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Осмотр достопримечательностей Голливуда и тур по домам знаменитостей на автобусе с открытым верхом

Посмотрите Голливуд и его окрестности в забавном ОТКРЫТОМ фургоне (некоторые из них имеют навес для тени), что позволяет наслаждаться прекрасным видом без препятствий в этом двухчасовом туре.
Город: Лос-Анджелес
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $35.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $35.00
Что включено
Дополнительная информация
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Доступны специальные детские сиденья
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых.
  • Пожалуйста, приходите не менее чем за 15 минут до начала мероприятия.
  • Маски для лица требуется для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидам требуется регулярно мыть руки
  • Гидам необходима вакцинация от COVID-19
Что ожидать
Hollywood Walk of Fame
You will start from here, because we are located on the Walk of Fame, close to the star of Marlyn Monroe. This stop is before you start your tour. Please be sure to arrive 20 -30 mins in advance. In case you have a particular star in mind you want to see on the Walk of Fame, let us know and we will direct you there.
Hollywood Sign
You will have a chance to see and take picture of the world famous sign from the dolby theater mall, and learn about the history of this landmark .
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip was and still the happening place in Los Angeles and your tour guide will let you know why
Rodeo Drive
Driving by the most expensive shopping stores in the world, the same way that Julia Robert did in the movie Pretty Woman, it s a must
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills this is where I wanna be, Beverly Hills...you remember the song, we will take you there to see the Mansions, the Movie star homes, you may even see a celebrity or two. We will show you the Beverly Hills sign.
TCL Chinese Theatres
Since we are located on the Walk of Fame, a block from the Chinese Theater, we ask the guests to show up 20-30 mins. in advance to have enough time to check out the Walk of Fame and the hand and foot prints at the Chinese Theater. This will be your first stop. Almost every big movie premier is held here, and of course the hand and foot prints of the stars
Hollywood Walk of Fame
You will start from here, because we are located on the Walk of Fame, close to the star of Marlyn Monroe. This stop is before you start your tour. Please be sure to arrive 20 -30 mins in advance. In case you have a particular star in mind you want to see on the Walk of Fame, let us know and we will direct you there.
Hollywood Sign
You will have a chance to see and take picture of the world famous sign from the dolby theater mall, and learn about the history of this landmark .
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip was and still the happening place in Los Angeles and your tour guide will let you know why
Rodeo Drive
Driving by the most expensive shopping stores in the world, the same way that Julia Robert did in the movie Pretty Woman, it s a must
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills this is where I wanna be, Beverly Hills...you remember the song, we will take you there to see the Mansions, the Movie star homes, you may even see a celebrity or two. We will show you the Beverly Hills sign.
TCL Chinese Theatres
Since we are located on the Walk of Fame, a block from the Chinese Theater, we ask the guests to show up 20-30 mins. in advance to have enough time to check out the Walk of Fame and the hand and foot prints at the Chinese Theater. This will be your first stop. Almost every big movie premier is held here, and of course the hand and foot prints of the stars
Hollywood Walk of Fame
You will start from here, because we are located on the Walk of Fame, close to the star of Marlyn Monroe. This stop is before you start your tour. Please be sure to arrive 20 -30 mins in advance. In case you have a particular star in mind you want to see on the Walk of Fame, let us know and we will direct you there.
Hollywood Sign
You will have a chance to see and take picture of the world famous sign from the dolby theater mall, and learn about the history of this landmark .
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip was and still the happening place in Los Angeles and your tour guide will let you know why
Rodeo Drive
Driving by the most expensive shopping stores in the world, the same way that Julia Robert did in the movie Pretty Woman, it s a must
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills this is where I wanna be, Beverly Hills...you remember the song, we will take you there to see the Mansions, the Movie star homes, you may even see a celebrity or two. We will show you the Beverly Hills sign.
