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Нэшвилл Вечерний троллейбусный тур

Познакомьтесь с истинным сердцем Нэшвилла на борту нашего ночного тура Soul of Music City — Nashville’s Night Tour! Под руководством талантливого гида вы отправитесь в захватывающее путешествие, чтобы исследовать различные музыкальные жанры, которые были в Music City на протяжении многих лет. Откройте для себя инсайдерские истории и интригующие факты о людях, местах и ​​событиях, создавших культовую репутацию города, от городских хонки-тонков до его знаменитых музыкальных площадок. Это вечер, наполненный музыкой, историей и весельем, а также крупным планом некоторых из самых легендарных мест города.
Город: Нэшвилл
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $46.93
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $46.93
Что включено
Night Tour
Night Tour
Night Tour
Night Tour
Night Tour
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Night Tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Продолжительность тура может варьироваться в зависимости от дорожных условий или пробок.
  • Пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом, так как ночью может быть прохладно.
  • li>
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок, пожалуйста, сообщите оператору по крайней мере за 24 часа, если вам нужна помощь, связавшись с местным офисом. Обратите внимание, что значительная часть этого тура проходит в недоступных исторических районах.
  • Дети до 3 лет бесплатно и должны сидеть на коленях
  • Алкогольные напитки не допускаются на тележке.
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Регулярная дезинфекция транспортных средств
Что ожидать
Ole Smoky Distillery & Yee-Haw Brewery
We begin and end the tour here. The leading craft distiller of Moonshine and home of the world’s most visited distillery has expanded their presence in Tennessee by joining forces with Yee Haw Brewing Company, one of Tennessee’s top craft breweries, to collectively open a complex in Nashville’s burgeoning area of SoBro. 6th & Peabody will feature a distillery, brewery, bars, tasting areas, beer & bottle shops, merchandise, big screen TVs and live entertainment. Visitors enjoy moonshine, cocktails, and beer by the glass, food, as well as purchase jars of moonshine and bottled beer for enjoyment at home. Spend as much time here before and after the tour as you wish.
Ryman Auditorium
The Ryman Auditorium
Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum
The Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville honors all musicians regardless of genre or instrument. The MHOF timeline starts with the beginning of recorded music and inductees are nominated by current members of the American Federation of Musicians and by other music industry professionals.
Music Row
Music Row
Ole Smoky Distillery & Yee-Haw Brewery
We begin and end the tour here. The leading craft distiller of Moonshine and home of the world’s most visited distillery has expanded their presence in Tennessee by joining forces with Yee Haw Brewing Company, one of Tennessee’s top craft breweries, to collectively open a complex in Nashville’s burgeoning area of SoBro. 6th & Peabody will feature a distillery, brewery, bars, tasting areas, beer & bottle shops, merchandise, big screen TVs and live entertainment. Visitors enjoy moonshine, cocktails, and beer by the glass, food, as well as purchase jars of moonshine and bottled beer for enjoyment at home. Spend as much time here before and after the tour as you wish.
Ryman Auditorium
The Ryman Auditorium
Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum
The Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville honors all musicians regardless of genre or instrument. The MHOF timeline starts with the beginning of recorded music and inductees are nominated by current members of the American Federation of Musicians and by other music industry professionals.
Music Row
Music Row
Ole Smoky Distillery & Yee-Haw Brewery
We begin and end the tour here. The leading craft distiller of Moonshine and home of the world’s most visited distillery has expanded their presence in Tennessee by joining forces with Yee Haw Brewing Company, one of Tennessee’s top craft breweries, to collectively open a complex in Nashville’s burgeoning area of SoBro. 6th & Peabody will feature a distillery, brewery, bars, tasting areas, beer & bottle shops, merchandise, big screen TVs and live entertainment. Visitors enjoy moonshine, cocktails, and beer by the glass, food, as well as purchase jars of moonshine and bottled beer for enjoyment at home. Spend as much time here before and after the tour as you wish.
Ryman Auditorium
The Ryman Auditorium
Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum
The Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville honors all musicians regardless of genre or instrument. The MHOF timeline starts with the beginning of recorded music and inductees are nominated by current members of the American Federation of Musicians and by other music industry professionals.
Music Row
Music Row
Ole Smoky Distillery & Yee-Haw Brewery
We begin and end the tour here. The leading craft distiller of Moonshine and home of the world’s most visited distillery has expanded their presence in Tennessee by joining forces with Yee Haw Brewing Company, one of Tennessee’s top craft breweries, to collectively open a complex in Nashville’s burgeoning area of SoBro. 6th & Peabody will feature a distillery, brewery, bars, tasting areas, beer & bottle shops, merchandise, big screen TVs and live entertainment. Visitors enjoy moonshine, cocktails, and beer by the glass, food, as well as purchase jars of moonshine and bottled beer for enjoyment at home. Spend as much time here before and after the tour as you wish.
Ryman Auditorium
The Ryman Auditorium
Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum
The Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville honors all musicians regardless of genre or instrument. The MHOF timeline starts with the beginning of recorded music and inductees are nominated by current members of the American Federation of Musicians and by other music industry professionals.
