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Комбинированный входной билет Plimoth Patuxet, Mayflower II или Plimoth Grist Mill

Plimoth Patuxet Museums — это музей живой истории, рассказывающий об исторических событиях истории основания Америки, о прибытии пилигримов в 1620 году; отношения с нацией вампаноагов; Первый День Благодарения.

В музеях Плимота Патуксета есть 3 уникальных выставочных места.

o «Мейфлауэр», полноразмерная копия корабля, на котором в 1620 году перевозились пилигримы (подарок Англии США за их помощь в войне), внесен в Национальный реестр исторических мест.

o Мельница Plimoth Grist, действующая копия оригинальной мельницы пилигримов 1636 года на Таун-Брук.

o Кампус Plimoth Patuxet, включает в себя Homesite Patuxet, Английскую деревню 17-го века, Ремесленный центр (Plimoth ремесленники), «Редкие породы животных».
Выставки: «Мы собираемся вместе», «День благодарения», «Благодарность» и «Создание американского праздника»; История в новом свете: освещение археологии исторического Патуксета и Плимута.

Семь розничных магазинов, торгующих изделиями Плимота и местных ремесленников

Кафе в Плимот-Патуксет

Город: Плимут
Sun 22 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $32.00
Sun 22 Sep
Начинается с $32.00
Что включено
or, the Plimoth Grist Mill - 6 Spring Lane, located at Brewster Gardens.
Mayflower is docked at Pilgrim Memorial State Park - 3 miles north, you will need a car.
Plimoth Patuxet exhibits:Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center and Nye Barn
Exhibitions: History in a New Light, Iluminating the Archaelogy of Historic Plymouth & Patuxet
Exhibitions: We Gather Together - Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and the Making of an American Holiday
or, the Plimoth Grist Mill - 6 Spring Lane, located at Brewster Gardens.
Mayflower is docked at Pilgrim Memorial State Park - 3 miles north, you will need a car.
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Уоррен-авеню, 137
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Вы можете выбрать дополнительный день для посещения Mayflower или Plimoth Grist Mill в течение сезона, в который был куплен билет. Пожалуйста, сохраните свой билет, полученный при обмене на вход в Plimoth Patuxet. Предъявите этот талон в Mayflower или Mill, в зависимости от типа купленного вами билета.
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  • Бесплатная услуга гольф-кара, предоставляемая сотрудниками музеев Плимота Патуксета, чтобы помочь тем, кто нуждается в помощи, узнать по прибытии об услугах для гостей.
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  • Станция Amtrack находится в 4 милях к северу от музея. Автобусный вокзал Плимута и Броктона находится в 3,2 км к западу. Мы рекомендуем вам организовать доставку ливреи до прибытия.
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  • Регулярно дезинфицируется места с интенсивным движением
  • Мы соблюдаем требования штата Массачусетс в отношении маски и безопасность.
Что ожидать
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Exhibitions-We Gather Together: Thanksgivng, Gratitude, and the Making of an American Holiday; History in a new Light: Illuminating the Archaeology of Historic Patuxet and Plymouth; Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center (artisans) and Rare Breeds Animals. Then take the woodland pathway to the Wampanoag Homesite, an exhibit where guests experience the history of indigenous people. Meet modern Native people in traditional dress who will talk to you about their culture and relationship to the natural world. Then, travel back to 1627 at the 17th-Century English village, a re-creation of the Pilgrim's Plymouth Colony, guests will come face-to-face with historical interpreters portraying residents of Colonial Plymouth. Active participation in the daily activities of the village is encourages. On your way out, there are 4 unique retail stores to browse and you may also want to pick up a beverage or snack at Plentiful Cafe. We hope to see you soon! Safe travels.
Plimoth Grist Mill
Located in historic downtown Plymouth, a short walk from the Mayflower, the Plimoth Grist Mill is a fully working reconstruction of the original mill built by the Pilgrims on the same site in 1636. Exhibits explore science, history, technology and ecology. In the spring, see the annual Herring Run and learn about the herrings' significance to the Wampanoag and Pilgrim story. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day after you exchange your voucher for admission at Plimoth Patuxet. See pricing for the admission ticket. This exhibit is open Saturday and Sunday.
Mayflower II
