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Портленд, тур по городу Орегон: парки, площади и виды

Узнайте историю Портленда, штат Орегон, наслаждаясь его самыми высокими и самыми интимными смотровыми площадками, вдыхая аромат роз, бродя по садам, заглядывая в лесопарк и пробуя пончики.

После того, как мы встретим вас в центре города, подъедем к северной и южной разделительной линии города, направимся на вершину Кингс-Хайтс и прогуляемся по территории особняка, построенного газетным бароном, чтобы увидеть вид, который когда-то был доступен только городской элите.

Мы посетим парк Вашингтон, прогуляемся по нашему любимому секретному саду и посетим Испытательный сад роз. В сезон мы будем пахнуть розами - в прямом и переносном смысле!

Далее: центр города и культурный район. Это был бы не Портленд без остановки на пончики, поэтому мы обсудим историю основания города и дизайн этих кварталов после того, как заглянем в один из наших любимых магазинов и перехватим угощение.

Мы посетим Южную набережную, внутренний район Истсайда, и дадим вам много идей для гурманов, прежде чем мы вас высадим!
Город: Портленд
Sat 19 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $65.00
Sat 19 Oct
Начинается с $65.00
Что включено
Приложение на вашем телефоне: ссылка для загрузки приложения Action Guide. Пароль для ваших туров. Предварительный просмотр дома
Bottled water
Doughnut or other morning treat
Bottled water
Doughnut or other morning treat
Bottled water
30 цифровых фотографий высокого разрешения
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  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Оплачиваемое пребывание в отеле -Домашняя политика для сотрудников с симптомами
  • Бесконтактные платежи за чаевые и дополнительные услуги
  • Поскольку обязательные маски отменяются, маски больше не требуются для гидов и путешественников в транспортных средствах
Что ожидать
Director Park
We’ll pick you up in central downtown Portland at Director Park in one of our roomy vans. We’ll then drive up Portland’s north/south dividing line, pointing out important sites, including some of the city’s bike art, and historical buildings.
Powell's City of Books
We’ll pass Powell’s Books, and tell the story behind the biggest independent book store in the world
Pearl District
Learn about the history of this art and food rich neighborhood. (We do not stop to walk around in this neighborhood)
Pittock Mansion
Once we reach the summit of King’s Heights, we’ll walk around the grounds of the mansion built by a newspaper baron to the view that was once available only to the city’s elite. It's one of the best places to develop the context by which to experience this city. We'll take photos at the summit overlooking the city. We’ll walk through the mansion’s grounds and back to the van. (We will not visit the inside of the mansion.)
International Rose Test Garden
We'll learn about the story of the roses here and the rose city; we'll investigate our favorite varieties; we'll take photos and (in season) inhaling the scent of the roses, we'll get into the van for our next stop. (When roses aren't in season, we may make an alternative stop at the Hoyt Arboretum.)
Washington Park
we will drive into the SW Portland neighborhood of Arlington Heights, on the edge of Washington Park. Here we'll take a walk through our favorite secret garden, and into the International Rose Test Garden, introducing you to the story of the rose city. (When roses aren't in season, we may make an alternative stop at the Hoyt Arboretum.)
South Waterfront Park
TIME PERMITTING. After this, it's a drive along Portland's South Waterfront and the waterfront park, telling the story of the shining Swiss Alps-style engineering of the Aerial Tram and the development of this brand-new neighborhood and its beautiful, one-of-a-kind Tilikum Crossing bridge.
South Park Blocks
From here, we'll head back into the city center, driving through what Portland calls the cultural district -- once the literal heart of the city, the center line along which once the merchants and lumber barons lived, and now institutions like the Portland Art Museum, the Oregon Historical Society and Portland State University dominate. It wouldn't be Portland without a stop for doughnuts, so we'll discuss the history of the city's foundation and the design of these blocks after we duck into one of our favorite shops and grab a treat.
Director Park
We’ll pick you up in central downtown Portland at Director Park in one of our roomy vans. We’ll then drive up Portland’s north/south dividing line, pointing out important sites, including some of the city’s bike art, and historical buildings.
Powell's City of Books
We’ll pass Powell’s Books, and tell the story behind the biggest independent book store in the world
Pearl District
Learn about the history of this art and food rich neighborhood. (We do not stop to walk around in this neighborhood)
Pittock Mansion
