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Комбинированный тур по Нэшвиллу: осмотр достопримечательностей, фрески и пивоварня

Это новый и уникальный опыт. Если вы заинтересованы в том, чтобы увидеть и сделать больше, чем просто обзорная экскурсия или экскурсия по стенам, это новый и уникальный опыт! Во время этой 3-часовой экскурсии вы проведете время, осматривая достопримечательности, посещая фрески и посещая пивоварню или две или даже винокурню! Мы хотим, чтобы выбор был за вами. Этот индивидуальный тур в основном состоит из 1 часа каждого из этих типов туров: знакомство с городом Нэшвилл, тур по фрескам /инста и тур по пивоварне /винокурне. Это ваш шанс сделать и увидеть больше, не участвуя в трех отдельных турах!
Город: Нэшвилл
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $109.68
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $109.68
Что включено
1-Hour Nashville Mural & Instagram Tour
Nashville 3-in-1 Combo Tour by Golf Cart
Have the chance to experience a little bit of everything with this unique 3-in-1 combo tour
1-Hour Brewery & Distillery Tour
1-hour Nashville Sightseeing Tour
1-Hour Nashville Mural & Instagram Tour
Nashville 3-in-1 Combo Tour by Golf Cart
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Наши туры проводятся в дождь или солнце, жарко или холодно. Пожалуйста, одевайтесь по погоде!
Что ожидать
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park
Here you will learn about Tennessee, our counties, our flag, the music of the state and much much more!
Downtown Nashville
Here you will learn about Nashville's beginning and how we grew into the wonderful city we are today. Also, have the opportunity to see places you can visit while in town, where to eat, where to hang out and much more!
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
See a major attraction here in Nashville. What better way to learn about Nashville's music history. Step into the world of the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Corsair Distillery & Taproom
Looking for a local distillery with lots of unique choices and flavors... this is a must-do!
Tennessee Legend Distillery
Sample some of Tennessee's own moonshine, vodka, whiskey, and much more! TN Legend has some amazing flavors that pair well with almost anything!
Tennessee State Capitol
In case you didn't know, Nashville is the capital of Tennessee. Get a chance to see the capitol building and learn about it! It really is an amazing building with a tremendous amount of history!
Losers Bar and Grill-Nashville
Only one of the best bars in Nashville. This is where the locals hang out.......never know who you will see here!
Ryman Auditorium
The Mother Church of Country Music!
Antique Archaeology
Get a chance to visit the Nashville home of the TV show American Pickers!
Tootsies Orchid Lounge
Pass by Tootsie's and all the other world famous honky tonks on Broadway!
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park
Here you will learn about Tennessee, our counties, our flag, the music of the state and much much more!
Downtown Nashville
Here you will learn about Nashville's beginning and how we grew into the wonderful city we are today. Also, have the opportunity to see places you can visit while in town, where to eat, where to hang out and much more!
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
See a major attraction here in Nashville. What better way to learn about Nashville's music history. Step into the world of the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Corsair Distillery & Taproom
Looking for a local distillery with lots of unique choices and flavors... this is a must-do!
Tennessee Legend Distillery
Sample some of Tennessee's own moonshine, vodka, whiskey, and much more! TN Legend has some amazing flavors that pair well with almost anything!
Tennessee State Capitol
In case you didn't know, Nashville is the capital of Tennessee. Get a chance to see the capitol building and learn about it! It really is an amazing building with a tremendous amount of history!
Losers Bar and Grill-Nashville
Only one of the best bars in Nashville. This is where the locals hang out.......never know who you will see here!
Ryman Auditorium
The Mother Church of Country Music!
Antique Archaeology
Get a chance to visit the Nashville home of the TV show American Pickers!
Tootsies Orchid Lounge
Pass by Tootsie's and all the other world famous honky tonks on Broadway!
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park
Here you will learn about Tennessee, our counties, our flag, the music of the state and much much more!
Downtown Nashville
Here you will learn about Nashville's beginning and how we grew into the wonderful city we are today. Also, have the opportunity to see places you can visit while in town, where to eat, where to hang out and much more!
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
See a major attraction here in Nashville. What better way to learn about Nashville's music history. Step into the world of the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Corsair Distillery & Taproom
Looking for a local distillery with lots of unique choices and flavors... this is a must-do!
Tennessee Legend Distillery
Sample some of Tennessee's own moonshine, vodka, whiskey, and much more! TN Legend has some amazing flavors that pair well with almost anything!
Tennessee State Capitol
In case you didn't know, Nashville is the capital of Tennessee. Get a chance to see the capitol building and learn about it! It really is an amazing building with a tremendous amount of history!
Losers Bar and Grill-Nashville
Only one of the best bars in Nashville. This is where the locals hang out.......never know who you will see here!
Ryman Auditorium
The Mother Church of Country Music!
Antique Archaeology
Get a chance to visit the Nashville home of the TV show American Pickers!
Tootsies Orchid Lounge
Pass by Tootsie's and all the other world famous honky tonks on Broadway!
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park
Here you will learn about Tennessee, our counties, our flag, the music of the state and much much more!
Downtown Nashville
Here you will learn about Nashville's beginning and how we grew into the wonderful city we are today. Also, have the opportunity to see places you can visit while in town, where to eat, where to hang out and much more!
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
See a major attraction here in Nashville. What better way to learn about Nashville's music history. Step into the world of the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Corsair Distillery & Taproom
Looking for a local distillery with lots of unique choices and flavors... this is a must-do!
