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Голливуд, Беверли-Хиллз и тур по домам знаменитостей

В нашем туре вы узнаете о Голливуде, увидите десятки домов знаменитостей, услышите историю и настоящие истории Голливуда и Беверли-Хиллз. Посмотрите достопримечательности, в том числе: Знак Голливуда, Китайский театр Граумана, Голливудскую «Аллею славы», Знак Беверли-Хиллз, Родео-Драйв, Whiskey A Go Go, отель Beverly Hills, Sunset Plaza и Sunset Strip; включая рестораны и клубы, где знаменитости обедают ежедневно и тусуются по ночам. Продолжительность тура составляет 2 часа от Ultimate Hollywood Tours. Включены места кино и фильмов по всему Голливуду и Беверли-Хиллз.
Город: Лос-Анджелес
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $45.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $45.00
Что включено
Experienced and Knowledgeable Tour Guides
Sightseeing tour
Experienced and Knowledgeable Tour Guides
Sightseeing tour
Experienced and Knowledgeable Tour Guides
Sightseeing tour
Experienced and Knowledgeable Tour Guides
Дополнительная информация
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • При условии благоприятных погодных условий. В случае отмены из-за плохой погоды вам будет предложена альтернативная дата или полный возврат средств. Это очень редкий случай в Южной Калифорнии!
Что ожидать
TCL Chinese Theatres
The Historic Grauman's Chinese Theater and the main location for most movie premieres in LA!
Hollywood Sign
See the Historic Hollywood Sign from Mulholland Drive.
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip is a collection of historic Music Venues, Bars, and Restaurants and local hot spots for celebrities.
Rodeo Drive
Luxury Shopping in Beverly Hills
Mulholland Drive
Famous canyon road in Los Angeles and home to many celebrities.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Hollywood Boulevard's popular tourist attraction with Star plaques to the celebrities of the entertainment industry. We offer an optional stop here at the end of the tour.
TCL Chinese Theatres
The Historic Grauman's Chinese Theater and the main location for most movie premieres in LA!
Hollywood Sign
See the Historic Hollywood Sign from Mulholland Drive.
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip is a collection of historic Music Venues, Bars, and Restaurants and local hot spots for celebrities.
Rodeo Drive
Luxury Shopping in Beverly Hills
Mulholland Drive
Famous canyon road in Los Angeles and home to many celebrities.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Hollywood Boulevard's popular tourist attraction with Star plaques to the celebrities of the entertainment industry. We offer an optional stop here at the end of the tour.
TCL Chinese Theatres
The Historic Grauman's Chinese Theater and the main location for most movie premieres in LA!
Hollywood Sign
See the Historic Hollywood Sign from Mulholland Drive.
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip is a collection of historic Music Venues, Bars, and Restaurants and local hot spots for celebrities.
Rodeo Drive
Luxury Shopping in Beverly Hills
Mulholland Drive
Famous canyon road in Los Angeles and home to many celebrities.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Hollywood Boulevard's popular tourist attraction with Star plaques to the celebrities of the entertainment industry. We offer an optional stop here at the end of the tour.
TCL Chinese Theatres
The Historic Grauman's Chinese Theater and the main location for most movie premieres in LA!
Hollywood Sign
See the Historic Hollywood Sign from Mulholland Drive.
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip is a collection of historic Music Venues, Bars, and Restaurants and local hot spots for celebrities.
Rodeo Drive
Luxury Shopping in Beverly Hills
Mulholland Drive
Famous canyon road in Los Angeles and home to many celebrities.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Hollywood Boulevard's popular tourist attraction with Star plaques to the celebrities of the entertainment industry. We offer an optional stop here at the end of the tour.
TCL Chinese Theatres
The Historic Grauman's Chinese Theater and the main location for most movie premieres in LA!
Hollywood Sign
See the Historic Hollywood Sign from Mulholland Drive.
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip is a collection of historic Music Venues, Bars, and Restaurants and local hot spots for celebrities.
Rodeo Drive
Luxury Shopping in Beverly Hills
Mulholland Drive
Famous canyon road in Los Angeles and home to many celebrities.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Hollywood Boulevard's popular tourist attraction with Star plaques to the celebrities of the entertainment industry. We offer an optional stop here at the end of the tour.
TCL Chinese Theatres
The Historic Grauman's Chinese Theater and the main location for most movie premieres in LA!
Hollywood Sign
See the Historic Hollywood Sign from Mulholland Drive.
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip is a collection of historic Music Venues, Bars, and Restaurants and local hot spots for celebrities.
Rodeo Drive
Luxury Shopping in Beverly Hills
Mulholland Drive
Famous canyon road in Los Angeles and home to many celebrities.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Hollywood Boulevard's popular tourist attraction with Star plaques to the celebrities of the entertainment industry. We offer an optional stop here at the end of the tour.
Китайские театры TCL
Китайский театр Исторического Граумана и основное место проведения большинства кинопремьер в Лос-Анджелесе!
Знак Голливуда
Посмотрите на исторический знак Голливуда с Малхолланд Драйв.
Сансет Стрип
Сансет-Стрип — это коллекция исторических музыкальных площадок, баров и ресторанов, а также местных горячих точек для знаменитостей.
Родео Драйв
Роскошные магазины в Беверли-Хиллз
Малхолланд Драйв
Знаменитая дорога каньона в Лос-Анджелесе, где проживает множество знаменитостей.
Голливудская Аллея славы
Популярная туристическая достопримечательность Голливудского бульвара со звездными табличками для знаменитостей индустрии развлечений. Мы предлагаем дополнительную остановку здесь в конце тура.
Показать 39 больше остановок
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Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (535)
Thomas M
Dec 2022
we had a good time, The driver ept up a constant commentary , pointing out sights along the was. It was fun
Dec 2022
It was fabulous tour .. our tour guide Abel was very funny and very informative.. because of him our tour was really nice Thanks to him .
Nov 2022
Fun way to tour. Our guide was fantastic and knowledgeable. Book with this group. I traveled with four kids ranging in ages from 20-12. We all enjoyed this experience. You see numerous homes of celebrities, and you also learn insider information about celebrities and the history of the area.

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