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Однодневная поездка в космический центр Кеннеди с транспортом из Орландо

Совершите виртуальный полет на Луну и обратно на одной из лучших достопримечательностей Флориды! В этом полнодневном туре по Космическому центру Кеннеди из Орландо вы можете совершить поездку по объекту НАСА и Центру Аполлон /Сатурн V, чтобы увидеть ракеты и их стартовые площадки, а также испытать запуск шаттла. На встрече с астронавтами узнайте, каково это быть в космосе, от опытных астронавтов. Повысьте категорию, чтобы пообедать с космонавтом, или приобретите Space Pass Plus, чтобы не только пообедать с космонавтом, но и совершить экскурсию за кулисы.
* Из-за COVID-19 некоторые туры и выставки могут быть недоступны.
Город: Орландо
Thu 13 Mar
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Начинается с $69.99
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $69.99
Что включено
Local Taxes
Admission to Kennedy Space Center
Transportation to Kennedy Space Center from centralized pick up locations
Local Taxes
Admission to Kennedy Space Center
Transportation to Kennedy Space Center from centralized pick up locations
Local Taxes
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Публикация обновлений безопасности в связи с COVID-19. Мы вежливо просим вас воздержаться от участия в этом туре, если у вас начнут проявляться какие-либо симптомы, связанные с COVID-19, или если вы подвергаетесь высокому риску заражения этой болезнью. Маски для лица рекомендуются, но не являются обязательными, поэтому, если хотите, принесите свои.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно транспортные средства продезинфицированы
  • Гиды должны регулярно мыть руки
  • COVID-19. Мы вежливо просим вас воздержаться от участия в этом туре, если у вас появятся какие-либо симптомы, связанные с COVID-19, или если вы находитесь в группе высокого риска заражения этим заболеванием. Маски для лица рекомендуются, но не являются обязательными, поэтому, если хотите, возьмите их с собой.
Что ожидать
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Your Kennedy Space Center tour begins after an approximate 45-minute drive from Orlando. From the Visitor Complex, view rockets from all eras of space exploration in the Rocket Garden, and see an actual Gemini program capsule on display in Early Space Exploration. Walk beneath a massive Saturn V rocket, one of the most powerful ever built, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center and relive Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and experience the thunderous rumble of a rocket lift-off! Continue with two IMAX space movies viewed on five-story screens – IMAX® A Beautiful Planet and Journey To Space 3D, which takes you on a virtual trip to the International Space Station. Check out the Astronaut Encounter to hear actual astronauts discuss their experiences and get photos of these heroes.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, where more than 60 interactive experiences highlight the people, passion and patriotism behind NASA’s Space Shuttle program, which launched the Hubble Space Telescope and built the International Space Station. See what it's like to be a real astronaut! Take the helm at the shuttle cockpit; experience the sensation of floating in space; explore a replica of the ISS; and experience the sights, sounds and sensations of a shuttle launch! Travelers can take a private guided tour of the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit for no additional charge.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted. Finish your day by boarding a full-size Space Shuttle mock-up and strap in for a virtual launch into space on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Orbit the earth in this awesome simulation replicating the sights, sounds and feelings of an authentic shuttle launch. Tour Options: Ugrade your tour to have lunch with an actual astronaut! Sit down for a meal with a member of NASA's Astronaut Corps and ask everything you ever wanted to know about what it's like to be in space. Or choose Space Pass Plus, which combines all of the above with a guided tour to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), NASA Causeway and A/B Camera Stop and a look at the countdown clock at Press Site, a crawler transporter used to move Apollo moon rockets and the Operations and Checkout building.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Your Kennedy Space Center tour begins after an approximate 45-minute drive from Orlando. From the Visitor Complex, view rockets from all eras of space exploration in the Rocket Garden, and see an actual Gemini program capsule on display in Early Space Exploration. Walk beneath a massive Saturn V rocket, one of the most powerful ever built, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center and relive Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and experience the thunderous rumble of a rocket lift-off! Continue with two IMAX space movies viewed on five-story screens – IMAX® A Beautiful Planet and Journey To Space 3D, which takes you on a virtual trip to the International Space Station. Check out the Astronaut Encounter to hear actual astronauts discuss their experiences and get photos of these heroes.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, where more than 60 interactive experiences highlight the people, passion and patriotism behind NASA’s Space Shuttle program, which launched the Hubble Space Telescope and built the International Space Station. See what it's like to be a real astronaut! Take the helm at the shuttle cockpit; experience the sensation of floating in space; explore a replica of the ISS; and experience the sights, sounds and sensations of a shuttle launch! Travelers can take a private guided tour of the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit for no additional charge.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted. Finish your day by boarding a full-size Space Shuttle mock-up and strap in for a virtual launch into space on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Orbit the earth in this awesome simulation replicating the sights, sounds and feelings of an authentic shuttle launch. Tour Options: Ugrade your tour to have lunch with an actual astronaut! Sit down for a meal with a member of NASA's Astronaut Corps and ask everything you ever wanted to know about what it's like to be in space. Or choose Space Pass Plus, which combines all of the above with a guided tour to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), NASA Causeway and A/B Camera Stop and a look at the countdown clock at Press Site, a crawler transporter used to move Apollo moon rockets and the Operations and Checkout building.