Tennessee Legend Distillery
Sample some of Tennessee's own moonshine, vodka, whiskey, and much more! TN Legend has some amazing flavors that pair well with almost anything!
Tennessee State Capitol
In case you didn't know, Nashville is the capital of Tennessee. Get a chance to see the capitol building and learn about it! It really is an amazing building with a tremendous amount of history!
Losers Bar and Grill-Nashville
Only one of the best bars in Nashville. This is where the locals hang out.......never know who you will see here!
Ryman Auditorium
The Mother Church of Country Music!
Antique Archaeology
Get a chance to visit the Nashville home of the TV show American Pickers!
Tootsies Orchid Lounge
Pass by Tootsie's and all the other world famous honky tonks on Broadway!
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park
Here you will learn about Tennessee, our counties, our flag, the music of the state and much much more!
Downtown Nashville
Here you will learn about Nashville's beginning and how we grew into the wonderful city we are today. Also, have the opportunity to see places you can visit while in town, where to eat, where to hang out and much more!
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
See a major attraction here in Nashville. What better way to learn about Nashville's music history. Step into the world of the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Corsair Distillery & Taproom
Looking for a local distillery with lots of unique choices and flavors... this is a must-do!
Tennessee Legend Distillery
Sample some of Tennessee's own moonshine, vodka, whiskey, and much more! TN Legend has some amazing flavors that pair well with almost anything!
Tennessee State Capitol
In case you didn't know, Nashville is the capital of Tennessee. Get a chance to see the capitol building and learn about it! It really is an amazing building with a tremendous amount of history!
Losers Bar and Grill-Nashville
Only one of the best bars in Nashville. This is where the locals hang out.......never know who you will see here!
Ryman Auditorium
The Mother Church of Country Music!
Antique Archaeology
Get a chance to visit the Nashville home of the TV show American Pickers!
Tootsies Orchid Lounge
Pass by Tootsie's and all the other world famous honky tonks on Broadway!
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park
Here you will learn about Tennessee, our counties, our flag, the music of the state and much much more!
Downtown Nashville
Here you will learn about Nashville's beginning and how we grew into the wonderful city we are today. Also, have the opportunity to see places you can visit while in town, where to eat, where to hang out and much more!
Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum
See a major attraction here in Nashville. What better way to learn about Nashville's music history. Step into the world of the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Corsair Distillery & Taproom
Looking for a local distillery with lots of unique choices and flavors... this is a must-do!
Tennessee Legend Distillery
Sample some of Tennessee's own moonshine, vodka, whiskey, and much more! TN Legend has some amazing flavors that pair well with almost anything!
Tennessee State Capitol
In case you didn't know, Nashville is the capital of Tennessee. Get a chance to see the capitol building and learn about it! It really is an amazing building with a tremendous amount of history!
Losers Bar and Grill-Nashville
Only one of the best bars in Nashville. This is where the locals hang out.......never know who you will see here!
Ryman Auditorium
The Mother Church of Country Music!
Antique Archaeology
Get a chance to visit the Nashville home of the TV show American Pickers!
Tootsies Orchid Lounge
Pass by Tootsie's and all the other world famous honky tonks on Broadway!
Государственный парк Bicentennial Capitol Mall
Здесь вы узнаете о Теннесси, наших округах, нашем флаге, музыке штата и многом другом!
Центр города Нэшвилл
Здесь вы узнаете о зарождении Нэшвилла и о том, как мы превратились в замечательный город, которым мы являемся сегодня. Кроме того, у вас есть возможность увидеть места, которые вы можете посетить, находясь в городе, где поесть, где потусоваться и многое другое!
Зал славы и музей кантри-музыки
См. главную достопримечательность здесь, в Нэшвилле. Какой лучший способ узнать об истории музыки Нэшвилла. Шагните в мир Зала славы музыки кантри.
Corsair Distillery & Taproom
Ищете местный ликероводочный завод с множеством уникальных вариантов и вкусов... это обязательно!
Винокурня Legend Legend в Теннесси
Попробуйте собственный самогон, водку, виски и многое другое из Теннесси! У TN Legend есть несколько удивительных вкусов, которые хорошо сочетаются практически со всем!
Капитолий штата Теннесси
Если вы не знали, Нэшвилл — столица штата Теннесси. Получите шанс увидеть здание Капитолия и узнать о нем! Это действительно удивительное здание с огромной историей!
Неудачники Bar and Grill-Нэшвилл
Только один из лучших баров в Нэшвилле. Здесь тусуются местные жители....... никогда не знаешь, кого ты здесь увидишь!
Райман Аудиториум
Мать-Церковь музыки кантри!
Античная археология
Получите шанс посетить дом в Нэшвилле телешоу American Pickers!
Тутси Орхидея Лаунж
Пройдите мимо Тутси и всех других всемирно известных хонки-тонков на Бродвее!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (368)
Dec 2022
Saucey Sallie knows Nashville. My husband and I had a great tour and great time. The tour was everything I expected and Sallie is very knowledgeable and willing to stop where and when you ask! It was a chilly cloudy day and what could be more fun than tooling around Nashville with a guide that makes you laugh and knows her city. It’s the best way to see everything and then decide what you want to see more of. Book now! If it’s cold, December, day dress warm and being ear muffs as your ears will need to be warm as you’re whipping around corners.
Dec 2022
The trip was excellent and very informative and our tour guide Swade was knowledgeable, funny, considerate and helpful
Dec 2022
We had a great time. Our tour guide Landon was a lot of fun. He taught us a bunch about Nashville. Showed us many places we never would've found without him. The distillery tasting was cool. Tasted things I wouldn't typically try.

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