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Аренда мопеда в гавайском стиле на день

Наш стандартный мопед с корзиной позволяет вам быть готовым к любым действиям во время изучения Оаху. Много места для вашего шлема, пляжного снаряжения или сумок для покупок. Стандартная корзина — это наш самый простой в управлении мопед с достаточными характеристиками для изучения южного и восточного побережья.

Легко перемещайтесь по живописным прибрежным дорогам в сторону Даймонд-Хед, Залив Ханаума, Блоухол, Сэнди-Бич, Вайманало и Кайлуа.

Наши сотрудники научат любого водителя, так что не беспокойтесь, если вы впервые едете на мопеде на Гавайях.

Город: Оаху
Tue 04 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $43.60
Tue 04 Mar
Начинается с $43.60
Что включено
Helmet (Not required by law)
Lessons (For First Time Riders)
Custom Maps
Helmet (Not required by law)
Lessons (For First Time Riders)
Custom Maps
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников.
  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки. уровни
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (148)
Dec 2022
Had an amazing experience and the staff is awesome! We enjoyed traveling the island and seeing the sights! Thank you!
Nov 2022
As someone who has no experience with any motor vehicles other than a car, this was such a great option to get around the Waikiki area. My husband and I both rented standard mopeds for a few days and they were perfect for getting to areas that were 20+ mins walking distance from the Waikiki area. I was super hesitant at first when getting the moped - I may have been screaming around the corners of the block as I was doing my practice loops. It takes practice to get comfortable with the moped but it didn't take long to do so. The staff were kind, patient, and encouraging. They were also super apologetic when I stopped by to ask about my lock that was sticking and not unlocking properly - they greased it up and we were on our way within 5 minutes. They provided clear instructions on operation, parking, and drop-off. My husband and I also got the Hawaiian Style coverage which allowed us to park our mopeds at the rental shop overnight instead of trying to find parking somewhere around Waikiki. Riding a moped in the beautiful Waikiki weather was definitely something worth doing!
Nov 2022
Amazing service, good quality mopeds and good availability for pick up and drop off. We paid the extra for the insurance, late drop off and accidental damage cover and it was well worth it. We took the mopeds to pearl harbour and down Waikiki front and they were easy to get around and no issues avoiding the major roads which you’re not allowed on. Well worth it for a day out.

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