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Призрачный тур Нового Орлеана с привидениями

Прогуляйтесь по французскому кварталу с привидениями в этом знаменитом туре-призраке в Новом Орлеане. Во время двухчасовой вечерней пешеходной экскурсии исследуйте мрачные и ужасные деяния истории Нового Орлеана с привидениями, следуя за своим интересным гидом по темным и зловещим улицам. Вы узнаете о печально известных событиях, которые произошли давным-давно, и будете пугаться свидетельств существования фантомов и призраков, которые изобилуют!

Это оригинальная экскурсия по Новому Орлеану с привидениями. Мы старейшая и крупнейшая туристическая компания города. Мы не только местные жители, мы коренные жители Нового Орлеана. Это рассказы о привидениях, которые мы слышали, когда росли в самом уникальном городе Америки и его окрестностях.

Наши гиды имеют городскую лицензию. Наши гиды любят свой город и с гордостью делятся своими историями, а также своими личными встречами с призраками Нового Орлеана. Наши туры театрально представлены, но все они исторически точны.
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $30.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $30.00
Что включено
Guided Tour
Guided Tour
Guided Tour
Guided Tour
Guided Tour
Guided Tour
Guided Tour
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  • Подходит для всех физических уровень физической подготовки
Что ожидать
French Quarter
Follow your guide through the legendary French Quarter, also known as the Vieux Carré, the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans. This eerie, chilling yet fun-filled adventure takes you to several sites of documented hauntings by the region’s ghosts and spirits. See the French Quarter residences in which unbelievable events took place and visit a haunted bar along the way. You’ll get the shivers amid the shadows as you descend into New Orleans’ grim and grisly past, and discover thrilling tales of supernatural activity – try to capture it in a photo if you dare!
Bourbon Street
The party never ends on Bourbon Street. As you hunt for ghosts departing just steps away from the biggest block party in the world. Take in the essence of the famous of all streets, Bourbon Street.
Rev. Zombie's Voodoo Shop
Escape into the spirited past as your theatrical ghost-hunter guide leads you on a 2-hour haunted history ghost tour – featured on the History Channel and recommended by the Travel Channel as the ‘number one tour in New Orleans’! Tour departs from Reverend Zombie’s Voodoo Shop in the evening.
Lalaurie Mansion
The most haunted house in New Orleans is the LaLaurie Mansion. Learn the real story behind the city's most famous serial killer. In public, she was a socialite but in the unseen shadows behind the scenes, she was a cold blooded murderer who took the lives of innocent people right under the noses of the affluent New Orleanians.
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bar
There are many more haunted bars in the French Quarter than we can possibly include in one ghost tour but often that bar is this one. Located on Bourbon Street it is hosts to a number of ghost stories as well as signature drink called Voodoo.
Jackson Square
Jackson Square takes on a completely different persona after dark. See one of the most iconic landmarks in America when the shadows and spirits come out to roam. This tour usually ends in or near the square.
French Quarter
Follow your guide through the legendary French Quarter, also known as the Vieux Carré, the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans. This eerie, chilling yet fun-filled adventure takes you to several sites of documented hauntings by the region’s ghosts and spirits. See the French Quarter residences in which unbelievable events took place and visit a haunted bar along the way. You’ll get the shivers amid the shadows as you descend into New Orleans’ grim and grisly past, and discover thrilling tales of supernatural activity – try to capture it in a photo if you dare!
Bourbon Street
The party never ends on Bourbon Street. As you hunt for ghosts departing just steps away from the biggest block party in the world. Take in the essence of the famous of all streets, Bourbon Street.
Rev. Zombie's Voodoo Shop
Escape into the spirited past as your theatrical ghost-hunter guide leads you on a 2-hour haunted history ghost tour – featured on the History Channel and recommended by the Travel Channel as the ‘number one tour in New Orleans’! Tour departs from Reverend Zombie’s Voodoo Shop in the evening.
Lalaurie Mansion
The most haunted house in New Orleans is the LaLaurie Mansion. Learn the real story behind the city's most famous serial killer. In public, she was a socialite but in the unseen shadows behind the scenes, she was a cold blooded murderer who took the lives of innocent people right under the noses of the affluent New Orleanians.
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bar
There are many more haunted bars in the French Quarter than we can possibly include in one ghost tour but often that bar is this one. Located on Bourbon Street it is hosts to a number of ghost stories as well as signature drink called Voodoo.
Jackson Square
Jackson Square takes on a completely different persona after dark. See one of the most iconic landmarks in America when the shadows and spirits come out to roam. This tour usually ends in or near the square.
