глуши. Вы узнаете много нового о городе и его окрестностях, но прежде всего хорошо проведете время. Экскурсия начинается и заканчивается в нашем магазине велосипедов, удобно расположенном недалеко от Французского квартала, в одном квартале от улицы Френчмен в районе Фобур-Мариньи. Мы посадим вас на велосипед до того, как ваша группа из не более 12 велогонщиков отправится в тур. В это время гостям будет предложен бесплатный местный напиток. Затем ваш гид проведет вас по окрестностям и остановится в их любимых местах. Обычно мы останавливаемся на трех барах. Остановки зависят от дня, гида и группы.
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