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Мауи: Аудио тур по вождению

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Город: Мауи
Fri 14 Mar
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Fri 14 Mar
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As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Ohe'o Gulch
At the end of the Road to Hana drive lies the Oheo Gulch at Kipahulu. This is the ocean level extension of the Haleakala National Park, which spans from the summit at over 10,000 feet, down to this location at sea level. The favorite location in the gulch are the Oheo Pools, which are also known as the Seven Sacred Pools. Pools are opened and closed for swimming and wading depending on conditions, so best to check ahead. There are also short walks available, including views to the wild ocean shore that is typical at this location. This is also the location of the trailhead for the Pipiwai Trail. Since the Oheo Gulch is within the National Park you must pay for entry, or show your existing National Park Pass.
Wai'anapanapa State Park
Wai'anapanapa State Park is home to Maui's most famous black sand beach and a park that includes several excellent examples of Maui's volcanic coast. Follow the signs to explore along the beach to spot the sea arch off shore and find the blowhole. This is also a place steeped in Hawaiian legend. It's a must-stop on the tour, with reservations required for entry.
Haleakala Crater
You will be amazed at the moon-like and yet colorful rock and sand landscape that is the summit of Haleakala. When you arrive at the summit Visitor Center you'll be at 9,700 feet! There are several excellent viewpoints that allow you to see right into the enormous crater area with its numerous smaller cinder cones. If you are prepared to hike, there are excellent trails. From the visitor center, another 2 minutes of driving gets us up to the highest elevation of 10,023 feet on Red Hill. From here, the views sweep in every direction. Reservations are required to visit at sunrise, but you can visit at any other time of day without a reservation. Just remember that no matter when you're visiting you will need to pay the National Park entrance fee if don't already have a pass.
Iao Valley
The Iao Valley is blessed with usual natural beauty and an important place in Hawaiian history. It is located west of Wailuku and Kahului.
Makawao is one of the last Paniolo towns in all of Hawaii. Paniolos are the Hawaiian cowboys, taught horsemanship and cattle ranching by Mexican cowboys who were invited to come and help control the livestock that was beginning to run rampant across the island. It's fun to explore the town's galleries and eateries after visiting Haleakala.
Kepaniwai Park & Heritage Gardens
Kepaniwai Park celebrates the true ethnic diversity of Maui and Hawaii. Stroll the many buildings and gardens that celebrate the different cultures that contributed to modern Maui.
Iao Valley State Monument
The valley is the location of the photogenic Iao Needle, a granite spire remnant from the days of active volcanoes in the region. The steep walls of the valley and constant tradewinds turn the valley into a rainmaking machine and it is one of the wettest places on earth. It's well worth a visit, and rain is usually in the afternoons, and often as a downpour that will stop as quickly as it starts.
Hana Lava Tube
The Hana Lava Tube is a location where you can enter Maui's most accessible lava tube. You don't have to go all the way inside if you find caves claustrophobic - but if you are comfortable with it, its lots of fun to explore.
Kalahaku Overlook
There are several excellent viewpoints along the climb to the Haleakala summit - each one offering a different perspective of the formation, erosion and effect of the volcano. This viewpoint gives us two views - into the erosion crater, and outwards across Maui.
Papawai Scenic Lookout
Whale season on Maui lasts from November until April, when thousands of humpback whales come and winter in Hawaii - like millions of frozen mainland sun-seekers! During this time they mate and birth in the waters, especially on the protected western side of the island. After they finish in Maui, they continue on their migration path to Alaska where they focus their energies on feeding. It is possible to see whale's blowholes, fin slapping and even breaching out of the water, from practically any vantage point that has a view to the water. You can lie on your deckchair on the beach and watch them play! On the drive between Ma'alaea and Lahaina, turnoff into the Papawai Scenic Lookout (Whale Lookout Point) for excellent elevated viewing.
Twin Falls Maui
Twin Falls is usually the first location along the Road to Hana drive where you will want to get out of the car and enjoy a short hike. The falls are picturesque, you can cross the stream in many places and bamboo forest is seen along the 1.5 mile trail. There are choices about how far you want to go and what to see. Trail is frequently muddy so wear appropriate footwear. The farmstand is a great place to grab a morning tropical fruit smoothie.
Koki Beach
On the same turnoff that takes us to Hamoa Beach, we can stop and enjoy the view to the ex-cindercone that created the quirky-looking Alau Island, that sits about a quarter mile off Koki Beach. Not just a fun photo, this location is also steeped in Ancient Hawaiian legends about Pele - the Goddess of Volcanoes, and the demigod Maui.
Polo Beach
You can have good luck spotting Hawaii's famous sea turtles, or Honu, at just about any beach, but one of the best places is Polo Beach. This is the beach in front of the Fairmont Kea Lani Resort - remember the beach is a public space - everyone is welcome. Just snorkel close to the rocks at the north end of the beach.
Upper Waikani Falls
Waikani Falls is also called the 3 Bears Falls and it is one of the most popular falls on the Road to Hana because of its fun interpretation. After heavy rain, water cascades over the falls in one big, thick stream - one big bear. But when less water is flowing, it turns into 3 separate falls, one large, one medium and one small.
Ke'anae Arboretum
The Arboretum at Keanae is an easy, no-cost location where you can see a collection of tropical plants and trees. It takes less than 30 minutes to see and get pictures of the golden-stemmed bamboo, ginger, papaya and hibiscus. Continuing along the trail the follows the Piinaau Stream, leads walkers to to terraces that were created by ancient Hawaiians for taro cultivation. Perhaps the star of the show at the Arboretum is that you can get up close to the Rainbow Eucalyptus trees with its brightly colored bark, that looks too good to be true.
Pipiwai Trail
Pipiwai Trail would have to be the favorite hiking trail on the Road to Hana. It is located at the Oheo Gulch area of Kipahulu, at the end of the drive. Since it is inside Haleakala National Park, be aware that you will need to show your NPS pass for entry, or purchase one on arrival. The full hike is a 4-mile loop trail, that climbs 650 feet of elevation. This is a moderate hike, but if conditions are hot, it can feel strenuous. Part of the way along the trail, you will be rewarded with views of the Makihiku Falls. If finding the hike difficult, this is a good place to turn back. Most will continue the hike to Waimoku Falls, the highlight and furthermost point. Sections through bamboo forest are especially peaceful. Expect the hike to take 2+ hours depending on your fitness level. So as long as you arrive at the trail by 2pm, you will have lots of time to hike and then drive back.
Hamoa Beach
Yes, you have your choice of beaches on the Road to Hana, but this little crescent shaped sandy beach is timed perfectly on the drive to stretch your legs and cool off or rest under a tree. While there are public bathrooms and showers, there are no lifeguards. When conditions are calm, it's family friendly, but always keep a close eye on the younger members of your party.