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Your Kennedy Space Center tour begins after an approximate 45-minute drive from Orlando. From the Visitor Complex, view rockets from all eras of space exploration in the Rocket Garden, and see an actual Gemini program capsule on display in Early Space Exploration. Walk beneath a massive Saturn V rocket, one of the most powerful ever built, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center and relive Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and experience the thunderous rumble of a rocket lift-off! Continue with two IMAX space movies viewed on five-story screens – IMAX® A Beautiful Planet and Journey To Space 3D, which takes you on a virtual trip to the International Space Station. Check out the Astronaut Encounter to hear actual astronauts discuss their experiences and get photos of these heroes.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, where more than 60 interactive experiences highlight the people, passion and patriotism behind NASA’s Space Shuttle program, which launched the Hubble Space Telescope and built the International Space Station. See what it's like to be a real astronaut! Take the helm at the shuttle cockpit; experience the sensation of floating in space; explore a replica of the ISS; and experience the sights, sounds and sensations of a shuttle launch! Travelers can take a private guided tour of the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit for no additional charge.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted. Finish your day by boarding a full-size Space Shuttle mock-up and strap in for a virtual launch into space on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Orbit the earth in this awesome simulation replicating the sights, sounds and feelings of an authentic shuttle launch. Tour Options: Ugrade your tour to have lunch with an actual astronaut! Sit down for a meal with a member of NASA's Astronaut Corps and ask everything you ever wanted to know about what it's like to be in space. Or choose Space Pass Plus, which combines all of the above with a guided tour to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), NASA Causeway and A/B Camera Stop and a look at the countdown clock at Press Site, a crawler transporter used to move Apollo moon rockets and the Operations and Checkout building.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Your Kennedy Space Center tour begins after an approximate 45-minute drive from Orlando. From the Visitor Complex, view rockets from all eras of space exploration in the Rocket Garden, and see an actual Gemini program capsule on display in Early Space Exploration. Walk beneath a massive Saturn V rocket, one of the most powerful ever built, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center and relive Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and experience the thunderous rumble of a rocket lift-off! Continue with two IMAX space movies viewed on five-story screens – IMAX® A Beautiful Planet and Journey To Space 3D, which takes you on a virtual trip to the International Space Station. Check out the Astronaut Encounter to hear actual astronauts discuss their experiences and get photos of these heroes.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, where more than 60 interactive experiences highlight the people, passion and patriotism behind NASA’s Space Shuttle program, which launched the Hubble Space Telescope and built the International Space Station. See what it's like to be a real astronaut! Take the helm at the shuttle cockpit; experience the sensation of floating in space; explore a replica of the ISS; and experience the sights, sounds and sensations of a shuttle launch! Travelers can take a private guided tour of the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit for no additional charge.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted. Finish your day by boarding a full-size Space Shuttle mock-up and strap in for a virtual launch into space on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Orbit the earth in this awesome simulation replicating the sights, sounds and feelings of an authentic shuttle launch. Tour Options: Ugrade your tour to have lunch with an actual astronaut! Sit down for a meal with a member of NASA's Astronaut Corps and ask everything you ever wanted to know about what it's like to be in space. Or choose Space Pass Plus, which combines all of the above with a guided tour to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), NASA Causeway and A/B Camera Stop and a look at the countdown clock at Press Site, a crawler transporter used to move Apollo moon rockets and the Operations and Checkout building.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Your Kennedy Space Center tour begins after an approximate 45-minute drive from Orlando. From the Visitor Complex, view rockets from all eras of space exploration in the Rocket Garden, and see an actual Gemini program capsule on display in Early Space Exploration. Walk beneath a massive Saturn V rocket, one of the most powerful ever built, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center and relive Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and experience the thunderous rumble of a rocket lift-off! Continue with two IMAX space movies viewed on five-story screens – IMAX® A Beautiful Planet and Journey To Space 3D, which takes you on a virtual trip to the International Space Station. Check out the Astronaut Encounter to hear actual astronauts discuss their experiences and get photos of these heroes.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, where more than 60 interactive experiences highlight the people, passion and patriotism behind NASA’s Space Shuttle program, which launched the Hubble Space Telescope and built the International Space Station. See what it's like to be a real astronaut! Take the helm at the shuttle cockpit; experience the sensation of floating in space; explore a replica of the ISS; and experience the sights, sounds and sensations of a shuttle launch! Travelers can take a private guided tour of the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit for no additional charge.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted. Finish your day by boarding a full-size Space Shuttle mock-up and strap in for a virtual launch into space on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Orbit the earth in this awesome simulation replicating the sights, sounds and feelings of an authentic shuttle launch. Tour Options: Ugrade your tour to have lunch with an actual astronaut! Sit down for a meal with a member of NASA's Astronaut Corps and ask everything you ever wanted to know about what it's like to be in space. Or choose Space Pass Plus, which combines all of the above with a guided tour to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), NASA Causeway and A/B Camera Stop and a look at the countdown clock at Press Site, a crawler transporter used to move Apollo moon rockets and the Operations and Checkout building.