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Внедорожное приключение к Блестящей горе и индийским петроглифам

Сойдите с дороги и осмотрите некоторые из малоизвестных археологических и геологических памятников недалеко от Сент-Джорджа. Говорят, что место археологических раскопок, которое мы посещаем, содержит петроглифы нескольких культур, насчитывающих около 8000 лет. Блестящая гора особенная. Здесь вы можете найти свой уникальный непрозрачный камень и оставить его себе на память.
Город: Святой Георг
Thu 13 Mar
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Начинается с $99.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $99.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Bottled water
Bottled water
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Для детей 5–10 лет доступно (2) и (5) мест. места для взрослых.
  • Ванная комната доступна на 1/2 пути.
  • Грунтовые дороги довольно ровные, с небольшой тряской. Если у вас поздний срок беременности или серьезные проблемы со здоровьем, которые могут быть легко усугублены пылью и/или ухабистыми дорогами, вам предлагается путешествовать на свой страх и риск.
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site
We will meet at the location off River Rd. and Southern Pkwy. Begin your experience by buckling into our off road side x side which has been built specifically for off-road tours. Your tour guide will take up to 7 travelers on a journey down an old dirt trail that has been used by Indian cultures and early settlers for thousands of years. Our first stop will be at the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site. Here, you will witness first hand expressions of tradition and lore carved into stone. Religious tradition, hunting maps and stories of life are carved into these boulders that span some 8,000 years and several cultures. This is a short walk into this well preserved archeological preserve that gives you a taste of the past. Here you can try to figure out the meaning of some of these simple and sometimes detailed markings. This is a good place to photograph ancient art.
Glitter Mountain
After leaving the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site, we will travel deeper into the back country. Over the years, there have been many travelers here. Even today, much of this land is used to graze livestock. You will see evidence of mining in the nearby hills. This land is rich in minerals including gold, silver, platinum and more commonly, gypsum. Gypsum is mined in parts of Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. At Glitter Mountain, an open gypsum mine is available to the public. Pieces of gypsum scattered across the mounds of dirt "glitters" in the sunlight, hence "Glitter Mountain". Here you can find your own special piece of glitter and keep it as a souvenir.
Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site
We will meet at the location off River Rd. and Southern Pkwy. Begin your experience by buckling into our off road side x side which has been built specifically for off-road tours. Your tour guide will take up to 7 travelers on a journey down an old dirt trail that has been used by Indian cultures and early settlers for thousands of years. Our first stop will be at the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site. Here, you will witness first hand expressions of tradition and lore carved into stone. Religious tradition, hunting maps and stories of life are carved into these boulders that span some 8,000 years and several cultures. This is a short walk into this well preserved archeological preserve that gives you a taste of the past. Here you can try to figure out the meaning of some of these simple and sometimes detailed markings. This is a good place to photograph ancient art.
Glitter Mountain
After leaving the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site, we will travel deeper into the back country. Over the years, there have been many travelers here. Even today, much of this land is used to graze livestock. You will see evidence of mining in the nearby hills. This land is rich in minerals including gold, silver, platinum and more commonly, gypsum. Gypsum is mined in parts of Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. At Glitter Mountain, an open gypsum mine is available to the public. Pieces of gypsum scattered across the mounds of dirt "glitters" in the sunlight, hence "Glitter Mountain". Here you can find your own special piece of glitter and keep it as a souvenir.
Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site
We will meet at the location off River Rd. and Southern Pkwy. Begin your experience by buckling into our off road side x side which has been built specifically for off-road tours. Your tour guide will take up to 7 travelers on a journey down an old dirt trail that has been used by Indian cultures and early settlers for thousands of years. Our first stop will be at the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site. Here, you will witness first hand expressions of tradition and lore carved into stone. Religious tradition, hunting maps and stories of life are carved into these boulders that span some 8,000 years and several cultures. This is a short walk into this well preserved archeological preserve that gives you a taste of the past. Here you can try to figure out the meaning of some of these simple and sometimes detailed markings. This is a good place to photograph ancient art.
Glitter Mountain
After leaving the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site, we will travel deeper into the back country. Over the years, there have been many travelers here. Even today, much of this land is used to graze livestock. You will see evidence of mining in the nearby hills. This land is rich in minerals including gold, silver, platinum and more commonly, gypsum. Gypsum is mined in parts of Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. At Glitter Mountain, an open gypsum mine is available to the public. Pieces of gypsum scattered across the mounds of dirt "glitters" in the sunlight, hence "Glitter Mountain". Here you can find your own special piece of glitter and keep it as a souvenir.
Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site
We will meet at the location off River Rd. and Southern Pkwy. Begin your experience by buckling into our off road side x side which has been built specifically for off-road tours. Your tour guide will take up to 7 travelers on a journey down an old dirt trail that has been used by Indian cultures and early settlers for thousands of years. Our first stop will be at the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site. Here, you will witness first hand expressions of tradition and lore carved into stone. Religious tradition, hunting maps and stories of life are carved into these boulders that span some 8,000 years and several cultures. This is a short walk into this well preserved archeological preserve that gives you a taste of the past. Here you can try to figure out the meaning of some of these simple and sometimes detailed markings. This is a good place to photograph ancient art.
Glitter Mountain
After leaving the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site, we will travel deeper into the back country. Over the years, there have been many travelers here. Even today, much of this land is used to graze livestock. You will see evidence of mining in the nearby hills. This land is rich in minerals including gold, silver, platinum and more commonly, gypsum. Gypsum is mined in parts of Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. At Glitter Mountain, an open gypsum mine is available to the public. Pieces of gypsum scattered across the mounds of dirt "glitters" in the sunlight, hence "Glitter Mountain". Here you can find your own special piece of glitter and keep it as a souvenir.
Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site
We will meet at the location off River Rd. and Southern Pkwy. Begin your experience by buckling into our off road side x side which has been built specifically for off-road tours. Your tour guide will take up to 7 travelers on a journey down an old dirt trail that has been used by Indian cultures and early settlers for thousands of years. Our first stop will be at the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site. Here, you will witness first hand expressions of tradition and lore carved into stone. Religious tradition, hunting maps and stories of life are carved into these boulders that span some 8,000 years and several cultures. This is a short walk into this well preserved archeological preserve that gives you a taste of the past. Here you can try to figure out the meaning of some of these simple and sometimes detailed markings. This is a good place to photograph ancient art.
Glitter Mountain
After leaving the Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site, we will travel deeper into the back country. Over the years, there have been many travelers here. Even today, much of this land is used to graze livestock. You will see evidence of mining in the nearby hills. This land is rich in minerals including gold, silver, platinum and more commonly, gypsum. Gypsum is mined in parts of Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. At Glitter Mountain, an open gypsum mine is available to the public. Pieces of gypsum scattered across the mounds of dirt "glitters" in the sunlight, hence "Glitter Mountain". Here you can find your own special piece of glitter and keep it as a souvenir.
Местонахождение петроглифов Маленькой Черной горы
Мы встретимся на месте у Ривер Роуд. и Южный Пкви. Начните свой опыт с нашего внедорожника side x side, который был создан специально для поездок по бездорожью. Ваш гид проведет до 7 путешественников по старой грунтовой тропе, которая использовалась индейскими культурами и ранними поселенцами на протяжении тысячелетий. Наша первая остановка будет у петроглифов Маленькой Черной горы. Здесь вы станете свидетелями воплощения традиций и знаний, высеченных в камне. Религиозные традиции, охотничьи карты и истории жизни высечены на этих валунах, которые охватывают около 8000 лет и несколько культур. Это короткая прогулка по этому хорошо сохранившемуся археологическому заповеднику, который даст вам почувствовать вкус прошлого. Здесь вы можете попытаться разобраться в значении некоторых из этих простых, а иногда и подробных обозначений. Это хорошее место для фотографирования древнего искусства.
Блестящая гора
Покинув петроглифы Маленькой Черной горы, мы отправимся вглубь страны. В разные годы здесь побывало много путешественников. Даже сегодня большая часть этой земли используется для выпаса скота. Вы увидите свидетельства добычи полезных ископаемых на близлежащих холмах. Эта земля богата полезными ископаемыми, включая золото, серебро, платину и, чаще всего, гипс. Гипс добывают в некоторых частях Юты, Аризоны, Невады и Калифорнии. На Глиттер-Маунтин открытая гипсовая шахта доступна для публики. Кусочки гипса, разбросанные по кочкам грязи, «блестят» на солнце, отсюда и «Блестящая гора». Здесь вы можете найти свой особенный кусочек блесток и оставить его себе на память.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (10)
Jul 2022
This was one of the best tours we’ve ever been on. We were a group of 7. We had so much fun learning about the history of the area and the petroglyphs. My kids loved searching for rocks at glitter mountain. Our guide was friendly, flexible and knowledgeable. I highly recommend!!!
Jul 2021
This tour is perfect for “older “ adults and families with young kids, in my opinion. I was looking for a tour that wouldn’t be so hardcore or extreme. Mike, the guide and driver, was a lot of fun and I would bet he adapts to all different kinds of personalities. Mike seems to be very knowledgeable and very interested in the petroglyphs. The adventure was definitely worth the cost. My husband and I had the tour all to ourselves! Being from Michigan, the desert and mountainous climates were so different for us and it was nice experiencing the scenery close up.
Jun 2021
Fun adventure in the desert! Seeing Petroglyphs, Glittering Rocks, and a cave made for a one of a kind adventure! Mike was a friendly and knowledgeable guide.

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