Wailua Falls
There are almost countless waterfalls along the Road to Hana drive, as it winds its way through gulches and ravines along the side of the Haleakala Volcano. Beauty can be arbitrary, but for many, Wailua Falls is the most picturesque. Located between Hana and the Oheo Pools, be sure to stop and capture some classic pictures at this beautiful location.
South Maui's original resort area that sits on long stretches of sandy beach. This part of Maui often dodges afternoon rain showers that sprinkle on other parts of Maui, making it a sunseekers' paradise. Kihei runs a distance of 6 miles from one end to the other, and there are 5 beach parks located in the best swimming areas. Being on the protected side of the island, the water is essentially always calm with no more than a gentle wave except during the stormiest conditions. There are many shopping and dining areas along the strip of Kihei Road, and many more condominium properties than full resort-style hotels. Kihei enjoys beautiful sunsets and views to Molokini and Kahoolawe are superb. It's well worth spending at least a 1/2 day exploring Kihei if you are not staying on this part of the island.
Kahanu Garden
Kahanu Garden is a botanical garden located on the Hana Highway, nestled in the one of the largest native Hala (Pandanus) forests in the Islands with plant collections from the Pacific Islands. Visitors to Kahanu Garden will learn about the cultural relationships between people and these remarkable plants that were transported around the Pacific on ancient voyaging canoes. The garden is home to Pi’ilanihale Heiau, a massive lava-rock structure that is believed to be the largest ancient man made structure in Polynesia. It's a fantastic place to visit and rich in Hawaiian culture if you have the recommended 2 hours to join a guided tour, or 90 minutes to self-tour.
Pi'lanihale Heiau
Located at Kahanu Garden, Pi'ilanihale Heiau is a type of Ancient Hawaiian temple and a registered National Historic Landmark.
Kamaole Beach Park I
This is one of three beaches are located on the South Side of Maui, along Kihei. All three are great family friendly beaches with good snorkelling. There's restrooms, showers and grassy areas for picnicking, and lifeguards are on duty. Take a chair, towel or just your favourite people to share a sunset and watch for the green flash. You’ll see visitors and locals enjoying watching the sun go down together at Kam 1, 2 & 3.
La Perouse Bay
If you are the type of person who loves to explore all the way to the end of the road, then continuing south past Kihei, Wailea and Makena Beaches to La Perouse Bay could be just your kind of adventure. Towards the end of the road there are several excellent snorkelling bays and coves. The coastline is rocky here, so pick locations where there are other snorkelers, which means there are easy places to get in and out of the water. Following all the way to the very end of the road is La Perouse Bay. It is easy to see where the last active lava flow on Maui took place and reshaped the coastline one last time. With good footwear, it can be fun, though very exposed to the sun, to follow the Kings Trail through the lava fields. Take care if you plan to snorkel here as this is a very isolated area.
D.T. Fleming Beach Park
Beautiful ironwood trees provide plenty of shade for those who want to filter the sun. This beach can have great waves for bodysurfing or boogie boards but beware, it can also have a wicked shore break that wipes out many unsuspecting swimmers. You'll also find lifeguards, restrooms, showers and BBQ grills.
Makena Beach
If you want to visit the beaches that are popular with the locals, than head down to the Makena Beaches south of Wailea. Most popular is Big Beach, which has a generous sandy strip. The water is often calm enough for easy swimming, but be aware that the shore break waves can be a little dumpy, so take care getting in and out of the water. Never turn your back to the ocean! There are shady trees if you can find a prime spot. There is lifeguard service on Big Beach. Take the trail at the north end of Big Beach, to cross the headland and access Little Beach. You will find a more "free-spirited" crowd here and it's important to know this is a clothing-optional beach. Impromptu drum circles and fire-dancing often take place through dusk on Sundays.
Wailea Beach
Framed beautifully with stunning views of West Maui, Molokini, Kaho’olawe, and some swanky resort hotels, Wailea Beach has the best beachside walk. The sandy beaches and rocky coves that start here and continue south down along the coast are some of the best places to see turtles while snorkelling. Beautiful hiking boardwalks and the Shops at Wailea are a short detour. Showers, restrooms and picnic areas.
Honolua Bay
This protected turquoise bay has exceptional snorkelling and diving with an abundance of fish and coral reef formations. The shoreline is quite rocky on the north and west sides of the bay. Part of the same Marine Life Conservation District is neighbouring Mokule’ia Bay. When the ocean is calm, there is very good snorkelling around the point and into Honolua Bay. Deeper out on the headland, you’ll find one of the most popular surfing spots on the island. It’s where the Billabong Pro surfing contest is held, which you can watch from the rocky cliffs in December.
The very first capital of the unified Hawaii, under King Kamehameha the Great, was established at Lahaina. It was also the first active port serving whaling and trading ships. Having such historical significance, Lahaina has a surprising number of heritage buildings and sites, in contrast to the holiday economy of today. Being a busy and popular area, it's nice to explore Lahaina on foot, where you'll enjoy the mix of old buildings, stores and restaurants as you walk along the waterfront. Market stalls are often set up under the giant Banyan tree.
Ka'anapali Beach
A couple miles of golden sandy beaches in front of the luxury hotel row that includes the Sheraton and Hyatt hotels is Ka'anapali Beach which is ideal for families. Perfect for snorkelling, walking the boardwalks, and taking in sunset cocktails. There's also washrooms, showers, picnic areas and lifeguards. Stay late for the nightly diving ceremony and watch a diver light tiki torches along the cliff and dive off Puu Kekaa or Black Rock.
Nakalele Blowhole
Continue driving around the top of West Maui, past Honolua Bay and you will reach the popular Nakalele Blowhole. Visiting the blowhole requires walking down a 10 minute trail through the rocky environment. You can get a close view of the blowhole - but its strongly recommended to stay a a smart distance back from the hole and chamber, and is always the case in Hawaii, never turn your back to the ocean and waves. If you don't feel like the walk down to the blowhole level, you can still see it from the elevated carpark area and there are also excellent views of the sea cliffs on the wild, windward side of Maui here too.
As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Ohe'o Gulch
At the end of the Road to Hana drive lies the Oheo Gulch at Kipahulu. This is the ocean level extension of the Haleakala National Park, which spans from the summit at over 10,000 feet, down to this location at sea level. The favorite location in the gulch are the Oheo Pools, which are also known as the Seven Sacred Pools. Pools are opened and closed for swimming and wading depending on conditions, so best to check ahead. There are also short walks available, including views to the wild ocean shore that is typical at this location. This is also the location of the trailhead for the Pipiwai Trail. Since the Oheo Gulch is within the National Park you must pay for entry, or show your existing National Park Pass.
