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Бар на крыше в Нью-Йорке с VIP-входом без очереди

Настало время насладиться ночной жизнью города в сочетании с эстетическими видами ночного Нью-Йорка с высоты птичьего полета. Вы станете частью большой группы путешественников из-за границы и поблизости. Ваша группа будет избалована от начала 4-часовой экскурсии до конца. Два клуба на крыше, один бар, транспорт между площадками, один напиток на каждой площадке, VIP-вход - это то, чего вы можете ожидать!
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $85.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $85.00
Что включено
Glass of Champagne at the meeting place
Tour escort/host
Guaranteed to skip the long lines
One drink at each venue
Transport by air-conditioned minivan
Alcoholic Beverages
Ночной тур (в зависимости от приобретенного продукта)
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • li>
  • Минимальный возраст – 21 год.
  • В день тура необходимо предъявить действующее удостоверение личности государственного образца с фотографией.
  • Дресс-код: рубашки с воротником и классическая обувь. для мужчин и коктейльных платьев на каблуках, предпочтительных для женщин. Кроссовки и мешковатые штаны ЗАПРЕЩЕНЫ.
Что ожидать
Uncle Sam's New York Walking Tours
Meet your tour guides at the trendy Ovest lounge and get introduced to other guests over a glass of champagne. Depart Ovest lounge and head on to the first club. The transportation will be provided throughout the night. The New York City club doorman are notorious for delaying the access to the venue but that will not be an issue with us! You will bypass the line in a noble fashion. This rooftop bars tour gives you an option to dance the night away in the air conditioned club with special seating and lighting to the ambiance of the club or you can take the party outside and enjoy the uniquely designed garden overlooking the center of the city. Guests typically spend one to two hours at each club. In addition, get a free drink at each place and the option to purchase more if you like. As the night proceeds the intensity of each club also escalates along with the energy of the party. You will get to mingle with a local crowd and get updates on what's happening with the city nightlife and have your picture taken with other guests. The motto of the tour is drink, dance and have fun! You already experienced how New York lives by day so now its time to see how the city lives by night!
Manhattan Skyline
New York City Rooftops VIP Pub Crawl
Uncle Sam's New York Walking Tours
Meet your tour guides at the trendy Ovest lounge and get introduced to other guests over a glass of champagne. Depart Ovest lounge and head on to the first club. The transportation will be provided throughout the night. The New York City club doorman are notorious for delaying the access to the venue but that will not be an issue with us! You will bypass the line in a noble fashion. This rooftop bars tour gives you an option to dance the night away in the air conditioned club with special seating and lighting to the ambiance of the club or you can take the party outside and enjoy the uniquely designed garden overlooking the center of the city. Guests typically spend one to two hours at each club. In addition, get a free drink at each place and the option to purchase more if you like. As the night proceeds the intensity of each club also escalates along with the energy of the party. You will get to mingle with a local crowd and get updates on what's happening with the city nightlife and have your picture taken with other guests. The motto of the tour is drink, dance and have fun! You already experienced how New York lives by day so now its time to see how the city lives by night!
Manhattan Skyline
New York City Rooftops VIP Pub Crawl
Uncle Sam's New York Walking Tours
Meet your tour guides at the trendy Ovest lounge and get introduced to other guests over a glass of champagne. Depart Ovest lounge and head on to the first club. The transportation will be provided throughout the night. The New York City club doorman are notorious for delaying the access to the venue but that will not be an issue with us! You will bypass the line in a noble fashion. This rooftop bars tour gives you an option to dance the night away in the air conditioned club with special seating and lighting to the ambiance of the club or you can take the party outside and enjoy the uniquely designed garden overlooking the center of the city. Guests typically spend one to two hours at each club. In addition, get a free drink at each place and the option to purchase more if you like. As the night proceeds the intensity of each club also escalates along with the energy of the party. You will get to mingle with a local crowd and get updates on what's happening with the city nightlife and have your picture taken with other guests. The motto of the tour is drink, dance and have fun! You already experienced how New York lives by day so now its time to see how the city lives by night!
Manhattan Skyline
New York City Rooftops VIP Pub Crawl
Пешеходные экскурсии дяди Сэма по Нью-Йорку
Познакомьтесь со своими гидами в модном лаундже Ovest и познакомьтесь с другими гостями за бокалом шампанского. Выйдите из гостиной Ovest и направляйтесь в первый клуб. Транспорт будет предоставлен в течение всей ночи. Швейцары нью-йоркского клуба печально известны тем, что задерживают доступ к месту проведения, но для нас это не будет проблемой! Вы благородно обойдете линию. Этот тур по барам на крыше дает вам возможность танцевать всю ночь напролет в клубе с кондиционером, специальными креслами и освещением, создающим атмосферу клуба, или вы можете провести вечеринку на улице и насладиться уникальным садом с видом на центр города. Гости обычно проводят от одного до двух часов в каждом клубе. Кроме того, вы получите бесплатный напиток в каждом месте и возможность купить больше, если хотите. По мере того, как ночь продолжается, интенсивность каждого клуба также возрастает вместе с энергией вечеринки. Вы сможете пообщаться с местной толпой и получить новости о том, что происходит с ночной жизнью города, и сфотографироваться с другими гостями. Девиз тура - пить, танцевать и веселиться! Вы уже видели, как живет Нью-Йорк днем, так что теперь пришло время увидеть, как живет город ночью!
Горизонт Манхэттена
Посещение VIP-пабов на крышах Нью-Йорка
Показать 5 больше остановок
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Отзывы (3)
Aug 2021
Tour NEVER occurred and we were not notified of cancelation. We happened to call to verify pick up location and was informed at that time. I messaged the tour operator who never responded to the message.
Oct 2018
At the meeting point we waited for 10min in the cold outside then they take you to a bus which obviously was full because they Didn’t count the chairs exactly or overbooked it. The Italian tour guide was rude. The beer option is corona in a can and cheap white or red wine. Don’t expect a cocktail like advertised. And be prepared to be 1 hour standing on your feet in the venue on the cold, because there is no sitting in the place. They will only sit you if you will consume. We left after the first stop. Sucks!
Jun 2018
My husband & I were the only two people on the tour. The tour guide took us a little off guard with his appearance he was dressed in an outfit from the 70’s with a large bouffant blonde wig. We hopped to 2 venues & at both we were able to skip the line which was extremely nice. The first stop, the Sky Room, was nice, a rooftop, & we had a reserved table and bottle service. My husband & I are in our early 40’s & the crowd at the first venue was more our speed. We were not equally impressed with the experience at the 2nd stop, Hudson Terrace a club not a rooftop. We skipped the line there was an elevator, but we had to walk up about 3 flights of steps to get to the club. We were completely out of breath once we got upstairs. We were not given access to the reserved seating & were given drink tickets to stand in line at the bar. The music was great but the crowd was a little young for our taste early 20’s - early 30’s & many were in jeans so we were a little overdressed. The tour guide disappeared totally without saying goodbye. We snuck seats in a reserved are, finished our drinks, danced a little, did some people watching, & left once the group who had reserved the VIP area we were seated in arrived. The Hudson Terrace was a nice club just not what I was expecting.

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