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Местный тур на электрическом велосипеде с гидом от пляжа Солана до Энсинитас

Этот тур проведет гостей через 4 уникальных сообщества в Северном округе Сан-Диего; Дель-Мар, Солана-Бич, Кардифф-бай-Си и Энсинитас. Этот тур уникален, потому что мы сможем преодолеть почти 15 миль за 2,5 часа на способном и простом в использовании электрическом велосипеде. Все наши велосипеды имеют разные уровни помощи при педалировании, а также различные варианты использования дроссельной заслонки.

У нас есть велосипеды, подходящие для райдеров ростом 5 футов и выше, но у нас также есть варианты для детей! У нас есть два (2) грузовых велосипеда Rad Power Radwagon с сиденьями для двух детей. Кроме того, у нас есть детские сиденья для детей весом до 45 фунтов, которые можно установить на наши электрические велосипеды.

Наши гиды имеют обширный знания о районе Северного округа о местной кухне, вариантах пива и вина, ремесленниках, художественных галереях, местных местах для серфинга и т. д. Если у вас есть что-то, что вы хотите увидеть, сделать или узнать в этом районе, пожалуйста, спросите нас!

Обратите внимание, что большая часть езды будет проходить по улицам или велосипедным дорожкам.
Город: Карловы Вары
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $95.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $95.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Use of bicycle
Bike Helmet
Bottled water
Use of bicycle
Bike Helmet
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла
  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Все люди, управляющие велосипедами, должны знать, как ездить на велосипеде.
  • Снаряжение/экипировка дезинфицируются между использованием
Что ожидать
Self Realization Fellowship Hermitage & Meditation Gardens
We will stop at the beautiful and historical meditation gardens founded in 1938 but Paramahansa Yogananda. We will be able to walk through the gardens if desired! Edit; due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are unable to go into the gardens but will resume our walks through the gardens as soon as possible. In the meantime we will stop at the border of this property to enjoy the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.
Del Mar Race Track
The Del Mar Racetrack has been the central hub of Del Mar since it's inception by Bing Crosby in 1936. The fairgrounds have hosted the Del Mar Fair (aka San Diego County Fair), thoroughbred horse races, and for two years during WWII the Del Mar Racetrack was closed to use the space to construct parts for B-17 Bombers.
San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve
This lagoon is one of San Diego’s largest wetland at 979-acres. This ecological reserve is primarily a shallow-water estuary, formed where the Escondido and La Orilla Creeks meet the Pacific Ocean. I love showing guests this portion of the tour at the lowest or highest tides, as they can come back 6 hours later to see how different the reserve looks with the tidal differences.
Fletcher Cove Park
Fletcher Cover Park is a local's secret for basketball, beach access, and a playground for kids. There is also a lifeguard station here and a ramp for easy access to the water. Public restrooms and showers here make this a perfect spot for a family beach day. Around Christmas time they also put up a beautiful Christmas Tree with ornaments for everyone to see and enjoy.
Moonlight State Beach
Moonlight State Beach is a huge attraction for families. With firepits, volleyball courts, plenty of sand, and a concession stand for snacks, there is something for EVERYONE. We will take you right past it so you know where to go cool off after the tour with a dip in the ocean.
Self Realization Fellowship Hermitage & Meditation Gardens
We will stop at the beautiful and historical meditation gardens founded in 1938 but Paramahansa Yogananda. We will be able to walk through the gardens if desired! Edit; due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are unable to go into the gardens but will resume our walks through the gardens as soon as possible. In the meantime we will stop at the border of this property to enjoy the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.
Del Mar Race Track
The Del Mar Racetrack has been the central hub of Del Mar since it's inception by Bing Crosby in 1936. The fairgrounds have hosted the Del Mar Fair (aka San Diego County Fair), thoroughbred horse races, and for two years during WWII the Del Mar Racetrack was closed to use the space to construct parts for B-17 Bombers.
San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve
This lagoon is one of San Diego’s largest wetland at 979-acres. This ecological reserve is primarily a shallow-water estuary, formed where the Escondido and La Orilla Creeks meet the Pacific Ocean. I love showing guests this portion of the tour at the lowest or highest tides, as they can come back 6 hours later to see how different the reserve looks with the tidal differences.
Fletcher Cove Park
Fletcher Cover Park is a local's secret for basketball, beach access, and a playground for kids. There is also a lifeguard station here and a ramp for easy access to the water. Public restrooms and showers here make this a perfect spot for a family beach day. Around Christmas time they also put up a beautiful Christmas Tree with ornaments for everyone to see and enjoy.
Moonlight State Beach
Moonlight State Beach is a huge attraction for families. With firepits, volleyball courts, plenty of sand, and a concession stand for snacks, there is something for EVERYONE. We will take you right past it so you know where to go cool off after the tour with a dip in the ocean.
Self Realization Fellowship Hermitage & Meditation Gardens
We will stop at the beautiful and historical meditation gardens founded in 1938 but Paramahansa Yogananda. We will be able to walk through the gardens if desired! Edit; due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are unable to go into the gardens but will resume our walks through the gardens as soon as possible. In the meantime we will stop at the border of this property to enjoy the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.
Del Mar Race Track
The Del Mar Racetrack has been the central hub of Del Mar since it's inception by Bing Crosby in 1936. The fairgrounds have hosted the Del Mar Fair (aka San Diego County Fair), thoroughbred horse races, and for two years during WWII the Del Mar Racetrack was closed to use the space to construct parts for B-17 Bombers.