Wai'anapanapa State Park
Wai'anapanapa State Park is home to Maui's most famous black sand beach and a park that includes several excellent examples of Maui's volcanic coast. Follow the signs to explore along the beach to spot the sea arch off shore and find the blowhole. This is also a place steeped in Hawaiian legend. It's a must-stop on the tour, with reservations required for entry.
Haleakala Crater
You will be amazed at the moon-like and yet colorful rock and sand landscape that is the summit of Haleakala. When you arrive at the summit Visitor Center you'll be at 9,700 feet! There are several excellent viewpoints that allow you to see right into the enormous crater area with its numerous smaller cinder cones. If you are prepared to hike, there are excellent trails. From the visitor center, another 2 minutes of driving gets us up to the highest elevation of 10,023 feet on Red Hill. From here, the views sweep in every direction. Reservations are required to visit at sunrise, but you can visit at any other time of day without a reservation. Just remember that no matter when you're visiting you will need to pay the National Park entrance fee if don't already have a pass.
Iao Valley
The Iao Valley is blessed with usual natural beauty and an important place in Hawaiian history. It is located west of Wailuku and Kahului.
Makawao is one of the last Paniolo towns in all of Hawaii. Paniolos are the Hawaiian cowboys, taught horsemanship and cattle ranching by Mexican cowboys who were invited to come and help control the livestock that was beginning to run rampant across the island. It's fun to explore the town's galleries and eateries after visiting Haleakala.
Kepaniwai Park & Heritage Gardens
Kepaniwai Park celebrates the true ethnic diversity of Maui and Hawaii. Stroll the many buildings and gardens that celebrate the different cultures that contributed to modern Maui.
Iao Valley State Monument
The valley is the location of the photogenic Iao Needle, a granite spire remnant from the days of active volcanoes in the region. The steep walls of the valley and constant tradewinds turn the valley into a rainmaking machine and it is one of the wettest places on earth. It's well worth a visit, and rain is usually in the afternoons, and often as a downpour that will stop as quickly as it starts.
Hana Lava Tube
The Hana Lava Tube is a location where you can enter Maui's most accessible lava tube. You don't have to go all the way inside if you find caves claustrophobic - but if you are comfortable with it, its lots of fun to explore.
Kalahaku Overlook
There are several excellent viewpoints along the climb to the Haleakala summit - each one offering a different perspective of the formation, erosion and effect of the volcano. This viewpoint gives us two views - into the erosion crater, and outwards across Maui.
Papawai Scenic Lookout
Whale season on Maui lasts from November until April, when thousands of humpback whales come and winter in Hawaii - like millions of frozen mainland sun-seekers! During this time they mate and birth in the waters, especially on the protected western side of the island. After they finish in Maui, they continue on their migration path to Alaska where they focus their energies on feeding. It is possible to see whale's blowholes, fin slapping and even breaching out of the water, from practically any vantage point that has a view to the water. You can lie on your deckchair on the beach and watch them play! On the drive between Ma'alaea and Lahaina, turnoff into the Papawai Scenic Lookout (Whale Lookout Point) for excellent elevated viewing.
Twin Falls Maui
Twin Falls is usually the first location along the Road to Hana drive where you will want to get out of the car and enjoy a short hike. The falls are picturesque, you can cross the stream in many places and bamboo forest is seen along the 1.5 mile trail. There are choices about how far you want to go and what to see. Trail is frequently muddy so wear appropriate footwear. The farmstand is a great place to grab a morning tropical fruit smoothie.
Koki Beach
On the same turnoff that takes us to Hamoa Beach, we can stop and enjoy the view to the ex-cindercone that created the quirky-looking Alau Island, that sits about a quarter mile off Koki Beach. Not just a fun photo, this location is also steeped in Ancient Hawaiian legends about Pele - the Goddess of Volcanoes, and the demigod Maui.
Polo Beach
You can have good luck spotting Hawaii's famous sea turtles, or Honu, at just about any beach, but one of the best places is Polo Beach. This is the beach in front of the Fairmont Kea Lani Resort - remember the beach is a public space - everyone is welcome. Just snorkel close to the rocks at the north end of the beach.
Upper Waikani Falls
Waikani Falls is also called the 3 Bears Falls and it is one of the most popular falls on the Road to Hana because of its fun interpretation. After heavy rain, water cascades over the falls in one big, thick stream - one big bear. But when less water is flowing, it turns into 3 separate falls, one large, one medium and one small.
Ke'anae Arboretum
The Arboretum at Keanae is an easy, no-cost location where you can see a collection of tropical plants and trees. It takes less than 30 minutes to see and get pictures of the golden-stemmed bamboo, ginger, papaya and hibiscus. Continuing along the trail the follows the Piinaau Stream, leads walkers to to terraces that were created by ancient Hawaiians for taro cultivation. Perhaps the star of the show at the Arboretum is that you can get up close to the Rainbow Eucalyptus trees with its brightly colored bark, that looks too good to be true.
Pipiwai Trail
Pipiwai Trail would have to be the favorite hiking trail on the Road to Hana. It is located at the Oheo Gulch area of Kipahulu, at the end of the drive. Since it is inside Haleakala National Park, be aware that you will need to show your NPS pass for entry, or purchase one on arrival. The full hike is a 4-mile loop trail, that climbs 650 feet of elevation. This is a moderate hike, but if conditions are hot, it can feel strenuous. Part of the way along the trail, you will be rewarded with views of the Makihiku Falls. If finding the hike difficult, this is a good place to turn back. Most will continue the hike to Waimoku Falls, the highlight and furthermost point. Sections through bamboo forest are especially peaceful. Expect the hike to take 2+ hours depending on your fitness level. So as long as you arrive at the trail by 2pm, you will have lots of time to hike and then drive back.
Hamoa Beach
Yes, you have your choice of beaches on the Road to Hana, but this little crescent shaped sandy beach is timed perfectly on the drive to stretch your legs and cool off or rest under a tree. While there are public bathrooms and showers, there are no lifeguards. When conditions are calm, it's family friendly, but always keep a close eye on the younger members of your party.
Wailua Falls
There are almost countless waterfalls along the Road to Hana drive, as it winds its way through gulches and ravines along the side of the Haleakala Volcano. Beauty can be arbitrary, but for many, Wailua Falls is the most picturesque. Located between Hana and the Oheo Pools, be sure to stop and capture some classic pictures at this beautiful location.
South Maui's original resort area that sits on long stretches of sandy beach. This part of Maui often dodges afternoon rain showers that sprinkle on other parts of Maui, making it a sunseekers' paradise. Kihei runs a distance of 6 miles from one end to the other, and there are 5 beach parks located in the best swimming areas. Being on the protected side of the island, the water is essentially always calm with no more than a gentle wave except during the stormiest conditions. There are many shopping and dining areas along the strip of Kihei Road, and many more condominium properties than full resort-style hotels. Kihei enjoys beautiful sunsets and views to Molokini and Kahoolawe are superb. It's well worth spending at least a 1/2 day exploring Kihei if you are not staying on this part of the island.