Docked at picturesque Plymouth Harbor, the Mayflowe, National Register of Historic Place, is a full-scale reproduction of the 17th-century merchant ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth in 1620. Climb aboard and learn about the history of Mayflower - 1620 and 1957 when presented as gift fom the people of England to the people of this country for help in the war. Plymouth Rock is nearby and is a free. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day from Plimoth Plantation (the main campus). See pricing for admission details.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Exhibitions-We Gather Together: Thanksgivng, Gratitude, and the Making of an American Holiday; History in a new Light: Illuminating the Archaeology of Historic Patuxet and Plymouth; Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center (artisans) and Rare Breeds Animals. Then take the woodland pathway to the Wampanoag Homesite, an exhibit where guests experience the history of indigenous people. Meet modern Native people in traditional dress who will talk to you about their culture and relationship to the natural world. Then, travel back to 1627 at the 17th-Century English village, a re-creation of the Pilgrim's Plymouth Colony, guests will come face-to-face with historical interpreters portraying residents of Colonial Plymouth. Active participation in the daily activities of the village is encourages. On your way out, there are 4 unique retail stores to browse and you may also want to pick up a beverage or snack at Plentiful Cafe. We hope to see you soon! Safe travels.
Plimoth Grist Mill
Located in historic downtown Plymouth, a short walk from the Mayflower, the Plimoth Grist Mill is a fully working reconstruction of the original mill built by the Pilgrims on the same site in 1636. Exhibits explore science, history, technology and ecology. In the spring, see the annual Herring Run and learn about the herrings' significance to the Wampanoag and Pilgrim story. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day after you exchange your voucher for admission at Plimoth Patuxet. See pricing for the admission ticket. This exhibit is open Saturday and Sunday.
Mayflower II
Docked at picturesque Plymouth Harbor, the Mayflowe, National Register of Historic Place, is a full-scale reproduction of the 17th-century merchant ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth in 1620. Climb aboard and learn about the history of Mayflower - 1620 and 1957 when presented as gift fom the people of England to the people of this country for help in the war. Plymouth Rock is nearby and is a free. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day from Plimoth Plantation (the main campus). See pricing for admission details.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Exhibitions-We Gather Together: Thanksgivng, Gratitude, and the Making of an American Holiday; History in a new Light: Illuminating the Archaeology of Historic Patuxet and Plymouth; Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center (artisans) and Rare Breeds Animals. Then take the woodland pathway to the Wampanoag Homesite, an exhibit where guests experience the history of indigenous people. Meet modern Native people in traditional dress who will talk to you about their culture and relationship to the natural world. Then, travel back to 1627 at the 17th-Century English village, a re-creation of the Pilgrim's Plymouth Colony, guests will come face-to-face with historical interpreters portraying residents of Colonial Plymouth. Active participation in the daily activities of the village is encourages. On your way out, there are 4 unique retail stores to browse and you may also want to pick up a beverage or snack at Plentiful Cafe. We hope to see you soon! Safe travels.
Plimoth Grist Mill
Located in historic downtown Plymouth, a short walk from the Mayflower, the Plimoth Grist Mill is a fully working reconstruction of the original mill built by the Pilgrims on the same site in 1636. Exhibits explore science, history, technology and ecology. In the spring, see the annual Herring Run and learn about the herrings' significance to the Wampanoag and Pilgrim story. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day after you exchange your voucher for admission at Plimoth Patuxet. See pricing for the admission ticket. This exhibit is open Saturday and Sunday.
Mayflower II
Docked at picturesque Plymouth Harbor, the Mayflowe, National Register of Historic Place, is a full-scale reproduction of the 17th-century merchant ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth in 1620. Climb aboard and learn about the history of Mayflower - 1620 and 1957 when presented as gift fom the people of England to the people of this country for help in the war. Plymouth Rock is nearby and is a free. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day from Plimoth Plantation (the main campus). See pricing for admission details.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Exhibitions-We Gather Together: Thanksgivng, Gratitude, and the Making of an American Holiday; History in a new Light: Illuminating the Archaeology of Historic Patuxet and Plymouth; Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center (artisans) and Rare Breeds Animals. Then take the woodland pathway to the Wampanoag Homesite, an exhibit where guests experience the history of indigenous people. Meet modern Native people in traditional dress who will talk to you about their culture and relationship to the natural world. Then, travel back to 1627 at the 17th-Century English village, a re-creation of the Pilgrim's Plymouth Colony, guests will come face-to-face with historical interpreters portraying residents of Colonial Plymouth. Active participation in the daily activities of the village is encourages. On your way out, there are 4 unique retail stores to browse and you may also want to pick up a beverage or snack at Plentiful Cafe. We hope to see you soon! Safe travels.
