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Гастрономические туры по Маленькой Гаване

Мы небольшая компания местных гидов-энтузиастов, которые живут по соседству и проводят экскурсии.
Мы единственная компания в Майами, которая работает исключительно с семейными ресторанами и местными предприятиями.
Экскурсии всегда проводятся в небольшой группе, что позволяет нам иметь личный контакт с каждым клиентом.
Наша цель - начать тур с клиентами и подружиться до конца тура.
Город: Майами
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $69.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $69.00
Что включено
Guava and Cheese Pastry - tasting in a local family owned bakery of a Cuban immigrant family.
Cuban Sandwich - Local Miami version of a cuban sandwich in family owned restaurant.
Latin Walk of Fame and boulevard of Latin stars
Churros dessert - we finish the tour on a sweet note.
Local Art Gallery of Cuban artist Rafael de Armas
Big Papa's guayabera store - learn about the cuban style fashion and the history of it.
Salpicon de Mariscos - Seafood tasting in a tapas size to introduce you to local Cuban style seafood
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Доступны специальные детские сиденья
  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Подходит для любого возраста и уровня физической подготовки
  • В настоящее время город Майами не требует ограничений или масок, связанных с Covid.
Что ожидать
Tower Theater
An Art Deco Design Theater build in 1926. It represented an architectural perfection in its glorious days and it remains a historical landmark of the neighborhood.
Domino Park
Our Guide will explain the history and cultural significance of the Domino park to the Cuban-American community.
Bay of Pigs Monument
Our guides will share the story of the people who fought and gave their life in the Bay of Pigs in 1961, trying to liberate the Cuban people from an oppressive government. Often times, we get to meet and greet with some of the veterans on the street. This is one of the most critical points of Castro's dictatorial rule and a must learn topic if you want to know the cuban story.
Havana Rooster
Towards the end of the tour our group goes to the Rooster Alley, so we can learn about the significance of the roosters in the Cuban and latino culture. The whole neighborhood is full of roosters, created by a lot of local artists. The Rooster Alley is sponsored by one of our local entrepreneur, who donated his backyard and alley to over 25 local artist to create art to beautify the neighborhood.
Little Havana
Guests often enjoy an afternoon in the most eclectic part of Miami and get to learn the ways and habits of the Cuban-American community.
Calle Ocho
The group will take a walk up and down the Calle Ocho ( 8th Street ) in Little Havana to learn about the Cuban Community and the other communities that live in the neighborhood. Our local expert guides who live in the area will indulge you in the stories and daily rituals of all the residents.
Tower Theater
An Art Deco Design Theater build in 1926. It represented an architectural perfection in its glorious days and it remains a historical landmark of the neighborhood.
Domino Park
Our Guide will explain the history and cultural significance of the Domino park to the Cuban-American community.
Bay of Pigs Monument
Our guides will share the story of the people who fought and gave their life in the Bay of Pigs in 1961, trying to liberate the Cuban people from an oppressive government. Often times, we get to meet and greet with some of the veterans on the street. This is one of the most critical points of Castro's dictatorial rule and a must learn topic if you want to know the cuban story.
Havana Rooster
Towards the end of the tour our group goes to the Rooster Alley, so we can learn about the significance of the roosters in the Cuban and latino culture. The whole neighborhood is full of roosters, created by a lot of local artists. The Rooster Alley is sponsored by one of our local entrepreneur, who donated his backyard and alley to over 25 local artist to create art to beautify the neighborhood.
Little Havana
Guests often enjoy an afternoon in the most eclectic part of Miami and get to learn the ways and habits of the Cuban-American community.
Calle Ocho
The group will take a walk up and down the Calle Ocho ( 8th Street ) in Little Havana to learn about the Cuban Community and the other communities that live in the neighborhood. Our local expert guides who live in the area will indulge you in the stories and daily rituals of all the residents.
Tower Theater
An Art Deco Design Theater build in 1926. It represented an architectural perfection in its glorious days and it remains a historical landmark of the neighborhood.
Domino Park
Our Guide will explain the history and cultural significance of the Domino park to the Cuban-American community.
