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Экскурсия на берег Коны: гавайские морские черепахи, историческая Кона и кофе


Экскурсия на круизном лайнере длится около 6 часов. Это действительно замечательный опыт, показывающий все достопримечательности Кайлуа-Коны и ее окрестностей. Исследуйте исторические культурные достопримечательности, наш знаменитый кофе Kona, живописные достопримечательности и, самое главное, нашу местную дикую природу! У этого тура есть необязательное окончание, будь то подводное плавание в заливе Кахалуу, также известном как «Черепаший пляж», шопинг и осмотр достопримечательностей на исторической набережной Алии Драйв или наслаждение холодным пивом в нашей местной пивоварне Kona.

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Город: Большой остров Гавайи
Sat 26 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $139.00
Sat 26 Oct
Начинается с $139.00
Что включено
Professional guide
Bottled water
Port pickup and drop-off
Professional guide
Bottled water
Port pickup and drop-off
Professional guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
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  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Одевайтесь удобно - Обычно жарко и солнечно.
  • Если ваш корабль не прибудет из-за погодных условий, вам будут полностью возвращены деньги.
  • Инвалидная коляска. Мы можем разместить клиентов с передвигающимися ходунками или инвалидной коляской. Мы должны знать эту информацию во время бронирования. Обратите внимание, что некоторые зоны и тропы недоступны для инвалидных колясок или ходунков.
Что ожидать
Kailua Pier
Tour departs from the Kailua Kona Pier
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park
We will go to the Kaloko-Honokohau Visitor center and then your guide will drive you to a shorter trail walk to get to the turtles. Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park where you can explore Hawaiian history, archaeology, and ancient fishponds. This beautiful white sand beach is also home to many of our Green Sea Turtles and local wildlife! Take a relaxing stroll, (10-minute walk) to get to the sea turtles.
Greenwell Farms
Next you'll visit the Kona Coffee Farm which will be Greenwell Farms or Royal Kona to sample the tasty roast, home of the legendary beans farmed in the rainforest. Your guide will walk you through to see the beans and learn how they are farmed and processed.
The Painted Church
Going south towards South Kona and through Captain Cook Village, we will visit the famous nick named, "Painted Church", due to its painted 3D depictions of the bible in the interior wooden walls all done with ordinary house paint.
Kona Brewing Company
Our third optional stop available to guest is the Kona Brewery & Pub. At the end of a hot sunny day enjoy a locally crafted cold brew. This Kona brewery is famous for its classic ales and lagers, including, Longboard Island Lager, Big Wave Golden Ale, Hanalei Island IPA, Fire Rock Pale Ale and many more.
Ali'i Drive
Kailua-Kona was primarily a small fishing village. Now the historic seaside town hosts many historical sites, souvenir shops and markets.
Kahaluu Beach
This tour has 3 optional endings. Snorkeling, Shopping or Kona Brewery. Upon driving through the lush rainforest, you'll reach Kahalu'u Beach, where you will have the option to snorkel around the nearby reef (snorkel gear is not included and can be rented at the beach). Depending on the season, there are a wide variety of colorful fish to see.
Kailua Pier
Tour departs from the Kailua Kona Pier
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park
We will go to the Kaloko-Honokohau Visitor center and then your guide will drive you to a shorter trail walk to get to the turtles. Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park where you can explore Hawaiian history, archaeology, and ancient fishponds. This beautiful white sand beach is also home to many of our Green Sea Turtles and local wildlife! Take a relaxing stroll, (10-minute walk) to get to the sea turtles.
Greenwell Farms
Next you'll visit the Kona Coffee Farm which will be Greenwell Farms or Royal Kona to sample the tasty roast, home of the legendary beans farmed in the rainforest. Your guide will walk you through to see the beans and learn how they are farmed and processed.
The Painted Church
Going south towards South Kona and through Captain Cook Village, we will visit the famous nick named, "Painted Church", due to its painted 3D depictions of the bible in the interior wooden walls all done with ordinary house paint.