Plimoth Grist Mill
Located in historic downtown Plymouth, a short walk from the Mayflower, the Plimoth Grist Mill is a fully working reconstruction of the original mill built by the Pilgrims on the same site in 1636. Exhibits explore science, history, technology and ecology. In the spring, see the annual Herring Run and learn about the herrings' significance to the Wampanoag and Pilgrim story. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day after you exchange your voucher for admission at Plimoth Patuxet. See pricing for the admission ticket. This exhibit is open Saturday and Sunday.
Mayflower II
Docked at picturesque Plymouth Harbor, the Mayflowe, National Register of Historic Place, is a full-scale reproduction of the 17th-century merchant ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth in 1620. Climb aboard and learn about the history of Mayflower - 1620 and 1957 when presented as gift fom the people of England to the people of this country for help in the war. Plymouth Rock is nearby and is a free. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day from Plimoth Plantation (the main campus). See pricing for admission details.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Exhibitions-We Gather Together: Thanksgivng, Gratitude, and the Making of an American Holiday; History in a new Light: Illuminating the Archaeology of Historic Patuxet and Plymouth; Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center (artisans) and Rare Breeds Animals. Then take the woodland pathway to the Wampanoag Homesite, an exhibit where guests experience the history of indigenous people. Meet modern Native people in traditional dress who will talk to you about their culture and relationship to the natural world. Then, travel back to 1627 at the 17th-Century English village, a re-creation of the Pilgrim's Plymouth Colony, guests will come face-to-face with historical interpreters portraying residents of Colonial Plymouth. Active participation in the daily activities of the village is encourages. On your way out, there are 4 unique retail stores to browse and you may also want to pick up a beverage or snack at Plentiful Cafe. We hope to see you soon! Safe travels.
Plimoth Grist Mill
Located in historic downtown Plymouth, a short walk from the Mayflower, the Plimoth Grist Mill is a fully working reconstruction of the original mill built by the Pilgrims on the same site in 1636. Exhibits explore science, history, technology and ecology. In the spring, see the annual Herring Run and learn about the herrings' significance to the Wampanoag and Pilgrim story. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day after you exchange your voucher for admission at Plimoth Patuxet. See pricing for the admission ticket. This exhibit is open Saturday and Sunday.
Mayflower II
Docked at picturesque Plymouth Harbor, the Mayflowe, National Register of Historic Place, is a full-scale reproduction of the 17th-century merchant ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth in 1620. Climb aboard and learn about the history of Mayflower - 1620 and 1957 when presented as gift fom the people of England to the people of this country for help in the war. Plymouth Rock is nearby and is a free. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day from Plimoth Plantation (the main campus). See pricing for admission details.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Exhibitions-We Gather Together: Thanksgivng, Gratitude, and the Making of an American Holiday; History in a new Light: Illuminating the Archaeology of Historic Patuxet and Plymouth; Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center (artisans) and Rare Breeds Animals. Then take the woodland pathway to the Wampanoag Homesite, an exhibit where guests experience the history of indigenous people. Meet modern Native people in traditional dress who will talk to you about their culture and relationship to the natural world. Then, travel back to 1627 at the 17th-Century English village, a re-creation of the Pilgrim's Plymouth Colony, guests will come face-to-face with historical interpreters portraying residents of Colonial Plymouth. Active participation in the daily activities of the village is encourages. On your way out, there are 4 unique retail stores to browse and you may also want to pick up a beverage or snack at Plentiful Cafe. We hope to see you soon! Safe travels.
Plimoth Grist Mill
