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Военно-морской пирс Фейерверк Чикагский тур на байдарках

Летом отправляйтесь на каяке по озеру Мичиган в сумерках, чтобы увидеть захватывающий фейерверк в Чикаго. Вы отправитесь к Военно-морскому пирсу на одноместном или двухместном каяке с профессиональными гидами для 2,5-часового тура, наблюдая, как Город ветров превращается в мерцающий ночной горизонт. Один гид на 8-10 человек обеспечивает индивидуальное внимание в небольшой группе.
Город: Чикаго
Fri 07 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $70.84
Fri 07 Mar
Начинается с $70.84
Что включено
Professional guide
All required equipment: kayak, life vest, paddle
Professional guide
All required equipment: kayak, life vest, paddle
Professional guide
All required equipment: kayak, life vest, paddle
Дополнительная информация
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Максимальный вес пассажира для каяков составляет 275 фунтов (125 кг).
  • Пожалуйста, старайтесь не носить хлопчатобумажную одежду, так как она становится очень тяжелой, если намокнет
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (5)
Aug 2021
Such a great tour! It was a big group, but Ethan kept us all together. All tour guides were knowledgeable and prioritized our safety while still having fun. Such an incredible way to spend a summer night in Chicago. Would totally recommend!!
Laura H
Sep 2019
My friend and I participated in the Navy Pier Fireworks tour on Labor Day weekend. When we arrived, we had the option of two single kayaks or a tandem kayak - the tandem kayak was a little bit more effort to coordinate (we have a little kayaking experience so perhaps we were better than average), but it made it easier for us to stay. Lose to each other than if we had chosen two singles. It was a pretty large group - about 25-30 kayaks - but there were several tour guides interspersed throughout the group. Chicago river is super busy and crowded, so I was glad we went with a tour, rather than on our own. The tour guides were great, like camp counselors: the perfect mix of fun and safety. Due to the number of kayaks, it was a little crowded in the middle of the group. My friend and I just made an effort to stay near the front, which was much less crowded and much more pleasant. Some people didn’t have a lot of kayaking experience, which was totally fine - the tour guides teach you how and watch over you! - but other people would occasionally run into our kayak, which we didn’t like. We didn’t want to risk falling out! Overall, would recommend. Got there at 8:30, was done around 11. Quick note: be prepared to get wet. The oars just naturally drip water when you switch paddling sides, so you will be wet by the end!
Mike K
Jul 2019
We booked the Wednesday Fireworks paddle to take our 13 yr old grandson on his first Kayak paddle. This company is great. The location was perfect with nice restrooms available, inexpensive parking, and a wide selection of dining options nearby. What really made this trip exceptional was the friendly, personal service and support provided by Doreen, Erik and the rest of the team. Doreen greeted us, made sure we were taken care of and led us through the entire trip. Safety on the river was paramount. They even made sure the kayaks were assigned by size and adjusted them to make sure you were comfortable. We will definitely be using this company again!!!

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