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Your Kennedy Space Center tour begins after an approximate 45-minute drive from Orlando. From the Visitor Complex, view rockets from all eras of space exploration in the Rocket Garden, and see an actual Gemini program capsule on display in Early Space Exploration. Walk beneath a massive Saturn V rocket, one of the most powerful ever built, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center and relive Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and experience the thunderous rumble of a rocket lift-off! Continue with two IMAX space movies viewed on five-story screens – IMAX® A Beautiful Planet and Journey To Space 3D, which takes you on a virtual trip to the International Space Station. Check out the Astronaut Encounter to hear actual astronauts discuss their experiences and get photos of these heroes.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, where more than 60 interactive experiences highlight the people, passion and patriotism behind NASA’s Space Shuttle program, which launched the Hubble Space Telescope and built the International Space Station. See what it's like to be a real astronaut! Take the helm at the shuttle cockpit; experience the sensation of floating in space; explore a replica of the ISS; and experience the sights, sounds and sensations of a shuttle launch! Travelers can take a private guided tour of the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit for no additional charge.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted. Finish your day by boarding a full-size Space Shuttle mock-up and strap in for a virtual launch into space on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Orbit the earth in this awesome simulation replicating the sights, sounds and feelings of an authentic shuttle launch. Tour Options: Ugrade your tour to have lunch with an actual astronaut! Sit down for a meal with a member of NASA's Astronaut Corps and ask everything you ever wanted to know about what it's like to be in space. Or choose Space Pass Plus, which combines all of the above with a guided tour to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), NASA Causeway and A/B Camera Stop and a look at the countdown clock at Press Site, a crawler transporter used to move Apollo moon rockets and the Operations and Checkout building.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Your Kennedy Space Center tour begins after an approximate 45-minute drive from Orlando. From the Visitor Complex, view rockets from all eras of space exploration in the Rocket Garden, and see an actual Gemini program capsule on display in Early Space Exploration. Walk beneath a massive Saturn V rocket, one of the most powerful ever built, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center and relive Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and experience the thunderous rumble of a rocket lift-off! Continue with two IMAX space movies viewed on five-story screens – IMAX® A Beautiful Planet and Journey To Space 3D, which takes you on a virtual trip to the International Space Station. Check out the Astronaut Encounter to hear actual astronauts discuss their experiences and get photos of these heroes.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, where more than 60 interactive experiences highlight the people, passion and patriotism behind NASA’s Space Shuttle program, which launched the Hubble Space Telescope and built the International Space Station. See what it's like to be a real astronaut! Take the helm at the shuttle cockpit; experience the sensation of floating in space; explore a replica of the ISS; and experience the sights, sounds and sensations of a shuttle launch! Travelers can take a private guided tour of the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit for no additional charge.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted. Finish your day by boarding a full-size Space Shuttle mock-up and strap in for a virtual launch into space on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Orbit the earth in this awesome simulation replicating the sights, sounds and feelings of an authentic shuttle launch. Tour Options: Ugrade your tour to have lunch with an actual astronaut! Sit down for a meal with a member of NASA's Astronaut Corps and ask everything you ever wanted to know about what it's like to be in space. Or choose Space Pass Plus, which combines all of the above with a guided tour to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), NASA Causeway and A/B Camera Stop and a look at the countdown clock at Press Site, a crawler transporter used to move Apollo moon rockets and the Operations and Checkout building.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Your Kennedy Space Center tour begins after an approximate 45-minute drive from Orlando. From the Visitor Complex, view rockets from all eras of space exploration in the Rocket Garden, and see an actual Gemini program capsule on display in Early Space Exploration. Walk beneath a massive Saturn V rocket, one of the most powerful ever built, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center and relive Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon and experience the thunderous rumble of a rocket lift-off! Continue with two IMAX space movies viewed on five-story screens – IMAX® A Beautiful Planet and Journey To Space 3D, which takes you on a virtual trip to the International Space Station. Check out the Astronaut Encounter to hear actual astronauts discuss their experiences and get photos of these heroes.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Don't miss the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, where more than 60 interactive experiences highlight the people, passion and patriotism behind NASA’s Space Shuttle program, which launched the Hubble Space Telescope and built the International Space Station. See what it's like to be a real astronaut! Take the helm at the shuttle cockpit; experience the sensation of floating in space; explore a replica of the ISS; and experience the sights, sounds and sensations of a shuttle launch! Travelers can take a private guided tour of the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit for no additional charge.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted. Finish your day by boarding a full-size Space Shuttle mock-up and strap in for a virtual launch into space on the Shuttle Launch Experience. Orbit the earth in this awesome simulation replicating the sights, sounds and feelings of an authentic shuttle launch. Tour Options: Ugrade your tour to have lunch with an actual astronaut! Sit down for a meal with a member of NASA's Astronaut Corps and ask everything you ever wanted to know about what it's like to be in space. Or choose Space Pass Plus, which combines all of the above with a guided tour to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), NASA Causeway and A/B Camera Stop and a look at the countdown clock at Press Site, a crawler transporter used to move Apollo moon rockets and the Operations and Checkout building.