Music Row
Music Row
Ole Smoky Distillery & Yee-Haw Brewery
We begin and end the tour here. The leading craft distiller of Moonshine and home of the world’s most visited distillery has expanded their presence in Tennessee by joining forces with Yee Haw Brewing Company, one of Tennessee’s top craft breweries, to collectively open a complex in Nashville’s burgeoning area of SoBro. 6th & Peabody will feature a distillery, brewery, bars, tasting areas, beer & bottle shops, merchandise, big screen TVs and live entertainment. Visitors enjoy moonshine, cocktails, and beer by the glass, food, as well as purchase jars of moonshine and bottled beer for enjoyment at home. Spend as much time here before and after the tour as you wish.
Ryman Auditorium
The Ryman Auditorium
Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum
The Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville honors all musicians regardless of genre or instrument. The MHOF timeline starts with the beginning of recorded music and inductees are nominated by current members of the American Federation of Musicians and by other music industry professionals.
Music Row
Music Row
Ole Smoky Distillery & Yee-Haw Brewery
We begin and end the tour here. The leading craft distiller of Moonshine and home of the world’s most visited distillery has expanded their presence in Tennessee by joining forces with Yee Haw Brewing Company, one of Tennessee’s top craft breweries, to collectively open a complex in Nashville’s burgeoning area of SoBro. 6th & Peabody will feature a distillery, brewery, bars, tasting areas, beer & bottle shops, merchandise, big screen TVs and live entertainment. Visitors enjoy moonshine, cocktails, and beer by the glass, food, as well as purchase jars of moonshine and bottled beer for enjoyment at home. Spend as much time here before and after the tour as you wish.
Ryman Auditorium
The Ryman Auditorium
Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum
The Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville honors all musicians regardless of genre or instrument. The MHOF timeline starts with the beginning of recorded music and inductees are nominated by current members of the American Federation of Musicians and by other music industry professionals.
Music Row
Music Row
Ole Smoky Distillery & Yee-Haw Brewery
We begin and end the tour here. The leading craft distiller of Moonshine and home of the world’s most visited distillery has expanded their presence in Tennessee by joining forces with Yee Haw Brewing Company, one of Tennessee’s top craft breweries, to collectively open a complex in Nashville’s burgeoning area of SoBro. 6th & Peabody will feature a distillery, brewery, bars, tasting areas, beer & bottle shops, merchandise, big screen TVs and live entertainment. Visitors enjoy moonshine, cocktails, and beer by the glass, food, as well as purchase jars of moonshine and bottled beer for enjoyment at home. Spend as much time here before and after the tour as you wish.
Ryman Auditorium
The Ryman Auditorium
Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum
The Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville honors all musicians regardless of genre or instrument. The MHOF timeline starts with the beginning of recorded music and inductees are nominated by current members of the American Federation of Musicians and by other music industry professionals.
Music Row
Music Row
Завод Ole Smoky Distillery и пивоварня Yee-Haw
Мы начинаем и заканчиваем тур здесь. Ведущий крафтовый дистиллятор самогона и самый посещаемый в мире ликероводочный завод расширил свое присутствие в Теннесси, объединив усилия с Yee Haw Brewing Company, одной из лучших крафтовых пивоварен Теннесси, чтобы совместно открыть комплекс в развивающемся районе Нэшвилла SoBro. 6th & Peabody будет включать винокурню, пивоварню, бары, дегустационные залы, магазины пива и бутылок, товары, телевизоры с большим экраном и развлекательную программу. Посетители наслаждаются самогоном, коктейлями и пивом на розлив, едой, а также приобретают самогон в банках и пиво в бутылках для домашнего удовольствия. Проведите здесь столько времени до и после тура, сколько пожелаете.
Райман Аудиториум
Аудитория Раймана
Зал славы и музей музыкантов
Зал славы и музей музыкантов в Нэшвилле чествует всех музыкантов, независимо от жанра или инструмента. Хронология MHOF начинается с начала записи музыки, и призывники назначаются действующими членами Американской федерации музыкантов и другими профессионалами музыкальной индустрии.
Музыкальный ряд
Музыкальный ряд
Показать 29 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (335)
Dec 2022
We took the 7 PM tour and sat where there were plastic fold-down windows. The driver and tour guide were awesome, Bert and Janice, young woman tour guide. The problem was that we could not see anything at night through the fold-down plastic windows. Her information was terrific, but we could see Very little of our surroundings because they were blurred by the heavy plastic fold down windows . Perhaps blocking off those seats so only normal windows to see through would have made it five stairs perfect tour.
Dec 2022
This tour certainly had its positive moments, where I learned a few new things and saw parts of town I would not otherwise have seen. However, two things really interfered with making this a positive experience: First, the tour bus plastic windows made it almost impossible to see, and second, the tour guide sometimes didn’t make clear exactly what she was describing, so you didn’t know where to look. A few changes would really improve the experience.
Dec 2022
Rachel was a wonderful guide! Good eats and drinks. Great info about Nashville and a little history!

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