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Кино- и телешоу тур по Новому Орлеану

В настоящее время это единственный кинотур Нового Орлеана. Мы включили множество съемочных площадок, чтобы наши гости могли походить на своих любимых знаменитостях, узнавая правду о вольностях, которые часто допускают режиссеры.
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Sun 02 Mar
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Начинается с $30.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $30.00
Что включено
A licensed tour guide.
A licensed tour guide.
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Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников, которые не могут ходить большие расстояния.
  • Мы следуем рекомендациям по COVID-19, установленным городом Новый Орлеан.
Что ожидать
New Orleans Pharmacy Museum
We start at the LA Supreme Court building, then walk to Napoleon House. The Pharmacy Museum is our third stop, and it is the first licensed pharmacy in the United States. In just two blocks, we have true crime, a circus, and vampires!
Jackson Square
Movie and TV shows galore! Jackson Square is arguably the most historic area in the French Quarter. Well over a dozen film projects have worked in the area as well.
Voodoo Authentica
Around this area we have several more film projects, followed by the truth about Voodoo. After this, we head to a halfway stop.
Old Ursuline Convent Museum
The only pre-fire building left in New Orleans. Our "horror loop" begins here, as we will begin talking about witches and vampires.
Lalaurie Mansion
The LaLaurie Mansion is considered to be the most haunted house in New Orleans. Nicholas Cage once owned the building.
Starling Magickal Occult Shop
More film projects took place here. Plus, Homer Plessy Community School is across the street! This is a good chance to learn about early Civil Rights in New Orleans.
Madame John's Legacy
The second oldest building in the French Quarter was featured in several film projects. It burned down during the Great Fire, but was rebuilt in 1788.
Boutique du Vampyre
Another big vampire stop! with incredible histories
New Orleans Pharmacy Museum
We start at the LA Supreme Court building, then walk to Napoleon House. The Pharmacy Museum is our third stop, and it is the first licensed pharmacy in the United States. In just two blocks, we have true crime, a circus, and vampires!
Jackson Square
Movie and TV shows galore! Jackson Square is arguably the most historic area in the French Quarter. Well over a dozen film projects have worked in the area as well.
Voodoo Authentica
Around this area we have several more film projects, followed by the truth about Voodoo. After this, we head to a halfway stop.
Old Ursuline Convent Museum
The only pre-fire building left in New Orleans. Our "horror loop" begins here, as we will begin talking about witches and vampires.
Lalaurie Mansion
The LaLaurie Mansion is considered to be the most haunted house in New Orleans. Nicholas Cage once owned the building.
Starling Magickal Occult Shop
More film projects took place here. Plus, Homer Plessy Community School is across the street! This is a good chance to learn about early Civil Rights in New Orleans.
Madame John's Legacy
The second oldest building in the French Quarter was featured in several film projects. It burned down during the Great Fire, but was rebuilt in 1788.
Boutique du Vampyre
Another big vampire stop! with incredible histories
Аптечный музей Нового Орлеана
Мы начинаем у здания Верховного суда Лос-Анджелеса, затем идем к Дому Наполеона. Аптека-музей — наша третья остановка и первая лицензированная аптека в США. Всего в двух кварталах настоящий криминал, цирк и вампиры!
Кино и сериалы в изобилии! Площадь Джексона, пожалуй, самая историческая часть Французского квартала. В этом районе также работало более десятка кинопроектов.
Вуду Аутентика
В этой области у нас есть еще несколько кинопроектов, за которыми следует правда о Вуду. После этого направляемся к промежуточной остановке.
Музей старого монастыря урсулинок
Единственное допожарное здание в Новом Орлеане. Здесь начинается наша «петля ужасов», так как мы начнем говорить о ведьмах и вампирах.
Особняк Лалори
Особняк Лалори считается самым посещаемым домом с привидениями в Новом Орлеане. Николас Кейдж когда-то владел этим зданием.
Магический оккультный магазин Старлинг
Здесь проходило больше кинопроектов. Кроме того, общественная школа Гомера Плесси находится через дорогу! Это хороший шанс узнать о первых гражданских правах в Новом Орлеане.
Наследие мадам Джон
Второе по возрасту здание Французского квартала снялось в нескольких кинопроектах. Он сгорел во время Великого пожара, но был восстановлен в 1788 году.
Бутик дю Вампир
Еще одна большая остановка вампиров! с невероятными историями
Показать 21 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (3)
Nov 2022
Very informative, If you bring up a subject that isn't on the tour The guide will give you information, I asked the guide about the Axman and he knew all about him! He was there early which I liked so we started the tour early.
Nov 2022
On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, a blood moon occurred -- the perfect day to experience an interesting and informative two hours walking in the New Orleans French Quarter with Trevor of Blood Moon Tours. His Movie and TV Show Tour will show you buildings, street corners, balconies where movies and tv shows were filmed (NCIS New Orleans, Interview with the Vampire, King Creole, Live and Let Die.) There's a stop in front of the house that was once owned by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. In addition, Trevor will point out important New Orleans landmarks such as Jackson Square, Saint Louis Cathedral, Pirates' Alley, Pontalba buildings, old Ursuline Convent, Beauregard-Keyes house. Trevor has a thorough knowledge of the French Quarter and New Orleans. You'll learn a lot and have fun! Take the tour at night and maybe you'll spot a ghost drifting past a window!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
We're so glad you had a good time! A blood moon for Blood Moon Tours must be good luck.
Oct 2022
I took this tour on a nice October afternoon. As we walked to the fiming locations we passed through and received a lot of information about beautiful Jackson Square and it's history. As you can imagine, some of the sites are in the ghost/vampire area and we were able to get very interesting information about those areas too--even the Brangelina house lol. Our guide had years of experience and was able to answer all our questions about the filming locations, the haunted mansions we passed, voodoo, and more. We had a nice break in the middle where you can rest for a little while and get water, a snack, or any other kind of beverage, and a clean restroom. This tour has movies and television and a lot more -I felt like I also had a mini ghost tour and history lesson too. This tour is appropriate for anybody--couples, families, friend groups, or if you want to go solo you would feel very comfortable.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you for your kind review! With Halloween just around the corner, it felt appropriate to throw in a ghost story or two.

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