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Малый групповой тур по Манхэттену: достопримечательности с Уолл-стрит и мемориалом 911

Исследуйте Нижний Манхэттен, включая Уолл-стрит и Финансовый район, чтобы оценить и понять финансовую и политическую историю Нью-Йорка. Посетите Мемориал 11 сентября, чтобы поразмышлять и узнать о событиях того дня и его последствиях. Этот насыщенный достопримечательностями тур необходим для понимания места рождения Нью-Йорка и Соединенных Штатов.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 19 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $39.00
Wed 19 Feb
Начинается с $39.00
Что включено
Professional, entertaining, local guide
Visit to 9/11 Memorial and Ground Zero
Visit to Wall Street and Financial District
Professional, entertaining, local guide
Visit to 9/11 Memorial and Ground Zero
Visit to Wall Street and Financial District
Professional, entertaining, local guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Возможности транспортировки доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Есть примерно 2 мили пешком. Пожалуйста, где удобная обувь.
  • Маски обязательны для гидов в общественных местах
Что ожидать
New York Stock Exchange
Tour begins next to the NY Stock Exchange. We are unable to go inside because it has been closed to visitors since 2001.
Wall Street
As you walk along Wall Street, you’ll see the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Reserve Bank and other financial and historical institutions.
Federal Hall
Visit this iconic landmark where George Washington became President.
Trinity Church
Contemplate the solemn quiet of Trinity Church, burial place of American giants like Alexander Hamilton.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Pay your respects to those lost on 9/11 beside the flowing waters of Reflecting Absence, breath-taking fountains built in the footprints of the Twin Towers.
United States Custom House
See the Alexander Hamilton Custom's House.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Pose for a photo with the famous Charging Bull, a powerful symbol of our economy.
Bowling Green
Pass by Bowling Green park one of the oldest parks in New York City.
Castle Clinton National Monument
See this historic fort in Battery Park a onetime possible site for the Statue of Liberty.
SeaGlass Carousel
The tour ends at Battery Park. Catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in the distance!
New York Stock Exchange
Tour begins next to the NY Stock Exchange. We are unable to go inside because it has been closed to visitors since 2001.
Wall Street
As you walk along Wall Street, you’ll see the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Reserve Bank and other financial and historical institutions.
Federal Hall
Visit this iconic landmark where George Washington became President.
Trinity Church
Contemplate the solemn quiet of Trinity Church, burial place of American giants like Alexander Hamilton.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Pay your respects to those lost on 9/11 beside the flowing waters of Reflecting Absence, breath-taking fountains built in the footprints of the Twin Towers.
United States Custom House
See the Alexander Hamilton Custom's House.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Pose for a photo with the famous Charging Bull, a powerful symbol of our economy.
Bowling Green
Pass by Bowling Green park one of the oldest parks in New York City.
Castle Clinton National Monument
See this historic fort in Battery Park a onetime possible site for the Statue of Liberty.
SeaGlass Carousel
The tour ends at Battery Park. Catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in the distance!
New York Stock Exchange
Tour begins next to the NY Stock Exchange. We are unable to go inside because it has been closed to visitors since 2001.
Wall Street
As you walk along Wall Street, you’ll see the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Reserve Bank and other financial and historical institutions.
Federal Hall
Visit this iconic landmark where George Washington became President.
Trinity Church
Contemplate the solemn quiet of Trinity Church, burial place of American giants like Alexander Hamilton.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Pay your respects to those lost on 9/11 beside the flowing waters of Reflecting Absence, breath-taking fountains built in the footprints of the Twin Towers.
United States Custom House
See the Alexander Hamilton Custom's House.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Pose for a photo with the famous Charging Bull, a powerful symbol of our economy.
Bowling Green
Pass by Bowling Green park one of the oldest parks in New York City.
Castle Clinton National Monument
See this historic fort in Battery Park a onetime possible site for the Statue of Liberty.
SeaGlass Carousel
The tour ends at Battery Park. Catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in the distance!
New York Stock Exchange
Tour begins next to the NY Stock Exchange. We are unable to go inside because it has been closed to visitors since 2001.
Wall Street
As you walk along Wall Street, you’ll see the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Reserve Bank and other financial and historical institutions.
Federal Hall
Visit this iconic landmark where George Washington became President.
Trinity Church
Contemplate the solemn quiet of Trinity Church, burial place of American giants like Alexander Hamilton.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Pay your respects to those lost on 9/11 beside the flowing waters of Reflecting Absence, breath-taking fountains built in the footprints of the Twin Towers.