Located in historic downtown Plymouth, a short walk from the Mayflower, the Plimoth Grist Mill is a fully working reconstruction of the original mill built by the Pilgrims on the same site in 1636. Exhibits explore science, history, technology and ecology. In the spring, see the annual Herring Run and learn about the herrings' significance to the Wampanoag and Pilgrim story. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day after you exchange your voucher for admission at Plimoth Patuxet. See pricing for the admission ticket. This exhibit is open Saturday and Sunday.
Mayflower II
Docked at picturesque Plymouth Harbor, the Mayflowe, National Register of Historic Place, is a full-scale reproduction of the 17th-century merchant ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth in 1620. Climb aboard and learn about the history of Mayflower - 1620 and 1957 when presented as gift fom the people of England to the people of this country for help in the war. Plymouth Rock is nearby and is a free. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day from Plimoth Plantation (the main campus). See pricing for admission details.
Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Exhibitions-We Gather Together: Thanksgivng, Gratitude, and the Making of an American Holiday; History in a new Light: Illuminating the Archaeology of Historic Patuxet and Plymouth; Patuxet Homesite, 17th-Century English Village, Craft Center (artisans) and Rare Breeds Animals. Then take the woodland pathway to the Wampanoag Homesite, an exhibit where guests experience the history of indigenous people. Meet modern Native people in traditional dress who will talk to you about their culture and relationship to the natural world. Then, travel back to 1627 at the 17th-Century English village, a re-creation of the Pilgrim's Plymouth Colony, guests will come face-to-face with historical interpreters portraying residents of Colonial Plymouth. Active participation in the daily activities of the village is encourages. On your way out, there are 4 unique retail stores to browse and you may also want to pick up a beverage or snack at Plentiful Cafe. We hope to see you soon! Safe travels.
Plimoth Grist Mill
Located in historic downtown Plymouth, a short walk from the Mayflower, the Plimoth Grist Mill is a fully working reconstruction of the original mill built by the Pilgrims on the same site in 1636. Exhibits explore science, history, technology and ecology. In the spring, see the annual Herring Run and learn about the herrings' significance to the Wampanoag and Pilgrim story. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day after you exchange your voucher for admission at Plimoth Patuxet. See pricing for the admission ticket. This exhibit is open Saturday and Sunday.
Mayflower II
Docked at picturesque Plymouth Harbor, the Mayflowe, National Register of Historic Place, is a full-scale reproduction of the 17th-century merchant ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth in 1620. Climb aboard and learn about the history of Mayflower - 1620 and 1957 when presented as gift fom the people of England to the people of this country for help in the war. Plymouth Rock is nearby and is a free. You may select to visit this location on the same day or a different day from Plimoth Plantation (the main campus). See pricing for admission details.
Музеи Плимота Патуксета
Выставки-Мы собираемся вместе: День благодарения, благодарность и создание американского праздника; История в новом свете: освещение археологии исторических Патуксет и Плимут; Дом Патуксет, английская деревня 17 века, центр ремесел (ремесленников) и редкие породы животных. Затем пройдите по лесной тропинке к дому вампаноаг, выставке, где гости знакомятся с историей коренных народов. Познакомьтесь с современными коренными жителями в традиционной одежде, которые расскажут вам о своей культуре и отношении к миру природы. Затем вернитесь в 1627 год в английскую деревню 17-го века, воссоздающую Плимутскую колонию паломников, и гости встретятся лицом к лицу с историческими интерпретаторами, изображающими жителей колониального Плимута. Поощряется активное участие в повседневной жизни села. На выходе есть 4 уникальных розничных магазина, и вы также можете купить напитки или закуски в кафе Plentiful. Надеемся вскоре вас увидеть! Безопасные путешествия.
Плимотская крупяная мельница
Расположенная в историческом центре Плимута, в нескольких минутах ходьбы от Мэйфлауэр, мельница Plimoth Grist Mill представляет собой полностью действующую реконструкцию оригинальной мельницы, построенной паломниками на том же месте в 1636 году. Экспонаты посвящены науке, истории, технологиям и экологии. Весной посмотрите ежегодный пробег сельди и узнайте о значении сельди в истории вампаноага и пилигрима. Вы можете посетить это место в тот же день или в другой день после обмена ваучера на вход в Plimoth Patuxet. Посмотреть стоимость входного билета. Эта выставка открыта в субботу и воскресенье.
Мэйфлауэр II
Пришвартованный в живописной гавани Плимута, Мэйфлауэр, внесенный в Национальный реестр исторических мест, представляет собой полномасштабную копию торгового корабля 17-го века, доставившего паломников в Плимут в 1620 году. Поднимитесь на борт и узнайте об истории Мэйфлауэр - 1620 и 1957 годы. при подарке от народа Англии народу этой страны за помощь в войне. Плимут-Рок находится поблизости и является бесплатным. Вы можете посетить это место в тот же день или в другой день с плантации Плимот (главный кампус). Подробности о входе смотрите в ценах.
