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Обзорная экскурсия по Лос-Анджелесу из Лонг-Бич

Останавливаетесь в Лонг-Бич и хотите исследовать Лос-Анджелес, но у вас мало времени? Тогда проверьте этот дневной тур по Лос-Анджелесу из Лонг-Бич. Посмотрите на центр Лос-Анджелеса, Сансет-Стрип, Знак Голливуда и Китайский театр TCL, слушая рассказ своего информативного гида. Посетите места, где снимались фильмы, снятые в таких блокбастерах, как «Кинг-Конг», «Армагеддон» и «День независимости». С учетом трансфера из отеля и обратно — это удобный способ осмотреть множество достопримечательностей Лос-Анджелеса, которые нельзя пропустить, за сравнительно небольшое время. короткий промежуток времени.

Этот тур для небольших групп ограничен 14 человеками, чтобы обеспечить более индивидуальный подход со стороны вашего гида.
Город: Длинный пляж
Sat 19 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $122.06
Sat 19 Oct
Начинается с $122.06
Что включено
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Professional guide
Transportation by air-conditioned van
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Professional guide
Transportation by air-conditioned van
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Специализированные детские кресла доступны
  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Детские кресла требуются для младенцев в возрасте до 3 лет в соответствии с законодательством штата Калифорния. Вы должны привезти свое место.
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  • Маски для лица, необходимые для путешественников
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  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Мы предоставим маски для лица, перчатки и дезинфицирующие средства для рук все пассажирские.
Что ожидать
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum
LOS ANGELES COLISEUM The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum is an American sports stadium located in the Exposition Park. The stadium serves as the home to the University of Southern California (USC) Trojans football team.The Coliseum is the first stadium to have hosted the Summer Olympic Games twice, in 1932 and 1984. DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES Unlike other large cities, many people visit Los Angeles without ever setting foot Downtown. That’s a shame, since Downtown LA is rich with historic architecture and cultural attractions, not to mention sports and entertainment complexes. This slide show gives you a preview of some of the cool things to do in Downtown Los Angeles that are worth a visit.
Griffith Observatory
GRIFFITH PARK OBSERVATORY,Hollywood Sign: The observatory is a popular tourist attraction with an excellent view of the Hollywood Sign, and an extensive array of space and science-related displays.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
WALK OF FAME (Hollywood Blvd) Grauman's Chinese Theatre - The Hollywood Walk of Fame - - Kodak Theater, (Home of the Oscars) - The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel , and many more famous places too numerous to list... Since the first star was awarded to Joanne Woodward, in 1960, celebrities and fictional characters that have contributed to the entertainment industry here have recognized with a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. There are now more than 2,300 of these five-pointed bronze stars including some of the most recent honorees such as Halle Berry, Jamie Foxx and Forrest Whitaker and The Munchkins, stars of the 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz.
Sunset Plaza
Lunch at Mel's Diner:The ultimate 50’s dining experience! George Lucas filmed scenes for American Graffiti at a Mel’s Diner. The one on Sunset Strip, where we stop for lunch on the full-day tour, is still a great place for celebrity spotting! You don’t “have” to have lunch here – but why wouldn’t you want to? You just might recognize someone famous at the next table. Don’t let their clever disguise (Rayban(tm) sunglasses) fool you! Dine with the stars! (lunch is not included).
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive: This is a city where the pawn shops are called “collateral lenders,” and make quick loans on Mercedes and Ferraris instead of toasters. This is a city where some of the clothing stores require customers to make advance reservations to shop, and where shoppers may routinely drop $100,000 or more in a single visit to a boutique on Rodeo Drive or Wilshire Blvd. A city where the post office offers valet parking. This town’s “Sister City” is none other than Cannes, France.
Santa Monica
Santa Monica Beach: Follow America’s most famous cross country highway to the Pacific Ocean, and you will find yourself at the Santa Monica Pier. Designed as a pleasure palace and park a century ago, currently this restored family playground is gearing up for its 100th Gala in 2009.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach: Hilary Duff shot a video here, Jim Morrison and the Doors and bandleader Benny Goodman both got their careers started here, and now it is the place actors Jane Fonda, Viggo Mortensen and Elijah Wood call home. It’s Venice Beach, the free-spirited beach resort town beloved for its Bohemian character, boutiques, street performers, artists, fortune tellers on the boardwalk and as a stellar place for people-watching (not to mention star-gazing)!Muscle beach and much more.... Due to Venice Beach city conditions, we might substitute Venice Beach to Fisherman's Village in Marina Del Rey.
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum
LOS ANGELES COLISEUM The Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum is an American sports stadium located in the Exposition Park. The stadium serves as the home to the University of Southern California (USC) Trojans football team.The Coliseum is the first stadium to have hosted the Summer Olympic Games twice, in 1932 and 1984. DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES Unlike other large cities, many people visit Los Angeles without ever setting foot Downtown. That’s a shame, since Downtown LA is rich with historic architecture and cultural attractions, not to mention sports and entertainment complexes. This slide show gives you a preview of some of the cool things to do in Downtown Los Angeles that are worth a visit.
