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Экскурсия по космическому центру НАСА с транспортом

Космический центр Хьюстона, официальный центр для посетителей Космического центра Джонсона НАСА, является достопримечательностью Хьюстона № 1 для иностранных посетителей и первым филиалом Смитсоновского института в районе Большого Хьюстона.
Город: Хьюстон
Fri 20 Sep
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Начинается с $72.00
Fri 20 Sep
Начинается с $72.00
Что включено
Round-trip Transportation to the Space Center
Adminiton to the Space Center
3 hours at the Space Center
The company do not provide guided tour at the Naca center, you will explore on your own
Read before you book.
Round-trip Transportation to the Space Center
Adminiton to the Space Center
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
  • Рядом есть остановки общественного транспорта.
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Space Center Houston, the Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space Center, is Houston’s No. 1 attraction for international visitors and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in the greater Houston area. Discover the exciting future and remarkable past of America’s human spaceflight program set among the largest collection of space artifacts in the southwestern United States. There is always something new to see and do. With more than 400 space artifacts including flown spacecraft, the largest collection of moon rocks on public display and at multiple major seasonal exhibits a year, Space Center Houston offers an array of exciting attractions for people of all ages.
Explore the red planet during your next visit in our new Mission Mars exhibit. Experience a virtual Martian sunset, climb into a simulated Orion capsule and feel the texture of rock cliffs inspired by the red planet in our brand-new interactive exhibit. Discover what it takes to travel to Mars, what hardware will get us to the fourth planet in our solar system and how humans may live on the red planet in the next few decades. A must-see is the international landmark Independence Plaza presented by Boeing. It is the only shuttle replica mounted on a shuttle carrier aircraft, and the only place where visitors can enter both vehicles. The eight-story, multiple-exhibit complex gives visitors a rare glimpse into the historic shuttle era and the NASA breakthroughs and technological advances gained from the Space Shuttle Program which impacted future exploration.
Don’t miss Space Center Houston’s most popular attraction, the NASA Tram Tour. This is your chance to go on site at NASA Johnson Space Center and get a behind-the-scenes look at human space exploration. Explore Rocket Park, where one of only three of the remaining actual Saturn V rockets is displayed. Visit Historic Mission Control from which NASA led Gemini and Apollo missions, including the first lunar landing. Discover the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility where NASA astronauts train and where scientists are developing the next generation of space exploration vehicles.The nonprofit Space Center Houston draws more than 200,000 teachers and students from around the world annually to take part in its extraordinary learning opportunities. Students train underwater like an astronaut and discover space science through immersive, hands-on activities in year-round educational programs like Space Center University.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston, the Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space Center, is Houston’s No. 1 attraction for international visitors and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in the greater Houston area.
Space Center Houston, the Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space Center, is Houston’s No. 1 attraction for international visitors and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in the greater Houston area. Discover the exciting future and remarkable past of America’s human spaceflight program set among the largest collection of space artifacts in the southwestern United States. There is always something new to see and do. With more than 400 space artifacts including flown spacecraft, the largest collection of moon rocks on public display and at multiple major seasonal exhibits a year, Space Center Houston offers an array of exciting attractions for people of all ages.
Explore the red planet during your next visit in our new Mission Mars exhibit. Experience a virtual Martian sunset, climb into a simulated Orion capsule and feel the texture of rock cliffs inspired by the red planet in our brand-new interactive exhibit. Discover what it takes to travel to Mars, what hardware will get us to the fourth planet in our solar system and how humans may live on the red planet in the next few decades. A must-see is the international landmark Independence Plaza presented by Boeing. It is the only shuttle replica mounted on a shuttle carrier aircraft, and the only place where visitors can enter both vehicles. The eight-story, multiple-exhibit complex gives visitors a rare glimpse into the historic shuttle era and the NASA breakthroughs and technological advances gained from the Space Shuttle Program which impacted future exploration.
Don’t miss Space Center Houston’s most popular attraction, the NASA Tram Tour. This is your chance to go on site at NASA Johnson Space Center and get a behind-the-scenes look at human space exploration. Explore Rocket Park, where one of only three of the remaining actual Saturn V rockets is displayed. Visit Historic Mission Control from which NASA led Gemini and Apollo missions, including the first lunar landing. Discover the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility where NASA astronauts train and where scientists are developing the next generation of space exploration vehicles.The nonprofit Space Center Houston draws more than 200,000 teachers and students from around the world annually to take part in its extraordinary learning opportunities. Students train underwater like an astronaut and discover space science through immersive, hands-on activities in year-round educational programs like Space Center University.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston, the Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space Center, is Houston’s No. 1 attraction for international visitors and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in the greater Houston area.
