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Частный однодневный тур в каньон Колоб (Сион), Cedar Breaks, Candy Cliff и многое другое

Вы посещаете Сент-Джордж и хотели бы увидеть лучшее, что может предложить район за один день? Мы отвезем вас в Каньон Колоб, Сидар-Брейкс, Кэнди-Клиффс, Следы динозавров на ферме Джонсона и многое другое!

Globe Trekkers — это все, что нужно для того, чтобы предоставить вам VIP и внимание, которого вы заслуживаете! Это частные туры (только для вашей вечеринки), в стоимость входит трансфер из отеля и обратно, вы называете остановки, мы делаем ваши фотографии для вас, и мы предлагаем бесплатные закуски и напитки.

Город: Святой Георг
Sat 19 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $300.00
Sat 19 Oct
Начинается с $300.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
Private transportation
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Что ожидать
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Breaks National Monument is a U.S. National Monument located in the U.S. state of Utah near Cedar City. Cedar Breaks is a natural amphitheater, stretching across 3 miles (4.8 km), with a depth of over 2,000 feet (610 m). The elevation of the rim of the amphitheater is over 10,000 feet (3,000 m) above sea level. Rising above the rim is the prominent Brian Head, the peak of which lies a short distance outside of the National Monument boundary. The rock of the amphitheater is more eroded than, but otherwise similar to, formations at nearby Bryce Canyon National Park, Red Canyon in Dixie National Forest.
Frontier Homestead State Park Museum
Visit Frontier Homestead and experience living in a pioneer cabin, loading a wagon for the trek west, as well as Iron County's industrial history. Explore southwestern Utah's historic trails and hear the original 1850s Cedar City town bell. The Frontier Homestead offers much more than a typical museum experience. Through the hard work of staff and volunteers there are a wide variety of hands-on activities throughout the museum and the grounds for visitors of all ages
Kolob Canyons
Here in the northwest corner of the park, narrow parallel box canyons are cut into the western edge of the Colorado Plateau, forming majestic peaks and 2,000 foot cliff walls. Whether you come to view the panoramic landscape from the scenic drive, hike into one of the majestic canyons. Please be advise the roads may close in winter months and alternate stops can be made.
Yant Flat
Yant Flat is one of Southern Utah’s little gems that it seems you have to be from out of town to know anything about! This hiking trail takes you across a quick mile of lower forest at the base of Pine Valley Mountain, and then spits you out onto some of the most incredibly colored sandstone formations that exist on this earth!
St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm
Don’t let the “farm” in our name fool you! The fossils at the St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm are all housed inside a comfortable building where you’ll find an Early Jurassic ecosystem complete with dinosaurs, plants, fishes, and more. Let us tell you the story of Earth and St. George’s ancient past. This stop is only available Thurs-Monday.
Red Hills Desert Garden
Explore the beautiful red rocks and flora and fauna of this gorgeous desert city park complete with outdoor aquariums and amazing city views.
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Breaks National Monument is a U.S. National Monument located in the U.S. state of Utah near Cedar City. Cedar Breaks is a natural amphitheater, stretching across 3 miles (4.8 km), with a depth of over 2,000 feet (610 m). The elevation of the rim of the amphitheater is over 10,000 feet (3,000 m) above sea level. Rising above the rim is the prominent Brian Head, the peak of which lies a short distance outside of the National Monument boundary. The rock of the amphitheater is more eroded than, but otherwise similar to, formations at nearby Bryce Canyon National Park, Red Canyon in Dixie National Forest.
Frontier Homestead State Park Museum
Visit Frontier Homestead and experience living in a pioneer cabin, loading a wagon for the trek west, as well as Iron County's industrial history. Explore southwestern Utah's historic trails and hear the original 1850s Cedar City town bell. The Frontier Homestead offers much more than a typical museum experience. Through the hard work of staff and volunteers there are a wide variety of hands-on activities throughout the museum and the grounds for visitors of all ages
Kolob Canyons
Here in the northwest corner of the park, narrow parallel box canyons are cut into the western edge of the Colorado Plateau, forming majestic peaks and 2,000 foot cliff walls. Whether you come to view the panoramic landscape from the scenic drive, hike into one of the majestic canyons. Please be advise the roads may close in winter months and alternate stops can be made.
