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Панама-Сити E-Bike Tour

Хотите отправиться в увлекательное приключение на электровелосипеде по Панама-Сити и приобщиться к культуре и истории? Это приключение для вас! Мы поедем на электронных велосипедах, чтобы увидеть достопримечательности, фрески и исторические места в районе Сент-Эндрюс в Панама-Сити. Это САМОЕ ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОЕ приключение в вашей жизни!

Мы делаем наши приключения захватывающими и уникальными, а это значит, что нет двух одинаковых аттракционов! Наши дорожные капитаны позаботятся о том, чтобы вы увидели некоторые из лучших достопримечательностей Панама-Сити. Не забудьте взять с собой смартфон или камеру, чтобы запечатлеть все воспоминания! Каждый билет включает в себя защиту оборудования «Прикрой свою задницу» от любого случайного повреждения нашего электровелосипеда. Использование шлема включено.

*Еда и напитки не включены.
Город: Дестин
Thu 27 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $80.22
Thu 27 Feb
Начинается с $80.22
Что включено
Bottled water
Road Captain (Tour Guide)
Use of helmet
Cover Your Butt Accidental E-Bike Damage Protection
Use of e-bike
Bottled water
Road Captain (Tour Guide)
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Подходит для всех уровни физической подготовки
  • Для управления нашим электронным велосипедом должно быть не менее 14 лет, родитель/опекун должен быть готов подписать отказ от прав для всех гонщиков младше 18 лет, гонщики младше 16 лет должны пригласите родителя или опекуна с билетом и поезжайте в наше приключение.
  • Дети должны быть ростом не менее 48 дюймов, чтобы ездить в качестве пассажира, операторы должны иметь внутренний шов не менее 21 дюйма, чтобы управлять нашим электронным -велосипед.
  • Это велосипедный тур, поэтому нужно уметь безопасно и уверенно ездить на велосипеде. Мы используем электровелосипеды, но они работают по тому же принципу, что и велосипед. Возврат средств не производится, если вы не сможете пройти наш тест на вождение и обучение технике безопасности. Вам не нужно быть гонщиком Тур де Франс, но если вы не можете ездить по улице в вашем районе, мы не приключение для вас.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • li>
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
Что ожидать
Panama City
Get ready for an adventure that shows you the murals, culture, history, and a quick stop for cuisine in the St Andrews area of Panama City!
St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market
The Market began as a community activity in 2004 at the St. Andrews Marina under a modest circus tent with a handful of vendors led by the aspirations of the St. Andrews community. Named the St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market, it started as a commerce development tool with a goal of improving the economic health of St. Andrews by providing a place for merchants to sell their products directly to the consumer, provide a quality activity center for the community, and opportunities to incubate small businesses. During the fall of 2010, a group of passionate volunteers took the market on as a challenge and the market grew exponentially. The St. Andrews Waterfront Partnership made an agreement with Waterfront Market, Inc., in June 2011 who then assumed responsibility for the market operations under this agreement. In September 2011, the market outgrew the marina and expanded to the lovely boardwalks of the Yacht Basin.
Officially opened on Jan. 18, 2014, Floriopolis is a non-profit community arts center, encompassing a market, studio space, gallery and public art courtyard. Classes, performances and workshops are regularly scheduled at the venue, and the market displays the work of more than 100 local artists, including pottery, sculpture, jewelry, painting, literature, photography and more.
The Panama City Publishing Company Museum & Visitor Center
George Mortimer West, a writer, promoter, economist, horticulturist, publisher, and entrepreneur, is credited as the founding father of Panama City, developing it into an economically viable city and port on the shores of St. Andrews Bay. He built the Panama City Publishing Company building in 1920, in the heart of historic St. Andrews. The building served as the home of Panama City’s first newspapers, including the St. Andrews Buoy, the Panama City Pilot, the St. Andrews Bay News and Lynn Haven Free Press.
