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Пешеходная экскурсия по кампусу Гарвардского университета

Что может быть лучше, чем увидеть Гарвард глазами студента! Этот тур представляет собой 70-минутную пешеходную экскурсию под руководством студентов по старейшему университету Америки, задуманную как забавное и познавательное путешествие по кампусу Гарварда. После встречи с вашим гидом, восторженным студентом Гарварда, в самом сердце Гарвардской площади, вы попадете в исторический Гарвардский двор. Наслаждайтесь достопримечательностями, пока ваш гид развлекает и вдохновляет рассказами об истории Гарварда и личным опытом в университете, который они называют домом. Вы увидите вблизи основные достопримечательности Гарварда, включая ворота Джонстона, статую Джона Гарварда, Мемориальный зал и библиотеку Уайденера. По пути вы даже узнаете несколько секретов Гарварда! Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы студентом, посещающим колледж, или семьей на отдыхе, Hahvahd Tour, несомненно, лучший способ увидеть Гарвард.
Город: Бостон
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $22.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $22.00
Что включено
Free Illustrated Map of Harvard Square
Written translations in Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Mandarin
Harvard Student-Led Tours for more Insightful Narrative
Conclude at The Harvard Shop for Souvenirs - run by Harvard students!
70-Minute Guided Walking Tour of Harvard
See Top Sites including Harvard Square, Harvard Yard, and Science Center & Memorial Hall
Free Illustrated Map of Harvard Square
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Маршрут тура меньше чем 1 миля
  • Для путешественников и сотрудников доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук
  • Соблюдение социальной дистанции на протяжении всей поездки
  • Снаряжение и оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Требуются гиды регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у сотрудников
  • Платные правила пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами заболевания
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Мы соблюдаем все правила штата Массачусетс и федеральные правила. Предоставлены индивидуальные подслушивающие устройства для облегчения социального дистанцирования.
Что ожидать
Harvard Square
This is where the tour begins and where Harvard is located.
Harvard University
The whole reason guests are here. The tour will take you throughout the campus of the oldest university in the United States.
John Harvard Statue
One of the top 3 most photographed statues in the United States
Harvard Art Museums
The Harvard Art Museums, among the world’s leading art institutions, comprise three museums (the Fogg, Busch-Reisinger, and Arthur M. Sackler Museums) all under one roof.
The Harvard Shop
Tour ends at The Harvard Shop - run by Harvard students!
Memorial Hall
Our guide will show you to one of Harvard's most iconic buildings, Memorial Hall. While we won't be able to go inside as a group, the beautiful exterior architecture will still amaze!
Harvard Square
This is where the tour begins and where Harvard is located.
Harvard University
The whole reason guests are here. The tour will take you throughout the campus of the oldest university in the United States.
John Harvard Statue
One of the top 3 most photographed statues in the United States
Harvard Art Museums
The Harvard Art Museums, among the world’s leading art institutions, comprise three museums (the Fogg, Busch-Reisinger, and Arthur M. Sackler Museums) all under one roof.
The Harvard Shop
Tour ends at The Harvard Shop - run by Harvard students!
Memorial Hall
Our guide will show you to one of Harvard's most iconic buildings, Memorial Hall. While we won't be able to go inside as a group, the beautiful exterior architecture will still amaze!
Harvard Square
This is where the tour begins and where Harvard is located.
Harvard University
The whole reason guests are here. The tour will take you throughout the campus of the oldest university in the United States.
John Harvard Statue
One of the top 3 most photographed statues in the United States
Harvard Art Museums
The Harvard Art Museums, among the world’s leading art institutions, comprise three museums (the Fogg, Busch-Reisinger, and Arthur M. Sackler Museums) all under one roof.
The Harvard Shop
Tour ends at The Harvard Shop - run by Harvard students!
Memorial Hall
Our guide will show you to one of Harvard's most iconic buildings, Memorial Hall. While we won't be able to go inside as a group, the beautiful exterior architecture will still amaze!
Harvard Square
This is where the tour begins and where Harvard is located.
Harvard University
The whole reason guests are here. The tour will take you throughout the campus of the oldest university in the United States.