Kahanu Garden
Kahanu Garden is a botanical garden located on the Hana Highway, nestled in the one of the largest native Hala (Pandanus) forests in the Islands with plant collections from the Pacific Islands. Visitors to Kahanu Garden will learn about the cultural relationships between people and these remarkable plants that were transported around the Pacific on ancient voyaging canoes. The garden is home to Pi’ilanihale Heiau, a massive lava-rock structure that is believed to be the largest ancient man made structure in Polynesia. It's a fantastic place to visit and rich in Hawaiian culture if you have the recommended 2 hours to join a guided tour, or 90 minutes to self-tour.
Pi'lanihale Heiau
Located at Kahanu Garden, Pi'ilanihale Heiau is a type of Ancient Hawaiian temple and a registered National Historic Landmark.
Kamaole Beach Park I
This is one of three beaches are located on the South Side of Maui, along Kihei. All three are great family friendly beaches with good snorkelling. There's restrooms, showers and grassy areas for picnicking, and lifeguards are on duty. Take a chair, towel or just your favourite people to share a sunset and watch for the green flash. You’ll see visitors and locals enjoying watching the sun go down together at Kam 1, 2 & 3.
La Perouse Bay
If you are the type of person who loves to explore all the way to the end of the road, then continuing south past Kihei, Wailea and Makena Beaches to La Perouse Bay could be just your kind of adventure. Towards the end of the road there are several excellent snorkelling bays and coves. The coastline is rocky here, so pick locations where there are other snorkelers, which means there are easy places to get in and out of the water. Following all the way to the very end of the road is La Perouse Bay. It is easy to see where the last active lava flow on Maui took place and reshaped the coastline one last time. With good footwear, it can be fun, though very exposed to the sun, to follow the Kings Trail through the lava fields. Take care if you plan to snorkel here as this is a very isolated area.
D.T. Fleming Beach Park
Beautiful ironwood trees provide plenty of shade for those who want to filter the sun. This beach can have great waves for bodysurfing or boogie boards but beware, it can also have a wicked shore break that wipes out many unsuspecting swimmers. You'll also find lifeguards, restrooms, showers and BBQ grills.
Makena Beach
If you want to visit the beaches that are popular with the locals, than head down to the Makena Beaches south of Wailea. Most popular is Big Beach, which has a generous sandy strip. The water is often calm enough for easy swimming, but be aware that the shore break waves can be a little dumpy, so take care getting in and out of the water. Never turn your back to the ocean! There are shady trees if you can find a prime spot. There is lifeguard service on Big Beach. Take the trail at the north end of Big Beach, to cross the headland and access Little Beach. You will find a more "free-spirited" crowd here and it's important to know this is a clothing-optional beach. Impromptu drum circles and fire-dancing often take place through dusk on Sundays.
Wailea Beach
Framed beautifully with stunning views of West Maui, Molokini, Kaho’olawe, and some swanky resort hotels, Wailea Beach has the best beachside walk. The sandy beaches and rocky coves that start here and continue south down along the coast are some of the best places to see turtles while snorkelling. Beautiful hiking boardwalks and the Shops at Wailea are a short detour. Showers, restrooms and picnic areas.
Honolua Bay
This protected turquoise bay has exceptional snorkelling and diving with an abundance of fish and coral reef formations. The shoreline is quite rocky on the north and west sides of the bay. Part of the same Marine Life Conservation District is neighbouring Mokule’ia Bay. When the ocean is calm, there is very good snorkelling around the point and into Honolua Bay. Deeper out on the headland, you’ll find one of the most popular surfing spots on the island. It’s where the Billabong Pro surfing contest is held, which you can watch from the rocky cliffs in December.
The very first capital of the unified Hawaii, under King Kamehameha the Great, was established at Lahaina. It was also the first active port serving whaling and trading ships. Having such historical significance, Lahaina has a surprising number of heritage buildings and sites, in contrast to the holiday economy of today. Being a busy and popular area, it's nice to explore Lahaina on foot, where you'll enjoy the mix of old buildings, stores and restaurants as you walk along the waterfront. Market stalls are often set up under the giant Banyan tree.
Ka'anapali Beach
A couple miles of golden sandy beaches in front of the luxury hotel row that includes the Sheraton and Hyatt hotels is Ka'anapali Beach which is ideal for families. Perfect for snorkelling, walking the boardwalks, and taking in sunset cocktails. There's also washrooms, showers, picnic areas and lifeguards. Stay late for the nightly diving ceremony and watch a diver light tiki torches along the cliff and dive off Puu Kekaa or Black Rock.
Nakalele Blowhole
Continue driving around the top of West Maui, past Honolua Bay and you will reach the popular Nakalele Blowhole. Visiting the blowhole requires walking down a 10 minute trail through the rocky environment. You can get a close view of the blowhole - but its strongly recommended to stay a a smart distance back from the hole and chamber, and is always the case in Hawaii, never turn your back to the ocean and waves. If you don't feel like the walk down to the blowhole level, you can still see it from the elevated carpark area and there are also excellent views of the sea cliffs on the wild, windward side of Maui here too.
As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Ohe'o Gulch
At the end of the Road to Hana drive lies the Oheo Gulch at Kipahulu. This is the ocean level extension of the Haleakala National Park, which spans from the summit at over 10,000 feet, down to this location at sea level. The favorite location in the gulch are the Oheo Pools, which are also known as the Seven Sacred Pools. Pools are opened and closed for swimming and wading depending on conditions, so best to check ahead. There are also short walks available, including views to the wild ocean shore that is typical at this location. This is also the location of the trailhead for the Pipiwai Trail. Since the Oheo Gulch is within the National Park you must pay for entry, or show your existing National Park Pass.
Wai'anapanapa State Park
Wai'anapanapa State Park is home to Maui's most famous black sand beach and a park that includes several excellent examples of Maui's volcanic coast. Follow the signs to explore along the beach to spot the sea arch off shore and find the blowhole. This is also a place steeped in Hawaiian legend. It's a must-stop on the tour, with reservations required for entry.
Haleakala Crater
You will be amazed at the moon-like and yet colorful rock and sand landscape that is the summit of Haleakala. When you arrive at the summit Visitor Center you'll be at 9,700 feet! There are several excellent viewpoints that allow you to see right into the enormous crater area with its numerous smaller cinder cones. If you are prepared to hike, there are excellent trails. From the visitor center, another 2 minutes of driving gets us up to the highest elevation of 10,023 feet on Red Hill. From here, the views sweep in every direction. Reservations are required to visit at sunrise, but you can visit at any other time of day without a reservation. Just remember that no matter when you're visiting you will need to pay the National Park entrance fee if don't already have a pass.
