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Тур на гору Рашмор и Блэк-Хиллз с двухразовым питанием и музыкальным варьете

Mount Rushmore Tours - старейшая местная семейная туристическая компания в Блэк-Хиллз. Основанная в 1973 году и до сих пор принадлежащая тому же владельцу, мы широко известны как местные эксперты в области автобусных туров на гору Рашмор и Блэк-Хиллз.
Город: Рапид Сити
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $135.38
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $135.38
Что включено
This Tour package includes the Chuckwagon Supper and Show that evening.
Air-conditioned vehicle
Restroom on board
Includes the All You Can Eat cowboy breakfast in the morning.
This Tour package includes the Chuckwagon Supper and Show that evening.
Air-conditioned vehicle
Restroom on board
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Все зоны и поверхности приспособлены для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Транспорт автомобили регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Fort Hays Old West Town and Dinner Show
The tour package starts at Fort Hays Chuckwagon where you get your all you can eat cowboy breakfast. Nothing better than home made cowboy pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sausage links with a hot cup of coffee to get the day started.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
The bus departs at 9am and heads for Mount Rushmore! You will have a little over an hour to look around at your own convenience and enjoy the sites and beauty that you came to South Dakota for. We stop here first because Mount Rushmore is at it's best in the morning sun. Gutzon Borglum carved this mountain facing east towards the morning sun and intended it to be viewed this way.
Iron Mountain Road
After leaving Mount Rushmore we will travel along the Iron Mountain Road. A beautiful 17 mile road of breath taking scenery featuring 3 one lane tunnels that perfectly frame Mount Rushmore.
Custer State Park Resort
We stop for lunch inside Custer State Park at the Game Lodge and previous summer White House for president Calvin Coolidge. Try the Buffalo Stew, it's the best you will ever find!
Needles Highway
After lunch we depart for the Needles Hwy. This 14 mile scenic drive is sure to leave you breathless and awe struck at amazing beauty of the Black Hills. Sit back and enjoy the ride and watch the crowd gather around when we drive the bus through the Needles Eye Tunnel. With only inches to spare on each side of the bus you can relish in the fact that you are not the one driving.
Sylvan Lake
Take a rest stop and coffee break at the beautiful Sylvan Lake. This is among the crown jewels of Custer State Park and the beauty within it.
Crazy Horse Memorial
We spend about an hour at Crazy Horse Memorial. You are on your own to spend this time enjoying this piece of history in the making. Upon completion it will be the largest mountain carving in the world! Truly a piece of awe inspiring history being worked on every day.
Fort Hays Old West Town and Dinner Show
The tour package ends back at Fort Hays to include the Chuckwagon Supper and Live Music Show. This chuckwagon meal is sure to leave you with a full belly. The show is a Branson style variety show to include music for all ages to enjoy. Rate the best family entertainment in the Black Hills.
Fort Hays Old West Town and Dinner Show
The tour package starts at Fort Hays Chuckwagon where you get your all you can eat cowboy breakfast. Nothing better than home made cowboy pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sausage links with a hot cup of coffee to get the day started.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
The bus departs at 9am and heads for Mount Rushmore! You will have a little over an hour to look around at your own convenience and enjoy the sites and beauty that you came to South Dakota for. We stop here first because Mount Rushmore is at it's best in the morning sun. Gutzon Borglum carved this mountain facing east towards the morning sun and intended it to be viewed this way.
Iron Mountain Road
After leaving Mount Rushmore we will travel along the Iron Mountain Road. A beautiful 17 mile road of breath taking scenery featuring 3 one lane tunnels that perfectly frame Mount Rushmore.
Custer State Park Resort
We stop for lunch inside Custer State Park at the Game Lodge and previous summer White House for president Calvin Coolidge. Try the Buffalo Stew, it's the best you will ever find!
Needles Highway
After lunch we depart for the Needles Hwy. This 14 mile scenic drive is sure to leave you breathless and awe struck at amazing beauty of the Black Hills. Sit back and enjoy the ride and watch the crowd gather around when we drive the bus through the Needles Eye Tunnel. With only inches to spare on each side of the bus you can relish in the fact that you are not the one driving.
Sylvan Lake
Take a rest stop and coffee break at the beautiful Sylvan Lake. This is among the crown jewels of Custer State Park and the beauty within it.
Crazy Horse Memorial
We spend about an hour at Crazy Horse Memorial. You are on your own to spend this time enjoying this piece of history in the making. Upon completion it will be the largest mountain carving in the world! Truly a piece of awe inspiring history being worked on every day.
Fort Hays Old West Town and Dinner Show
The tour package ends back at Fort Hays to include the Chuckwagon Supper and Live Music Show. This chuckwagon meal is sure to leave you with a full belly. The show is a Branson style variety show to include music for all ages to enjoy. Rate the best family entertainment in the Black Hills.