Space Center Houston, the Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space Center, is Houston’s No. 1 attraction for international visitors and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in the greater Houston area. Discover the exciting future and remarkable past of America’s human spaceflight program set among the largest collection of space artifacts in the southwestern United States. There is always something new to see and do. With more than 400 space artifacts including flown spacecraft, the largest collection of moon rocks on public display and at multiple major seasonal exhibits a year, Space Center Houston offers an array of exciting attractions for people of all ages.
Explore the red planet during your next visit in our new Mission Mars exhibit. Experience a virtual Martian sunset, climb into a simulated Orion capsule and feel the texture of rock cliffs inspired by the red planet in our brand-new interactive exhibit. Discover what it takes to travel to Mars, what hardware will get us to the fourth planet in our solar system and how humans may live on the red planet in the next few decades. A must-see is the international landmark Independence Plaza presented by Boeing. It is the only shuttle replica mounted on a shuttle carrier aircraft, and the only place where visitors can enter both vehicles. The eight-story, multiple-exhibit complex gives visitors a rare glimpse into the historic shuttle era and the NASA breakthroughs and technological advances gained from the Space Shuttle Program which impacted future exploration.
Don’t miss Space Center Houston’s most popular attraction, the NASA Tram Tour. This is your chance to go on site at NASA Johnson Space Center and get a behind-the-scenes look at human space exploration. Explore Rocket Park, where one of only three of the remaining actual Saturn V rockets is displayed. Visit Historic Mission Control from which NASA led Gemini and Apollo missions, including the first lunar landing. Discover the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility where NASA astronauts train and where scientists are developing the next generation of space exploration vehicles.The nonprofit Space Center Houston draws more than 200,000 teachers and students from around the world annually to take part in its extraordinary learning opportunities. Students train underwater like an astronaut and discover space science through immersive, hands-on activities in year-round educational programs like Space Center University.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston, the Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space Center, is Houston’s No. 1 attraction for international visitors and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in the greater Houston area.
Space Center Houston, the Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space Center, is Houston’s No. 1 attraction for international visitors and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in the greater Houston area. Discover the exciting future and remarkable past of America’s human spaceflight program set among the largest collection of space artifacts in the southwestern United States. There is always something new to see and do. With more than 400 space artifacts including flown spacecraft, the largest collection of moon rocks on public display and at multiple major seasonal exhibits a year, Space Center Houston offers an array of exciting attractions for people of all ages.
Explore the red planet during your next visit in our new Mission Mars exhibit. Experience a virtual Martian sunset, climb into a simulated Orion capsule and feel the texture of rock cliffs inspired by the red planet in our brand-new interactive exhibit. Discover what it takes to travel to Mars, what hardware will get us to the fourth planet in our solar system and how humans may live on the red planet in the next few decades. A must-see is the international landmark Independence Plaza presented by Boeing. It is the only shuttle replica mounted on a shuttle carrier aircraft, and the only place where visitors can enter both vehicles. The eight-story, multiple-exhibit complex gives visitors a rare glimpse into the historic shuttle era and the NASA breakthroughs and technological advances gained from the Space Shuttle Program which impacted future exploration.
Don’t miss Space Center Houston’s most popular attraction, the NASA Tram Tour. This is your chance to go on site at NASA Johnson Space Center and get a behind-the-scenes look at human space exploration. Explore Rocket Park, where one of only three of the remaining actual Saturn V rockets is displayed. Visit Historic Mission Control from which NASA led Gemini and Apollo missions, including the first lunar landing. Discover the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility where NASA astronauts train and where scientists are developing the next generation of space exploration vehicles.The nonprofit Space Center Houston draws more than 200,000 teachers and students from around the world annually to take part in its extraordinary learning opportunities. Students train underwater like an astronaut and discover space science through immersive, hands-on activities in year-round educational programs like Space Center University.
Space Center Houston
Space Center Houston, the Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space Center, is Houston’s No. 1 attraction for international visitors and the first Smithsonian Affiliate in the greater Houston area.
