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Самостоятельная пешеходная экскурсия по Нью-Йорку

Это аудиоэкскурсия с самостоятельным гидом, созданная сценаристами, номинированными на премию "Эмми", и звукорежиссерами, получившими премию "Эмми".

Выполняйте свои ежедневные задачи, рассказывая истории о знаковых достопримечательностях Нью-Йорка, истории, архитектуре и поп-культуре. .

Самое приятное то, что он самоуправляемый. Вы можете уделить столько времени или меньше времени, сколько захотите. Когда вы покупаете билет, вы загружаете приложение на свой телефон. Он работает как с Android, так и с iPhone. Как только вы загрузите тур, все, что вам нужно сделать, это отправиться на стартовую остановку тура!
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 19 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $15.00
Wed 19 Feb
Начинается с $15.00
Что включено
Audio self guided walking tour
Audio self guided walking tour
Audio self guided walking tour
Использование в автономном режиме: не требуется сигнал сотовой связи или Wi-Fi. Автономная GPS-карта и маршрут. Направление «стоп-стоп».
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • При бронировании этого тура, вы получите от нас учетные данные для входа. Поэтому, пожалуйста, проверяйте почту и не забывайте проверять спам!
  • Социальное дистанцирование соблюдается на протяжении всего опыта.
  • Пожалуйста, следуйте рекомендациям CDC во время вашего тура в Нью-Йорке.
Что ожидать
Central Park
Check out the Friends fountain at Central Park. If you want, you can take a detour here and spend a few minutes exploring the park before continuing the tour.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's is the largest Gothic cathedral in North America. Learn about its design, the Irish priest who built it, and more. Plus, you can even venture into the church and explore the sanctuary.
Saks Fifth Avenue
You'll learn all about the inception of Saks Fifth Avenue—and the city's history of millionaire elite that this iconic department store catered to.
Rockefeller Center
Explore Rockefeller Center's many buildings and numerous art deco works and parks. Plus, you'll see the famous "skating rink" which is under Rockefeller's famous yearly Christmas tree.
Radio City Music Hall
You'll hear all about Radio City Music Hall's history and pop-culture influence—from hosting the Oscars and NFL Draft to the beginnings of the hall's famous dancers—the Rockettes.
Empire State Building
The Empire State Building is a NYC must-see attraction. You'll learn all about the building's history and construction. Tickets to see the view from the top of the building can be purchased in the lobby. Admission into the building isn't included.
New York Public Library
New York Public Library has been featured in many films for its beautiful exterior and interior. You'll learn about the famous lions out front, the US President that opened it, and much more. You can also venture inside the library during business hours for a peak at its beautiful rooms. Entry is free to the public—just remember to be quiet :)
Bryant Park
Relax in one of the city's most beloved and picturesque green space—Bryant Park. You'll recognize it from many TV shows and movies. And, you'll hear a bit about its history and about its free concerts and movie-viewing events.
Tiffany & Co.
You'll have the chance to photograph and learn about the orginial Tiffany's headquarters—a famous, beautiful building that mimics a famous Italian building.
Macy's Herald Square
Macy's at Herald Square is THE Macy's. The one in the Macy's Day Parade and all those holiday films. It's a gorgeous exterior and interior. You'll learn all about Macy's founder and you should absolutely check out the inside—especially if its the holiday season.
Times Square
Times Square is probably most famous for the New Year's "ball drop." You'll see the ball—and you'll hear stories of the folks that founded this famous square.
Central Park
Check out the Friends fountain at Central Park. If you want, you can take a detour here and spend a few minutes exploring the park before continuing the tour.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's is the largest Gothic cathedral in North America. Learn about its design, the Irish priest who built it, and more. Plus, you can even venture into the church and explore the sanctuary.
Saks Fifth Avenue
You'll learn all about the inception of Saks Fifth Avenue—and the city's history of millionaire elite that this iconic department store catered to.
Rockefeller Center
Explore Rockefeller Center's many buildings and numerous art deco works and parks. Plus, you'll see the famous "skating rink" which is under Rockefeller's famous yearly Christmas tree.
