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Тур на байдарках по мангровым туннелям и илистым отмелям - местные гиды-биологи

Присоединяйтесь к единственным активным местным гидам-биологам SWFL для приключения в заповеднике Рукери-Бэй в начале 10 000 островов в туре № 1 по каякингу в США (USAToday)! Прогуляйтесь по красивым мангровым туннелям, изобилующим илом и замысловатым устричным рифам в поисках удивительных диких животных, таких как морские звезды, большие улитки, птицы, дельфины и ламантины! БЕСПЛАТНАЯ ФОТОГРАФИЯ HD, на которой вы и ваша семья исследуете эту прекрасную местность, предоставляется во время каждого приключения.

Всем гребцам предоставляются одноместные байдарки. Для детей до 12 лет свяжитесь с нами напрямую. Идеально подходит для начинающих гребцов и профессионалов. Выйдите и исследуйте спокойные заводи юго-западной Флориды с единственными гидами-биологами Неаполя и Марко-Айленда! Забронируйте тур сегодня! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРИБЫВАЙТЕ ЗА 30 МИНУТ ДО НАЧАЛА НАЧАЛА.

Дополнительные возможности, тандемные каяки, билеты для детей (до 12 лет), лодочные туры и дополнительные каяк-туры, включая туры на закате, доступны для бронирования только по телефону или через веб-сайт. Звоните бронируйте!
Город: Неаполь
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $69.99
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $69.99
Что включено
REAL Local Biologist Guides with Master's Degrees
Single-Seater Kayak with high back seats, cup holder, and room for storage (ages 12+)
FREE PHOTOGRAPHY - Available for free download after your adventure
Low Profile Paddling Life Vests, & Dry Bags
A real adventure with the most awesome science nerds in the land!
REAL Local Biologist Guides with Master's Degrees
Single-Seater Kayak with high back seats, cup holder, and room for storage (ages 12+)
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в колясках
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта: инвалидные коляски доступный
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Байдарки-тандемы и детские билеты (до 12 лет) доступны для бронирования только по телефону. Звоните, чтобы зарезервировать!
  • В парк гребли на острове Капри требуется парковочный талон на сумму 10 долларов США на транспортное средство, если у вас нет парковочной наклейки на пляже округа Коллиер
  • Вы должны уметь грести на каяке для 2–3 часа
  • Вес более 250 фунтов требует особых условий
  • Дети до 3 лет не допускаются
  • Дети до 12 лет должны кататься на тандемном каяке со взрослым
  • В случае отмены из-за погодных или опасных условий вам будет предложено перенести или получить полный возврат средств
  • Максимальный размер группы 12 гребцов
Что ожидать
Marco Island
We will be paddling into the Mangrove Tunnels of the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve just North of Marco Island launching from the Isle of Capri Paddlecraft Park. The regions only biologist guides will help you find unique wildlife while teaching you about the ecology and history of this amazing place! Get on the water with the guides who have spent their lives studying this area and explore with a real local biologist!
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
After exploring the mangrove tunnels with the only biologist guides in Naples & Marco, visit our partners at the Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center and enjoy FREE ADMISSION with the purchase of your tour ticket to explore their exhibits, aquariums, art gallery, theater, and hiking trails! Be sure to ask about becoming a member of the Friends of Rookery Bay to further support the Reserve, gain access to special programs, events, volunteer opportunities, and discounts on tours, rentals, and at the nature store!
Marco Island
We will be paddling into the Mangrove Tunnels of the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve just North of Marco Island launching from the Isle of Capri Paddlecraft Park. The regions only biologist guides will help you find unique wildlife while teaching you about the ecology and history of this amazing place! Get on the water with the guides who have spent their lives studying this area and explore with a real local biologist!
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
After exploring the mangrove tunnels with the only biologist guides in Naples & Marco, visit our partners at the Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center and enjoy FREE ADMISSION with the purchase of your tour ticket to explore their exhibits, aquariums, art gallery, theater, and hiking trails! Be sure to ask about becoming a member of the Friends of Rookery Bay to further support the Reserve, gain access to special programs, events, volunteer opportunities, and discounts on tours, rentals, and at the nature store!
Marco Island
We will be paddling into the Mangrove Tunnels of the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve just North of Marco Island launching from the Isle of Capri Paddlecraft Park. The regions only biologist guides will help you find unique wildlife while teaching you about the ecology and history of this amazing place! Get on the water with the guides who have spent their lives studying this area and explore with a real local biologist!
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
