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Автобусный тур по Голливуду и домам знаменитостей

• Посетите Голливуд, Западный Голливуд и Беверли-Хиллз на наших автобусах под открытым небом.
• Откройте для себя всемирно известный знак Голливуда, знаменитые достопримечательности, дома знаменитостей и места съемок фильмов.

• Посетите места, где знаменитости живут, работают и развлекаются.
• Возьмите с собой фотоаппарат, в этом туре часто можно увидеть знаменитостей.
Город: Лос-Анджелес
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $39.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $39.00
Что включено
Driver/Tour Guide
Driver/Tour Guide
Driver/Tour Guide
Driver/Tour Guide
Driver/Tour Guide
Driver/Tour Guide
Driver/Tour Guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Специализированные детские кресла доступны
  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Детские кресла доступны
  • Пожалуйста, оденьтесь в соответствии с погодными условиями
  • Парковка доступна за 15 долларов США ВЕСЬ ДЕНЬ по адресу 1400 Ivar Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90028
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Hollywood City Tours
Take a 2-hour open-air bus tour through Hollywood and Beverly Hills with our fun and knowledgeable tour guides! Explore some of the area’s landmarks and celebrity homes. Such as the Hollywood Sign, the Walk of Fame, and the Chinese Theater. Keep an eye out for celebrity sightings as you drive through Beverly Hills and view the homes of Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio and many more. Our tour is family friendly, high energy and truly brings real insider knowledge of the area to our guests.
Hollywood City Tours
Take a 2-hour open-air bus tour through Hollywood and Beverly Hills with our fun and knowledgeable tour guides! Explore some of the area’s landmarks and celebrity homes. Such as the Hollywood Sign, the Walk of Fame, and the Chinese Theater. Keep an eye out for celebrity sightings as you drive through Beverly Hills and view the homes of Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio and many more. Our tour is family friendly, high energy and truly brings real insider knowledge of the area to our guests.
Hollywood City Tours
Take a 2-hour open-air bus tour through Hollywood and Beverly Hills with our fun and knowledgeable tour guides! Explore some of the area’s landmarks and celebrity homes. Such as the Hollywood Sign, the Walk of Fame, and the Chinese Theater. Keep an eye out for celebrity sightings as you drive through Beverly Hills and view the homes of Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio and many more. Our tour is family friendly, high energy and truly brings real insider knowledge of the area to our guests.
Hollywood City Tours
Take a 2-hour open-air bus tour through Hollywood and Beverly Hills with our fun and knowledgeable tour guides! Explore some of the area’s landmarks and celebrity homes. Such as the Hollywood Sign, the Walk of Fame, and the Chinese Theater. Keep an eye out for celebrity sightings as you drive through Beverly Hills and view the homes of Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio and many more. Our tour is family friendly, high energy and truly brings real insider knowledge of the area to our guests.
Hollywood City Tours
Take a 2-hour open-air bus tour through Hollywood and Beverly Hills with our fun and knowledgeable tour guides! Explore some of the area’s landmarks and celebrity homes. Such as the Hollywood Sign, the Walk of Fame, and the Chinese Theater. Keep an eye out for celebrity sightings as you drive through Beverly Hills and view the homes of Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio and many more. Our tour is family friendly, high energy and truly brings real insider knowledge of the area to our guests.
Hollywood City Tours
Take a 2-hour open-air bus tour through Hollywood and Beverly Hills with our fun and knowledgeable tour guides! Explore some of the area’s landmarks and celebrity homes. Such as the Hollywood Sign, the Walk of Fame, and the Chinese Theater. Keep an eye out for celebrity sightings as you drive through Beverly Hills and view the homes of Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DiCaprio and many more. Our tour is family friendly, high energy and truly brings real insider knowledge of the area to our guests.
Экскурсии по Голливуду
Совершите двухчасовую автобусную экскурсию под открытым небом по Голливуду и Беверли-Хиллз с нашими веселыми и знающими гидами! Исследуйте некоторые достопримечательности района и дома знаменитостей. Например, Знак Голливуда, Аллея славы и Китайский театр. Следите за знаменитостями, проезжая по Беверли-Хиллз и осматривая дома Тома Круза, Тейлор Свифт, Леонардо ДиКаприо и многих других. Наш тур подходит для семейного отдыха, наполнен энергией и действительно дает нашим гостям настоящие инсайдерские знания о районе.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
My family recently took this tour. Technically the tour includes everything they advertise. We learnt a few interesting facts/info and the views are nice but certainly not worth $50pp (including suggested tips) If you have rented a vehicle I would strongly suggest you skip the tour and save yourself money. Unless of course if you want to learn which celebrity has a house in the area, barely catch a glimpse of the homes or see them from more than a mile away. The view of the Hollywood sign was disappointing and wasn't straight on as shown in the pictures. Instead of this tour I will recommend you drive down Mullholland drive, Rodeo drive and Holywood drive yourself and take in the sights and views at your own leisure.
Dec 2022
I did the Hollywood Bus Tour with Chelsee. She was very knowledgeable on the facts of the area and very entertaining. We saw some of everything in the area, and stopped in Beverly Hills for a photo op. I thoroughly enjoyed this tour!
Dec 2022
Our tour guide was awesome! She pointed out lots of things for us. She pulled over when she could so we could take pictures. Really great tour for the money!
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Hello Mary , Thank you for your positive review, we are glad you chose Hollywood City Tours as your tour Operator .

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