Once we reach the summit of King’s Heights, we’ll walk around the grounds of the mansion built by a newspaper baron to the view that was once available only to the city’s elite. It's one of the best places to develop the context by which to experience this city. We'll take photos at the summit overlooking the city. We’ll walk through the mansion’s grounds and back to the van. (We will not visit the inside of the mansion.)
International Rose Test Garden
We'll learn about the story of the roses here and the rose city; we'll investigate our favorite varieties; we'll take photos and (in season) inhaling the scent of the roses, we'll get into the van for our next stop. (When roses aren't in season, we may make an alternative stop at the Hoyt Arboretum.)
Washington Park
we will drive into the SW Portland neighborhood of Arlington Heights, on the edge of Washington Park. Here we'll take a walk through our favorite secret garden, and into the International Rose Test Garden, introducing you to the story of the rose city. (When roses aren't in season, we may make an alternative stop at the Hoyt Arboretum.)
South Waterfront Park
TIME PERMITTING. After this, it's a drive along Portland's South Waterfront and the waterfront park, telling the story of the shining Swiss Alps-style engineering of the Aerial Tram and the development of this brand-new neighborhood and its beautiful, one-of-a-kind Tilikum Crossing bridge.
South Park Blocks
From here, we'll head back into the city center, driving through what Portland calls the cultural district -- once the literal heart of the city, the center line along which once the merchants and lumber barons lived, and now institutions like the Portland Art Museum, the Oregon Historical Society and Portland State University dominate. It wouldn't be Portland without a stop for doughnuts, so we'll discuss the history of the city's foundation and the design of these blocks after we duck into one of our favorite shops and grab a treat.
Director Park
We’ll pick you up in central downtown Portland at Director Park in one of our roomy vans. We’ll then drive up Portland’s north/south dividing line, pointing out important sites, including some of the city’s bike art, and historical buildings.
Powell's City of Books
We’ll pass Powell’s Books, and tell the story behind the biggest independent book store in the world
Pearl District
Learn about the history of this art and food rich neighborhood. (We do not stop to walk around in this neighborhood)
Pittock Mansion
Once we reach the summit of King’s Heights, we’ll walk around the grounds of the mansion built by a newspaper baron to the view that was once available only to the city’s elite. It's one of the best places to develop the context by which to experience this city. We'll take photos at the summit overlooking the city. We’ll walk through the mansion’s grounds and back to the van. (We will not visit the inside of the mansion.)
International Rose Test Garden
We'll learn about the story of the roses here and the rose city; we'll investigate our favorite varieties; we'll take photos and (in season) inhaling the scent of the roses, we'll get into the van for our next stop. (When roses aren't in season, we may make an alternative stop at the Hoyt Arboretum.)
Washington Park
we will drive into the SW Portland neighborhood of Arlington Heights, on the edge of Washington Park. Here we'll take a walk through our favorite secret garden, and into the International Rose Test Garden, introducing you to the story of the rose city. (When roses aren't in season, we may make an alternative stop at the Hoyt Arboretum.)
South Waterfront Park
TIME PERMITTING. After this, it's a drive along Portland's South Waterfront and the waterfront park, telling the story of the shining Swiss Alps-style engineering of the Aerial Tram and the development of this brand-new neighborhood and its beautiful, one-of-a-kind Tilikum Crossing bridge.
South Park Blocks
From here, we'll head back into the city center, driving through what Portland calls the cultural district -- once the literal heart of the city, the center line along which once the merchants and lumber barons lived, and now institutions like the Portland Art Museum, the Oregon Historical Society and Portland State University dominate. It wouldn't be Portland without a stop for doughnuts, so we'll discuss the history of the city's foundation and the design of these blocks after we duck into one of our favorite shops and grab a treat.
Director Park
We’ll pick you up in central downtown Portland at Director Park in one of our roomy vans. We’ll then drive up Portland’s north/south dividing line, pointing out important sites, including some of the city’s bike art, and historical buildings.
Powell's City of Books
We’ll pass Powell’s Books, and tell the story behind the biggest independent book store in the world
Pearl District
Learn about the history of this art and food rich neighborhood. (We do not stop to walk around in this neighborhood)
Pittock Mansion
Once we reach the summit of King’s Heights, we’ll walk around the grounds of the mansion built by a newspaper baron to the view that was once available only to the city’s elite. It's one of the best places to develop the context by which to experience this city. We'll take photos at the summit overlooking the city. We’ll walk through the mansion’s grounds and back to the van. (We will not visit the inside of the mansion.)