Комплекс посетителей Космического центра Кеннеди НАСА
Ваш тур по космическому центру Кеннеди начинается примерно через 45 минут езды от Орландо. Из Комплекса для посетителей вы можете увидеть ракеты всех эпох освоения космоса в Ракетном саду и увидеть настоящую капсулу программы Gemini, выставленную в Early Space Exploration. Прогуляйтесь под массивной ракетой Сатурн V, одной из самых мощных когда-либо построенных, в Центре Аполлон/Сатурн V, переживите первые шаги Нила Армстронга на Луне и ощутите громоподобный грохот старта ракеты! Продолжите просмотр двух фильмов о космосе в формате IMAX на пятиэтажных экранах — IMAX® «Прекрасная планета» и «Путешествие в космос 3D», в котором вы совершите виртуальное путешествие на Международную космическую станцию. Посетите Astronaut Encounter, чтобы услышать, как настоящие астронавты рассказывают о своем опыте, и сделайте фотографии этих героев.
Космический корабль Атлантис
Не пропустите выставку «Спейс шаттл Атлантис», где более 60 интерактивных впечатлений рассказывают о людях, страсти и патриотизме, стоящих за программой «Спейс шаттл» НАСА, которая запустила космический телескоп «Хаббл» и построила Международную космическую станцию. Посмотрите, каково это быть настоящим космонавтом! Возьмите штурвал в кабине шаттла; испытать ощущение парения в пространстве; исследовать копию МКС; и испытайте достопримечательности, звуки и ощущения запуска шаттла! Путешественники могут совершить частную экскурсию по выставке космического корабля "Атлантис" без дополнительной оплаты.
Зал славы астронавтов США
В Центре Аполлон/Сатурн V вновь переживите чудо и волнение эпохи Аполлона на этой единственной в своем роде выставке, посвященной беспрецедентному достижению посадки человека на Луну и радости, которая была реализована в тот момент вокруг Мир. Кроме того, совершите автобусную экскурсию по некоторым из самых знаковых достопримечательностей НАСА. Познакомьтесь с ветераном-астронавтом НАСА на шоу встреч с астронавтами. Посетите впечатляющий Ракетный сад, где представлена ​​первая ракета, вырвавшаяся из гравитации, и почтите память павших героев НАСА на выставке «Герои и легенды», посвященной Залу славы астронавтов США®. Затем узнайте больше о том, что нужно для исследования Марса, в книге «Путешествие на Марс: Требуются исследователи». Завершите свой день посадкой в ​​полноразмерный макет космического челнока и пристегнитесь для виртуального запуска в космос в программе Shuttle Launch Experience. Отправляйтесь на орбиту Земли в этой потрясающей симуляции, воспроизводящей виды, звуки и ощущения запуска настоящего шаттла. Варианты тура: улучшите свой тур, чтобы пообедать с настоящим космонавтом! Сядьте за обед с членом отряда астронавтов НАСА и спросите все, что вы когда-либо хотели знать о том, каково это быть в космосе. Или выберите Space Pass Plus, который сочетает в себе все вышеперечисленное с экскурсией по зданию сборки транспортных средств (VAB), дамбе НАСА и остановке камер A/B, а также взгляду на часы обратного отсчета на пресс-сайте, гусеничном транспортере, используемом для перемещения. Лунные ракеты «Аполлон» и операционно-кассовое здание.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (662)
Dec 2022
Bob provided us with terrific information that helped us really get the most out of our day there. His information on the Rocket Garden made that place even more special for its human achievement.
Dec 2022
They delude you that the tickets include entering the center, and when you go, you find that you have to pay the tickets to enter, and the transportation prices are more than the entrance. I do not advise
Dec 2022
Pickup at the agreed time, advice from the guide for the visit to the Kennedy space center ware a great help to make the most of it... Day well spent and unforgettable.

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