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Неаполь, Флорида, тур по мангровым лесам на байдарках

В самом сердце шумного города Неаполя вас ждет другой мир. Встречайте птиц в их естественной среде обитания, скользя по красивым величественным мангровым зарослям и заводям юго-западной Флориды. Этот тур отправляется из нескольких разных мест в зависимости от погодных условий, приливов, ветра и, в зависимости от места, вы можете увидеть разные растения и диких животных. Не умеете грести? Нет проблем, наш гид даст вам короткий урок, а затем вы отправитесь исследовать невероятные заводи юго-западной Флориды.
Город: Неаполь
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $60.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $60.00
Что включено
life vest
paddle board
Маска и дезинфицирующее средство
2 часа с удаленным интерактивным гидом
Дополнительная информация
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • купальники или что-то, что не жалко намочить
  • защита от солнца
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Отзывы (3)
Mar 2021
Rained out which is understandable since cannot conte the weather. What concerns us is there is no refund to date and may have to fight with cal y to get it. We are from out of town and planned this during our vacation. We booked for Thursday and return home on Friday. So no rescheduling. Hopefully the company will do the right thing and refund the money.
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2021
WOW 😳. First of all we offerrd you the refund ,we work with a third party company which you booked the tour with and we got in touch with the company to get your money back as we do not get that money for quite a while,the company will give you your money within three to five days which is not fighting for your money patience is a virtue ,we did not reschedule because you said you were leaving. You write a review about fighting for your money back when I offered the refund straight away ,if you need your money back within five minutes,book through us next time and you will get your money quicker as I said before when you book through third party the third party give your money back not us ,unbelievable
Mar 2020
This was so fun! We met them at the back of the Naples Zoo, and got right onto the paddle boards. They were friendly, fun, and the river was absolutely beautiful. I would definitely recommend to anyone traveling solo, with a significant other, or with family.
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2020
Thank you hope to see you soon Enrique
Mar 2019
We were new to SUP and booked this tour to try it out. Enrique was our guide and was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. The bay tour is beautiful and lasts two hours. Unfortunately we didn't get too lucky with seeing wildlife, but there is definitely a lot of opportunity. The one suggestion we have is that we received two conflicting pieces of information via email the day before our tour. One email said to meet at one spot and the other email said to meet at another spot, 25 minutes away! Luckily we called to clarify and made it to the correct meeting area but it could have been cause for us to miss the whole trip.

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