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Опыт Нью-Йорка: гастрономический, исторический и культурный тур по Бруклину

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Вы не можете сразу сравнить Бруклин с маленьким городом, но самый модный район состоит из отдельных районов, ориентированных на сообщества, которые процветают и процветают благодаря местным семейным предприятиям, многие из которых были здесь на протяжении поколений. . На протяжении всего этого гастрономического тура по соседству мы отмечаем предприятия, рассказывая истории вовлеченных людей, пробуя некоторые из продаваемых вкусных блюд и делая пожертвования в организацию, призванную поддерживать успех этого сообщества малых предприятий.
Город: Бруклин
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $83.91
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $83.91
Что включено
Walk 3 hours and explore diverse Brooklyn cuisine, from New American to Italian, the Middle East
Visit family-owned food stores
Get tips on what else to see, do and eat during your stay
Discover best bites Brooklyn has to offer on 7 Unique Food Stops and taste 7 Food samples
Friendly Local, English-speaking food lover’s guide
Walk 3 hours and explore diverse Brooklyn cuisine, from New American to Italian, the Middle East
Visit family-owned food stores
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Возможности транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Наденьте удобную одежду и обувь для ходьбы
  • Вы будете в небольшой группе не более более 12 человек
  • Это тур для детей. Дети в возрасте от 6 до 11 лет включительно допускаются в этот тур по тарифу, указанному выше. Дети в возрасте до 6 лет могут участвовать в этом туре бесплатно.
  • В этом туре большое внимание уделяется местному бизнесу и экономике сообщества. Один бар, который вы посещаете, назван в честь этих местных идеалов и поддерживает местную экономику с помощью общественных собраний, пикапов для поддерживаемого сообществом сельского хозяйства и использования как можно большего количества местных ингредиентов.
  • Ваш гид обсудит сохранение достопримечательностей Нью-Йорка. Комиссия, которая была создана для защиты исторически значимых зданий и районов, в том числе территории, по которой вы проходите в этом туре.
  • Обратите внимание: варианты блюд и размеры порций будут варьироваться в зависимости от сезона и места, где мы остановимся в этот день, но общее количество включенной еды будет равно полноценному приему пищи.
  • Гиды должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Все туры следуют последним рекомендациям местных органов здравоохранения, включая использование масок и социальное дистанцирование. Компания Urban Adventures получила от Всемирного совета по путешествиям и туризму знак Safe Travels, которым награждаются компании, принявшие глобальные стандартизированные протоколы в области здравоохранения и гигиены.
Что ожидать
Smith Street
We spend the first part of the tour along one of the most exciting restaurant districts of Brooklyn. Wandering up and down Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, we stop into many of the local mom and pop businesses including a renowned baker, an impressive cheese shop, and an adorable little cookie bakery.
Carroll Gardens
As we stroll through this picturesque neighborhood we learn how it got its name, about its history as an Italian and Irish immigrant neighborhood, and how the waterfront helped transform it. We meet residents and shop owners and taste some great pastries, house roasted coffee, and visit an old-school soda fountain.
Cobble Hill
This historic district features some of the most beautiful brownstones in all of Brooklyn. Feel like a local as we wander through the residential streets and beautiful parks. Admire the architecture and visit many of the mom and pop businesses in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood by walking down the main commercial street of Atlantic Avenue. Here we get a sense of how locals shop by visiting one of the legendary Middle Eastern bakeries.
Smith Street
We spend the first part of the tour along one of the most exciting restaurant districts of Brooklyn. Wandering up and down Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, we stop into many of the local mom and pop businesses including a renowned baker, an impressive cheese shop, and an adorable little cookie bakery.
Carroll Gardens
As we stroll through this picturesque neighborhood we learn how it got its name, about its history as an Italian and Irish immigrant neighborhood, and how the waterfront helped transform it. We meet residents and shop owners and taste some great pastries, house roasted coffee, and visit an old-school soda fountain.