Iao Valley
The Iao Valley is blessed with usual natural beauty and an important place in Hawaiian history. It is located west of Wailuku and Kahului.
Makawao is one of the last Paniolo towns in all of Hawaii. Paniolos are the Hawaiian cowboys, taught horsemanship and cattle ranching by Mexican cowboys who were invited to come and help control the livestock that was beginning to run rampant across the island. It's fun to explore the town's galleries and eateries after visiting Haleakala.
Kepaniwai Park & Heritage Gardens
Kepaniwai Park celebrates the true ethnic diversity of Maui and Hawaii. Stroll the many buildings and gardens that celebrate the different cultures that contributed to modern Maui.
Iao Valley State Monument
The valley is the location of the photogenic Iao Needle, a granite spire remnant from the days of active volcanoes in the region. The steep walls of the valley and constant tradewinds turn the valley into a rainmaking machine and it is one of the wettest places on earth. It's well worth a visit, and rain is usually in the afternoons, and often as a downpour that will stop as quickly as it starts.
Hana Lava Tube
The Hana Lava Tube is a location where you can enter Maui's most accessible lava tube. You don't have to go all the way inside if you find caves claustrophobic - but if you are comfortable with it, its lots of fun to explore.
Kalahaku Overlook
There are several excellent viewpoints along the climb to the Haleakala summit - each one offering a different perspective of the formation, erosion and effect of the volcano. This viewpoint gives us two views - into the erosion crater, and outwards across Maui.
Papawai Scenic Lookout
Whale season on Maui lasts from November until April, when thousands of humpback whales come and winter in Hawaii - like millions of frozen mainland sun-seekers! During this time they mate and birth in the waters, especially on the protected western side of the island. After they finish in Maui, they continue on their migration path to Alaska where they focus their energies on feeding. It is possible to see whale's blowholes, fin slapping and even breaching out of the water, from practically any vantage point that has a view to the water. You can lie on your deckchair on the beach and watch them play! On the drive between Ma'alaea and Lahaina, turnoff into the Papawai Scenic Lookout (Whale Lookout Point) for excellent elevated viewing.
Twin Falls Maui
Twin Falls is usually the first location along the Road to Hana drive where you will want to get out of the car and enjoy a short hike. The falls are picturesque, you can cross the stream in many places and bamboo forest is seen along the 1.5 mile trail. There are choices about how far you want to go and what to see. Trail is frequently muddy so wear appropriate footwear. The farmstand is a great place to grab a morning tropical fruit smoothie.
Koki Beach
On the same turnoff that takes us to Hamoa Beach, we can stop and enjoy the view to the ex-cindercone that created the quirky-looking Alau Island, that sits about a quarter mile off Koki Beach. Not just a fun photo, this location is also steeped in Ancient Hawaiian legends about Pele - the Goddess of Volcanoes, and the demigod Maui.
Polo Beach
You can have good luck spotting Hawaii's famous sea turtles, or Honu, at just about any beach, but one of the best places is Polo Beach. This is the beach in front of the Fairmont Kea Lani Resort - remember the beach is a public space - everyone is welcome. Just snorkel close to the rocks at the north end of the beach.
Upper Waikani Falls
Waikani Falls is also called the 3 Bears Falls and it is one of the most popular falls on the Road to Hana because of its fun interpretation. After heavy rain, water cascades over the falls in one big, thick stream - one big bear. But when less water is flowing, it turns into 3 separate falls, one large, one medium and one small.
Ke'anae Arboretum
The Arboretum at Keanae is an easy, no-cost location where you can see a collection of tropical plants and trees. It takes less than 30 minutes to see and get pictures of the golden-stemmed bamboo, ginger, papaya and hibiscus. Continuing along the trail the follows the Piinaau Stream, leads walkers to to terraces that were created by ancient Hawaiians for taro cultivation. Perhaps the star of the show at the Arboretum is that you can get up close to the Rainbow Eucalyptus trees with its brightly colored bark, that looks too good to be true.
Pipiwai Trail
Pipiwai Trail would have to be the favorite hiking trail on the Road to Hana. It is located at the Oheo Gulch area of Kipahulu, at the end of the drive. Since it is inside Haleakala National Park, be aware that you will need to show your NPS pass for entry, or purchase one on arrival. The full hike is a 4-mile loop trail, that climbs 650 feet of elevation. This is a moderate hike, but if conditions are hot, it can feel strenuous. Part of the way along the trail, you will be rewarded with views of the Makihiku Falls. If finding the hike difficult, this is a good place to turn back. Most will continue the hike to Waimoku Falls, the highlight and furthermost point. Sections through bamboo forest are especially peaceful. Expect the hike to take 2+ hours depending on your fitness level. So as long as you arrive at the trail by 2pm, you will have lots of time to hike and then drive back.
Hamoa Beach
Yes, you have your choice of beaches on the Road to Hana, but this little crescent shaped sandy beach is timed perfectly on the drive to stretch your legs and cool off or rest under a tree. While there are public bathrooms and showers, there are no lifeguards. When conditions are calm, it's family friendly, but always keep a close eye on the younger members of your party.
Wailua Falls
There are almost countless waterfalls along the Road to Hana drive, as it winds its way through gulches and ravines along the side of the Haleakala Volcano. Beauty can be arbitrary, but for many, Wailua Falls is the most picturesque. Located between Hana and the Oheo Pools, be sure to stop and capture some classic pictures at this beautiful location.
South Maui's original resort area that sits on long stretches of sandy beach. This part of Maui often dodges afternoon rain showers that sprinkle on other parts of Maui, making it a sunseekers' paradise. Kihei runs a distance of 6 miles from one end to the other, and there are 5 beach parks located in the best swimming areas. Being on the protected side of the island, the water is essentially always calm with no more than a gentle wave except during the stormiest conditions. There are many shopping and dining areas along the strip of Kihei Road, and many more condominium properties than full resort-style hotels. Kihei enjoys beautiful sunsets and views to Molokini and Kahoolawe are superb. It's well worth spending at least a 1/2 day exploring Kihei if you are not staying on this part of the island.
Kahanu Garden
Kahanu Garden is a botanical garden located on the Hana Highway, nestled in the one of the largest native Hala (Pandanus) forests in the Islands with plant collections from the Pacific Islands. Visitors to Kahanu Garden will learn about the cultural relationships between people and these remarkable plants that were transported around the Pacific on ancient voyaging canoes. The garden is home to Pi’ilanihale Heiau, a massive lava-rock structure that is believed to be the largest ancient man made structure in Polynesia. It's a fantastic place to visit and rich in Hawaiian culture if you have the recommended 2 hours to join a guided tour, or 90 minutes to self-tour.
Pi'lanihale Heiau
Located at Kahanu Garden, Pi'ilanihale Heiau is a type of Ancient Hawaiian temple and a registered National Historic Landmark.