Oaks by the Bay Park
Oaks by the Bay Park, located at the south end of Beck Avenue in the St. Andrews area of Panama City, is the newest addition to the city's waterfront parks. This 5-acre park is located on beautiful St. Andrews Bay. It is shaded from the sun by majestic oak trees and is home to a very unique and perhaps the world's only 4-headed palm tree. The park also has a boardwalk to the bay, a gazebo, and an observation platform with benches for those who like to watch the sailboats pass by.
Panama City
Get ready for an adventure that shows you the murals, culture, history, and a quick stop for cuisine in the St Andrews area of Panama City!
St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market
The Market began as a community activity in 2004 at the St. Andrews Marina under a modest circus tent with a handful of vendors led by the aspirations of the St. Andrews community. Named the St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market, it started as a commerce development tool with a goal of improving the economic health of St. Andrews by providing a place for merchants to sell their products directly to the consumer, provide a quality activity center for the community, and opportunities to incubate small businesses. During the fall of 2010, a group of passionate volunteers took the market on as a challenge and the market grew exponentially. The St. Andrews Waterfront Partnership made an agreement with Waterfront Market, Inc., in June 2011 who then assumed responsibility for the market operations under this agreement. In September 2011, the market outgrew the marina and expanded to the lovely boardwalks of the Yacht Basin.
Officially opened on Jan. 18, 2014, Floriopolis is a non-profit community arts center, encompassing a market, studio space, gallery and public art courtyard. Classes, performances and workshops are regularly scheduled at the venue, and the market displays the work of more than 100 local artists, including pottery, sculpture, jewelry, painting, literature, photography and more.
The Panama City Publishing Company Museum & Visitor Center
George Mortimer West, a writer, promoter, economist, horticulturist, publisher, and entrepreneur, is credited as the founding father of Panama City, developing it into an economically viable city and port on the shores of St. Andrews Bay. He built the Panama City Publishing Company building in 1920, in the heart of historic St. Andrews. The building served as the home of Panama City’s first newspapers, including the St. Andrews Buoy, the Panama City Pilot, the St. Andrews Bay News and Lynn Haven Free Press.
Oaks by the Bay Park
Oaks by the Bay Park, located at the south end of Beck Avenue in the St. Andrews area of Panama City, is the newest addition to the city's waterfront parks. This 5-acre park is located on beautiful St. Andrews Bay. It is shaded from the sun by majestic oak trees and is home to a very unique and perhaps the world's only 4-headed palm tree. The park also has a boardwalk to the bay, a gazebo, and an observation platform with benches for those who like to watch the sailboats pass by.
Panama City
Get ready for an adventure that shows you the murals, culture, history, and a quick stop for cuisine in the St Andrews area of Panama City!
St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market
The Market began as a community activity in 2004 at the St. Andrews Marina under a modest circus tent with a handful of vendors led by the aspirations of the St. Andrews community. Named the St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market, it started as a commerce development tool with a goal of improving the economic health of St. Andrews by providing a place for merchants to sell their products directly to the consumer, provide a quality activity center for the community, and opportunities to incubate small businesses. During the fall of 2010, a group of passionate volunteers took the market on as a challenge and the market grew exponentially. The St. Andrews Waterfront Partnership made an agreement with Waterfront Market, Inc., in June 2011 who then assumed responsibility for the market operations under this agreement. In September 2011, the market outgrew the marina and expanded to the lovely boardwalks of the Yacht Basin.
Officially opened on Jan. 18, 2014, Floriopolis is a non-profit community arts center, encompassing a market, studio space, gallery and public art courtyard. Classes, performances and workshops are regularly scheduled at the venue, and the market displays the work of more than 100 local artists, including pottery, sculpture, jewelry, painting, literature, photography and more.
The Panama City Publishing Company Museum & Visitor Center
George Mortimer West, a writer, promoter, economist, horticulturist, publisher, and entrepreneur, is credited as the founding father of Panama City, developing it into an economically viable city and port on the shores of St. Andrews Bay. He built the Panama City Publishing Company building in 1920, in the heart of historic St. Andrews. The building served as the home of Panama City’s first newspapers, including the St. Andrews Buoy, the Panama City Pilot, the St. Andrews Bay News and Lynn Haven Free Press.