TCL Chinese Theatres
Since we are located on the Walk of Fame, a block from the Chinese Theater, we ask the guests to show up 20-30 mins. in advance to have enough time to check out the Walk of Fame and the hand and foot prints at the Chinese Theater. This will be your first stop. Almost every big movie premier is held here, and of course the hand and foot prints of the stars
Hollywood Walk of Fame
You will start from here, because we are located on the Walk of Fame, close to the star of Marlyn Monroe. This stop is before you start your tour. Please be sure to arrive 20 -30 mins in advance. In case you have a particular star in mind you want to see on the Walk of Fame, let us know and we will direct you there.
Hollywood Sign
You will have a chance to see and take picture of the world famous sign from the dolby theater mall, and learn about the history of this landmark .
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip was and still the happening place in Los Angeles and your tour guide will let you know why
Rodeo Drive
Driving by the most expensive shopping stores in the world, the same way that Julia Robert did in the movie Pretty Woman, it s a must
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills this is where I wanna be, Beverly Hills...you remember the song, we will take you there to see the Mansions, the Movie star homes, you may even see a celebrity or two. We will show you the Beverly Hills sign.
TCL Chinese Theatres
Since we are located on the Walk of Fame, a block from the Chinese Theater, we ask the guests to show up 20-30 mins. in advance to have enough time to check out the Walk of Fame and the hand and foot prints at the Chinese Theater. This will be your first stop. Almost every big movie premier is held here, and of course the hand and foot prints of the stars
Hollywood Walk of Fame
You will start from here, because we are located on the Walk of Fame, close to the star of Marlyn Monroe. This stop is before you start your tour. Please be sure to arrive 20 -30 mins in advance. In case you have a particular star in mind you want to see on the Walk of Fame, let us know and we will direct you there.
Hollywood Sign
You will have a chance to see and take picture of the world famous sign from the dolby theater mall, and learn about the history of this landmark .
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip was and still the happening place in Los Angeles and your tour guide will let you know why
Rodeo Drive
Driving by the most expensive shopping stores in the world, the same way that Julia Robert did in the movie Pretty Woman, it s a must
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills this is where I wanna be, Beverly Hills...you remember the song, we will take you there to see the Mansions, the Movie star homes, you may even see a celebrity or two. We will show you the Beverly Hills sign.
TCL Chinese Theatres
Since we are located on the Walk of Fame, a block from the Chinese Theater, we ask the guests to show up 20-30 mins. in advance to have enough time to check out the Walk of Fame and the hand and foot prints at the Chinese Theater. This will be your first stop. Almost every big movie premier is held here, and of course the hand and foot prints of the stars
Hollywood Walk of Fame
You will start from here, because we are located on the Walk of Fame, close to the star of Marlyn Monroe. This stop is before you start your tour. Please be sure to arrive 20 -30 mins in advance. In case you have a particular star in mind you want to see on the Walk of Fame, let us know and we will direct you there.
Hollywood Sign
You will have a chance to see and take picture of the world famous sign from the dolby theater mall, and learn about the history of this landmark .
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip was and still the happening place in Los Angeles and your tour guide will let you know why
Rodeo Drive
Driving by the most expensive shopping stores in the world, the same way that Julia Robert did in the movie Pretty Woman, it s a must
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills this is where I wanna be, Beverly Hills...you remember the song, we will take you there to see the Mansions, the Movie star homes, you may even see a celebrity or two. We will show you the Beverly Hills sign.
TCL Chinese Theatres
Since we are located on the Walk of Fame, a block from the Chinese Theater, we ask the guests to show up 20-30 mins. in advance to have enough time to check out the Walk of Fame and the hand and foot prints at the Chinese Theater. This will be your first stop. Almost every big movie premier is held here, and of course the hand and foot prints of the stars
Hollywood Walk of Fame
You will start from here, because we are located on the Walk of Fame, close to the star of Marlyn Monroe. This stop is before you start your tour. Please be sure to arrive 20 -30 mins in advance. In case you have a particular star in mind you want to see on the Walk of Fame, let us know and we will direct you there.
Hollywood Sign
You will have a chance to see and take picture of the world famous sign from the dolby theater mall, and learn about the history of this landmark .