Kamaole Beach Park I
This is one of three beaches are located on the South Side of Maui, along Kihei. All three are great family friendly beaches with good snorkelling. There's restrooms, showers and grassy areas for picnicking, and lifeguards are on duty. Take a chair, towel or just your favourite people to share a sunset and watch for the green flash. You’ll see visitors and locals enjoying watching the sun go down together at Kam 1, 2 & 3.
La Perouse Bay
If you are the type of person who loves to explore all the way to the end of the road, then continuing south past Kihei, Wailea and Makena Beaches to La Perouse Bay could be just your kind of adventure. Towards the end of the road there are several excellent snorkelling bays and coves. The coastline is rocky here, so pick locations where there are other snorkelers, which means there are easy places to get in and out of the water. Following all the way to the very end of the road is La Perouse Bay. It is easy to see where the last active lava flow on Maui took place and reshaped the coastline one last time. With good footwear, it can be fun, though very exposed to the sun, to follow the Kings Trail through the lava fields. Take care if you plan to snorkel here as this is a very isolated area.
D.T. Fleming Beach Park
Beautiful ironwood trees provide plenty of shade for those who want to filter the sun. This beach can have great waves for bodysurfing or boogie boards but beware, it can also have a wicked shore break that wipes out many unsuspecting swimmers. You'll also find lifeguards, restrooms, showers and BBQ grills.
Makena Beach
If you want to visit the beaches that are popular with the locals, than head down to the Makena Beaches south of Wailea. Most popular is Big Beach, which has a generous sandy strip. The water is often calm enough for easy swimming, but be aware that the shore break waves can be a little dumpy, so take care getting in and out of the water. Never turn your back to the ocean! There are shady trees if you can find a prime spot. There is lifeguard service on Big Beach. Take the trail at the north end of Big Beach, to cross the headland and access Little Beach. You will find a more "free-spirited" crowd here and it's important to know this is a clothing-optional beach. Impromptu drum circles and fire-dancing often take place through dusk on Sundays.
Wailea Beach
Framed beautifully with stunning views of West Maui, Molokini, Kaho’olawe, and some swanky resort hotels, Wailea Beach has the best beachside walk. The sandy beaches and rocky coves that start here and continue south down along the coast are some of the best places to see turtles while snorkelling. Beautiful hiking boardwalks and the Shops at Wailea are a short detour. Showers, restrooms and picnic areas.
Honolua Bay
This protected turquoise bay has exceptional snorkelling and diving with an abundance of fish and coral reef formations. The shoreline is quite rocky on the north and west sides of the bay. Part of the same Marine Life Conservation District is neighbouring Mokule’ia Bay. When the ocean is calm, there is very good snorkelling around the point and into Honolua Bay. Deeper out on the headland, you’ll find one of the most popular surfing spots on the island. It’s where the Billabong Pro surfing contest is held, which you can watch from the rocky cliffs in December.
The very first capital of the unified Hawaii, under King Kamehameha the Great, was established at Lahaina. It was also the first active port serving whaling and trading ships. Having such historical significance, Lahaina has a surprising number of heritage buildings and sites, in contrast to the holiday economy of today. Being a busy and popular area, it's nice to explore Lahaina on foot, where you'll enjoy the mix of old buildings, stores and restaurants as you walk along the waterfront. Market stalls are often set up under the giant Banyan tree.
Ka'anapali Beach
A couple miles of golden sandy beaches in front of the luxury hotel row that includes the Sheraton and Hyatt hotels is Ka'anapali Beach which is ideal for families. Perfect for snorkelling, walking the boardwalks, and taking in sunset cocktails. There's also washrooms, showers, picnic areas and lifeguards. Stay late for the nightly diving ceremony and watch a diver light tiki torches along the cliff and dive off Puu Kekaa or Black Rock.
Nakalele Blowhole
Continue driving around the top of West Maui, past Honolua Bay and you will reach the popular Nakalele Blowhole. Visiting the blowhole requires walking down a 10 minute trail through the rocky environment. You can get a close view of the blowhole - but its strongly recommended to stay a a smart distance back from the hole and chamber, and is always the case in Hawaii, never turn your back to the ocean and waves. If you don't feel like the walk down to the blowhole level, you can still see it from the elevated carpark area and there are also excellent views of the sea cliffs on the wild, windward side of Maui here too.
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Ущелье Охео
В конце Пути к Хане находится ущелье Охео в Кипахулу. Это расширение национального парка Халеакала на уровне океана, которое простирается от вершины на высоте более 10 000 футов до этого места на уровне моря. Любимым местом в ущелье являются бассейны Охео, также известные как Семь священных бассейнов. Бассейны открываются и закрываются для купания и купания в зависимости от условий, поэтому лучше проверить заранее. Также доступны короткие прогулки, в том числе виды на дикий океанский берег, типичный для этого места. Это также место, где начинается тропа Пипивай. Поскольку ущелье Охео находится на территории национального парка, вы должны заплатить за вход или предъявить существующий пропуск в национальный парк.
Государственный парк Вайанапанапа
Государственный парк Вайанапанапа является домом для самого известного пляжа с черным песком на Мауи и парка, в котором есть несколько прекрасных образцов вулканического побережья Мауи. Следуйте указателям, чтобы исследовать пляж, чтобы обнаружить морскую арку у берега и найти дыхало. Это также место, пропитанное гавайскими легендами. Это обязательная остановка в туре, для входа требуется бронирование.
Кратер Халеакала
Вы будете поражены похожим на луну и в то же время красочным ландшафтом из камней и песка на вершине Халеакала. Когда вы прибудете в центр для посетителей вершины, вы окажетесь на высоте 9700 футов! Есть несколько отличных смотровых площадок, с которых вы можете заглянуть прямо в огромный кратер с его многочисленными меньшими шлаковыми конусами. Если вы готовы к походу, есть отличные тропы. От центра для посетителей еще 2 минуты езды добираются до самой высокой отметки в 10 023 фута на Красном холме. Отсюда виды разбегаются во все стороны. Для посещения на рассвете требуется бронирование, но вы можете посетить в любое другое время суток без предварительного бронирования. Просто помните, что независимо от того, когда вы посещаете, вам нужно будет заплатить за вход в национальный парк, если у вас еще нет пропуска.
Долина Иао
Долина Иао наделена обычной природной красотой и важным местом в истории Гавайев. Он расположен к западу от Вайлуку и Кахулуи.
Макавао — один из последних городов паниоло на всех Гавайях. Паниолос — гавайские ковбои, обученные верховой езде и разведению крупного рогатого скота мексиканскими ковбоями, которых пригласили приехать и помочь контролировать домашний скот, который начал свирепствовать по всему острову. После посещения Халеакала интересно исследовать городские галереи и закусочные.