United States Custom House
See the Alexander Hamilton Custom's House.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Pose for a photo with the famous Charging Bull, a powerful symbol of our economy.
Bowling Green
Pass by Bowling Green park one of the oldest parks in New York City.
Castle Clinton National Monument
See this historic fort in Battery Park a onetime possible site for the Statue of Liberty.
SeaGlass Carousel
The tour ends at Battery Park. Catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in the distance!
New York Stock Exchange
Tour begins next to the NY Stock Exchange. We are unable to go inside because it has been closed to visitors since 2001.
Wall Street
As you walk along Wall Street, you’ll see the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Reserve Bank and other financial and historical institutions.
Federal Hall
Visit this iconic landmark where George Washington became President.
Trinity Church
Contemplate the solemn quiet of Trinity Church, burial place of American giants like Alexander Hamilton.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Pay your respects to those lost on 9/11 beside the flowing waters of Reflecting Absence, breath-taking fountains built in the footprints of the Twin Towers.
United States Custom House
See the Alexander Hamilton Custom's House.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Pose for a photo with the famous Charging Bull, a powerful symbol of our economy.
Bowling Green
Pass by Bowling Green park one of the oldest parks in New York City.
Castle Clinton National Monument
See this historic fort in Battery Park a onetime possible site for the Statue of Liberty.
SeaGlass Carousel
The tour ends at Battery Park. Catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in the distance!
New York Stock Exchange
Tour begins next to the NY Stock Exchange. We are unable to go inside because it has been closed to visitors since 2001.
Wall Street
As you walk along Wall Street, you’ll see the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Reserve Bank and other financial and historical institutions.
Federal Hall
Visit this iconic landmark where George Washington became President.
Trinity Church
Contemplate the solemn quiet of Trinity Church, burial place of American giants like Alexander Hamilton.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Pay your respects to those lost on 9/11 beside the flowing waters of Reflecting Absence, breath-taking fountains built in the footprints of the Twin Towers.
United States Custom House
See the Alexander Hamilton Custom's House.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Pose for a photo with the famous Charging Bull, a powerful symbol of our economy.
Bowling Green
Pass by Bowling Green park one of the oldest parks in New York City.
Castle Clinton National Monument
See this historic fort in Battery Park a onetime possible site for the Statue of Liberty.
SeaGlass Carousel
The tour ends at Battery Park. Catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in the distance!
Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа
Тур начинается рядом с Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржей. Мы не можем зайти внутрь, потому что он закрыт для посетителей с 2001 года.
Прогуливаясь по Уолл-стрит, вы увидите Нью-Йоркскую фондовую биржу, Федеральный резервный банк и другие финансовые и исторические учреждения.
Федеральный зал
Посетите эту культовую достопримечательность, где Джордж Вашингтон стал президентом.
Троицкая церковь
Созерцайте торжественную тишину Троицкой церкви, места захоронения таких американских гигантов, как Александр Гамильтон.
Национальный мемориал и музей 11 сентября
Отдайте дань уважения тем, кто погиб 11 сентября у струящихся вод Отражающего отсутствия, захватывающих дух фонтанов, построенных на месте башен-близнецов.
Таможня США
См. Таможню Александра Гамильтона.
Атакующий бык (Бык с Уолл-Стрит)
Сфотографируйтесь со знаменитым атакующим быком, могущественным символом нашей экономики.
Боулинг Грин
Пройдите мимо парка Боулинг-Грин, одного из старейших парков Нью-Йорка.
Национальный памятник Замок Клинтон
Посмотрите на этот исторический форт в Бэттери-парке, который когда-то был возможным местом для Статуи Свободы.
Карусель SeaGlass
Экскурсия заканчивается в Бэттери-парке. Взгляните на Статую Свободы и остров Эллис вдалеке!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (57)
Dec 2022
Tony (di Sante) our guide was just great, it was a freezing cold Sunday and he tried to keep us warm! His knowledge and openness on the events of 9/11 made it such a great but solemn experience. His depth of knowledge meant he was able to answer any question.
Nov 2022
Jenn Andres was knowledgable, interesting and passionate about her city. Was great with questions and sensitive to giving us some time to absorb sites personally. Like 911. It was like taking a walk with a good friend, who knows a lot.
Nov 2022
Great guide and tour. We were only two people si we were able to see several interesting spots OD lower Manhattan

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