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Рождественские праздничные огни и пешеходная экскурсия по рынкам Нью-Йорка

Окунитесь в дух праздничного сезона, посетив четыре самых привлекательных традиционных праздничных рынка Нью-Йорка. Окунитесь в праздничную атмосферу Большого Яблока в преддверии Рождества, когда город кажется самым волшебным.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 05 Mar
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Начинается с $45.00
Wed 05 Mar
Начинается с $45.00
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Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
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  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Требуются маски для лица для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Социальное дистанцирование обязательно на протяжении всего опыта
  • Гиды должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
The Shops at Columbus Circle
Christopher Columbus is being honored here by a monument located in the center of a traffic circle that circles around the monument to go either north, south or east.
Columbus Circle
This is the first Holiday market that is being visited with many kiosks offering food, drink, arts and crafts and full of Holiday Gift ideas.
Central Park
This is the first public park in America with over 42 million visitors each year. This 843 acre park took 15 years to complete and was designed by famed architects Olmstead and Vaux. Home to the Wollman Rink, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Tavern on the Green.
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the borough of Manhattan. It stretches north from Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village to West 143rd Street in Harlem. It is one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world.
Bergdorf Goodman
Bergdorf Goodman Inc. is a luxury department store based on Fifth Avenue. This exclusive store always retains the highest quality and fashion. Christmas time brings their beautiful and avant-garde window displays.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in Midtown. It is the seat of the Archbishop of New York as well as a parish church. St Patrick opened its doors in 1879.
Rockefeller Center
(Exterior Visit) Rockefeller Center is a large complex consisting of 19 commercial buildings. The holidays in NYC begin at Rockefeller Center. Whether it’s a visit to the iconic Christmas Tree, a skate on the ice at the Rink, or exploring attractions and fun things to do, there’s a magic here that can’t be denied.
Saks Fifth Avenue
Shop the best designer clothing arrivals at Saks Fifth Avenue. During the Christmas season, they offer some of the most breathtaking decorations and window displays.
Bryant Park
The European-inspired open-air market curated by Urbanspace features artisans from New York City and around the world. Located along Bryant Park’s allées, plazas, and terraces, the Shops are housed in custom-designed, "jewel box" kiosks. Enjoy local crafts, artisan provisions, and exquisite gifts from around the world.
Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Terminal's Vanderbilt Hall hosts this enduring holiday market, where booths featuring artisans, jewelers & home goods vendors draw shoppers beneath the iconic Beaux Arts chandeliers.
The Shops at Columbus Circle
Christopher Columbus is being honored here by a monument located in the center of a traffic circle that circles around the monument to go either north, south or east.
Columbus Circle
This is the first Holiday market that is being visited with many kiosks offering food, drink, arts and crafts and full of Holiday Gift ideas.
Central Park
This is the first public park in America with over 42 million visitors each year. This 843 acre park took 15 years to complete and was designed by famed architects Olmstead and Vaux. Home to the Wollman Rink, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Tavern on the Green.
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the borough of Manhattan. It stretches north from Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village to West 143rd Street in Harlem. It is one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world.
Bergdorf Goodman
Bergdorf Goodman Inc. is a luxury department store based on Fifth Avenue. This exclusive store always retains the highest quality and fashion. Christmas time brings their beautiful and avant-garde window displays.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in Midtown. It is the seat of the Archbishop of New York as well as a parish church. St Patrick opened its doors in 1879.
Rockefeller Center
(Exterior Visit) Rockefeller Center is a large complex consisting of 19 commercial buildings. The holidays in NYC begin at Rockefeller Center. Whether it’s a visit to the iconic Christmas Tree, a skate on the ice at the Rink, or exploring attractions and fun things to do, there’s a magic here that can’t be denied.
Saks Fifth Avenue
Shop the best designer clothing arrivals at Saks Fifth Avenue. During the Christmas season, they offer some of the most breathtaking decorations and window displays.
Bryant Park
The European-inspired open-air market curated by Urbanspace features artisans from New York City and around the world. Located along Bryant Park’s allées, plazas, and terraces, the Shops are housed in custom-designed, "jewel box" kiosks. Enjoy local crafts, artisan provisions, and exquisite gifts from around the world.
Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Terminal's Vanderbilt Hall hosts this enduring holiday market, where booths featuring artisans, jewelers & home goods vendors draw shoppers beneath the iconic Beaux Arts chandeliers.
The Shops at Columbus Circle
Christopher Columbus is being honored here by a monument located in the center of a traffic circle that circles around the monument to go either north, south or east.
Columbus Circle
This is the first Holiday market that is being visited with many kiosks offering food, drink, arts and crafts and full of Holiday Gift ideas.
Central Park
This is the first public park in America with over 42 million visitors each year. This 843 acre park took 15 years to complete and was designed by famed architects Olmstead and Vaux. Home to the Wollman Rink, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Tavern on the Green.