Парк Кепаниваи и сады наследия
Парк Кепаниваи воспевает истинное этническое разнообразие Мауи и Гавайев. Прогуляйтесь по многочисленным зданиям и садам, посвященным различным культурам, которые внесли свой вклад в современный Мауи.
Государственный памятник долины Иао
В долине находится фотогеничная игла Иао, гранитный шпиль, оставшийся со времен действующих вулканов в этом регионе. Отвесные стены долины и постоянные пассаты превращают долину в машину по производству дождя, и это одно из самых влажных мест на земле. Это стоит посетить, и дождь обычно идет во второй половине дня, и часто в виде ливня, который останавливается так же быстро, как и начинается.
Хана Лава Трубка
Лавовая труба Хана — это место, где вы можете войти в самую доступную лавовую трубу Мауи. Вам не нужно проходить весь путь внутрь, если вы обнаружите, что пещеры вызывают клаустрофобию, но если вам это удобно, исследовать их очень весело.
Вид на Калахаку
На пути к вершине Халеакала есть несколько отличных смотровых площадок, каждая из которых предлагает разные точки зрения на формирование, эрозию и влияние вулкана. Эта точка зрения дает нам два вида - внутрь эрозионного кратера и наружу через Мауи.
Обзорная площадка Папаваи
Сезон китов на Мауи длится с ноября по апрель, когда тысячи горбатых китов приплывают и зимуют на Гавайях - как миллионы замерзших искателей солнца на материке! В это время они спариваются и рождаются в водах, особенно на защищенной западной стороне острова. После того, как они закончат на Мауи, они продолжат свой миграционный путь на Аляску, где сосредоточат свою энергию на кормлении. Увидеть дыхала кита, хлопанье плавниками и даже вырывающиеся из воды можно практически с любой точки обзора, откуда открывается вид на воду. Вы можете лежать на шезлонге на пляже и смотреть, как они играют! По дороге между Маалаи и Лахайной сверните на живописную смотровую площадку Папавай (точка наблюдения за китами), откуда открывается прекрасный вид на возвышенность.
Твин Фолс Мауи
Твин-Фолс обычно является первым местом на пути к Хане, где вы захотите выйти из машины и насладиться короткой прогулкой. Водопады живописны, во многих местах можно пересечь ручей, а вдоль 1,5-километровой тропы можно увидеть бамбуковый лес. Есть выбор о том, как далеко вы хотите пойти и что посмотреть. Тропа часто бывает грязной, поэтому носите соответствующую обувь. Ферма — отличное место, чтобы выпить утренний коктейль из тропических фруктов.
Коки Бич
На том же повороте, который ведет нас к пляжу Хамоа, мы можем остановиться и насладиться видом на бывший шлаковый конус, из которого образовался причудливый остров Алау, который находится примерно в четверти мили от пляжа Коки. Это не просто забавное фото, это место также пропитано древними гавайскими легендами о Пеле — богине вулканов и полубоге Мауи.
Поло Бич
Вам может повезти обнаружить знаменитых морских черепах Гавайев, или Хону, практически на любом пляже, но одним из лучших мест является пляж Поло. Это пляж перед отелем Fairmont Kea Lani Resort — помните, что пляж — это общественное место, здесь рады всем. Просто плавайте рядом со скалами в северной части пляжа.
Верхний водопад Вайкани
Водопад Вайкани также называют водопадом 3 медведей, и это один из самых популярных водопадов на Пути к Хане из-за его забавной интерпретации. После сильного дождя вода стекает по водопаду одним большим густым потоком — одним большим медведем. Но когда воды течет меньше, он превращается в 3 отдельных водопада, один большой, один средний и один маленький.
Дендрарий Кеанаэ
Дендрарий в Кеанае — это простое и бесплатное место, где вы можете увидеть коллекцию тропических растений и деревьев. Чтобы увидеть и сфотографировать бамбук с золотыми стеблями, имбирь, папайю и гибискус, потребуется менее 30 минут. Продолжая тропу, следует ручей Пиинау, ведущий к террасам, созданным древними гавайцами для выращивания таро. Возможно, изюминкой шоу в Дендрарии является то, что вы можете приблизиться к радужным эвкалиптам с их ярко окрашенной корой, которая выглядит слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой.
Тропа Пипивай
Тропа Пипивай должна была стать любимой пешеходной тропой на пути к Хане. Он расположен в районе ущелья Охео в Кипахулу, в конце дороги. Поскольку он находится на территории национального парка Халеакала, имейте в виду, что вам нужно будет предъявить свой пропуск NPS для входа или приобрести его по прибытии. Полный поход представляет собой кольцевую тропу длиной 4 мили, которая поднимается на высоту 650 футов. Это умеренный поход, но в жарких условиях он может показаться напряженным. Часть пути по тропе вы будете вознаграждены видом на водопад Макихику. Если поход кажется трудным, это хорошее место, чтобы повернуть назад. Большинство из них продолжит поход к водопаду Ваймоку, главной и самой дальней точке. Участки через бамбуковый лес особенно мирные. Ожидайте, что поход займет более 2 часов в зависимости от вашего уровня физической подготовки. Так что, если вы прибудете на тропу к 14:00, у вас будет много времени, чтобы прогуляться, а затем вернуться обратно.
Пляж Хамоа
Да, у вас есть выбор пляжей на пути к Хане, но этот маленький песчаный пляж в форме полумесяца идеально подходит для того, чтобы размять ноги и освежиться или отдохнуть под деревом. Хотя есть общественные туалеты и душевые, спасателей нет. Когда обстановка спокойная, это подходит для семейного отдыха, но всегда внимательно следите за младшими членами вашей группы.
Водопад Вайлуа
Вдоль дороги к Хане есть почти бесчисленное количество водопадов, поскольку она извивается через ущелья и овраги вдоль склона вулкана Халеакала. Красота может быть произвольной, но для многих водопад Вайлуа является самым живописным. Расположенный между Хана и бассейнами Охео, обязательно остановитесь и сделайте несколько классических снимков в этом прекрасном месте.
Оригинальная курортная зона Южного Мауи, расположенная на длинных песчаных пляжах. Эта часть Мауи часто избегает послеобеденных ливней, которые обрушиваются на другие части Мауи, что делает ее раем для любителей солнца. Кихеи простирается на 6 миль от одного конца до другого, и есть 5 пляжных парков, расположенных в лучших местах для купания. Находясь на защищенной стороне острова, вода в основном всегда спокойная, только легкая волна, за исключением самых штормовых условий. Вдоль полосы Kihei Road есть много магазинов и ресторанов, а кондоминиумов гораздо больше, чем полноценных курортных отелей. Кихеи наслаждается прекрасными закатами и великолепными видами на Молокини и Кахулаве. Стоит потратить хотя бы полдня на изучение Кихеи, если вы не остановились в этой части острова.
