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Джип-туры по каньону Ла-Плата из Дуранго

Откройте для себя туры на джипах, которые предлагают красивые пейзажи, сезонные полевые цветы и наблюдение за дикой природой. Исследуйте красоту каньона Ла-Плата, путешествуя по соснам и мимо каскадных ручьев над линией деревьев на высоту более 12 000 футов с видом на величественные вершины во всех направлениях.
Город: Дуранго
Sat 15 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $107.91
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $107.91
Что включено
knowledgeable guide
knowledgeable guide
knowledgeable guide
knowledgeable guide
knowledgeable guide
knowledgeable guide
18-минутный/36-мильный полет на вертолете с видом на долину Уирс
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохой сердечно-сосудистой системой здоровье
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Вы должны привезти свои автокресла для детей, которым они нужны. Закон CO об автомобильных креслах гласит, что дети до 8 лет должны находиться в соответствующем автокресле.
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом
  • Пожалуйста, приезжайте на 10 минут раньше, чтобы проверить на тур!
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно транспортные средства продезинфицирован
Что ожидать
Mild to Wild Rafting and Jeep Tours
Discover the spectacular La Plata Canyon (20 minutes West of Durango) and its beautiful U formation created by glaciers on one of our Colorado jeep tours. Several small waterfalls and cascading rivers follow the rugged jeep trails in the springtime along with lots of wildlife such as marmots, mule deer, elk herds, juncos, kingfishers, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks and bald eagles. On our guided jeep tours you will see numerous wildflowers, high-alpine meadows, and avalanche gullies. Following the La Plata River (meaning “Silver” in Spanish) to La Plata City, an old mining town established in 1875, you’ll discover the remnants of old mining claims. These include a tall intact chimney left from the crew quarters, the framework of old cabins, and tailing piles from actual mining areas. Then, you’ll continue to the peak of Kennebec Pass at 12,000 feet above sea level (also above tree-line).
Mild to Wild Rafting and Jeep Tours
Discover the spectacular La Plata Canyon (20 minutes West of Durango) and its beautiful U formation created by glaciers on one of our Colorado jeep tours. Several small waterfalls and cascading rivers follow the rugged jeep trails in the springtime along with lots of wildlife such as marmots, mule deer, elk herds, juncos, kingfishers, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks and bald eagles. On our guided jeep tours you will see numerous wildflowers, high-alpine meadows, and avalanche gullies. Following the La Plata River (meaning “Silver” in Spanish) to La Plata City, an old mining town established in 1875, you’ll discover the remnants of old mining claims. These include a tall intact chimney left from the crew quarters, the framework of old cabins, and tailing piles from actual mining areas. Then, you’ll continue to the peak of Kennebec Pass at 12,000 feet above sea level (also above tree-line).
Mild to Wild Rafting and Jeep Tours
Discover the spectacular La Plata Canyon (20 minutes West of Durango) and its beautiful U formation created by glaciers on one of our Colorado jeep tours. Several small waterfalls and cascading rivers follow the rugged jeep trails in the springtime along with lots of wildlife such as marmots, mule deer, elk herds, juncos, kingfishers, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks and bald eagles. On our guided jeep tours you will see numerous wildflowers, high-alpine meadows, and avalanche gullies. Following the La Plata River (meaning “Silver” in Spanish) to La Plata City, an old mining town established in 1875, you’ll discover the remnants of old mining claims. These include a tall intact chimney left from the crew quarters, the framework of old cabins, and tailing piles from actual mining areas. Then, you’ll continue to the peak of Kennebec Pass at 12,000 feet above sea level (also above tree-line).
Mild to Wild Rafting and Jeep Tours
Discover the spectacular La Plata Canyon (20 minutes West of Durango) and its beautiful U formation created by glaciers on one of our Colorado jeep tours. Several small waterfalls and cascading rivers follow the rugged jeep trails in the springtime along with lots of wildlife such as marmots, mule deer, elk herds, juncos, kingfishers, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks and bald eagles. On our guided jeep tours you will see numerous wildflowers, high-alpine meadows, and avalanche gullies. Following the La Plata River (meaning “Silver” in Spanish) to La Plata City, an old mining town established in 1875, you’ll discover the remnants of old mining claims. These include a tall intact chimney left from the crew quarters, the framework of old cabins, and tailing piles from actual mining areas. Then, you’ll continue to the peak of Kennebec Pass at 12,000 feet above sea level (also above tree-line).
