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Мемориал авианосца "Аризона" в Перл-Харборе и линкор "Миссури"

Посетите авианосец «Аризона» и линкор «Миссури», поскольку они олицетворяют начало и конец Второй мировой войны. Сопутствующие «Дорога к войне» и «Атака» представляют галереи, в которых представлены фотографии и найденные предметы, связанные с событиями, произошедшими в Перл-Харборе и Второй мировой войной. Затем посмотрите короткий фильм, объясняющий судьбоносный день и его значение. Затем следует поездка на лодке к Мемориалу авианосца «Аризона», месту последнего упокоения 1177 членов экипажа корабля.

Авианосец «Миссури» с гордостью прослужил во время Второй мировой войны, Корейской войны и войны в Персидском заливе на протяжении 51-летней карьеры. . Спущен на воду с военно-морской верфи в Бруклине в 1944 году.

Примечание. Допускаются небольшие сумки с размерами не более 1,5 x 2,25 x 5,5 дюймов.
Город: Гонолулу
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $139.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $139.00
Что включено
USS Arizona Memorial Boat Tickets
In-Person Briefing at Pearl Harbor Visitor's Center
Admission to the USS Battleship Missouri
Convenient Pickup/Drop off from Waikiki Hotels
USS Arizona Memorial Boat Tickets
In-Person Briefing at Pearl Harbor Visitor's Center
Admission to the USS Battleship Missouri
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступны специальные детские сиденья
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Нет сумки разрешены в Перл-Харборе
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Pearl Harbor National Memorial
Pearl Harbor the home of the USS Arizona Memorial, learn about one of the most pivotal moments in US history of WWII.
Battleship Missouri Memorial
Visit the battleship USS Missouri—lovingly known as the "Mighty Mo". After fighting in the last year of the war with Japan, Mighty Mo served as the location where Japan would sign the official surrender documents. In addition to the historically significant, Mighty Mo offers a look at what life at sea was like aboard a battleship.
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
Punchbowl Crater is an extinct volcanic tuff cone located in Honolulu, It serves as a memorial to honor those men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces, and those who have given their lives in doing so.
Pearl Harbor National Memorial
Pearl Harbor the home of the USS Arizona Memorial, learn about one of the most pivotal moments in US history of WWII.
Battleship Missouri Memorial
Visit the battleship USS Missouri—lovingly known as the "Mighty Mo". After fighting in the last year of the war with Japan, Mighty Mo served as the location where Japan would sign the official surrender documents. In addition to the historically significant, Mighty Mo offers a look at what life at sea was like aboard a battleship.
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
Punchbowl Crater is an extinct volcanic tuff cone located in Honolulu, It serves as a memorial to honor those men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces, and those who have given their lives in doing so.
Pearl Harbor National Memorial
Pearl Harbor the home of the USS Arizona Memorial, learn about one of the most pivotal moments in US history of WWII.
Battleship Missouri Memorial
Visit the battleship USS Missouri—lovingly known as the "Mighty Mo". After fighting in the last year of the war with Japan, Mighty Mo served as the location where Japan would sign the official surrender documents. In addition to the historically significant, Mighty Mo offers a look at what life at sea was like aboard a battleship.
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
Punchbowl Crater is an extinct volcanic tuff cone located in Honolulu, It serves as a memorial to honor those men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces, and those who have given their lives in doing so.
Pearl Harbor National Memorial
Pearl Harbor the home of the USS Arizona Memorial, learn about one of the most pivotal moments in US history of WWII.
Battleship Missouri Memorial
Visit the battleship USS Missouri—lovingly known as the "Mighty Mo". After fighting in the last year of the war with Japan, Mighty Mo served as the location where Japan would sign the official surrender documents. In addition to the historically significant, Mighty Mo offers a look at what life at sea was like aboard a battleship.
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
Punchbowl Crater is an extinct volcanic tuff cone located in Honolulu, It serves as a memorial to honor those men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces, and those who have given their lives in doing so.
Pearl Harbor National Memorial
Pearl Harbor the home of the USS Arizona Memorial, learn about one of the most pivotal moments in US history of WWII.
Battleship Missouri Memorial
Visit the battleship USS Missouri—lovingly known as the "Mighty Mo". After fighting in the last year of the war with Japan, Mighty Mo served as the location where Japan would sign the official surrender documents. In addition to the historically significant, Mighty Mo offers a look at what life at sea was like aboard a battleship.
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
Punchbowl Crater is an extinct volcanic tuff cone located in Honolulu, It serves as a memorial to honor those men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces, and those who have given their lives in doing so.
Национальный мемориал Перл-Харбор
Перл-Харбор, дом мемориала USS Arizona, узнайте об одном из самых поворотных моментов в истории США во время Второй мировой войны.
Мемориал линкора Миссури
Посетите линкор USS Missouri, известный как «Могучий Мо». После боев в последний год войны с Японией Майти Мо служил местом, где Япония подписывала официальные документы о капитуляции. Помимо исторически значимого, Майти Мо предлагает взглянуть на то, какой была жизнь в море на борту линкора.
Национальное мемориальное кладбище Тихого океана
Кратер Панчбоул — потухший вулканический туфовый конус, расположенный в Гонолулу. Он служит памятником тем мужчинам и женщинам, которые служили в Вооруженных силах США, и тем, кто отдал при этом свою жизнь.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (307)
Dec 2022
The Arizona memorial & Missouri battleship, both a legitimate testimony of history, the visit was very well organized by the foundation managing both sites. Karma tour organized a perfect timing to get to the sites, and complemented the tour with city facts about Honolulu.
Dec 2022
I highly suggest you watch the Netflix documentary about the pearl harbour then attending the memorial, and the battleship Missouri with the free guided tour it makes the visit to both locations more memorable.
Dec 2022
A good overview but not enough time to spend in any one place We wanted to spend more time in the museum but Art was a great guide.

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