Кахану Гарден
Сад Кахану — это ботанический сад, расположенный на шоссе Хана, расположенный в одном из крупнейших местных лесов Хала (панданус) на островах с коллекциями растений с островов Тихого океана. Посетители сада Кахану узнают о культурных отношениях между людьми и этими замечательными растениями, которые перевозили по Тихому океану на древних каноэ. В саду находится Pi'ilanihale Heiau, массивное сооружение из лавовой породы, которое считается крупнейшим древним искусственным сооружением в Полинезии. Это фантастическое место для посещения и богатое гавайской культурой, если у вас есть рекомендуемые 2 часа, чтобы присоединиться к экскурсии, или 90 минут для самостоятельной экскурсии.
Пиланихале Хейау
Расположенный в саду Кахану, Pi'ilanihale Heiau является типом древнего гавайского храма и зарегистрированным национальным историческим памятником.
Камаоле Бич Парк I
Это один из трех пляжей, расположенных на южной стороне Мауи, вдоль Кихеи. Все три — отличные пляжи для семейного отдыха с хорошим сноркелингом. Есть туалеты, душевые и лужайки для пикников, дежурят спасатели. Возьмите стул, полотенце или просто ваших любимых людей, чтобы разделить закат и наблюдать за зеленой вспышкой. Вы увидите, как посетители и местные жители вместе смотрят на закат на Кам 1, 2 и 3.
Бухта Лаперуза
Если вы относитесь к тому типу людей, которые любят исследовать весь путь до конца дороги, то продолжение пути на юг мимо пляжей Кихеи, Вайлеа и Макена до залива Лаперуза может стать вашим приключением. Ближе к концу дороги есть несколько отличных заливов и бухт для сноркелинга. Береговая линия здесь каменистая, поэтому выбирайте места, где есть другие любители подводного плавания, а это значит, что есть места, где можно легко войти и выйти из воды. До самого конца дороги следует залив Лаперуза. Легко увидеть, где последний активный поток лавы на Мауи имел место и изменил береговую линию в последний раз. С хорошей обувью может быть весело, хотя и очень подвержено солнцу, следовать по Королевской тропе через лавовые поля. Будьте осторожны, если вы планируете заняться сноркелингом здесь, так как это очень изолированный район.
DT Fleming Beach Park
Красивые железные деревья обеспечивают много тени для тех, кто хочет фильтровать солнце. На этом пляже могут быть отличные волны для бодисерфинга или буги-борда, но будьте осторожны, здесь также может быть опасный разлом, который стирает с лица земли многих ничего не подозревающих пловцов. Вы также найдете спасателей, туалеты, душевые и грили для барбекю.
Макена Бич
Если вы хотите посетить популярные среди местных жителей пляжи, отправляйтесь на пляжи Макены к югу от Вайли. Наиболее популярен Большой пляж с широкой песчаной полосой. Вода часто бывает достаточно спокойной для легкого купания, но имейте в виду, что волны прибоя могут быть немного неровными, поэтому будьте осторожны, входя и выходя из воды. Никогда не поворачивайтесь спиной к океану! Есть тенистые деревья, если вы можете найти лучшее место. На Большом пляже работает спасательная служба. Пройдите по тропе в северной части Большого пляжа, чтобы пересечь мыс и добраться до Маленького пляжа. Здесь вы найдете более «свободолюбивую» толпу, и важно знать, что на этом пляже нельзя носить одежду. По воскресеньям в сумерках часто проходят импровизированные барабанные кружки и танцы на огне.
Пляж Вайлеа
Пляж Вайлеа с прекрасным видом на Западный Мауи, Молокини, Кахо'олаве и некоторые шикарные курортные отели предлагает лучшую прогулку по пляжу. Песчаные пляжи и скалистые бухты, которые начинаются здесь и продолжаются на юг вдоль побережья, являются одними из лучших мест, где можно увидеть черепах во время подводного плавания. Красивые пешеходные дорожки и магазины в Вайлеа находятся в нескольких минутах ходьбы. Душевые, туалеты и места для пикника.
Гонолуа Бэй
В этой охраняемой бирюзовой бухте можно заняться сноркелингом и дайвингом, а также обилием рыб и коралловых рифов. Береговая линия довольно скалистая на северной и западной сторонах залива. Частью того же Района сохранения морской жизни является соседний залив Мокулея. Когда океан спокоен, вокруг мыса и в заливе Гонолуа очень хорошо заниматься сноркелингом. Глубже на мысе вы найдете одно из самых популярных мест для серфинга на острове. Именно здесь проводятся соревнования по серфингу Billabong Pro, за которыми в декабре можно наблюдать со скалистых утесов.
Самая первая столица объединенных Гавайев при короле Камехамеха Великом была основана в Лахайне. Это был также первый действующий порт, обслуживающий китобойные и торговые суда. Имея такое историческое значение, Лахайна имеет удивительное количество исторических зданий и достопримечательностей, в отличие от современной курортной экономики. Будучи оживленным и популярным районом, приятно исследовать Лахайну пешком, где вы сможете насладиться сочетанием старых зданий, магазинов и ресторанов, прогуливаясь по набережной. Рыночные прилавки часто устанавливаются под гигантским баньяновым деревом.
Пляж Каанапали
В нескольких милях от золотых песчаных пляжей напротив ряда роскошных отелей, включающих отели Sheraton и Hyatt, находится пляж Каанапали, который идеально подходит для семейного отдыха. Идеально подходит для подводного плавания, прогулок по набережной и принятия коктейлей на закате. Есть также туалеты, душевые, места для пикника и спасатели. Опоздайте на ночную церемонию погружения и посмотрите, как дайвер зажигает тики-факелы вдоль скалы и ныряет с Пуу-Кекаа или Блэк-Рок.
Накалеле Дыхание
Продолжайте движение по вершине Западного Мауи, мимо залива Гонолуа, и вы доберетесь до популярного дыхала Накалеле. Чтобы посетить дыхало, нужно пройти 10-минутную тропу по каменистой местности. Вы можете получить близкое представление о дыхале, но настоятельно рекомендуется держаться на разумном расстоянии от отверстия и камеры, и это всегда так на Гавайях, никогда не поворачивайтесь спиной к океану и волнам. Если вам не хочется спускаться на уровень дыхала, вы все равно можете увидеть его с приподнятой автостоянки, а также отсюда открывается прекрасный вид на морские скалы на дикой, наветренной стороне Мауи.
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Отзывы (1)
Michael H
Sep 2022
Tour was easy to start. Directions were excellent. Narration was informative, educational and entertaining. For little money we learned so much and we’re directed to many sites we hadn’t know about. It made our trip to Maui even better than we hopped n
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Hi Michael, Thanks for choosing our audio tour for your Maui road trip. We're delighted to hear how much you learned and the places you found along the way, and hope to join you on the road again soon.

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