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the borough of Manhattan. It stretches north from Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village to West 143rd Street in Harlem. It is one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world.
Bergdorf Goodman
Bergdorf Goodman Inc. is a luxury department store based on Fifth Avenue. This exclusive store always retains the highest quality and fashion. Christmas time brings their beautiful and avant-garde window displays.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in Midtown. It is the seat of the Archbishop of New York as well as a parish church. St Patrick opened its doors in 1879.
Rockefeller Center
(Exterior Visit) Rockefeller Center is a large complex consisting of 19 commercial buildings. The holidays in NYC begin at Rockefeller Center. Whether it’s a visit to the iconic Christmas Tree, a skate on the ice at the Rink, or exploring attractions and fun things to do, there’s a magic here that can’t be denied.
Saks Fifth Avenue
Shop the best designer clothing arrivals at Saks Fifth Avenue. During the Christmas season, they offer some of the most breathtaking decorations and window displays.
Bryant Park
The European-inspired open-air market curated by Urbanspace features artisans from New York City and around the world. Located along Bryant Park’s allées, plazas, and terraces, the Shops are housed in custom-designed, "jewel box" kiosks. Enjoy local crafts, artisan provisions, and exquisite gifts from around the world.
Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Terminal's Vanderbilt Hall hosts this enduring holiday market, where booths featuring artisans, jewelers & home goods vendors draw shoppers beneath the iconic Beaux Arts chandeliers.
Магазины на Коламбус Серкл
Здесь в честь Христофора Колумба установлен памятник, расположенный в центре кольцевой развязки, которая окружает памятник, чтобы двигаться на север, юг или восток.
Колумбус Серкл
Это первый праздничный рынок, который посещают многие киоски, предлагающие еду, напитки, предметы декоративно-прикладного искусства и полные идей праздничных подарков.
Центральный парк
Это первый общественный парк в Америке, который ежегодно посещают более 42 миллионов человек. На создание этого парка площадью 843 акра ушло 15 лет, и он был спроектирован знаменитыми архитекторами Олмстедом и Во. Здесь находятся каток Уоллмана, Метрополитен-музей и таверна на зеленом.
Пятое Авеню
Пятая авеню — главная улица Манхэттена. Он простирается на север от парка Вашингтон-сквер в Гринвич-Виллидж до 143-й Западной улицы в Гарлеме. Это одна из самых дорогих торговых улиц в мире.
Бергдорф Гудман
Bergdorf Goodman Inc. — роскошный универмаг на Пятой авеню. Этот эксклюзивный магазин всегда сохраняет высочайшее качество и моду. Рождество приносит свои красивые и авангардные витрины.
Собор Святого Патрика
Собор Святого Патрика - католический собор в Мидтауне. Это резиденция архиепископа Нью-Йорка, а также приходская церковь. Святой Патрик открыл свои двери в 1879 году.
Рокфеллеровский центр
(Внешний вид) Рокфеллер-центр представляет собой большой комплекс, состоящий из 19 коммерческих зданий. Каникулы в Нью-Йорке начинаются в Рокфеллер-центре. Будь то посещение легендарной рождественской елки, катание на коньках на катке или осмотр достопримечательностей и веселых развлечений, здесь есть волшебство, которое нельзя отрицать.
Сакс Пятая авеню
Покупайте лучшую дизайнерскую одежду в Saks Fifth Avenue. Во время рождественского сезона они предлагают одни из самых захватывающих дух украшений и витрин.
Брайант Парк
На европейском рынке под открытым небом, который курирует Urbanspace, представлены ремесленники из Нью-Йорка и со всего мира. Магазины, расположенные вдоль аллей, площадей и террас Брайант-парка, расположены в специально разработанных киосках «шкатулка для драгоценностей». Наслаждайтесь местными ремеслами, ремесленными продуктами и изысканными подарками со всего мира.
Центральный вокзал
В Вандербильт-холле Центрального вокзала находится действующий праздничный рынок, где киоски ремесленников, ювелиров и продавцов товаров для дома привлекают покупателей под легендарными люстрами Beaux Arts.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (14)
Dec 2022
Great tour with our experienced tour guide Kathrin we learned learned a lot. Was a great pleasure to join.
Dec 2022
Charles was very knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Really enjoyed the tour. It was extremely busy but Charles managed to keep us altogether and on time. Thank you
Dec 2022
The Christmas Holiday Lights and Markets Walking Tour was the best experience ever! I mean seriously. I could not have asked for a better experience and tour guide. Not only was she very knowledgeable and patient but she was so warm and pleasant. It made the experience so much more memorable. For tours, I always love when the guide checks in to make sure that everyone understands and is following along and this definitely happened several times. I felt that I was in great hands. I would use this tourism company again and again. In fact, I'm going to plan out an experience for the students at my school. I can't wait! Just remember to dress warm and bring some snacks along with you so you can fully enjoy your experience and be 100% present.

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