International Rose Test Garden
We'll learn about the story of the roses here and the rose city; we'll investigate our favorite varieties; we'll take photos and (in season) inhaling the scent of the roses, we'll get into the van for our next stop. (When roses aren't in season, we may make an alternative stop at the Hoyt Arboretum.)
Washington Park
we will drive into the SW Portland neighborhood of Arlington Heights, on the edge of Washington Park. Here we'll take a walk through our favorite secret garden, and into the International Rose Test Garden, introducing you to the story of the rose city. (When roses aren't in season, we may make an alternative stop at the Hoyt Arboretum.)
South Waterfront Park
TIME PERMITTING. After this, it's a drive along Portland's South Waterfront and the waterfront park, telling the story of the shining Swiss Alps-style engineering of the Aerial Tram and the development of this brand-new neighborhood and its beautiful, one-of-a-kind Tilikum Crossing bridge.
South Park Blocks
From here, we'll head back into the city center, driving through what Portland calls the cultural district -- once the literal heart of the city, the center line along which once the merchants and lumber barons lived, and now institutions like the Portland Art Museum, the Oregon Historical Society and Portland State University dominate. It wouldn't be Portland without a stop for doughnuts, so we'll discuss the history of the city's foundation and the design of these blocks after we duck into one of our favorite shops and grab a treat.
Директор Парк
Мы встретим вас в центре Портленда в Парке директоров в одном из наших вместительных фургонов. Затем мы проедем по разделительной линии Портленда между севером и югом, указав на важные места, в том числе на некоторые городские велосипедные искусства и исторические здания.
Город книг Пауэлла
Мы пройдем мимо Powell’s Books и расскажем историю самого большого независимого книжного магазина в мире.
Жемчужный район
Узнайте об истории этого района, богатого искусством и едой. (Мы не останавливаемся, чтобы прогуляться по этому району)
Особняк Питток
Как только мы достигнем вершины Кингс-Хайтс, мы прогуляемся по территории особняка, построенного газетным бароном, с видом, который когда-то был доступен только городской элите. Это одно из лучших мест для развития контекста, в котором можно познакомиться с этим городом. Сфотографируемся на вершине с видом на город. Мы пройдем через территорию особняка и вернемся к фургону. (Мы не будем заходить внутрь особняка.)
Международный испытательный сад роз
Здесь мы узнаем историю роз и города роз; мы исследуем наши любимые сорта; мы сделаем фотографии и (в сезон), вдыхая аромат роз, мы сядем в фургон для нашей следующей остановки. (Когда розы не в сезоне, мы можем сделать альтернативную остановку в дендрарии Хойта.)
Вашингтон Парк
мы поедем в юго-западный район Портленда Арлингтон-Хайтс, на краю Вашингтонского парка. Здесь мы прогуляемся по нашему любимому тайному саду и познакомимся с Международным испытательным садом роз, чтобы познакомить вас с историей города роз. (Когда розы не в сезоне, мы можем сделать альтернативную остановку в дендрарии Хойта.)
РАЗРЕШАЕТ ВРЕМЯ. После этого вы проедете вдоль южной набережной Портленда и прибрежного парка, рассказывая историю сияющей конструкции канатной дороги в стиле швейцарских Альп и развития этого совершенно нового района и его прекрасного, единственного в своем роде. Тиликумский переходный мост.
Блоки Южного парка
Отсюда мы вернемся в центр города, проезжая через то, что Портленд называет культурным районом — когда-то буквально сердце города, центральная линия, вдоль которой когда-то жили торговцы и бароны лесоматериалов, а теперь такие учреждения, как Портленд. Доминируют Художественный музей, Орегонское историческое общество и Государственный университет Портленда. Это был бы не Портленд без остановки на пончики, поэтому мы обсудим историю основания города и дизайн этих кварталов после того, как нырнем в один из наших любимых магазинов и перехватим угощение.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (21)
Apr 2022
Great way to explore downtown Portland. Our tour guide Carrie was very knowledgeable and explained every street/landmark history. Highly recommended!
Apr 2022
Sarah, our guide was so wonderful. She was very knowledgeable and funny too! Donuts were delicious and all sites awesome! Thanks Sarah!
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2022
thank you so much for coming Beverly, you too were a joy to meet and converse with! I'm so glad you liked our newest tour offering :)
Apr 2022
Sarah was wonderful!! I would highly recommend this tour!! Great city and garden tour! Also amazing views!!
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2022
oh thank you Meredith, that's so sweet! we're lucky to have such great views to bring you to -- I hope you come visit again!

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