Yant Flat
Yant Flat is one of Southern Utah’s little gems that it seems you have to be from out of town to know anything about! This hiking trail takes you across a quick mile of lower forest at the base of Pine Valley Mountain, and then spits you out onto some of the most incredibly colored sandstone formations that exist on this earth!
St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm
Don’t let the “farm” in our name fool you! The fossils at the St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm are all housed inside a comfortable building where you’ll find an Early Jurassic ecosystem complete with dinosaurs, plants, fishes, and more. Let us tell you the story of Earth and St. George’s ancient past. This stop is only available Thurs-Monday.
Red Hills Desert Garden
Explore the beautiful red rocks and flora and fauna of this gorgeous desert city park complete with outdoor aquariums and amazing city views.
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Breaks National Monument is a U.S. National Monument located in the U.S. state of Utah near Cedar City. Cedar Breaks is a natural amphitheater, stretching across 3 miles (4.8 km), with a depth of over 2,000 feet (610 m). The elevation of the rim of the amphitheater is over 10,000 feet (3,000 m) above sea level. Rising above the rim is the prominent Brian Head, the peak of which lies a short distance outside of the National Monument boundary. The rock of the amphitheater is more eroded than, but otherwise similar to, formations at nearby Bryce Canyon National Park, Red Canyon in Dixie National Forest.
Frontier Homestead State Park Museum
Visit Frontier Homestead and experience living in a pioneer cabin, loading a wagon for the trek west, as well as Iron County's industrial history. Explore southwestern Utah's historic trails and hear the original 1850s Cedar City town bell. The Frontier Homestead offers much more than a typical museum experience. Through the hard work of staff and volunteers there are a wide variety of hands-on activities throughout the museum and the grounds for visitors of all ages
Kolob Canyons
Here in the northwest corner of the park, narrow parallel box canyons are cut into the western edge of the Colorado Plateau, forming majestic peaks and 2,000 foot cliff walls. Whether you come to view the panoramic landscape from the scenic drive, hike into one of the majestic canyons. Please be advise the roads may close in winter months and alternate stops can be made.
Yant Flat
Yant Flat is one of Southern Utah’s little gems that it seems you have to be from out of town to know anything about! This hiking trail takes you across a quick mile of lower forest at the base of Pine Valley Mountain, and then spits you out onto some of the most incredibly colored sandstone formations that exist on this earth!
St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm
Don’t let the “farm” in our name fool you! The fossils at the St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm are all housed inside a comfortable building where you’ll find an Early Jurassic ecosystem complete with dinosaurs, plants, fishes, and more. Let us tell you the story of Earth and St. George’s ancient past. This stop is only available Thurs-Monday.
Red Hills Desert Garden
Explore the beautiful red rocks and flora and fauna of this gorgeous desert city park complete with outdoor aquariums and amazing city views.
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Breaks National Monument is a U.S. National Monument located in the U.S. state of Utah near Cedar City. Cedar Breaks is a natural amphitheater, stretching across 3 miles (4.8 km), with a depth of over 2,000 feet (610 m). The elevation of the rim of the amphitheater is over 10,000 feet (3,000 m) above sea level. Rising above the rim is the prominent Brian Head, the peak of which lies a short distance outside of the National Monument boundary. The rock of the amphitheater is more eroded than, but otherwise similar to, formations at nearby Bryce Canyon National Park, Red Canyon in Dixie National Forest.