Oaks by the Bay Park
Oaks by the Bay Park, located at the south end of Beck Avenue in the St. Andrews area of Panama City, is the newest addition to the city's waterfront parks. This 5-acre park is located on beautiful St. Andrews Bay. It is shaded from the sun by majestic oak trees and is home to a very unique and perhaps the world's only 4-headed palm tree. The park also has a boardwalk to the bay, a gazebo, and an observation platform with benches for those who like to watch the sailboats pass by.
Panama City
Get ready for an adventure that shows you the murals, culture, history, and a quick stop for cuisine in the St Andrews area of Panama City!
St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market
The Market began as a community activity in 2004 at the St. Andrews Marina under a modest circus tent with a handful of vendors led by the aspirations of the St. Andrews community. Named the St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market, it started as a commerce development tool with a goal of improving the economic health of St. Andrews by providing a place for merchants to sell their products directly to the consumer, provide a quality activity center for the community, and opportunities to incubate small businesses. During the fall of 2010, a group of passionate volunteers took the market on as a challenge and the market grew exponentially. The St. Andrews Waterfront Partnership made an agreement with Waterfront Market, Inc., in June 2011 who then assumed responsibility for the market operations under this agreement. In September 2011, the market outgrew the marina and expanded to the lovely boardwalks of the Yacht Basin.
Officially opened on Jan. 18, 2014, Floriopolis is a non-profit community arts center, encompassing a market, studio space, gallery and public art courtyard. Classes, performances and workshops are regularly scheduled at the venue, and the market displays the work of more than 100 local artists, including pottery, sculpture, jewelry, painting, literature, photography and more.
The Panama City Publishing Company Museum & Visitor Center
George Mortimer West, a writer, promoter, economist, horticulturist, publisher, and entrepreneur, is credited as the founding father of Panama City, developing it into an economically viable city and port on the shores of St. Andrews Bay. He built the Panama City Publishing Company building in 1920, in the heart of historic St. Andrews. The building served as the home of Panama City’s first newspapers, including the St. Andrews Buoy, the Panama City Pilot, the St. Andrews Bay News and Lynn Haven Free Press.
Oaks by the Bay Park
Oaks by the Bay Park, located at the south end of Beck Avenue in the St. Andrews area of Panama City, is the newest addition to the city's waterfront parks. This 5-acre park is located on beautiful St. Andrews Bay. It is shaded from the sun by majestic oak trees and is home to a very unique and perhaps the world's only 4-headed palm tree. The park also has a boardwalk to the bay, a gazebo, and an observation platform with benches for those who like to watch the sailboats pass by.
Panama City
Get ready for an adventure that shows you the murals, culture, history, and a quick stop for cuisine in the St Andrews area of Panama City!
St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market
The Market began as a community activity in 2004 at the St. Andrews Marina under a modest circus tent with a handful of vendors led by the aspirations of the St. Andrews community. Named the St. Andrews Waterfront Farmers Market, it started as a commerce development tool with a goal of improving the economic health of St. Andrews by providing a place for merchants to sell their products directly to the consumer, provide a quality activity center for the community, and opportunities to incubate small businesses. During the fall of 2010, a group of passionate volunteers took the market on as a challenge and the market grew exponentially. The St. Andrews Waterfront Partnership made an agreement with Waterfront Market, Inc., in June 2011 who then assumed responsibility for the market operations under this agreement. In September 2011, the market outgrew the marina and expanded to the lovely boardwalks of the Yacht Basin.
Officially opened on Jan. 18, 2014, Floriopolis is a non-profit community arts center, encompassing a market, studio space, gallery and public art courtyard. Classes, performances and workshops are regularly scheduled at the venue, and the market displays the work of more than 100 local artists, including pottery, sculpture, jewelry, painting, literature, photography and more.
The Panama City Publishing Company Museum & Visitor Center
George Mortimer West, a writer, promoter, economist, horticulturist, publisher, and entrepreneur, is credited as the founding father of Panama City, developing it into an economically viable city and port on the shores of St. Andrews Bay. He built the Panama City Publishing Company building in 1920, in the heart of historic St. Andrews. The building served as the home of Panama City’s first newspapers, including the St. Andrews Buoy, the Panama City Pilot, the St. Andrews Bay News and Lynn Haven Free Press.
