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Тур Muscle Shoals Sound Studio в Шеффилде, Алабама

В 1969 году Swampers основали Muscle Shoals Sound Studio, и в течение нескольких месяцев они привлекали к себе исполнителей хитов со всего мира, которые приезжали к ним в поисках фирменного звука, навсегда изменившего американскую музыку. Благодаря щедрости Beats Electronics легендарная студия была подлинно восстановлена. От старинного оборудования в диспетчерской наверху до оранжевого ковра в комнате для вечеринок Swampers внизу — здание выглядит точно так же, как и в те волшебные годы между 1969 и 1978 годами. Загляните в ванную, где Кит Ричардс наносил последние штрихи на Wild. Лошади или сидеть за пианино, которое Пол Саймон играл на Kodachrome.
Город: Алабама
Sat 15 Mar
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Начинается с $20.00
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $20.00
Что включено
Professionally Guided Tour
Professionally Guided Tour
Professionally Guided Tour
Professionally Guided Tour
Professionally Guided Tour
Крокетас де хамон
Дополнительная информация
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки уровни
  • Покажите ваучер Viator в качестве доказательства покупки для участия в туре
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • Парковка на территории.
  • Маски необходимы с 30 июля 2021 г.
Что ожидать
Muscle Shoals Sound Studio
The tour is of the iconic studio that produced hundreds of hit records including hits by the Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, Boz Scaggs, Paul Simon, The Staple Singers, Leon Russell, Rod Stewart, Rival Sons, Linda Rondstadt and many more. The studio is still a working studio. Merch for sale to support our operations that are managed by a 501C3 non-profit. We are requiring masks currently and limiting capacity in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
Muscle Shoals Sound Studio
The tour is of the iconic studio that produced hundreds of hit records including hits by the Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, Boz Scaggs, Paul Simon, The Staple Singers, Leon Russell, Rod Stewart, Rival Sons, Linda Rondstadt and many more. The studio is still a working studio. Merch for sale to support our operations that are managed by a 501C3 non-profit. We are requiring masks currently and limiting capacity in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
Muscle Shoals Sound Studio
The tour is of the iconic studio that produced hundreds of hit records including hits by the Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, Boz Scaggs, Paul Simon, The Staple Singers, Leon Russell, Rod Stewart, Rival Sons, Linda Rondstadt and many more. The studio is still a working studio. Merch for sale to support our operations that are managed by a 501C3 non-profit. We are requiring masks currently and limiting capacity in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
Muscle Shoals Sound Studio
The tour is of the iconic studio that produced hundreds of hit records including hits by the Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, Boz Scaggs, Paul Simon, The Staple Singers, Leon Russell, Rod Stewart, Rival Sons, Linda Rondstadt and many more. The studio is still a working studio. Merch for sale to support our operations that are managed by a 501C3 non-profit. We are requiring masks currently and limiting capacity in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
Muscle Shoals Sound Studio
The tour is of the iconic studio that produced hundreds of hit records including hits by the Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, Boz Scaggs, Paul Simon, The Staple Singers, Leon Russell, Rod Stewart, Rival Sons, Linda Rondstadt and many more. The studio is still a working studio. Merch for sale to support our operations that are managed by a 501C3 non-profit. We are requiring masks currently and limiting capacity in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
Звуковая студия Muscle Shoals
Тур посвящен культовой студии, которая выпустила сотни хитов, включая хиты Rolling Stones, Боба Сегера, Боза Скаггса, Пола Саймона, The Staple Singers, Леона Рассела, Рода Стюарта, Rival Sons, Линды Рондштадт и многих других. Студия по-прежнему является рабочей студией. Продается товар для поддержки наших операций, которыми управляет некоммерческая организация 501C3. В настоящее время мы требуем масок и ограничиваем вместимость в соответствии с государственными и федеральными правилами.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (95)
Nov 2022
Great restored sound studio. Part of music history. If you love music or grew up in the 60's and 70's listening to music you gotta take a tour. You'll recognize the musicians and the music recorded there. The price is reasonable and the tour is informative. The tour guide actually works there as an engineer and musician. We loved it. Watch the documentary about Muscle Shoals before you go if you can. A big thank you to Dr. Dre for the money to complete the restoration.👍✌
Nov 2022
I was supposed to have came here to the studio in 1977 but life happened. After all these years God blessed me in finding a woman who loves music as much as I do. We visited you on our honeymoon. Thank you for your hospitality and in making a longtime dream come true. Phillip & Karen Andrews
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Congrats on your marriage! We are delighted you came to visit us and realized a long held dream! We love the magic of that. Hope to see you again soon!
Nov 2022
Awesome. Our tour guide was so knowledgeable and fun. I would love to return someday. Outstanding history!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for the kind words! Our guides are passionate about the music and our stories! Hope to see you again soon!

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