Cobble Hill
This historic district features some of the most beautiful brownstones in all of Brooklyn. Feel like a local as we wander through the residential streets and beautiful parks. Admire the architecture and visit many of the mom and pop businesses in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood by walking down the main commercial street of Atlantic Avenue. Here we get a sense of how locals shop by visiting one of the legendary Middle Eastern bakeries.
Smith Street
We spend the first part of the tour along one of the most exciting restaurant districts of Brooklyn. Wandering up and down Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, we stop into many of the local mom and pop businesses including a renowned baker, an impressive cheese shop, and an adorable little cookie bakery.
Carroll Gardens
As we stroll through this picturesque neighborhood we learn how it got its name, about its history as an Italian and Irish immigrant neighborhood, and how the waterfront helped transform it. We meet residents and shop owners and taste some great pastries, house roasted coffee, and visit an old-school soda fountain.
Cobble Hill
This historic district features some of the most beautiful brownstones in all of Brooklyn. Feel like a local as we wander through the residential streets and beautiful parks. Admire the architecture and visit many of the mom and pop businesses in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood by walking down the main commercial street of Atlantic Avenue. Here we get a sense of how locals shop by visiting one of the legendary Middle Eastern bakeries.
Smith Street
We spend the first part of the tour along one of the most exciting restaurant districts of Brooklyn. Wandering up and down Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, we stop into many of the local mom and pop businesses including a renowned baker, an impressive cheese shop, and an adorable little cookie bakery.
Carroll Gardens
As we stroll through this picturesque neighborhood we learn how it got its name, about its history as an Italian and Irish immigrant neighborhood, and how the waterfront helped transform it. We meet residents and shop owners and taste some great pastries, house roasted coffee, and visit an old-school soda fountain.
Cobble Hill
This historic district features some of the most beautiful brownstones in all of Brooklyn. Feel like a local as we wander through the residential streets and beautiful parks. Admire the architecture and visit many of the mom and pop businesses in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood by walking down the main commercial street of Atlantic Avenue. Here we get a sense of how locals shop by visiting one of the legendary Middle Eastern bakeries.
Smith Street
We spend the first part of the tour along one of the most exciting restaurant districts of Brooklyn. Wandering up and down Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, we stop into many of the local mom and pop businesses including a renowned baker, an impressive cheese shop, and an adorable little cookie bakery.
Carroll Gardens
As we stroll through this picturesque neighborhood we learn how it got its name, about its history as an Italian and Irish immigrant neighborhood, and how the waterfront helped transform it. We meet residents and shop owners and taste some great pastries, house roasted coffee, and visit an old-school soda fountain.
Cobble Hill
This historic district features some of the most beautiful brownstones in all of Brooklyn. Feel like a local as we wander through the residential streets and beautiful parks. Admire the architecture and visit many of the mom and pop businesses in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood by walking down the main commercial street of Atlantic Avenue. Here we get a sense of how locals shop by visiting one of the legendary Middle Eastern bakeries.
Smith Street
We spend the first part of the tour along one of the most exciting restaurant districts of Brooklyn. Wandering up and down Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, we stop into many of the local mom and pop businesses including a renowned baker, an impressive cheese shop, and an adorable little cookie bakery.
Carroll Gardens
As we stroll through this picturesque neighborhood we learn how it got its name, about its history as an Italian and Irish immigrant neighborhood, and how the waterfront helped transform it. We meet residents and shop owners and taste some great pastries, house roasted coffee, and visit an old-school soda fountain.
Cobble Hill
This historic district features some of the most beautiful brownstones in all of Brooklyn. Feel like a local as we wander through the residential streets and beautiful parks. Admire the architecture and visit many of the mom and pop businesses in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood by walking down the main commercial street of Atlantic Avenue. Here we get a sense of how locals shop by visiting one of the legendary Middle Eastern bakeries.