Kona Brewing Company
Our third optional stop available to guest is the Kona Brewery & Pub. At the end of a hot sunny day enjoy a locally crafted cold brew. This Kona brewery is famous for its classic ales and lagers, including, Longboard Island Lager, Big Wave Golden Ale, Hanalei Island IPA, Fire Rock Pale Ale and many more.
Ali'i Drive
Kailua-Kona was primarily a small fishing village. Now the historic seaside town hosts many historical sites, souvenir shops and markets.
Kahaluu Beach
This tour has 3 optional endings. Snorkeling, Shopping or Kona Brewery. Upon driving through the lush rainforest, you'll reach Kahalu'u Beach, where you will have the option to snorkel around the nearby reef (snorkel gear is not included and can be rented at the beach). Depending on the season, there are a wide variety of colorful fish to see.
Kailua Pier
Tour departs from the Kailua Kona Pier
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park
We will go to the Kaloko-Honokohau Visitor center and then your guide will drive you to a shorter trail walk to get to the turtles. Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park where you can explore Hawaiian history, archaeology, and ancient fishponds. This beautiful white sand beach is also home to many of our Green Sea Turtles and local wildlife! Take a relaxing stroll, (10-minute walk) to get to the sea turtles.
Greenwell Farms
Next you'll visit the Kona Coffee Farm which will be Greenwell Farms or Royal Kona to sample the tasty roast, home of the legendary beans farmed in the rainforest. Your guide will walk you through to see the beans and learn how they are farmed and processed.
The Painted Church
Going south towards South Kona and through Captain Cook Village, we will visit the famous nick named, "Painted Church", due to its painted 3D depictions of the bible in the interior wooden walls all done with ordinary house paint.
Kona Brewing Company
Our third optional stop available to guest is the Kona Brewery & Pub. At the end of a hot sunny day enjoy a locally crafted cold brew. This Kona brewery is famous for its classic ales and lagers, including, Longboard Island Lager, Big Wave Golden Ale, Hanalei Island IPA, Fire Rock Pale Ale and many more.
Ali'i Drive
Kailua-Kona was primarily a small fishing village. Now the historic seaside town hosts many historical sites, souvenir shops and markets.
Kahaluu Beach
This tour has 3 optional endings. Snorkeling, Shopping or Kona Brewery. Upon driving through the lush rainforest, you'll reach Kahalu'u Beach, where you will have the option to snorkel around the nearby reef (snorkel gear is not included and can be rented at the beach). Depending on the season, there are a wide variety of colorful fish to see.
Kailua Pier
Tour departs from the Kailua Kona Pier
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park
We will go to the Kaloko-Honokohau Visitor center and then your guide will drive you to a shorter trail walk to get to the turtles. Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park where you can explore Hawaiian history, archaeology, and ancient fishponds. This beautiful white sand beach is also home to many of our Green Sea Turtles and local wildlife! Take a relaxing stroll, (10-minute walk) to get to the sea turtles.
Greenwell Farms
Next you'll visit the Kona Coffee Farm which will be Greenwell Farms or Royal Kona to sample the tasty roast, home of the legendary beans farmed in the rainforest. Your guide will walk you through to see the beans and learn how they are farmed and processed.
The Painted Church
Going south towards South Kona and through Captain Cook Village, we will visit the famous nick named, "Painted Church", due to its painted 3D depictions of the bible in the interior wooden walls all done with ordinary house paint.
Kona Brewing Company
Our third optional stop available to guest is the Kona Brewery & Pub. At the end of a hot sunny day enjoy a locally crafted cold brew. This Kona brewery is famous for its classic ales and lagers, including, Longboard Island Lager, Big Wave Golden Ale, Hanalei Island IPA, Fire Rock Pale Ale and many more.
Ali'i Drive
Kailua-Kona was primarily a small fishing village. Now the historic seaside town hosts many historical sites, souvenir shops and markets.
Kahaluu Beach
This tour has 3 optional endings. Snorkeling, Shopping or Kona Brewery. Upon driving through the lush rainforest, you'll reach Kahalu'u Beach, where you will have the option to snorkel around the nearby reef (snorkel gear is not included and can be rented at the beach). Depending on the season, there are a wide variety of colorful fish to see.
