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Ки-Уэст Мангровые Каяки Эко Тур

Вместе с вашим опытным гидом вы будете грести в расслабляющем темпе и исследовать мелкие, спокойные, сине-зеленые воды глубинки Ки-Уэста. Вы будете скользить по извилистым мангровым ручьям и грести через несколько дюймов воды, где вы сможете легко увидеть и узнать о геологической структуре Ключей вместе с их обитателями, не выходя из своего каяка. Ваше приключение даст вам возможность увидеть вблизи мангровые заросли, а также их морскую жизнь, включая тропических рыб, крабов, морских звезд, медуз, морских огурцов, губок и различных водных птиц. Каждая поездка ведет нас в новое приключение!
Город: Ключ к западу
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $55.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $55.00
Что включено
Quiet side of Key West
Local Guide
Quiet side of Key West
Local Guide
Quiet side of Key West
Local Guide
Quiet side of Key West
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут перевозиться в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Допускается размещение с собаками
  • Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь на 30 минут раньше.
  • участники должны уметь плавать
  • Соблюдение социальной дистанции на протяжении всего мероприятия
  • Снаряжение и снаряжение дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Мы будем дезинфицировать наше оборудование после каждого использования. Туры проводятся на открытом воздухе с достаточным пространством, и клиенты смогут оставаться на расстоянии.
Что ожидать
Lazy Dog Adventures
Glide through the winding mangrove creeks and paddle through inches of water, where you can easily view and learn about the geological structure of the Keys along with its inhabitants, all from the comfort of your kayak. All guests must know how to swim. Single and double kayaks available. book number of people, not number of kayaks
Lazy Dog Adventures
Glide through the winding mangrove creeks and paddle through inches of water, where you can easily view and learn about the geological structure of the Keys along with its inhabitants, all from the comfort of your kayak. All guests must know how to swim. Single and double kayaks available. book number of people, not number of kayaks
Lazy Dog Adventures
Glide through the winding mangrove creeks and paddle through inches of water, where you can easily view and learn about the geological structure of the Keys along with its inhabitants, all from the comfort of your kayak. All guests must know how to swim. Single and double kayaks available. book number of people, not number of kayaks
Lazy Dog Adventures
Glide through the winding mangrove creeks and paddle through inches of water, where you can easily view and learn about the geological structure of the Keys along with its inhabitants, all from the comfort of your kayak. All guests must know how to swim. Single and double kayaks available. book number of people, not number of kayaks
Lazy Dog Adventures
Glide through the winding mangrove creeks and paddle through inches of water, where you can easily view and learn about the geological structure of the Keys along with its inhabitants, all from the comfort of your kayak. All guests must know how to swim. Single and double kayaks available. book number of people, not number of kayaks
Lazy Dog Adventures
Glide through the winding mangrove creeks and paddle through inches of water, where you can easily view and learn about the geological structure of the Keys along with its inhabitants, all from the comfort of your kayak. All guests must know how to swim. Single and double kayaks available. book number of people, not number of kayaks
Lazy Dog Adventures
Glide through the winding mangrove creeks and paddle through inches of water, where you can easily view and learn about the geological structure of the Keys along with its inhabitants, all from the comfort of your kayak. All guests must know how to swim. Single and double kayaks available. book number of people, not number of kayaks
Lazy Dog Adventures
Glide through the winding mangrove creeks and paddle through inches of water, where you can easily view and learn about the geological structure of the Keys along with its inhabitants, all from the comfort of your kayak. All guests must know how to swim. Single and double kayaks available. book number of people, not number of kayaks
Приключения ленивых собак
Скользите по извилистым мангровым ручьям и гребите через дюймы воды, где вы можете легко увидеть и узнать о геологической структуре Ключей вместе с ее обитателями, не выходя из своего каяка. Все гости должны уметь плавать. Доступны одноместные и двухместные каяки. забронировать количество людей, а не количество байдарок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
The tour guide seemed to really enjoy showing things to us, like starfish, or star animals, or whatever she called them. I enjoyed being out on the water and all the others laughing and having fun.
Dec 2022
Don’t lean too much when going under the mangrove branches or you can end up in the water like I did. Our guide helped get the water out of my kayak and me back into it. It was still a great excursion.
Dec 2022
My wife and I did the 2-hour Mangrove Kayak Eco Tour and really enjoyed it. Our guide was Lindsay (not sure if that's how she spells it) and she was great. She was very knowledgeable about the ecosystem and marine life that we encountered on the tour. She was able to catch a horseshoe crab, starfish, upside-down jellyfish, and a couple other marine creatures for us to look at before releasing them back into the water. The water is shallow and clear which makes it easy to observe all life forms under the water surface. We chose to each have our own kayak and I would recommend that - it makes it easier to maneuver in the mangrove tunnels and ensures you will still be talking to each other at the end of the tour. We will definitely be going back to Lazy Dog when we return to Key West.

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