Frontier Homestead State Park Museum
Visit Frontier Homestead and experience living in a pioneer cabin, loading a wagon for the trek west, as well as Iron County's industrial history. Explore southwestern Utah's historic trails and hear the original 1850s Cedar City town bell. The Frontier Homestead offers much more than a typical museum experience. Through the hard work of staff and volunteers there are a wide variety of hands-on activities throughout the museum and the grounds for visitors of all ages
Kolob Canyons
Here in the northwest corner of the park, narrow parallel box canyons are cut into the western edge of the Colorado Plateau, forming majestic peaks and 2,000 foot cliff walls. Whether you come to view the panoramic landscape from the scenic drive, hike into one of the majestic canyons. Please be advise the roads may close in winter months and alternate stops can be made.
Yant Flat
Yant Flat is one of Southern Utah’s little gems that it seems you have to be from out of town to know anything about! This hiking trail takes you across a quick mile of lower forest at the base of Pine Valley Mountain, and then spits you out onto some of the most incredibly colored sandstone formations that exist on this earth!
St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm
Don’t let the “farm” in our name fool you! The fossils at the St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm are all housed inside a comfortable building where you’ll find an Early Jurassic ecosystem complete with dinosaurs, plants, fishes, and more. Let us tell you the story of Earth and St. George’s ancient past. This stop is only available Thurs-Monday.
Red Hills Desert Garden
Explore the beautiful red rocks and flora and fauna of this gorgeous desert city park complete with outdoor aquariums and amazing city views.
Национальный памятник Кедровые брейки
Cedar Breaks National Monument) — национальный памятник США, расположенный в американском штате Юта недалеко от Сидар-Сити. Cedar Breaks представляет собой естественный амфитеатр, протянувшийся на 3 мили (4,8 км) и имеющий глубину более 2000 футов (610 м). Высота края амфитеатра составляет более 10 000 футов (3 000 м) над уровнем моря. Над краем возвышается видный Брайан-Хед, вершина которого находится недалеко от границы Национального памятника. Скала амфитеатра более размыта, чем образования в соседнем национальном парке Брайс-Каньон, Красный каньон в национальном лесу Дикси, но в остальном похожа на них.
Государственный парк-музей Frontier Homestead
Посетите Frontier Homestead и познакомьтесь с жизнью в хижине пионера, загрузите фургон для похода на запад, а также познакомьтесь с промышленной историей округа Айрон. Исследуйте исторические тропы юго-западной части штата Юта и послушайте оригинальный городской колокол Сидар-Сити 1850-х годов. Frontier Homestead предлагает гораздо больше, чем обычный музей. Благодаря напряженной работе сотрудников и волонтеров в музее и на территории проводятся разнообразные практические мероприятия для посетителей всех возрастов.
Каньоны Колоб
Здесь, в северо-западном углу парка, узкие параллельные прямоугольные каньоны врезаются в западную окраину плато Колорадо, образуя величественные пики и скальные стены высотой 2000 футов. Приедете ли вы, чтобы полюбоваться панорамным пейзажем с живописной дороги, отправляйтесь в один из величественных каньонов. Имейте в виду, что дороги могут быть закрыты в зимние месяцы, и могут быть сделаны альтернативные остановки.
Янт Флэт
Янт-Флэт — одна из маленьких жемчужин Южной Юты, о которой, кажется, нужно быть из другого города, чтобы что-то знать! Эта пешеходная тропа проведет вас через небольшую милю нижнего леса у подножия горы Сосновая долина, а затем вытолкнет вас на одни из самых невероятно цветных образований из песчаника, которые существуют на этой земле!
Место открытия динозавров Святого Георгия на ферме Джонсона
Не позволяйте «ферме» в нашем имени обмануть вас! Все окаменелости на месте открытия динозавров Св. Георгия на ферме Джонсона размещены в комфортабельном здании, где вы найдете раннеюрскую экосистему с динозаврами, растениями, рыбами и многим другим. Позвольте нам рассказать вам историю Земли и древнего прошлого Святого Георгия. Эта остановка доступна только с четверга по понедельник.
Пустынный сад Красных Холмов
Исследуйте красивые красные скалы, а также флору и фауну этого великолепного пустынного городского парка с открытыми аквариумами и потрясающими видами на город.
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