Пирс Кайлуа
Тур отправляется от пирса Кайлуа Кона.
Национальный исторический парк Калоко-Хонокохау
Мы пойдем в центр посетителей Калоко-Хонокохау, а затем ваш гид отвезет вас на более короткую тропу, чтобы добраться до черепах. Национальный исторический парк Калоко-Хонокохау, где можно познакомиться с историей Гавайев, археологией и древними рыбными прудами. Этот красивый пляж с белым песком также является домом для многих наших зеленых морских черепах и местной дикой природы! Совершите расслабляющую прогулку (10 минут ходьбы), чтобы добраться до морских черепах.
Фермы Гринвелл
Затем вы посетите кофейную ферму Kona, которая будет Greenwell Farms или Royal Kona, чтобы попробовать вкусное жаркое, родину легендарных бобов, выращенных в тропических лесах. Ваш гид проведет вас, чтобы увидеть бобы и узнать, как они выращиваются и обрабатываются.
Расписная церковь
Направляясь на юг в сторону Южной Коны и через Деревню Капитана Кука, мы посетим знаменитое прозвище «Раскрашенная церковь» из-за его нарисованных 3D-изображений Библии на внутренних деревянных стенах, выполненных обычной краской для дома.
Пивоваренная компания Кона
Наша третья дополнительная остановка, доступная для гостей, — Kona Brewery & Pub. В конце жаркого солнечного дня насладитесь холодным пивом местного производства. Эта пивоварня Kona славится своими классическими элями и лагерами, в том числе Longboard Island Lager, Big Wave Golden Ale, Hanalei Island IPA, Fire Rock Pale Ale и многими другими.
Али Драйв
Кайлуа-Кона была прежде всего небольшой рыбацкой деревушкой. Сейчас в старинном приморском городе находится множество исторических мест, сувенирных лавок и рынков.
Пляж Кахалуу
Этот тур имеет 3 дополнительных окончания. Подводное плавание, шоппинг или пивоварня Kona. Проехав через пышный тропический лес, вы доберетесь до пляжа Кахалу'у, где у вас будет возможность заняться сноркелингом вокруг близлежащего рифа (снаряжение для снорклинга не входит в комплект и может быть арендовано на пляже). В зависимости от сезона можно увидеть множество разноцветных рыб.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (41)
Feb 2020
Had a really lovely day along with 4 other couples. Our driver Edmund was really knowledgable and friendly he picked us up from the pier as we were on a cruise. We stopped off for fish and chips lunchtime which was really good and enjoyed the tours itinerary turtles and coffee.
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2020
Turtles! That's why this tour is one of my personal favorites too. So glad you you enjoyed your guide Edmund and all the beautiful sights. Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. That means a lot to us :)
Jan 2020
Fantastic excursion! Great if you have never been to Kona before. Driver was very knowledgeable about the island, wildlife, plants and esp the history. He did all this while being an excellent driver.
Ответ от хоста
Jan 2020
Thank you fro the review! So glad we were able to make Kailua Kona a special visit for you.
Jan 2020
The tour time was changed from original departure time of 9:30 to 10:00. I was concerned that we might miss our departure time for ship and messaged the tour group, they were quick to respond and assured me that they work with the ship all of the time and it would be fine. The stops for the tour were okay. The stop for the sea turtle was the back entrance to the ship harbor, so that was a little odd. We stopped at two different coffee farms and got to sample coffee and take a tour at one of them. The painted church stop was pretty, but brief. The best part was the local restaurant that we stopped at for lunch. Although i thought lunch was included with the tour, and it was not. Overall a good tour for families or retirees.
Ответ от хоста
Jan 2020
Aloha Jessica, thank you for the review. We always adjust times in order to schedule around ship arrival and departure. To get to the Sea Turtles we first go to Kaloko Historical national park and from that stop there is an optional trail hike to the sea turtles....it is a bit hot and long so the guide drives everyone to a more hidden path that is only about 7 min walk to the turtles and Hawaiian hut on the beach. Yes it is in an odd area but that's nothing we can help :) Glad you enjoyed the tour

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