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Нью-Йоркский хип-хоп тур

Если вы увлекаетесь хип-хопом или хотите увидеть Нью-Йорк с другой стороны, отправляйтесь в тур с одним из гроссмейстеров хип-хопа! Этот единственный в своем роде опыт, подходящий для всех возрастов, отправляет вас в интерактивный культурный тур по Манхэттену, Гарлему и Бронксу и раскрывает истинное значение хип-хопа.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $79.99
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $79.99
Что включено
Live entertainment
Celebrity guide
Transport by luxury coach
3 hour tour
Live entertainment
Celebrity guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Тур работает дождь или солнце
  • Обед не включен, но его можно приобрести. Продавцы принимают только наличные, поэтому, пожалуйста, спланируйте это соответствующим образом.
  • Субботние туры НЕ включают остановку на обед.
  • В период с января по март требуется повторное подтверждение из-за неопределенности погодных условий в Нью-Йорке.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Hush Hip Hop Tours
The original Hip-Hop sightseeing experience
Neighborhood covering the north section of Manhattan Island.
Apollo Theater
The symbol of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, the Apollo is still the place to perform in Harlem. Walk of Fame
The Birthplace of Hip Hop 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx, NY
Hush Hip Hop Tours
The original Hip-Hop sightseeing experience
Neighborhood covering the north section of Manhattan Island.
Apollo Theater
The symbol of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, the Apollo is still the place to perform in Harlem. Walk of Fame
The Birthplace of Hip Hop 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx, NY
Hush Hip Hop Tours
The original Hip-Hop sightseeing experience
Neighborhood covering the north section of Manhattan Island.
Apollo Theater
The symbol of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, the Apollo is still the place to perform in Harlem. Walk of Fame
The Birthplace of Hip Hop 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx, NY
Hush Hip Hop Tours
The original Hip-Hop sightseeing experience
Neighborhood covering the north section of Manhattan Island.
Apollo Theater
The symbol of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, the Apollo is still the place to perform in Harlem. Walk of Fame
The Birthplace of Hip Hop 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx, NY
Хип-хоп туры Hush
Оригинальное знакомство с хип-хопом
Район, охватывающий северную часть острова Манхэттен.
Театр Аполлона
Аполлон, символ Гарлемского Возрождения 1920-х годов, до сих пор остается местом для выступлений в Гарлеме. Аллея славы
Родина хип-хопа 1520 Седжвик-авеню, Бронкс, Нью-Йорк
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (266)
Karo V
Aug 2018
We did the ‘where Brooklyn at’ tour... crazy cool experience! As we grew up with the 90’s hip hop, we just wanted to feel the vibe and go to the streets of Biggie, Jay Z and many others. Raza & Big scoob aka Johnny Famous did a great job in story telling and guiding... but in a chill way, not the usual listening tours but with much interaction and of course passion. They stopped by various hip hop landmarks, places Biggie used to battle and hustle.. murals of ODB & Biggie. What more can I say, real hip hop lovers really have to take this tour. The day after we already booked our next tour with Hush... Boogie down Bronx, I totally expect the same greatness or even better... Hush knows what they r doing and nice to see they can keep a great legacy alive! Much love..
Aug 2018
True, I may be completely biased by my background as a Hip Hop promoter/manager/educator. But this was one of the BEST tours I have ever been on. Grandmaster Caz is what sold me to take this tour, and he was completely worth every penny. The points are interesting, the tour is highly engaging and for a true Hip Hop head it was like traveling to a time and space the exists with each of us. I also brought along my 69 year old mother, and she said the tour was so interesting and informative. I will warn you there is a lot of getting gone and off the bus, and the bathroom break doesn't come into nearly the end of the 4 hours (so plan accordingly). But the bus was really comfortable. I don't know what else I can say to convince you to take this tour...but everyone should do it (btw, it seems really family friendly as on our tour there were kids to folks my mother's age).
Ian O
Jul 2018
My wife and I heard that this tour was amazing and it absolutely lived up to the hype. While Grandmaster Caz was not available, I was blown away by Bonz Malone. He was knowledgeable, inspiring, and so genuine. His contributions to the culture are not to be taken lightly. RayZa was terrific as well, always kept the energy high and focus! We saw many iconic places in the culture such as 1520 Sedgwick, Rucker Park, and even “the Carter” from New Jack City. This tour is a must do!

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