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Отзывы (233)
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Nov 2019
We visited Cape Cod for 10 days this last fall and my husband and I both agree the Plimoth Plantation was one of the highlights of the entire trip. We went on the most beautiful fall day- full of sunshine and scenery. We both love history and we learned so much more then they told us in school. The fact that Plimoth was not the first place the Mayflower stopped and everyone went ashore. How it came to be that the brave people who crossed the ocean in a ship that was barely seaworthy decided to stay and build there first settlement at Plimoth. The relationship the settlers had with the American Indian community that also lived in thar area. We were shocked to hear just how much these 2 groups of people relied on each other and even signed a formal agreement promising to help defend each other if one group was attacked. Plan to spend the whole day. There are costumed guides who talk to you as if it was back in their day. We were amused at the ideas about health and disease and how seriously the leaders took these ideas. We drove up and down the coast all week and if we had only a few days to revisit we'd go back there. We both have thought of so many more questions we would ask. We fully recommend this historical " museum". We did not see any children there but school was back in session. I believe children older then 7 or 8 would get a great deal out of visiting and seeing history infront of them Younger children may have a harder time as it is a great deal of walking and pushing a stroller on the dirt roads would be very difficult. They would probably grow impatient listening to the actors and not having any idea what was being talked about. Please- if you are in the area and have a good pair ou'd walking shoes- visit Plimoth Plantation.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2019
So glad to hear you enjoyed your experience. You are so right, what we are taught in school doesn't compare to the depth of knowledge and information that is shared at Plimoth Plantation. Two perspectives Indigenous People - Wampanoag Nation and the English colonists known as the Pilgrims. At the museum you hear directly from the indigenous people of their history which is an oral tradition passed down in stories, and in the English Village there are first person role-players historically accurately portraying the colonists in the year 1627. Hope you can come back for the 400th Commemoration in 2020 or the 400th anniversary of what Americans refer to as the First Thanksgiving in 2021.
Linda F
Nov 2019
The plantation was just ok but might be better in the busy season. There were some costumed reenactors who portrayed Pilgrims and Native Americans. There's life size homes of both that you can visit and ask questions. (Wish the two young men who were burning out canoes would have been more willing to talk and explain the process) but the whole place seemed unenthusiastic. The facilities were clean but needs updated. In hindsight, we thought the lack of signs and/or clear directions to the museum was odd. The Grist Mill was very underwhelming and is several miles from the plantation so you have to drive. Nothing is marked very well so you might get lost like we did. The museum "Should I Stay or Should I Go" is within walking distance from the mill and it's quite a pretty trail but the museum was so pathetic. The displays are all outside and faded, and water damaged. We paid $68 for two people for all 3 locations and we regretted it.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2019
Linda, I'm so sorry that you did not receive the experience that we dedicate ourselves to provide to every guest. The waterfront exhibit is a temporary exhibit while Mayflower has been away in restoration for the last three years and is showing it's age, it comes downs at the end of November 2019. The back to back nor' easter storms we had have impacted that exhibit, we have put attention and detail to them to get them through this season for our guests (families with children have enjoyed this walk through history) and hope that if you are in the area again, you will give us another opportunity.
Marilyn B
Nov 2019
Plimoth Plantation is an interesting reconstruction of an early settler’s stockaded village with costumed actors re-enacting characters from that era and demonstrations of cookery and armed defence. Also reconstruction of native Indian site with costumed Indian descendants demonstrating their everyday skills. Grist Mill in central Plymouth is also interesting Unfortunately Mayflower ll is not in Plymouth at present as still under refurbished
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2019
Glad to hear you enjoyed your visit.

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