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Круиз по национальному парку Кенай-фьорды из Сьюарда

Садитесь на борт одного из самых популярных круизов по дикой природе и ледникам Аляски и совершите необыкновенное шестичасовое путешествие по национальному парку Кенай-Фьордс. Этот обязательный тур из Сьюарда дает возможность увидеть китов, птиц и других диких животных, когда вы путешествуете мимо альпийских и приливных ледников среди фьордов. Вы посетите лежбища морских птиц в Морском национальном заповеднике дикой природы Аляски и насладитесь обедом, слушая комментарии капитана на борту!
Город: Сьюард
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $190.85
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $190.85
Что включено
On-board wildlife guide
6-hour sightseeing cruise
On-board wildlife guide
6-hour sightseeing cruise
On-board wildlife guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом; рекомендуются слои одежды
  • Рекомендуются головной убор, солнцезащитные очки, солнцезащитный крем, бинокль и фотоаппарат
  • Доступны вегетарианские блюда, при необходимости сообщите об этом при бронировании
  • Доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук путешественникам и персоналу
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Требуются гиды регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Kenai Fjords National Park
In Kenai Fjords National Park, over half of the landmass is covered by the enormous Harding Icefield, a thousand-foot block of ice that dates back to the last Ice Age. The Harding spills out in all directions in the form of glaciers. Some stretch northwest into rugged hills of the Kenai Peninsula. Others—five of them, to be exact—reach as far as the sea along the craggy coast of the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is comprised of 2,400 islands, headlands, rocks, islets, spires and reefs and is known for its abundance of seabirds.
Национальный парк Кенай-Фьордс
В национальном парке Кенай-Фьордс более половины суши покрыто огромным ледяным полем Хардинга, ледяной глыбой высотой в тысячу футов, которая восходит к последнему ледниковому периоду. Хардинг разливается во все стороны в виде ледников. Некоторые тянутся на северо-запад в скалистые холмы полуострова Кенай. Другие — пятеро из них, если быть точным, — достигают моря вдоль скалистого побережья залива Аляска.
Приморский национальный заповедник дикой природы Аляски
Морской национальный заповедник дикой природы Аляски состоит из 2400 островов, мысов, скал, островков, шпилей и рифов и известен обилием морских птиц.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (500)
Dec 2022
A like long but spectacular day. Saw tons of wildlife and the scenery was stunning we were there aug 21.
Oct 2022
We took the 6 hour National Park tour on Resurrection Bay and it was wonderful. The scenery was amazing, lunch was nice and the boat ride was really cool. We stayed outside on the deck for most of the 6 hours. I went inside to warm my hands and face a couple of times. Be sure to pack layers of clothing and don't forget gloves, scarves and hats. Bring sunglasses too. Arrive early and have time to shop before the cruise. The building has lots of nice souvenir items, coffee, hot chocolate and restrooms. It was enjoyable to sit outside on the deck before the tour. I would highly recommend this tour if you are visiting Alaska.
Sep 2022
This was a wonderful experience! We saw lots of wildlife and glaciers. The captain was very informative and the staff was attentive and helpful. Would definitely recommend!

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