Smith Street
We spend the first part of the tour along one of the most exciting restaurant districts of Brooklyn. Wandering up and down Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, we stop into many of the local mom and pop businesses including a renowned baker, an impressive cheese shop, and an adorable little cookie bakery.
Carroll Gardens
As we stroll through this picturesque neighborhood we learn how it got its name, about its history as an Italian and Irish immigrant neighborhood, and how the waterfront helped transform it. We meet residents and shop owners and taste some great pastries, house roasted coffee, and visit an old-school soda fountain.
Cobble Hill
This historic district features some of the most beautiful brownstones in all of Brooklyn. Feel like a local as we wander through the residential streets and beautiful parks. Admire the architecture and visit many of the mom and pop businesses in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood by walking down the main commercial street of Atlantic Avenue. Here we get a sense of how locals shop by visiting one of the legendary Middle Eastern bakeries.
Smith Street
We spend the first part of the tour along one of the most exciting restaurant districts of Brooklyn. Wandering up and down Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, we stop into many of the local mom and pop businesses including a renowned baker, an impressive cheese shop, and an adorable little cookie bakery.
Carroll Gardens
As we stroll through this picturesque neighborhood we learn how it got its name, about its history as an Italian and Irish immigrant neighborhood, and how the waterfront helped transform it. We meet residents and shop owners and taste some great pastries, house roasted coffee, and visit an old-school soda fountain.
Cobble Hill
This historic district features some of the most beautiful brownstones in all of Brooklyn. Feel like a local as we wander through the residential streets and beautiful parks. Admire the architecture and visit many of the mom and pop businesses in the neighborhood.
Brooklyn Heights
We just touch on the southern end of this historic neighborhood by walking down the main commercial street of Atlantic Avenue. Here we get a sense of how locals shop by visiting one of the legendary Middle Eastern bakeries.
Первую часть экскурсии мы проводим по одному из самых интересных ресторанных районов Бруклина. Блуждая вверх и вниз по Смит-стрит в Кэрролл-Гарденс, мы останавливаемся во многих местных семейных и популярных заведениях, включая известную пекарню, впечатляющий сырный магазин и очаровательную маленькую пекарню с печеньем.
Кэрролл Гарденс
Прогуливаясь по этому живописному району, мы узнаем, как он получил свое название, о его истории как района итальянских и ирландских иммигрантов и о том, как набережная помогла ему измениться. Мы встречаемся с жителями и владельцами магазинов, пробуем замечательную выпечку, кофе домашней обжарки и посещаем олдскульный фонтанчик с газированной водой.
Коббл Хилл
В этом историческом районе находятся одни из самых красивых коричневых камней во всем Бруклине. Почувствуйте себя местным жителем, прогуливаясь по жилым улицам и красивым паркам. Полюбуйтесь архитектурой и посетите множество семейных и поп-бизнесов по соседству.
Бруклин Хайтс
Мы просто коснемся южной части этого исторического района, пройдя по главной торговой улице Атлантик-авеню. Здесь мы получаем представление о том, как местные жители делают покупки, посетив одну из легендарных ближневосточных пекарен.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (191)
Dec 2022
We had our tour guide, Micki, all to ourselves. What a treat to be able to visit as we learned! She was knowledgeable about the history of the neighborhood and answered our questions. The “bites” were yummy, too! We’ve already booked another tour!
Dec 2022
Jess was an fantastic guide. Very knowledgable and fun ! Highly recommend. Just the right amount of time and stops
Dec 2022
Brian was a great guide with all the knowledge of the history of the area and the restaurant we went to, which made the tour very memorable and wonderful experience. All the restaurants were good, but our favorite was Shelsky's of Brooklyn, Damascus bread and Chocolate Room - the flavor of the food on these places were unique and rare to find so fresh. Make sure to inform your preferences ahead to Brian so he can plan it ahead. He made sure that he catered to all 6 of our needs and dietary restrictions which was awesome as we all could have fun family time.

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