Mild to Wild Rafting and Jeep Tours
Discover the spectacular La Plata Canyon (20 minutes West of Durango) and its beautiful U formation created by glaciers on one of our Colorado jeep tours. Several small waterfalls and cascading rivers follow the rugged jeep trails in the springtime along with lots of wildlife such as marmots, mule deer, elk herds, juncos, kingfishers, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks and bald eagles. On our guided jeep tours you will see numerous wildflowers, high-alpine meadows, and avalanche gullies. Following the La Plata River (meaning “Silver” in Spanish) to La Plata City, an old mining town established in 1875, you’ll discover the remnants of old mining claims. These include a tall intact chimney left from the crew quarters, the framework of old cabins, and tailing piles from actual mining areas. Then, you’ll continue to the peak of Kennebec Pass at 12,000 feet above sea level (also above tree-line).
Mild to Wild Rafting and Jeep Tours
Discover the spectacular La Plata Canyon (20 minutes West of Durango) and its beautiful U formation created by glaciers on one of our Colorado jeep tours. Several small waterfalls and cascading rivers follow the rugged jeep trails in the springtime along with lots of wildlife such as marmots, mule deer, elk herds, juncos, kingfishers, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks and bald eagles. On our guided jeep tours you will see numerous wildflowers, high-alpine meadows, and avalanche gullies. Following the La Plata River (meaning “Silver” in Spanish) to La Plata City, an old mining town established in 1875, you’ll discover the remnants of old mining claims. These include a tall intact chimney left from the crew quarters, the framework of old cabins, and tailing piles from actual mining areas. Then, you’ll continue to the peak of Kennebec Pass at 12,000 feet above sea level (also above tree-line).
Рафтинг и джип-туры от легкой до дикой природы
Откройте для себя захватывающий каньон Ла-Плата (в 20 минутах к западу от Дуранго) и его красивую форму U, созданную ледниками, во время одного из наших туров на джипах в Колорадо. Весной по извилистым дорожкам для джипов следуют несколько небольших водопадов и каскадных рек, а также множество диких животных, таких как сурки, олени-мулы, стада лосей, юнко, зимородки, стервятники-индюки, краснохвостые ястребы и белоголовые орланы. В наших экскурсиях на джипах вы увидите многочисленные полевые цветы, высокогорные луга и лавинные овраги. Следуя по реке Ла-Плата (что в переводе с испанского означает «Серебро») в город Ла-Плата, старый шахтерский город, основанный в 1875 году, вы обнаружите остатки старых горнодобывающих предприятий. К ним относятся высокая неповрежденная дымовая труба, оставшаяся от помещений экипажа, каркас старых кабин и хвостовые отвалы из реальных районов добычи полезных ископаемых. Затем вы продолжите путь к вершине перевала Кеннебек на высоте 12 000 футов над уровнем моря (также над линией деревьев).
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (167)
Oct 2022
Couldn't have had a better time. The day was beautiful, our riding companies were a blast and Miles, our driver and tour guide, was simply fantastic! Would recommend this trip to anyone. Such a great way to enjoy the mountain/canyon. Loved every minute of it! Thanks Mild to Wild for a wonderful day!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for the review, we are so happy to hear you enjoyed all the amazing views and that you enjoyed having Miles as your guide!
Oct 2022
The half-day jeep tour to La Plata Canyon was amazing. The Aspens were in color so the views were spectacular. Miles was a terrific guide -- be sure to ask for him! I was travelling with my girl friends and we met some great people on the tour that made it extra fun. I would highly recommend this tour!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you for your review, we are so happy to hear you loved La Plata Canyon as much as we do! We are so glad to have Miles as a part of the team!
Oct 2022
Absolutely recommend the jeep tour with Tosh! He’s very knowledgeable in the history of the mountain, survival, plants, wildlife…pretty much everything Durango. I don’t think we’ve met a more friendly person.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for the review, we are so happy you loved your tour and the amazing Tosh!

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