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Вертолетная экскурсия по центру Нэшвилла

В Нэшвилле, штат Теннесси, один из самых красивых горизонтов, и он продолжает расти! Вертолет — единственный способ по-настоящему увидеть все, что может предложить Music City. Сделайте свое путешествие незабываемым и совершите экскурсию с лучшего места в доме!
Город: Нэшвилл
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $99.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $99.00
Что включено
Fly over popular Nashville attractions, including Ryman Auditorium, Parthenon, and Nissan Stadium
Guided Helicopter Tour of Downtown Nashville
See stunning sights of Downtown Nashville
Fly over popular Nashville attractions, including Ryman Auditorium, Parthenon, and Nissan Stadium
Guided Helicopter Tour of Downtown Nashville
See stunning sights of Downtown Nashville
Fly over popular Nashville attractions, including Ryman Auditorium, Parthenon, and Nissan Stadium
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Все области и поверхности приспособлены для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • общий вес каждого пассажира ограничен 300 фунтами (137 кг) из-за ограничений производителя оборудования.
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Nashville Parthenon
Fly over a full scale replica of the Parthenon!
Vanderbilt University
See Vanderbilt Stadium and University from the air!
The Stage on Broadway
Our downtown tour takes you right down Broadway roof top level over all the bars and Honky Tonks!
Ryman Auditorium
See all the sights of dowtown Nashville from the best seat in the house.
Nissan Stadium
Make a loop around Titans Stadium!
Tennessee State Capitol
Get a birds eye view of beautiful Nashville Tennessee.
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
We'll take you over music row where most of the famous song from Nashville were recorded and see the Country Music Hall of Fame!
Nashville Parthenon
Fly over a full scale replica of the Parthenon!
Vanderbilt University
See Vanderbilt Stadium and University from the air!
The Stage on Broadway
Our downtown tour takes you right down Broadway roof top level over all the bars and Honky Tonks!
Ryman Auditorium
See all the sights of dowtown Nashville from the best seat in the house.
Nissan Stadium
Make a loop around Titans Stadium!
Tennessee State Capitol
Get a birds eye view of beautiful Nashville Tennessee.
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
We'll take you over music row where most of the famous song from Nashville were recorded and see the Country Music Hall of Fame!
Nashville Parthenon
Fly over a full scale replica of the Parthenon!
Vanderbilt University
See Vanderbilt Stadium and University from the air!
The Stage on Broadway
Our downtown tour takes you right down Broadway roof top level over all the bars and Honky Tonks!
Ryman Auditorium
See all the sights of dowtown Nashville from the best seat in the house.
Nissan Stadium
Make a loop around Titans Stadium!
Tennessee State Capitol
Get a birds eye view of beautiful Nashville Tennessee.
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
We'll take you over music row where most of the famous song from Nashville were recorded and see the Country Music Hall of Fame!
Nashville Parthenon
Fly over a full scale replica of the Parthenon!
Vanderbilt University
See Vanderbilt Stadium and University from the air!
The Stage on Broadway
Our downtown tour takes you right down Broadway roof top level over all the bars and Honky Tonks!
Ryman Auditorium
See all the sights of dowtown Nashville from the best seat in the house.
Nissan Stadium
Make a loop around Titans Stadium!
Tennessee State Capitol
Get a birds eye view of beautiful Nashville Tennessee.
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
We'll take you over music row where most of the famous song from Nashville were recorded and see the Country Music Hall of Fame!
Nashville Parthenon
Fly over a full scale replica of the Parthenon!
Vanderbilt University
See Vanderbilt Stadium and University from the air!
The Stage on Broadway
Our downtown tour takes you right down Broadway roof top level over all the bars and Honky Tonks!
Ryman Auditorium
See all the sights of dowtown Nashville from the best seat in the house.
Nissan Stadium
Make a loop around Titans Stadium!
Tennessee State Capitol
Get a birds eye view of beautiful Nashville Tennessee.
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
We'll take you over music row where most of the famous song from Nashville were recorded and see the Country Music Hall of Fame!
Nashville Parthenon
Fly over a full scale replica of the Parthenon!
Vanderbilt University
See Vanderbilt Stadium and University from the air!
The Stage on Broadway
Our downtown tour takes you right down Broadway roof top level over all the bars and Honky Tonks!
Ryman Auditorium
See all the sights of dowtown Nashville from the best seat in the house.
Nissan Stadium
Make a loop around Titans Stadium!
Tennessee State Capitol
Get a birds eye view of beautiful Nashville Tennessee.
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
We'll take you over music row where most of the famous song from Nashville were recorded and see the Country Music Hall of Fame!
Nashville Parthenon
Fly over a full scale replica of the Parthenon!
Vanderbilt University
See Vanderbilt Stadium and University from the air!
The Stage on Broadway
Our downtown tour takes you right down Broadway roof top level over all the bars and Honky Tonks!
Ryman Auditorium
See all the sights of dowtown Nashville from the best seat in the house.
Nissan Stadium
Make a loop around Titans Stadium!
Tennessee State Capitol
Get a birds eye view of beautiful Nashville Tennessee.
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
We'll take you over music row where most of the famous song from Nashville were recorded and see the Country Music Hall of Fame!
Нэшвилл Парфенон
Пролетите над полномасштабной копией Парфенона!
Университет Вандербильта
Посмотрите на стадион и университет Вандербильта с воздуха!
Сцена на Бродвее
Наш тур по центру города проведет вас прямо по крыше Бродвея над всеми барами и Honky Tonks!
Райман Аудиториум
Посмотрите на все достопримечательности центра Нэшвилла с лучшего места в доме.
Стадион Ниссан
Сделайте петлю вокруг Стадиона Титанов!
Капитолий штата Теннесси
Получите вид с высоты птичьего полета на красивый Нэшвилл, штат Теннесси.
Зал славы и музей кантри-музыки
Мы познакомим вас с музыкальным рядом, где было записано большинство известных песен из Нэшвилла, и увидим Зал славы музыки кантри!
Показать 53 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (341)
Dec 2022
Great ride, extremely smooth take off, flight, and landing. The pilot was very personable and knowledgeable. Great sightseeing tour of Nashville.
Dec 2022
Awesome experience. Conversations were flowing, saw quite a bit. Pilot was very informative. Gave us ideas to see other things
Dec 2022
All of it. But they/Staff were so nice. We highly recommend this tour. It is worth every penny. We tipped the Helicopter guy too. He was so nice, same with the gentleman inside to greet us. The staff was so awesome as well. The views are amazing.

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