Oaks by the Bay Park
Oaks by the Bay Park, located at the south end of Beck Avenue in the St. Andrews area of Panama City, is the newest addition to the city's waterfront parks. This 5-acre park is located on beautiful St. Andrews Bay. It is shaded from the sun by majestic oak trees and is home to a very unique and perhaps the world's only 4-headed palm tree. The park also has a boardwalk to the bay, a gazebo, and an observation platform with benches for those who like to watch the sailboats pass by.
Приготовьтесь к приключению, которое покажет вам фрески, культуру, историю и быструю остановку для кухни в районе Сент-Эндрюс в Панама-Сити!
Фермерский рынок Сент-Эндрюс-Уотерфронт
Рынок начался как общественная деятельность в 2004 году на пристани Сент-Эндрюс под скромным цирковым шатром с горсткой продавцов, возглавляемых устремлениями сообщества Сент-Эндрюс. Названный Фермерским рынком на набережной Сент-Эндрюс, он начинался как инструмент развития торговли с целью улучшения экономического здоровья Сент-Эндрюса, предоставляя торговцам возможность продавать свою продукцию напрямую потребителю, предоставляя центр качественной деятельности для сообщество и возможности для развития малого бизнеса. Осенью 2010 года группа увлеченных добровольцев приняла рынок как вызов, и рынок рос в геометрической прогрессии. В июне 2011 года St. Andrews Waterfront Partnership заключила соглашение с Waterfront Market, Inc., которая затем взяла на себя ответственность за рыночные операции в соответствии с этим соглашением. В сентябре 2011 года рынок перерос пристань для яхт и расширился до прекрасных дощатых настилов Яхтенного бассейна.
Флориополис, официально открытый 18 января 2014 года, представляет собой некоммерческий общественный центр искусств, включающий в себя рынок, студию, галерею и паблик-арт. В этом месте регулярно проводятся занятия, представления и мастер-классы, а на рынке представлены работы более 100 местных художников, включая гончарное дело, скульптуру, ювелирные изделия, живопись, литературу, фотографию и многое другое.
Музей издательской компании Панама-Сити и центр для посетителей
Джордж Мортимер Уэст, писатель, промоутер, экономист, садовод, издатель и предприниматель, считается отцом-основателем Панама-Сити, который превратил его в экономически жизнеспособный город и порт на берегу залива Сент-Эндрюс. Он построил здание издательства Panama City Publishing Company в 1920 году в самом сердце исторического Сент-Эндрюса. Здание служило домом для первых газет Панама-Сити, в том числе St. Andrews Buoy, Panama City Pilot, St. Andrews Bay News и Lynn Haven Free Press.
Оукс у залива Парк
Oaks by the Bay Park, расположенный в южной части Бек-авеню в районе Сент-Эндрюс в Панама-Сити, является новейшим дополнением к городским прибрежным паркам. Этот парк площадью 5 акров расположен в красивом заливе Сент-Эндрюс. Он затенен от солнца величественными дубами и является домом для очень уникальной и, возможно, единственной в мире 4-головой пальмы. В парке также есть променад к бухте, беседка и смотровая площадка со скамейками для любителей понаблюдать за проплывающими мимо парусниками.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (72)
Sep 2022
What an amazing experience! John was hilarious and made everybody feel super comfortable. I have lived in the area for years and I learned so much and saw places and things I had no idea existed. I'm going to go again but bring my little one next time.
Jul 2022
It was like meeting up with some friends and riding around town! Sight seeing and learning some history!
Sonia L
Jul 2022
My family and I really enjoyed Captain Savage as our tour guide. It was our very first time on an e bike. He was very patient and made sure we were comfortable before hitting the road. He taught us a lot about the city of Panama. He also showed us some local land marks. Although our trip was cut a little short due to the rain. I actually feel like it made it even more adventurous lol. I will definitely do this again on our next vacation here. Thanks Captain Savage. We are now proud members of the Biker Gang 🤟🏾

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