John Harvard Statue
One of the top 3 most photographed statues in the United States
Harvard Art Museums
The Harvard Art Museums, among the world’s leading art institutions, comprise three museums (the Fogg, Busch-Reisinger, and Arthur M. Sackler Museums) all under one roof.
The Harvard Shop
Tour ends at The Harvard Shop - run by Harvard students!
Memorial Hall
Our guide will show you to one of Harvard's most iconic buildings, Memorial Hall. While we won't be able to go inside as a group, the beautiful exterior architecture will still amaze!
Harvard Square
This is where the tour begins and where Harvard is located.
Harvard University
The whole reason guests are here. The tour will take you throughout the campus of the oldest university in the United States.
John Harvard Statue
One of the top 3 most photographed statues in the United States
Harvard Art Museums
The Harvard Art Museums, among the world’s leading art institutions, comprise three museums (the Fogg, Busch-Reisinger, and Arthur M. Sackler Museums) all under one roof.
The Harvard Shop
Tour ends at The Harvard Shop - run by Harvard students!
Memorial Hall
Our guide will show you to one of Harvard's most iconic buildings, Memorial Hall. While we won't be able to go inside as a group, the beautiful exterior architecture will still amaze!
Harvard Square
This is where the tour begins and where Harvard is located.
Harvard University
The whole reason guests are here. The tour will take you throughout the campus of the oldest university in the United States.
John Harvard Statue
One of the top 3 most photographed statues in the United States
Harvard Art Museums
The Harvard Art Museums, among the world’s leading art institutions, comprise three museums (the Fogg, Busch-Reisinger, and Arthur M. Sackler Museums) all under one roof.
The Harvard Shop
Tour ends at The Harvard Shop - run by Harvard students!
Memorial Hall
Our guide will show you to one of Harvard's most iconic buildings, Memorial Hall. While we won't be able to go inside as a group, the beautiful exterior architecture will still amaze!
Гарвардская площадь
Здесь начинается экскурсия и находится Гарвард.
Гарвардский университет
Вся причина, по которой гости здесь. Экскурсия проведет вас по кампусу старейшего университета США.
Статуя Джона Гарварда
Одна из трех самых фотографируемых статуй в США.
Гарвардские художественные музеи
Гарвардские художественные музеи, входящие в число ведущих мировых художественных учреждений, включают в себя три музея (музеи Фогга, Буша-Райзингера и Артура М. Саклера) под одной крышей.
Гарвардский магазин
Тур заканчивается в Гарвардском магазине, которым управляют студенты Гарварда!
Мемориальный зал
Наш гид покажет вам одно из самых знаковых зданий Гарварда, Мемориальный зал. Хотя мы не сможем войти внутрь всей группой, красивая внешняя архитектура все равно поразит!
Показать 39 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
Excellent guide. Very informative tour. I learned a lot about Harvard and the surrounding area. Exceptional experience.
Dec 2022
Overall we really enjoyed the tour! There are parts of it that the traffic or outside commotion is too loud to hear the tour guide though unless you are right on top of them which is difficult when trying to stay on a small sidewalk while in a group of people. Also, I would recommend doing this tour when the weather is warmer because there is ZERO inside time and it’s very cold!
Margarita G
Dec 2022
We got lost and could not find the meeting point. The guide called me to clarify where we were, and gave us the wrong route, when asked to send a point, she said she could not, and as a result, we went in the wrong direction. In the 21st century, a person using a cell phone cannot send a location. Ridiculous! After a while, she called again and said in a rude manner that they were leaving soon and not going to wait for us anymore, but still sent the point where to go, so we had to walk back for 10 minutes because of wrong the first direction. When we arrived at our destination, it was in the middle of the park, and no one was over there. There was no one to answer my calls. I called several times and no one answered. This is not an acceptable attitude. In the end, we were never given the tour. Terrible experience. Therefore, I've demanded my money back in full. So, you can look at Harvard by yourself. There is nothing for what you have to pay $20. Nobody gets you inside. But outside everything is free. But some history you can google it.

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