French Quarter
Follow your guide through the legendary French Quarter, also known as the Vieux Carré, the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans. This eerie, chilling yet fun-filled adventure takes you to several sites of documented hauntings by the region’s ghosts and spirits. See the French Quarter residences in which unbelievable events took place and visit a haunted bar along the way. You’ll get the shivers amid the shadows as you descend into New Orleans’ grim and grisly past, and discover thrilling tales of supernatural activity – try to capture it in a photo if you dare!
Bourbon Street
The party never ends on Bourbon Street. As you hunt for ghosts departing just steps away from the biggest block party in the world. Take in the essence of the famous of all streets, Bourbon Street.
Rev. Zombie's Voodoo Shop
Escape into the spirited past as your theatrical ghost-hunter guide leads you on a 2-hour haunted history ghost tour – featured on the History Channel and recommended by the Travel Channel as the ‘number one tour in New Orleans’! Tour departs from Reverend Zombie’s Voodoo Shop in the evening.
Lalaurie Mansion
The most haunted house in New Orleans is the LaLaurie Mansion. Learn the real story behind the city's most famous serial killer. In public, she was a socialite but in the unseen shadows behind the scenes, she was a cold blooded murderer who took the lives of innocent people right under the noses of the affluent New Orleanians.
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bar
There are many more haunted bars in the French Quarter than we can possibly include in one ghost tour but often that bar is this one. Located on Bourbon Street it is hosts to a number of ghost stories as well as signature drink called Voodoo.
Jackson Square
Jackson Square takes on a completely different persona after dark. See one of the most iconic landmarks in America when the shadows and spirits come out to roam. This tour usually ends in or near the square.
French Quarter
Follow your guide through the legendary French Quarter, also known as the Vieux Carré, the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans. This eerie, chilling yet fun-filled adventure takes you to several sites of documented hauntings by the region’s ghosts and spirits. See the French Quarter residences in which unbelievable events took place and visit a haunted bar along the way. You’ll get the shivers amid the shadows as you descend into New Orleans’ grim and grisly past, and discover thrilling tales of supernatural activity – try to capture it in a photo if you dare!
Bourbon Street
The party never ends on Bourbon Street. As you hunt for ghosts departing just steps away from the biggest block party in the world. Take in the essence of the famous of all streets, Bourbon Street.
Rev. Zombie's Voodoo Shop
Escape into the spirited past as your theatrical ghost-hunter guide leads you on a 2-hour haunted history ghost tour – featured on the History Channel and recommended by the Travel Channel as the ‘number one tour in New Orleans’! Tour departs from Reverend Zombie’s Voodoo Shop in the evening.
Lalaurie Mansion
The most haunted house in New Orleans is the LaLaurie Mansion. Learn the real story behind the city's most famous serial killer. In public, she was a socialite but in the unseen shadows behind the scenes, she was a cold blooded murderer who took the lives of innocent people right under the noses of the affluent New Orleanians.
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bar
There are many more haunted bars in the French Quarter than we can possibly include in one ghost tour but often that bar is this one. Located on Bourbon Street it is hosts to a number of ghost stories as well as signature drink called Voodoo.
Jackson Square
Jackson Square takes on a completely different persona after dark. See one of the most iconic landmarks in America when the shadows and spirits come out to roam. This tour usually ends in or near the square.
French Quarter
Follow your guide through the legendary French Quarter, also known as the Vieux Carré, the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans. This eerie, chilling yet fun-filled adventure takes you to several sites of documented hauntings by the region’s ghosts and spirits. See the French Quarter residences in which unbelievable events took place and visit a haunted bar along the way. You’ll get the shivers amid the shadows as you descend into New Orleans’ grim and grisly past, and discover thrilling tales of supernatural activity – try to capture it in a photo if you dare!
Bourbon Street
The party never ends on Bourbon Street. As you hunt for ghosts departing just steps away from the biggest block party in the world. Take in the essence of the famous of all streets, Bourbon Street.
Rev. Zombie's Voodoo Shop
Escape into the spirited past as your theatrical ghost-hunter guide leads you on a 2-hour haunted history ghost tour – featured on the History Channel and recommended by the Travel Channel as the ‘number one tour in New Orleans’! Tour departs from Reverend Zombie’s Voodoo Shop in the evening.
Lalaurie Mansion
The most haunted house in New Orleans is the LaLaurie Mansion. Learn the real story behind the city's most famous serial killer. In public, she was a socialite but in the unseen shadows behind the scenes, she was a cold blooded murderer who took the lives of innocent people right under the noses of the affluent New Orleanians.
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bar
There are many more haunted bars in the French Quarter than we can possibly include in one ghost tour but often that bar is this one. Located on Bourbon Street it is hosts to a number of ghost stories as well as signature drink called Voodoo.
