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Нью-Йоркский тур на электрическом велосипеде по Мидтауну, Центральному парку и Таймс-сквер

Мы предлагаем самые первые туры на электрических велосипедах в Нью-Йорке! Вы не поверите, сколько всего можно увидеть от Центрального парка до Мидтауна и Гудзон-Гринуэй. Присоединяйтесь к нам, когда мы исследуем Классический Манхэттен на наших электронных велосипедах с педалями. Вы не перестанете улыбаться от восторга от этого велосипедного тура с помощью педалей.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 05 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $97.00
Wed 05 Mar
Начинается с $97.00
Что включено
Local guide
Use of electric bicycle
Use of helmet
Basket/Bike Bag
Electric bike tour
Local guide
Use of electric bicycle
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Минимум возраст: 16 лет.
  • Работает под небольшим дождем, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица
  • Социальное дистанцирование на протяжении всего опыта
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
New York City
Once we make sure you are comfortable on your electric bike, we’ll ride to Central Park and explore a couple of the most iconic sites. Next, we'll zoom down 7th Ave to Rockefeller Center and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Next stops are Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, where you can literally feel the energy of Broadway. You won’t soon forget the ride up along the Hudson Greenway back to our shop in the Upper West Side. During this 3.5 to 4 hour tour, we'll make multiple stops where your guide will provide some history, unique facts, and tips for the rest of your time in the Big Apple. Our tour routes are carefully designed to keep safety in mind. We know that the hustle and bustle of Manhattan can be a bit overwhelming but our guides are trained to make sure you feel safe and happy as you ride through the city. We'll provide water to everyone so you can stay hydrated during your tour.
Central Park
Explore Central Park, learn about the history and take photos!
Brooklyn Bridge
This tour ends right before the Brooklyn Bridge at 38 Park Row
Times Square / Theater District
Explore Times Square, learn about the history and take photos!
Hudson River Park
Explore Central Park, learn about the history and take photos!
Explore Harlem, learn about the history and take photos!
New York City
Once we make sure you are comfortable on your electric bike, we’ll ride to Central Park and explore a couple of the most iconic sites. Next, we'll zoom down 7th Ave to Rockefeller Center and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Next stops are Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, where you can literally feel the energy of Broadway. You won’t soon forget the ride up along the Hudson Greenway back to our shop in the Upper West Side. During this 3.5 to 4 hour tour, we'll make multiple stops where your guide will provide some history, unique facts, and tips for the rest of your time in the Big Apple. Our tour routes are carefully designed to keep safety in mind. We know that the hustle and bustle of Manhattan can be a bit overwhelming but our guides are trained to make sure you feel safe and happy as you ride through the city. We'll provide water to everyone so you can stay hydrated during your tour.
Central Park
Explore Central Park, learn about the history and take photos!
Brooklyn Bridge
This tour ends right before the Brooklyn Bridge at 38 Park Row
Times Square / Theater District
Explore Times Square, learn about the history and take photos!
Hudson River Park
Explore Central Park, learn about the history and take photos!
Explore Harlem, learn about the history and take photos!
New York City
Once we make sure you are comfortable on your electric bike, we’ll ride to Central Park and explore a couple of the most iconic sites. Next, we'll zoom down 7th Ave to Rockefeller Center and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Next stops are Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, where you can literally feel the energy of Broadway. You won’t soon forget the ride up along the Hudson Greenway back to our shop in the Upper West Side. During this 3.5 to 4 hour tour, we'll make multiple stops where your guide will provide some history, unique facts, and tips for the rest of your time in the Big Apple. Our tour routes are carefully designed to keep safety in mind. We know that the hustle and bustle of Manhattan can be a bit overwhelming but our guides are trained to make sure you feel safe and happy as you ride through the city. We'll provide water to everyone so you can stay hydrated during your tour.
Central Park
Explore Central Park, learn about the history and take photos!
Brooklyn Bridge
This tour ends right before the Brooklyn Bridge at 38 Park Row
Times Square / Theater District
Explore Times Square, learn about the history and take photos!
Hudson River Park
Explore Central Park, learn about the history and take photos!
Explore Harlem, learn about the history and take photos!
Как только мы убедимся, что вам удобно на электрическом велосипеде, мы поедем в Центральный парк и осмотрим пару самых знаковых мест. Затем мы уменьшим масштаб 7-й авеню до Рокфеллер-центра и собора Святого Патрика. Следующие остановки — Центральный вокзал, Таймс-сквер, где можно буквально ощутить энергию Бродвея. Вы не скоро забудете поездку по Гудзон-Гринуэй обратно в наш магазин в Верхнем Вест-Сайде. Во время этого 3,5-4-часового тура мы сделаем несколько остановок, где ваш гид расскажет об истории, уникальных фактах и ​​​​советах на оставшееся время в Большом Яблоке. Наши туристические маршруты тщательно разработаны с учетом требований безопасности. Мы знаем, что шум и суета Манхэттена могут немного утомлять, но наши гиды обучены тому, чтобы вы чувствовали себя в безопасности и были счастливы, путешествуя по городу. Мы обеспечим всех водой, чтобы вы могли избежать обезвоживания во время тура.
Центральный парк
Исследуйте Центральный парк, узнайте об истории и сделайте фотографии!
Бруклинский мост
Этот тур заканчивается прямо перед Бруклинским мостом на 38 Park Row.
Таймс-сквер /Театральный район
Исследуйте Таймс-сквер, узнайте об истории и сделайте фотографии!
Гудзон Ривер Парк
Исследуйте Центральный парк, узнайте об истории и сделайте фотографии!
Исследуйте Гарлем, узнайте об истории и сделайте фотографии!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (9)
Oct 2022
A great cycling tour on Ebikes with our tour guide Bob. Just the two of us and a young architect from Colombia, we cycled through various parks and along the Hudson River with lots of stops for photos and information about the New York architecture we passed. The bikes were in very good order and the electric assistance useful for the very few gentle inclines. The weather was terrible, we all got soaked but it didn’t spoil our enjoyment of discovering part of New York you can’t see by far or bus. We had a welcome coffee spot to dry off and comfort stops when ever needed. Bob took lots of photos that he sent on to us later which were great mementos of our tour. Thank you Bob. We’d highly recommend this way of seeing New York
Sep 2022
Great guide and informative tour. Good way to get orientated in the city. Saw things we would not have been aware of .
Jun 2022
From having a shortage of the wrong electric bikes I knew the ride was gonna be a waste of time. I don’t think they understand supply and demand so I have to suffer for a few hours. Yes they offered me a regular bike but that wasn’t what I paid for. The guide was okay but we didn’t stop for photos and it just seemed like everything was whizzed through with no love or duty of care. I kept on having to ask to stop to take photos. Also the guide would start talking about history even when some of the riders were not present. Didn’t project so a few of us couldn’t hear what he was saying. Towards the end myself and two others just gave up! I’ve done many bike tours and this was the worst. I wish I had just asked for my money back the moment I saw the bike they gave me.

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