Griffith Observatory
GRIFFITH PARK OBSERVATORY,Hollywood Sign: The observatory is a popular tourist attraction with an excellent view of the Hollywood Sign, and an extensive array of space and science-related displays.
Hollywood Walk of Fame
WALK OF FAME (Hollywood Blvd) Grauman's Chinese Theatre - The Hollywood Walk of Fame - - Kodak Theater, (Home of the Oscars) - The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel , and many more famous places too numerous to list... Since the first star was awarded to Joanne Woodward, in 1960, celebrities and fictional characters that have contributed to the entertainment industry here have recognized with a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. There are now more than 2,300 of these five-pointed bronze stars including some of the most recent honorees such as Halle Berry, Jamie Foxx and Forrest Whitaker and The Munchkins, stars of the 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz.
Sunset Plaza
Lunch at Mel's Diner:The ultimate 50’s dining experience! George Lucas filmed scenes for American Graffiti at a Mel’s Diner. The one on Sunset Strip, where we stop for lunch on the full-day tour, is still a great place for celebrity spotting! You don’t “have” to have lunch here – but why wouldn’t you want to? You just might recognize someone famous at the next table. Don’t let their clever disguise (Rayban(tm) sunglasses) fool you! Dine with the stars! (lunch is not included).
Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive: This is a city where the pawn shops are called “collateral lenders,” and make quick loans on Mercedes and Ferraris instead of toasters. This is a city where some of the clothing stores require customers to make advance reservations to shop, and where shoppers may routinely drop $100,000 or more in a single visit to a boutique on Rodeo Drive or Wilshire Blvd. A city where the post office offers valet parking. This town’s “Sister City” is none other than Cannes, France.
Santa Monica
Santa Monica Beach: Follow America’s most famous cross country highway to the Pacific Ocean, and you will find yourself at the Santa Monica Pier. Designed as a pleasure palace and park a century ago, currently this restored family playground is gearing up for its 100th Gala in 2009.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach: Hilary Duff shot a video here, Jim Morrison and the Doors and bandleader Benny Goodman both got their careers started here, and now it is the place actors Jane Fonda, Viggo Mortensen and Elijah Wood call home. It’s Venice Beach, the free-spirited beach resort town beloved for its Bohemian character, boutiques, street performers, artists, fortune tellers on the boardwalk and as a stellar place for people-watching (not to mention star-gazing)!Muscle beach and much more.... Due to Venice Beach city conditions, we might substitute Venice Beach to Fisherman's Village in Marina Del Rey.
Мемориальный Колизей Лос-Анджелеса
ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС КОЛИЗЕЙ Мемориальный Колизей Лос-Анджелеса — американский спортивный стадион, расположенный в Экспозиционном парке. Стадион служит домашней площадкой для футбольной команды Университета Южной Калифорнии (USC) Trojans. Колизей является первым стадионом, на котором дважды, в 1932 и 1984 годах, проводились летние Олимпийские игры. ЦЕНТР ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕСА В отличие от других крупных городов, многие люди посещают Лос-Анджелес, даже не заходя в центр города. А жаль, ведь Downtown LA богат исторической архитектурой и культурными достопримечательностями, не говоря уже о спортивно-развлекательных комплексах. Это слайд-шоу дает вам предварительный просмотр некоторых интересных вещей в центре Лос-Анджелеса, которые стоит посетить.
Обсерватория Гриффита
ОБСЕРВАТОРИЯ ГРИФФИТ-ПАРК, Голливуд Обсерватория является популярной туристической достопримечательностью с прекрасным видом на Знак Голливуда и обширным набором экспозиций, связанных с космосом и наукой.
Голливудская Аллея славы
АЛЛЕЯ СЛАВЫ (Голливудский бульвар) Китайский театр Граумана - Голливудская аллея славы - - Театр Кодак, (Дом Оскара) - Отель "Голливуд Рузвельт", и многие другие известные места слишком многочисленны, чтобы их перечислить... С тех пор как первая звезда была присуждена Джоан Вудворд в 1960 году, знаменитости и вымышленные персонажи, которые внесли свой вклад в индустрию развлечений, были отмечены звездой на Аллее славы в Голливуде. В настоящее время насчитывается более 2300 этих пятиконечных бронзовых звезд, в том числе некоторые из последних лауреатов, такие как Холли Берри, Джейми Фокс и Форрест Уитакер, а также Жевуны, звезды фильма 1939 года «Волшебник страны Оз».
Сансет Плаза
Обед в закусочной Mel’s Diner: лучший обед в стиле 50-х! Джордж Лукас снимал сцены для американского граффити в закусочной Мела. Тот, что на Сансет-Стрип, где мы останавливаемся на обед во время тура на целый день, по-прежнему является отличным местом для наблюдения за знаменитостями! Вы не «должны» обедать здесь, но почему бы и нет? Вы просто можете узнать кого-то известного за соседним столиком. Не позволяйте их искусной маскировке (солнцезащитные очки Rayban(tm)) обмануть вас! Ужинайте со звездами! (обед не включен).