Fort Hays Old West Town and Dinner Show
The tour package starts at Fort Hays Chuckwagon where you get your all you can eat cowboy breakfast. Nothing better than home made cowboy pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sausage links with a hot cup of coffee to get the day started.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
The bus departs at 9am and heads for Mount Rushmore! You will have a little over an hour to look around at your own convenience and enjoy the sites and beauty that you came to South Dakota for. We stop here first because Mount Rushmore is at it's best in the morning sun. Gutzon Borglum carved this mountain facing east towards the morning sun and intended it to be viewed this way.
Iron Mountain Road
After leaving Mount Rushmore we will travel along the Iron Mountain Road. A beautiful 17 mile road of breath taking scenery featuring 3 one lane tunnels that perfectly frame Mount Rushmore.
Custer State Park Resort
We stop for lunch inside Custer State Park at the Game Lodge and previous summer White House for president Calvin Coolidge. Try the Buffalo Stew, it's the best you will ever find!
Needles Highway
After lunch we depart for the Needles Hwy. This 14 mile scenic drive is sure to leave you breathless and awe struck at amazing beauty of the Black Hills. Sit back and enjoy the ride and watch the crowd gather around when we drive the bus through the Needles Eye Tunnel. With only inches to spare on each side of the bus you can relish in the fact that you are not the one driving.
Sylvan Lake
Take a rest stop and coffee break at the beautiful Sylvan Lake. This is among the crown jewels of Custer State Park and the beauty within it.
Crazy Horse Memorial
We spend about an hour at Crazy Horse Memorial. You are on your own to spend this time enjoying this piece of history in the making. Upon completion it will be the largest mountain carving in the world! Truly a piece of awe inspiring history being worked on every day.
Fort Hays Old West Town and Dinner Show
The tour package ends back at Fort Hays to include the Chuckwagon Supper and Live Music Show. This chuckwagon meal is sure to leave you with a full belly. The show is a Branson style variety show to include music for all ages to enjoy. Rate the best family entertainment in the Black Hills.
Форт-Хейс Старый Западный город и ужин-шоу
Экскурсионный пакет начинается в Форт-Хейс-Чаквагон, где вы получите все, что вы можете съесть ковбойский завтрак. Нет ничего лучше домашних ковбойских блинов, печенья с соусом, сосисок и чашки горячего кофе, чтобы начать день.
Национальный мемориал на горе Рашмор
Автобус отправляется в 9 утра и направляется к горе Рашмор! У вас будет чуть больше часа, чтобы осмотреться по своему усмотрению и насладиться достопримечательностями и красотами, ради которых вы приехали в Южную Дакоту. Сначала мы остановимся здесь, потому что гора Рашмор лучше всего выглядит на утреннем солнце. Гутзон Борглум вырезал эту гору, обращенную на восток к утреннему солнцу, и хотел, чтобы она выглядела именно так.
Железная горная дорога
Покинув гору Рашмор, мы отправимся в путь по Железной горной дороге. Красивая 17-мильная дорога с захватывающими пейзажами и тремя однополосными туннелями, которые идеально обрамляют гору Рашмор.
Кастер Стейт Парк Резорт
Мы останавливаемся на обед в государственном парке Кастер в Game Lodge, а прошлым летом в Белом доме президента Калвина Кулиджа. Попробуйте тушеное мясо Баффало, это лучшее, что вы когда-либо найдете!
Иглы шоссе
После обеда отправляемся на шоссе Нидлз. Эта 14-мильная живописная поездка обязательно оставит вас бездыханными и пораженными удивительной красотой Блэк-Хиллз. Устройтесь поудобнее и наслаждайтесь поездкой и наблюдайте, как вокруг собирается толпа, когда мы едем на автобусе через туннель Needles Eye. Имея всего несколько дюймов свободного места с каждой стороны автобуса, вы можете наслаждаться тем фактом, что вы не тот, кто за рулем.
Сильван Лейк
Сделайте остановку для отдыха и кофе-брейк на красивом озере Сильван. Это одна из жемчужин Государственного парка Кастер и красота внутри него.
Мемориал Сумасшедшей Лошади
Мы проводим около часа в Мемориале Crazy Horse. Вы сами по себе, чтобы провести это время, наслаждаясь этой частью истории в процессе создания. По завершении это будет самая большая горная резьба в мире! Поистине кусок истории, внушающий благоговейный трепет, над которым работают каждый день.
Форт-Хейс Старый Западный город и ужин-шоу
Турпакет заканчивается обратно в Форт-Хейс и включает в себя ужин Chuckwagon Supper и живое музыкальное шоу. Это блюдо из кастрюли обязательно оставит вас с полным желудком. Шоу представляет собой варьете в стиле Брэнсона, включающее музыку для всех возрастов. Оцените лучшие семейные развлечения в Черных Холмах.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (431)
Oct 2022
World's Largest Pheasant Great Place and Fantastic tour. Two places are great in south Dakota first one is Phansant statue of Huron, South Dakota and second one is Mount Rushmore. Each place is great.
Oct 2022
The driver gave very interesting comments and provided a very entertaining day. The scenery is varied and beautiful.
Oct 2022
The narrated tour was our favorite part of our entire 3 week vacation! Our driver was funny and knowledgeable and very capable of driving that big bus on the narrow, winding roads. Food was good at both breakfast and dinner and the variety show was very entertaining!

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