After exploring the mangrove tunnels with the only biologist guides in Naples & Marco, visit our partners at the Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center and enjoy FREE ADMISSION with the purchase of your tour ticket to explore their exhibits, aquariums, art gallery, theater, and hiking trails! Be sure to ask about becoming a member of the Friends of Rookery Bay to further support the Reserve, gain access to special programs, events, volunteer opportunities, and discounts on tours, rentals, and at the nature store!
Marco Island
We will be paddling into the Mangrove Tunnels of the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve just North of Marco Island launching from the Isle of Capri Paddlecraft Park. The regions only biologist guides will help you find unique wildlife while teaching you about the ecology and history of this amazing place! Get on the water with the guides who have spent their lives studying this area and explore with a real local biologist!
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
After exploring the mangrove tunnels with the only biologist guides in Naples & Marco, visit our partners at the Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center and enjoy FREE ADMISSION with the purchase of your tour ticket to explore their exhibits, aquariums, art gallery, theater, and hiking trails! Be sure to ask about becoming a member of the Friends of Rookery Bay to further support the Reserve, gain access to special programs, events, volunteer opportunities, and discounts on tours, rentals, and at the nature store!
Marco Island
We will be paddling into the Mangrove Tunnels of the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve just North of Marco Island launching from the Isle of Capri Paddlecraft Park. The regions only biologist guides will help you find unique wildlife while teaching you about the ecology and history of this amazing place! Get on the water with the guides who have spent their lives studying this area and explore with a real local biologist!
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
After exploring the mangrove tunnels with the only biologist guides in Naples & Marco, visit our partners at the Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center and enjoy FREE ADMISSION with the purchase of your tour ticket to explore their exhibits, aquariums, art gallery, theater, and hiking trails! Be sure to ask about becoming a member of the Friends of Rookery Bay to further support the Reserve, gain access to special programs, events, volunteer opportunities, and discounts on tours, rentals, and at the nature store!
Остров Марко
Мы будем грести в мангровых туннелях Национального эстуарного исследовательского заповедника Рукери-Бей к северу от острова Марко, начиная с парка гребных судов на острове Капри. Единственные в регионе гиды-биологи помогут вам найти уникальную дикую природу, рассказав об экологии и истории этого удивительного места! Отправляйтесь на воду с гидами, которые всю жизнь изучали эту местность, и исследуйте ее вместе с настоящим местным биологом!
Национальный эстуарный исследовательский заповедник Рукери-Бэй
После изучения мангровых туннелей с единственными гидами-биологами в Неаполе и Марко посетите наших партнеров в Центре экологического обучения Rookery Bay и получите БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ ВХОД при покупке билета на экскурсию, чтобы осмотреть их выставки, аквариумы, художественную галерею, театр и походы. тропы! Обязательно спросите о том, чтобы стать членом Friends of Rookery Bay, чтобы и дальше поддерживать заповедник, получать доступ к специальным программам, мероприятиям, волонтерским возможностям и скидкам на туры, аренду и в магазине природы!
Показать 9 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (541)
Evan P
Dec 2022
Matt, our guide, was very knowledgable and was wonderful on the tour I did accompanied by my father. Highly recommend to anyone looking to learn about the wildlife in the mangroves. Great if your looking for a little excersise and learning all at once
Dec 2022
Wow! We had a family group of 4 today, ages ranging from 19 to 75. Everyone enjoyed themselves. The scenery and animal life put on a huge show for us. I was a little worried since Hurricane Ian happened not very long ago that the critters may have been affected, but the mangroves were full of life. Our tour guide, Evan, was the star of the show. He engaged everyone and spoke about everything animal we encountered. Highly recommend.
Dec 2022
We left the paddle park around 9 AM. Conditions were perfect, clear blue skies and calm. Our guide Monica was extremely knowledgeable and provided a wealth of information that was easy to follow and understand. We made a few stops along the trip each one to go into more detail about a particular topic. I really enjoyed the stop along the mudflat where we had a chance to get out, stretch legs and look for creatures in the water. We found several live shells, starfish and hermit crabs. Also enjoyed learning about the mangroves and the stops where we could see and compare all three types that are found in Florida. Paddling through one of the mangrove tunnels was a little challenging but we did not encounter any real problems. I have been on guided paddle tours and this was by far the most enjoyable and Informative. Monica took so many pictures along the way of the birds, our finds and us paddlers. Access to these was a real bonus as I did not need to worry about trying to get my own photos.

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