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip was and still the happening place in Los Angeles and your tour guide will let you know why
Rodeo Drive
Driving by the most expensive shopping stores in the world, the same way that Julia Robert did in the movie Pretty Woman, it s a must
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills this is where I wanna be, Beverly Hills...you remember the song, we will take you there to see the Mansions, the Movie star homes, you may even see a celebrity or two. We will show you the Beverly Hills sign.
TCL Chinese Theatres
Since we are located on the Walk of Fame, a block from the Chinese Theater, we ask the guests to show up 20-30 mins. in advance to have enough time to check out the Walk of Fame and the hand and foot prints at the Chinese Theater. This will be your first stop. Almost every big movie premier is held here, and of course the hand and foot prints of the stars
Hollywood Walk of Fame
You will start from here, because we are located on the Walk of Fame, close to the star of Marlyn Monroe. This stop is before you start your tour. Please be sure to arrive 20 -30 mins in advance. In case you have a particular star in mind you want to see on the Walk of Fame, let us know and we will direct you there.
Hollywood Sign
You will have a chance to see and take picture of the world famous sign from the dolby theater mall, and learn about the history of this landmark .
Sunset Strip
The Sunset Strip was and still the happening place in Los Angeles and your tour guide will let you know why
Rodeo Drive
Driving by the most expensive shopping stores in the world, the same way that Julia Robert did in the movie Pretty Woman, it s a must
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills this is where I wanna be, Beverly Hills...you remember the song, we will take you there to see the Mansions, the Movie star homes, you may even see a celebrity or two. We will show you the Beverly Hills sign.
TCL Chinese Theatres
Since we are located on the Walk of Fame, a block from the Chinese Theater, we ask the guests to show up 20-30 mins. in advance to have enough time to check out the Walk of Fame and the hand and foot prints at the Chinese Theater. This will be your first stop. Almost every big movie premier is held here, and of course the hand and foot prints of the stars
Голливудская Аллея славы
Вы начнете отсюда, потому что мы находимся на Аллее Славы, рядом со звездой Марлин Монро. Эта остановка перед началом тура. Пожалуйста, приезжайте заранее за 20-30 минут. Если вы имеете в виду конкретную звезду, которую хотите видеть на Аллее славы, сообщите нам об этом, и мы направим вас туда.
Знак Голливуда
У вас будет возможность увидеть и сфотографировать всемирно известную вывеску из торгового центра Dolby Theater, а также узнать об истории этой достопримечательности.
Сансет Стрип
Сансет-Стрип был и остается популярным местом в Лос-Анджелесе, и ваш гид расскажет вам, почему
Родео Драйв
Проезжать мимо самых дорогих магазинов мира, как это делала Джулия Роберт в фильме «Красотка», обязательно.
Беверли Хиллс
Беверли-Хиллз, это то место, где я хочу быть, Беверли-Хиллз... ты помнишь эту песню, мы отвезем тебя туда, чтобы увидеть особняки, дома кинозвезд, ты можешь даже увидеть пару знаменитостей. Мы покажем вам знак Беверли-Хиллз.
Китайские театры TCL
Так как мы находимся на Аллее Славы, в квартале от Китайского театра, просим гостей прийти через 20-30 минут. заранее, чтобы иметь достаточно времени, чтобы проверить Аллею славы и отпечатки рук и ног в Китайском театре. Это будет ваша первая остановка. Здесь проходят почти все большие кинопремьеры, ну и конечно же отпечатки рук и ног звезд
Показать 51 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
All employees were very friendly and enthusiastic to get us all excited for the tour. Our guide Tommy did an amazing job, and his sense of humor made it even more memorable. Thank you Tommy!
Dec 2022
Tour was very informative! Though the bus was a little outdated (broken side mirrors, wonky speakers) our tour guide was very patient and funny! Made the trip worthwhile.
Dec 2022
We had a great time. The driver was Tommy who was very upbeat and provided a lot of great details. Highly recommend

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