Космический центр Хьюстона, официальный центр для посетителей Космического центра Джонсона НАСА, является достопримечательностью Хьюстона № 1 для иностранных посетителей и первым филиалом Смитсоновского института в районе Большого Хьюстона. Откройте для себя захватывающее будущее и замечательное прошлое американской программы пилотируемых космических полетов среди крупнейшей коллекции космических артефактов на юго-западе Соединенных Штатов. Всегда есть что-то новое, чтобы увидеть и сделать. С более чем 400 космическими артефактами, включая летающие космические корабли, самой большой коллекцией лунных камней, выставленной на всеобщее обозрение, и несколькими крупными сезонными выставками в год, Космический центр Хьюстона предлагает множество захватывающих аттракционов для людей всех возрастов.
Исследуйте красную планету во время вашего следующего визита на нашу новую выставку «Миссия Марс». Насладитесь виртуальным марсианским закатом, заберитесь в имитацию капсулы Ориона и почувствуйте текстуру каменных утесов, вдохновленных красной планетой, на нашей новой интерактивной выставке. Узнайте, что нужно для путешествия на Марс, какое оборудование доставит нас на четвертую планету в нашей солнечной системе и как люди могут жить на красной планете в ближайшие несколько десятилетий. Обязательно посетите международную достопримечательность Independence Plaza, представленную Boeing. Это единственная копия шаттла, установленная на самолете-носителе, и единственное место, куда посетители могут сесть в оба автомобиля. Восьмиэтажный комплекс с несколькими выставками дает посетителям редкий взгляд на историческую эпоху шаттлов, а также на прорывы НАСА и технологические достижения, полученные в рамках программы космических шаттлов, которые повлияли на будущие исследования.
Не пропустите самую популярную достопримечательность Космического центра Хьюстона — трамвайный тур НАСА. Это ваш шанс посетить космический центр НАСА имени Джонсона и заглянуть за кулисы исследования космоса человеком. Исследуйте Ракетный парк, где выставлена ​​одна из трех оставшихся реальных ракет Saturn V. Посетите исторический центр управления полетами, из которого НАСА руководило миссиями Gemini и Apollo, включая первую посадку на Луну. Откройте для себя Центр макетов космических аппаратов, где астронавты НАСА тренируются и где ученые разрабатывают космические аппараты нового поколения. Некоммерческий космический центр Хьюстона ежегодно привлекает более 200 000 преподавателей и студентов со всего мира, чтобы принять участие в своих невероятных возможностях обучения. Учащиеся тренируются под водой, как астронавты, и открывают для себя космическую науку посредством захватывающих практических занятий в круглогодичных образовательных программах, таких как Университет Космического центра.
Космический центр Хьюстона
Космический центр Хьюстона, официальный центр для посетителей Космического центра Джонсона НАСА, является достопримечательностью Хьюстона № 1 для иностранных посетителей и первым филиалом Смитсоновского института в районе Большого Хьюстона.
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Отзывы (5)
Lena B
Dec 2021
Loved this tour with Alex who was a delightful as a tour guide.. Nasa center was Amazing. Looking forward to come back and take more tours with this company.?
Ron I
Jul 2021
We decided to take a tour of the NASA SPACE CENTER here in Houston through Fun Dallas Tours and we’re sooo glad we did. We could have just went there but the money spent was well worth it. It was like touring with your best friend. We learn a lot of things which we never knew before. Alex which was our driver and owner of the company was awesome. From start to finish! He was also kind to us … as in not leaving for going over unintentionally on the time. We were glad we got to know him! Part 2: During the tour of the NASA SPACE CENTER we learned again so much information that it actually took longer than what we had planned. Their was so much more we didn’t know versus what we did now… and we didn’t get to take it all in but next time we will. A big shout out to “Walter” a former engineer of NASA back in the 1960s. Walter explained a lot of things to us by the way who is now a volunteer tour guide in the big white building. I hope I have his name right but it made sense of what we were seeing and how things worked and why there are 3 astronauts usually on board. Everything made more sense afterwards which made it a better experience for us.
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2021
Dear guest ,thank you so much for your kind words in regards to your tour in Houston and day with Alex!Your business and gratitude are what help us grow ,gain humility in all we do . Wonderful guests such as yourself make it all worth while . Please feel free to reach out on your next trip to Texas, Houston-D/FW!!Take care and be well.Thank you again...

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