Jackson Square
Jackson Square takes on a completely different persona after dark. See one of the most iconic landmarks in America when the shadows and spirits come out to roam. This tour usually ends in or near the square.
French Quarter
Follow your guide through the legendary French Quarter, also known as the Vieux Carré, the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans. This eerie, chilling yet fun-filled adventure takes you to several sites of documented hauntings by the region’s ghosts and spirits. See the French Quarter residences in which unbelievable events took place and visit a haunted bar along the way. You’ll get the shivers amid the shadows as you descend into New Orleans’ grim and grisly past, and discover thrilling tales of supernatural activity – try to capture it in a photo if you dare!
Bourbon Street
The party never ends on Bourbon Street. As you hunt for ghosts departing just steps away from the biggest block party in the world. Take in the essence of the famous of all streets, Bourbon Street.
Rev. Zombie's Voodoo Shop
Escape into the spirited past as your theatrical ghost-hunter guide leads you on a 2-hour haunted history ghost tour – featured on the History Channel and recommended by the Travel Channel as the ‘number one tour in New Orleans’! Tour departs from Reverend Zombie’s Voodoo Shop in the evening.
Lalaurie Mansion
The most haunted house in New Orleans is the LaLaurie Mansion. Learn the real story behind the city's most famous serial killer. In public, she was a socialite but in the unseen shadows behind the scenes, she was a cold blooded murderer who took the lives of innocent people right under the noses of the affluent New Orleanians.
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Bar
There are many more haunted bars in the French Quarter than we can possibly include in one ghost tour but often that bar is this one. Located on Bourbon Street it is hosts to a number of ghost stories as well as signature drink called Voodoo.
Jackson Square
Jackson Square takes on a completely different persona after dark. See one of the most iconic landmarks in America when the shadows and spirits come out to roam. This tour usually ends in or near the square.
Французский квартал
Следуйте за своим гидом через легендарный Французский квартал, также известный как Vieux Carré, самый старый район Нового Орлеана. Это жуткое, пугающее, но веселое приключение приведет вас к нескольким местам, где задокументированы призраки и духи этого региона. Посмотрите резиденции Французского квартала, в которых происходили невероятные события, и посетите бар с привидениями по пути. Вы почувствуете дрожь среди теней, когда погрузитесь в мрачное и ужасное прошлое Нового Орлеана и откроете для себя захватывающие истории о сверхъестественной активности — попробуйте запечатлеть это на фотографии, если осмелитесь!
Вечеринка никогда не заканчивается на Бурбон-стрит. Когда вы охотитесь за призраками, улетающими всего в нескольких шагах от самой большой вечеринки в мире. Окунитесь в суть знаменитой улицы Бурбон-стрит.
Магазин вуду преподобного Зомби
Побег в оживленное прошлое, когда ваш театральный гид-охотник за привидениями проведет вас в двухчасовой призрачный тур по истории с привидениями, показанный на History Channel и рекомендованный Travel Channel как «тур номер один в Новом Орлеане»! Тур отправляется из магазина вуду Преподобного Зомби вечером.
Особняк Лалори
Дом с привидениями в Новом Орлеане — особняк Лалори. Узнайте настоящую историю самого известного серийного убийцы города. На публике она была светской львицей, но в невидимых тенях за кулисами она была хладнокровной убийцей, которая унесла жизни невинных людей прямо под носом у богатых жителей Нового Орлеана.
Бар кузнечной мастерской Lafitte's
Во Французском квартале гораздо больше баров с привидениями, чем мы можем включить в один призрачный тур, но часто это бар. Расположенный на Бурбон-стрит, он известен множеством историй о привидениях, а также фирменным напитком под названием Voodoo.
После наступления темноты площадь Джексон-сквер приобретает совершенно другой вид. Посмотрите на одну из самых знаковых достопримечательностей Америки, когда тени и духи выходят бродить. Этот тур обычно заканчивается на площади или рядом с ней.
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Отзывы (915)
Dec 2022
Great tour and discussion of not just the haunted locations, but the history involved in the city for each time period. Ariadne did a fantastic job of engaging everyone, answering questions, and keeping things entertaining. Tour lasts about two hours of mixed walking and standing along city sidewalks, with a pause halfway through for any break or refreshments required.
Dec 2022
Ariadne did a great job of mixing the history with the ghosts. She dressed the part, all in black with some ghostly white. She spoke loud enough for all of us to hear. The stories were spelling binding and informative.
Dec 2022
Our tour guide Brie was AMAZING! I didn't think I would learn so much on a haunted tour! I gained so much knowledge and insight on New Orleans! I DEFINITELY feel like I got what I paid for and then some! Would absolutely recommend!

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