Беверли Хиллс
Беверли-Хиллз, Родео-Драйв: это город, где ломбарды называются «залоговыми кредиторами» и выдают быстрые кредиты на «Мерседесы» и «Феррари» вместо тостеров. Это город, где некоторые магазины одежды требуют, чтобы покупатели делали предварительный заказ, чтобы делать покупки, и где покупатели обычно могут потерять 100 000 долларов или больше за одно посещение бутика на Родео Драйв или бульваре Уилшир. Город, где почта предлагает услуги парковщика. «Город-побратим» этого города — не что иное, как Канны, Франция.
Санта Моника
Пляж Санта-Моника: Следуйте по самой известной в Америке автостраде для беговых лыж к Тихому океану, и вы окажетесь на пирсе Санта-Моники. Эта отреставрированная семейная игровая площадка, задуманная столетие назад как дворец удовольствий и парк, в настоящее время готовится к своему 100-летию в 2009 году.
Венецианский пляж
Венис-Бич: Хилари Дафф сняла здесь видео, Джим Моррисон, The Doors и лидер группы Бенни Гудман начали здесь свою карьеру, а теперь это место называют домом актеры Джейн Фонда, Вигго Мортенсен и Элайджа Вуд. Это Венис-Бич, беззаботный пляжный курортный город, любимый своим богемным характером, бутиками, уличными артистами, художниками, гадалками на променаде и звездным местом для наблюдения за людьми (не говоря уже о звездах)! Мускулистый пляж и гораздо больше.... Из-за городских условий Венис-Бич мы можем заменить Венис-Бич на Рыбацкую деревню в Марина-дель-Рей.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (34)
Dec 2022
Our tour guide Alberto was wonderful. He knew so much and gave us so much to see. All the noted spots but also a few other things that he picked up from our interests. He told us where to find specific stars on the walk of fame. He engaged with our daughter and played music we loved during the ride. He made the experience worthwhile. It was just enough without being too much and tiring.
Nov 2022
This tour was fantastic!! Gabriel communicated with us to be sure we knew pick up time and location. He was prompt and very courteous. He was knowledgeable of the history of the areas we visited. He allowed us ample time to stop and take pictures, eat at Mel’s Diner, shop and walk through Venice Beach. Gabriel’s personality was engaging and humorous. He was professional and ensured that he stopped anytime someone needed a restroom break. We saw so much and we would never have been able to have this awesome experience without this tour. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone and the cost is very reasonable. Both my husband and I loved this tour!! Gabriel was a huge part of why we enjoyed it so much. Thank you!!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for taking the time to send us your review of your recent tour with us. I have shared your comment with Gabriel and he asked me to express his appreciation for all you have said about him and the tour.. We hope to have an opportunity to serve you again in the not too distant future.
Nov 2022
The tour was fine but the tour guide was very opinionated on several things and felt the need to share. I did not appreciate it especially when he mentioned the homeless in LA. He said that most of them choose to be homeless and many of them are veterans. He went on to give us his opinion on how veterans are treated. I myself am a disabled veteran. I don't appreciate anyone who has never served telling me about how veterans are treated. In fact, I had my Certified Service Dog with me during the tour and there are multiple patches on his vest including a Navy emblem and of the Gulf War. He had to have known that I was a veteran before I told him. He also expressed concern that I had a dog and asked how my dog would be able to relieve himself. I thought for a moment that he was going to refuse to allow us on the tour. I assured him that my dog would not be a problem and he allowed us on the tour. Then our guide mentioned several times that in his 31 years of being a tour guide he had never had a dog on any if his tours. But to his credit, at the end if the tour, when I asked him if he felt that my dog was an issue he agreed that he was not. I recommend that you advise your guides to keep their opinions to themselves and stick to the facts of the sites, especially in this volatile political time.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for submitting your comments concerning your recent tour with us. I have discussed your review with the guide and feel that there were some mixed messages. With respect to having a dog aboard, the guide needed to know if the dog would require any special needs. He also would need to know if having the dog aboard would present an issue with any of the other guests on the tour. It was appropriate for his to ask. Not to impose restrictions, but, instead, to be prepared to accommodate the needs. With respect to the homeless comments. They are/were two distinct references. One, that the social services personnel for the city and county have found that many of the homeless do indeed want to be on the streets as opposed to being subjected to the restrictions imposed by formal shelters. The other was to call attention to the fact that many of the homeless are, indeed veterans and that is something that needs more attention from all of us. Veterans have made sacrifices for us all. They should receive more support once they have left service. The guide's comment about having never had a dog (service or not) on a tour in his 31 years should not have been offensive to you. It was a simple statement of fact. Thank you for you review and for your service. We hope to have an opportunity to serve you (and your dog) again the not too distant future.

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