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Частная экскурсия на целый день в горы Голубого хребта

Горы Голубого хребта — один из старейших хребтов в мире, возникший в результате столкновения тектонических плит сотни миллионов лет назад. С туманными горами, извилистыми дорогами и раскинувшимися зелеными просторами бульвар Голубых гор является одним из самых красивых проездов в Америке.

Во время вашей частной экскурсии ваш гид проведет вас через горы по бульвару Блю-Ридж, где вы насладитесь несколькими живописными местами и сможете совершить два похода. Вы остановитесь на обед (цена не включена) в причудливом городе, где ваш гид порекомендует место с лучшей южной едой и гостеприимством.

После дня, проведенного за изучением городов, разбросанных по шоссе, и поразительными геологическими особенностями хребта, ваш гид отвезет вас обратно в отель в Эшвилле.
Город: Эшвилл
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $395.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $395.00
Что включено
Plenty of time to take photos of your favourite places
Private transport throughout the tour
A friendly, professional tour guide for your own private group
Hotel pick-up, if centrally located; or we recommend a meeting location
Plenty of time to take photos of your favourite places
Private transport throughout the tour
A friendly, professional tour guide for your own private group
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
Что ожидать
Blue Ridge Parkway
Drive along a part of the most scenic and beautiful strip of the Blue Ridge Parkway, which stretches across 470 miles and 8 states. Learn how it has been home to people dating back nearly 12,000 years ago, and includes the Iroquois, Shawnee, and Cherokee tribes.
Pisgah National Forest
Explore the Pisgah National Forest, with hiking trails for people of all experience. Discuss the range's recent history (the last 400 years) and how European trappers - later American revolutionaries and colonizers - made their homes in the mountains.
Blowing Rock
Visit the town of Blowing Rock - the turnaround point for your tour - with its unique geological features and breathtaking views of the forests for which the range is famous.
Enjoy stops at quaint towns along the way - like Black Rock and Swannanoa - where you can picture what an idyllic mountain life may be like for you.
Blue Ridge Parkway
Enjoy hotel pick-up from your hotel in Asheville or meet your guide at Trade and Lore, where you can enjoy a coffee before being whisked away to the historic mountains. Drive along a part of the most scenic and beautiful strip of the Blue Ridge Parkway, which stretches across 470 miles and 8 states. Learn how it has been home to people dating back nearly 12,000 years ago and includes the Iroquois, Shawnee, and Cherokee tribes.
Блю Ридж Паркуэй
Наслаждайтесь трансфером из отеля в Эшвилле или познакомьтесь с гидом в Trade and Lore, где вы сможете выпить кофе перед тем, как отправиться в исторические горы. Проезжайте по части самой живописной и красивой полосы Blue Ridge Parkway, которая простирается на 470 миль и 8 штатов. Узнайте, как он был домом для людей, живших почти 12 000 лет назад, включая племена ирокезов, шауни и чероки.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (2)
Jul 2022
We visited Asheville and wanted to spend one of our days seeing the Blue Ridge Parkway and mountains but didn’t want to have to plan it ourselves. This tour was so fun with Tebby driving us and he was so knowledgeable, fun and knew just where to take us for a low impact trip to see the sights and we really enjoyed ourselves. He first took us to see the village in town, then to around the mountains and a scenic place to eat lunch. Highly recommend this tour.
Brian M
Nov 2021
Our guide, Jason, whom we booked through TravelCurious was excellent. Guiding is a side-hustle for him, as he works full-time in the Asheville brewing scene. From eastern NC, he has adopted the mountains of the west and embraced them as his own. We opted for a driving tour of the Blue Ridge Parkway, because we knew that if one of us had to drive, he or she would miss all the best vistas. (Someone has to watch the road for deer and elk, after all). Jason knew all the best places to pull-over for us to take pictures; he talked about the history of Blue Ridge Parkway and some of the environmental and engineering challenges its construction posed. He built time into our schedule for a stop at the Folk Arts Center, near Asheville and then through the River Arts District, since we told him that was our destination the following day. He was solicitous of my wife's difficulty in handling Mt. Mitchell. At 6,000 feet, it's no issue for most people, but she doesn't do well above 4,000'. Knowledgeable and well-read, he was an excellent lunch companion as well. Jason was fully vaccinated and was willing to defer to our wishes regarding masks. (We opted for no masks, except in NPS buildings, which require them).
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2021
Dear Brian, Thank you greatly for sharing your fantastic comments with us. We're very happy that you and your wife were able to join Jason for the incredible experience that is the Blue Ridge Mountain, which is Jason's area of expertise, and it always makes him very happy to share that with curious travellers. We at Travel Curious are thrilled you got to spend your day with an expert such as Jason. We truly hope to see you again to tour more cities together soon! Kindest regards, Travel Curious Team

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