Radio City Music Hall
You'll hear all about Radio City Music Hall's history and pop-culture influence—from hosting the Oscars and NFL Draft to the beginnings of the hall's famous dancers—the Rockettes.
Empire State Building
The Empire State Building is a NYC must-see attraction. You'll learn all about the building's history and construction. Tickets to see the view from the top of the building can be purchased in the lobby. Admission into the building isn't included.
New York Public Library
New York Public Library has been featured in many films for its beautiful exterior and interior. You'll learn about the famous lions out front, the US President that opened it, and much more. You can also venture inside the library during business hours for a peak at its beautiful rooms. Entry is free to the public—just remember to be quiet :)
Bryant Park
Relax in one of the city's most beloved and picturesque green space—Bryant Park. You'll recognize it from many TV shows and movies. And, you'll hear a bit about its history and about its free concerts and movie-viewing events.
Tiffany & Co.
You'll have the chance to photograph and learn about the orginial Tiffany's headquarters—a famous, beautiful building that mimics a famous Italian building.
Macy's Herald Square
Macy's at Herald Square is THE Macy's. The one in the Macy's Day Parade and all those holiday films. It's a gorgeous exterior and interior. You'll learn all about Macy's founder and you should absolutely check out the inside—especially if its the holiday season.
Times Square
Times Square is probably most famous for the New Year's "ball drop." You'll see the ball—and you'll hear stories of the folks that founded this famous square.
Central Park
Check out the Friends fountain at Central Park. If you want, you can take a detour here and spend a few minutes exploring the park before continuing the tour.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's is the largest Gothic cathedral in North America. Learn about its design, the Irish priest who built it, and more. Plus, you can even venture into the church and explore the sanctuary.
Saks Fifth Avenue
You'll learn all about the inception of Saks Fifth Avenue—and the city's history of millionaire elite that this iconic department store catered to.
Rockefeller Center
Explore Rockefeller Center's many buildings and numerous art deco works and parks. Plus, you'll see the famous "skating rink" which is under Rockefeller's famous yearly Christmas tree.
Radio City Music Hall
You'll hear all about Radio City Music Hall's history and pop-culture influence—from hosting the Oscars and NFL Draft to the beginnings of the hall's famous dancers—the Rockettes.
Empire State Building
The Empire State Building is a NYC must-see attraction. You'll learn all about the building's history and construction. Tickets to see the view from the top of the building can be purchased in the lobby. Admission into the building isn't included.
New York Public Library
New York Public Library has been featured in many films for its beautiful exterior and interior. You'll learn about the famous lions out front, the US President that opened it, and much more. You can also venture inside the library during business hours for a peak at its beautiful rooms. Entry is free to the public—just remember to be quiet :)
Bryant Park
Relax in one of the city's most beloved and picturesque green space—Bryant Park. You'll recognize it from many TV shows and movies. And, you'll hear a bit about its history and about its free concerts and movie-viewing events.
Tiffany & Co.
You'll have the chance to photograph and learn about the orginial Tiffany's headquarters—a famous, beautiful building that mimics a famous Italian building.
Macy's Herald Square
Macy's at Herald Square is THE Macy's. The one in the Macy's Day Parade and all those holiday films. It's a gorgeous exterior and interior. You'll learn all about Macy's founder and you should absolutely check out the inside—especially if its the holiday season.
Times Square
Times Square is probably most famous for the New Year's "ball drop." You'll see the ball—and you'll hear stories of the folks that founded this famous square.
Central Park
Check out the Friends fountain at Central Park. If you want, you can take a detour here and spend a few minutes exploring the park before continuing the tour.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's is the largest Gothic cathedral in North America. Learn about its design, the Irish priest who built it, and more. Plus, you can even venture into the church and explore the sanctuary.
Saks Fifth Avenue
You'll learn all about the inception of Saks Fifth Avenue—and the city's history of millionaire elite that this iconic department store catered to.
Rockefeller Center
Explore Rockefeller Center's many buildings and numerous art deco works and parks. Plus, you'll see the famous "skating rink" which is under Rockefeller's famous yearly Christmas tree.
