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Частный гастрономический тур - Историческое кулинарное, коктейльное и кухонное приключение в Новом Орлеане

Попросите инсайдера ресторана показать вам культуру еды в Новом Орлеане! Я вырос в гостиничном бизнесе Французского квартала. Мы с семьей владели рестораном под названием «У Бруссарда в квартале»; У меня есть большая сеть связей по всему городу в различных ресторанах. Мне нравится делиться всей инсайдерской информацией и скрытыми секретами, о которых жители Нового Орлеана даже не знают!

Вы попробуете несколько блюд в различных ресторанах по соседству и узнаете реальную инсайдерскую информацию о прошлом и настоящем. сцена ресторана в Новом Орлеане.

Коктейль и кухня Приключение включает в себя историю, архитектуру и музыку. Наши частные туры и экскурсии действительно аутентичны и включают в себя опыт в глуши, определенно не типичный тур, который вы видите по городу. Каждый тур разработан специально для вас!

*Это новый тур. Пожалуйста, прочитайте «Частная экскурсия по городу Nola Detours с местным экспертом», чтобы получить представление о качестве туров, которые предлагает Nola Detours, и проверьте Nola Detours. Гугл обзоры
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $265.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $265.00
Что включено
Guided tour
Guided tour
Guided tour
Guided tour
Guided tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
French Quarter
Have a restaurant insider show you the food culture in New Orleans! I grew up in the French Quarter hospitality business. My family and I owned a restaurant called Broussard's in the Quarter; I have a great network of connections around town in the various restaurants. I love sharing all the insiders' info & hidden secrets that New Orleans locals don't even know! You will experience sampling multiple courses at various neighborhood restaurant stops and learn real-life insider information on the past & present restaurant scene in New Orleans. Cocktail & Kitchen Adventure includes History, Architecture & Music. Our private tours and excursions are truly authentic & include experiences off the beaten path, definitely not the typical tour you see around the city. Every tour is customized and designed for you! *This is a new tour-Please read"Nola Detours Private City Tour with Local Expert" to get an idea of the quality of tours Nola Detours provides & check Nola Detours Google reviews
French Quarter
Have a restaurant insider show you the food culture in New Orleans! I grew up in the French Quarter hospitality business. My family and I owned a restaurant called Broussard's in the Quarter; I have a great network of connections around town in the various restaurants. I love sharing all the insiders' info & hidden secrets that New Orleans locals don't even know! You will experience sampling multiple courses at various neighborhood restaurant stops and learn real-life insider information on the past & present restaurant scene in New Orleans. Cocktail & Kitchen Adventure includes History, Architecture & Music. Our private tours and excursions are truly authentic & include experiences off the beaten path, definitely not the typical tour you see around the city. Every tour is customized and designed for you! *This is a new tour-Please read"Nola Detours Private City Tour with Local Expert" to get an idea of the quality of tours Nola Detours provides & check Nola Detours Google reviews
French Quarter
Have a restaurant insider show you the food culture in New Orleans! I grew up in the French Quarter hospitality business. My family and I owned a restaurant called Broussard's in the Quarter; I have a great network of connections around town in the various restaurants. I love sharing all the insiders' info & hidden secrets that New Orleans locals don't even know! You will experience sampling multiple courses at various neighborhood restaurant stops and learn real-life insider information on the past & present restaurant scene in New Orleans. Cocktail & Kitchen Adventure includes History, Architecture & Music. Our private tours and excursions are truly authentic & include experiences off the beaten path, definitely not the typical tour you see around the city. Every tour is customized and designed for you! *This is a new tour-Please read"Nola Detours Private City Tour with Local Expert" to get an idea of the quality of tours Nola Detours provides & check Nola Detours Google reviews
French Quarter
Have a restaurant insider show you the food culture in New Orleans! I grew up in the French Quarter hospitality business. My family and I owned a restaurant called Broussard's in the Quarter; I have a great network of connections around town in the various restaurants. I love sharing all the insiders' info & hidden secrets that New Orleans locals don't even know! You will experience sampling multiple courses at various neighborhood restaurant stops and learn real-life insider information on the past & present restaurant scene in New Orleans. Cocktail & Kitchen Adventure includes History, Architecture & Music. Our private tours and excursions are truly authentic & include experiences off the beaten path, definitely not the typical tour you see around the city. Every tour is customized and designed for you! *This is a new tour-Please read"Nola Detours Private City Tour with Local Expert" to get an idea of the quality of tours Nola Detours provides & check Nola Detours Google reviews
Французский квартал
Попросите инсайдера ресторана показать вам культуру еды в Новом Орлеане! Я вырос в гостиничном бизнесе Французского квартала. Мы с семьей владели рестораном под названием «У Бруссарда в квартале»; У меня есть большая сеть связей по всему городу в различных ресторанах. Я люблю делиться всей инсайдерской информацией и скрытыми секретами, о которых жители Нового Орлеана даже не знают! Вы попробуете несколько блюд в различных ресторанах по соседству и узнаете реальную информацию о ресторанах прошлого и настоящего в Новом Орлеане. Cocktail & Kitchen Adventure включает в себя историю, архитектуру и музыку. Наши частные туры и экскурсии действительно аутентичны и включают в себя опыт в глуши, определенно не типичный тур, который вы видите по городу. Каждый тур индивидуален и разработан для вас! *Это новый тур. Пожалуйста, прочитайте «Частная экскурсия по городу Nola Detours с местным экспертом», чтобы получить представление о качестве туров, которые предлагает Nola Detours, и проверьте отзывы Nola Detours в Google.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (9)
Dec 2022
Where do I start. Nola Detours came into our lives from a friend's recommendation. So....we hired Marc for 3 tours. We'd never been to New Orleans and since we were going to be in New Orleans for wedding, we thought, why not make the most of our visit. We like to visit off the beaten path sites, wander, and make our way usually, because we enjoy the random serendipity of travel. Marc read us perfectly! The bayou experience really broke it down as for off the beaten path. Lloyd, our guide, was entertaining, knowledgeable, and down to earth. Thank you Marc for finding that piece of Louisiana! Marc truly is a gem in his knowledge of New Orleans and Louisiana. His tours had us returning to specific areas of New Orleans to visit retail stores, galleries, and restaurants. Thank you Marc for making our visit worth a future return trip!
Nov 2022
My wife and I were in town for a few days. We had one day with no plans. A friend referred Marc. He picked us up at our hotel, we had a brief conversation and off we went. Marc is from New Orleans and has a wealth of knowledge about the city. We stopped at local eateries, tried some local fare and talked to the locals. I don't think I could have found these places, certainly not in one day. I look forward to our next visit. I will absolutely be using his services again.
Nov 2022
My family (myself, my Mum, Husband & 15 year old son) had the most FABULOUS 3 days with Marc in October: We had 4 incredible tours with Marc: - Art and street art tour - Cocktail and Culinary - Plantation and Swamp Immersion - French Quarter and Frenchman St Every one of them was unique and special and we have come home with some amazing AND hilarious stories. Also a LOT of art that needs framing 😄 Not to mention the fabulous tips and local info he shared with us on where to eat, and where to get GREAT coffee in NOLA, which as an Aussie is a MASSIVE deal. 10/10 NOLA Detours will give you the best opportunity to experience what New Orleans has to offer!

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