Bay of Pigs Monument
Our guides will share the story of the people who fought and gave their life in the Bay of Pigs in 1961, trying to liberate the Cuban people from an oppressive government. Often times, we get to meet and greet with some of the veterans on the street. This is one of the most critical points of Castro's dictatorial rule and a must learn topic if you want to know the cuban story.
Havana Rooster
Towards the end of the tour our group goes to the Rooster Alley, so we can learn about the significance of the roosters in the Cuban and latino culture. The whole neighborhood is full of roosters, created by a lot of local artists. The Rooster Alley is sponsored by one of our local entrepreneur, who donated his backyard and alley to over 25 local artist to create art to beautify the neighborhood.
Little Havana
Guests often enjoy an afternoon in the most eclectic part of Miami and get to learn the ways and habits of the Cuban-American community.
Calle Ocho
The group will take a walk up and down the Calle Ocho ( 8th Street ) in Little Havana to learn about the Cuban Community and the other communities that live in the neighborhood. Our local expert guides who live in the area will indulge you in the stories and daily rituals of all the residents.
Tower Theater
An Art Deco Design Theater build in 1926. It represented an architectural perfection in its glorious days and it remains a historical landmark of the neighborhood.
Domino Park
Our Guide will explain the history and cultural significance of the Domino park to the Cuban-American community.
Bay of Pigs Monument
Our guides will share the story of the people who fought and gave their life in the Bay of Pigs in 1961, trying to liberate the Cuban people from an oppressive government. Often times, we get to meet and greet with some of the veterans on the street. This is one of the most critical points of Castro's dictatorial rule and a must learn topic if you want to know the cuban story.
Havana Rooster
Towards the end of the tour our group goes to the Rooster Alley, so we can learn about the significance of the roosters in the Cuban and latino culture. The whole neighborhood is full of roosters, created by a lot of local artists. The Rooster Alley is sponsored by one of our local entrepreneur, who donated his backyard and alley to over 25 local artist to create art to beautify the neighborhood.
Little Havana
Guests often enjoy an afternoon in the most eclectic part of Miami and get to learn the ways and habits of the Cuban-American community.
Calle Ocho
The group will take a walk up and down the Calle Ocho ( 8th Street ) in Little Havana to learn about the Cuban Community and the other communities that live in the neighborhood. Our local expert guides who live in the area will indulge you in the stories and daily rituals of all the residents.
Башенный театр
Театр дизайна в стиле ар-деко, построенный в 1926 году. Он представлял собой архитектурное совершенство в свои славные дни и остается исторической достопримечательностью района.
Домино Парк
Наш гид расскажет об истории и культурном значении парка Домино кубино-американскому сообществу.
Памятник заливу Свиней
Наши гиды поделятся историей людей, которые сражались и отдали свои жизни в заливе Свиней в 1961 году, пытаясь освободить кубинский народ от деспотического правительства. Часто мы встречаемся и приветствуем некоторых ветеранов на улице. Это один из самых критических моментов диктаторского правления Кастро, и его необходимо изучить, если вы хотите узнать кубинскую историю.
Гаванский петух
Ближе к концу тура наша группа отправляется на Петушиную аллею, чтобы узнать о значении петухов в кубинской и латиноамериканской культуре. Вся округа полна петухов, созданных множеством местных художников. «Петушиную аллею» спонсирует один из наших местных предпринимателей, который пожертвовал свой задний двор и аллею более чем 25 местным художникам для создания произведений искусства для украшения района.
Маленькая Гавана
Гости часто проводят день в самой эклектичной части Майами и знакомятся с обычаями и привычками кубинско-американского сообщества.
Калле Очо
Группа прогуляется вверх и вниз по Калле Очо (8-я улица) в Маленькой Гаване, чтобы узнать о кубинском сообществе и других сообществах, живущих по соседству. Наши местные опытные гиды, которые живут в этом районе, побалуют вас историями и ежедневными ритуалами всех жителей.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (9)
Jun 2022
Cancelled with no notice or explanation. Just an email from Trip Advisor saying I had a refund. Very disappointing.
Jun 2022
Great people and fun!! Hope to go again.🙂🙂 The staff always with a smile and kindness. This place was worth every penny.
May 2022
Great history Information, the food was good, the tour guide did an excellent job!!! Highly recommend when in Miami.

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