Radio City Music Hall
You'll hear all about Radio City Music Hall's history and pop-culture influence—from hosting the Oscars and NFL Draft to the beginnings of the hall's famous dancers—the Rockettes.
Empire State Building
The Empire State Building is a NYC must-see attraction. You'll learn all about the building's history and construction. Tickets to see the view from the top of the building can be purchased in the lobby. Admission into the building isn't included.
New York Public Library
New York Public Library has been featured in many films for its beautiful exterior and interior. You'll learn about the famous lions out front, the US President that opened it, and much more. You can also venture inside the library during business hours for a peak at its beautiful rooms. Entry is free to the public—just remember to be quiet :)
Bryant Park
Relax in one of the city's most beloved and picturesque green space—Bryant Park. You'll recognize it from many TV shows and movies. And, you'll hear a bit about its history and about its free concerts and movie-viewing events.
Tiffany & Co.
You'll have the chance to photograph and learn about the orginial Tiffany's headquarters—a famous, beautiful building that mimics a famous Italian building.
Macy's Herald Square
Macy's at Herald Square is THE Macy's. The one in the Macy's Day Parade and all those holiday films. It's a gorgeous exterior and interior. You'll learn all about Macy's founder and you should absolutely check out the inside—especially if its the holiday season.
Times Square
Times Square is probably most famous for the New Year's "ball drop." You'll see the ball—and you'll hear stories of the folks that founded this famous square.
Центральный парк
Посмотрите на фонтан «Друзья» в Центральном парке. Если вы хотите, вы можете сделать крюк и провести несколько минут, исследуя парк, прежде чем продолжить экскурсию.
Собор Святого Патрика
Собор Святого Патрика — самый большой готический собор в Северной Америке. Узнайте о его дизайне, ирландском священнике, который его построил, и многом другом. Кроме того, вы даже можете отправиться в церковь и исследовать святилище.
Сакс Пятая авеню
Вы узнаете все о создании Saks Fifth Avenue, а также об истории городской элиты миллионеров, которой обслуживал этот культовый универмаг.
Рокфеллеровский центр
Исследуйте многочисленные здания Рокфеллеровского центра, многочисленные работы и парки в стиле ар-деко. Кроме того, вы увидите знаменитый «каток», который находится под знаменитой ежегодной рождественской елкой Рокфеллера.
Мюзик-холл Радио Сити
Вы услышите все об истории Radio City Music Hall и его влиянии на поп-культуру — от проведения церемонии вручения премии «Оскар» и драфта НФЛ до появления знаменитых танцоров зала — Rockettes.
Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг
Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг — достопримечательность Нью-Йорка, которую обязательно нужно посетить. Вы узнаете все об истории здания и строительстве. Билеты, чтобы увидеть вид с вершины здания, можно приобрести в холле. Вход в здание не включен.
Публичная библиотека Нью-Йорка
Публичная библиотека Нью-Йорка была показана во многих фильмах за ее красивый внешний вид и интерьер. Вы узнаете о знаменитых львах на входе, президенте США, который его открыл, и многом другом. Вы также можете отправиться в библиотеку в рабочее время, чтобы осмотреть ее прекрасные залы. Вход свободный для публики — только не забывайте соблюдать тишину :)
Брайант Парк
Отдохните в одной из самых любимых и живописных зеленых зон города — Брайант-парке. Вы узнаете его по многим телешоу и фильмам. И вы немного услышите о его истории, о бесплатных концертах и ​​просмотрах фильмов.
Тиффани и Ко.
У вас будет возможность сфотографировать и узнать о оригинальной штаб-квартире Tiffany — известном красивом здании, которое имитирует известное итальянское здание.
Площадь Геральд Мэйси
Macy's на Herald Square - это Macy's. Тот, что в Macy's Day Parade и во всех этих праздничных фильмах. Это великолепный внешний вид и интерьер. Вы узнаете все об основателе Macy's, и вам обязательно нужно заглянуть внутрь, особенно если это праздничный сезон.
Таймс Сквер
Таймс-сквер, пожалуй, больше всего известна благодаря новогоднему «падению мячей». Вы увидите мяч и услышите истории о людях, основавших эту знаменитую площадь.
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