San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve
This lagoon is one of San Diego’s largest wetland at 979-acres. This ecological reserve is primarily a shallow-water estuary, formed where the Escondido and La Orilla Creeks meet the Pacific Ocean. I love showing guests this portion of the tour at the lowest or highest tides, as they can come back 6 hours later to see how different the reserve looks with the tidal differences.
Fletcher Cove Park
Fletcher Cover Park is a local's secret for basketball, beach access, and a playground for kids. There is also a lifeguard station here and a ramp for easy access to the water. Public restrooms and showers here make this a perfect spot for a family beach day. Around Christmas time they also put up a beautiful Christmas Tree with ornaments for everyone to see and enjoy.
Moonlight State Beach
Moonlight State Beach is a huge attraction for families. With firepits, volleyball courts, plenty of sand, and a concession stand for snacks, there is something for EVERYONE. We will take you right past it so you know where to go cool off after the tour with a dip in the ocean.
Self Realization Fellowship Hermitage & Meditation Gardens
We will stop at the beautiful and historical meditation gardens founded in 1938 but Paramahansa Yogananda. We will be able to walk through the gardens if desired! Edit; due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are unable to go into the gardens but will resume our walks through the gardens as soon as possible. In the meantime we will stop at the border of this property to enjoy the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.
Del Mar Race Track
The Del Mar Racetrack has been the central hub of Del Mar since it's inception by Bing Crosby in 1936. The fairgrounds have hosted the Del Mar Fair (aka San Diego County Fair), thoroughbred horse races, and for two years during WWII the Del Mar Racetrack was closed to use the space to construct parts for B-17 Bombers.
San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve
This lagoon is one of San Diego’s largest wetland at 979-acres. This ecological reserve is primarily a shallow-water estuary, formed where the Escondido and La Orilla Creeks meet the Pacific Ocean. I love showing guests this portion of the tour at the lowest or highest tides, as they can come back 6 hours later to see how different the reserve looks with the tidal differences.
Fletcher Cove Park
Fletcher Cover Park is a local's secret for basketball, beach access, and a playground for kids. There is also a lifeguard station here and a ramp for easy access to the water. Public restrooms and showers here make this a perfect spot for a family beach day. Around Christmas time they also put up a beautiful Christmas Tree with ornaments for everyone to see and enjoy.
Moonlight State Beach
Moonlight State Beach is a huge attraction for families. With firepits, volleyball courts, plenty of sand, and a concession stand for snacks, there is something for EVERYONE. We will take you right past it so you know where to go cool off after the tour with a dip in the ocean.
Общество самореализации Hermitage & Meditation Gardens
Мы остановимся в красивых и исторических садах для медитации, основанных в 1938 году Парамахансой Йоганандой. При желании мы сможем прогуляться по садам! Редактировать; из-за пандемии Covid-19 мы не можем ходить в сады, но возобновим наши прогулки по садам как можно скорее. Тем временем мы остановимся на границе этой собственности, чтобы насладиться прекрасным видом на Тихий океан.
Ипподром Дель Мар
Ипподром Дель-Мар был центральным узлом Дель-Мар с момента его основания Бингом Кросби в 1936 году. На территории ярмарки проходила ярмарка Дель-Мар (также известная как ярмарка округа Сан-Диего), скачки чистокровных лошадей, а в течение двух лет во время Второй мировой войны - Дель-Мар. Гоночная трасса была закрыта, чтобы использовать это место для изготовления деталей для бомбардировщиков B-17.
Экологический заповедник лагуны Сан-Элихо
Эта лагуна является одним из крупнейших водно-болотных угодий Сан-Диего площадью 979 акров. Этот экологический заповедник представляет собой в первую очередь мелководный эстуарий, образованный там, где ручьи Эскондидо и Ла-Орилья впадают в Тихий океан. Я люблю показывать гостям эту часть тура во время самых низких или самых высоких приливов, так как они могут вернуться через 6 часов, чтобы увидеть, как по-разному выглядит заповедник с разницей в приливах.
Флетчер Коув Парк
Fletcher Cover Park — это местный секрет баскетбола, доступа к пляжу и игровой площадки для детей. Здесь также есть спасательная станция и пандус для удобного входа в воду. Общественные туалеты и душевые делают это место идеальным для семейного пляжного дня. Ближе к Рождеству они также устанавливают красивую рождественскую елку с украшениями, чтобы все могли ее увидеть и насладиться.
Государственный пляж Мунлайт
Пляж Мунлайт Стейт Бич является огромной достопримечательностью для семей. Костровые ямы, волейбольные площадки, много песка и киоск с закусками — КАЖДЫЙ найдет что-то для себя. Мы проведем вас мимо него, чтобы вы знали, где можно освежиться после тура, искупавшись в океане.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (10)
Oct 2022
Such a great experience. From reserving the bikes to dropping them off, this place was fantastic. Very excited to return on our next trip!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Love to hear it! We can't wait to get you all set up next time on our electric bike rentals here in Solana Beach. Take care
Oct 2022
Justin & Kyle did a great job with our tour. We took our friends from Arizona on the tour and learned a lot of interesting things about the area. Nice bikes, very friendly tour guides, cool company. We will definitely rent bikes again. Dan
Oct 2022
Elias was FANTASTIC! The tour was the perfect combination of informative, scenic and relaxing. Elias was incredibly friendly and gave us some wonderful recommendations for our time in Cali. I couldn’t recommend the tour more! And a big shout out to Jake on his first day who did a great job! So nice having you both.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
thank you SO MUCH for joining us!! So happy to hear that you two had such a fun time with us. Y'all were an absolute blast! I hope you had a wonderful rest of your trip. Hope to see you again sometime soon for some electric bike rentals here in Solana Beach. Take care.

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