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Частный тур Apache Trail на полдня с пикапом

Совершите поездку по горам суеверий и исторической тропе апачей. Великолепные пейзажи, уникальная история, фантастическая геология и отличный способ узнать о растениях и животных пустыни Сонора.
Город: Скоттсдейл
Thu 13 Mar
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Начинается с $450.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $450.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Bottled water
Bottled water
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
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  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
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  • Маски для лица предоставляются для путешественников
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Соблюдение социальной дистанции на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфекция снаряжения/оборудования между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидам необходимо регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Superstition Mountains
The Apache Trail is considered one of the most beautiful roads in America. This rugged mountain range is just 30 minutes from Phoenix.
Goldfield Ghost Town
See how early settlers lived in the late 1800's. There are cute little shops, a mine tour, one of Arizona's best collection of reptiles and some great photo opportunities.
Tortilla Flat
Visit Tortilla Flat, population 6. You could have lunch (not included) in this cute western town known for it's Prickly Pear Ice Cream! From Christmas till Easter there is live entertainment on their outdoor patio.
Superstition Mountains
The Apache Trail is considered one of the most beautiful roads in America. This rugged mountain range is just 30 minutes from Phoenix.
Goldfield Ghost Town
See how early settlers lived in the late 1800's. There are cute little shops, a mine tour, one of Arizona's best collection of reptiles and some great photo opportunities.
Tortilla Flat
Visit Tortilla Flat, population 6. You could have lunch (not included) in this cute western town known for it's Prickly Pear Ice Cream! From Christmas till Easter there is live entertainment on their outdoor patio.
Superstition Mountains
The Apache Trail is considered one of the most beautiful roads in America. This rugged mountain range is just 30 minutes from Phoenix.
Goldfield Ghost Town
See how early settlers lived in the late 1800's. There are cute little shops, a mine tour, one of Arizona's best collection of reptiles and some great photo opportunities.
Tortilla Flat
Visit Tortilla Flat, population 6. You could have lunch (not included) in this cute western town known for it's Prickly Pear Ice Cream! From Christmas till Easter there is live entertainment on their outdoor patio.
Superstition Mountains
The Apache Trail is considered one of the most beautiful roads in America. This rugged mountain range is just 30 minutes from Phoenix.
Goldfield Ghost Town
See how early settlers lived in the late 1800's. There are cute little shops, a mine tour, one of Arizona's best collection of reptiles and some great photo opportunities.
Tortilla Flat
Visit Tortilla Flat, population 6. You could have lunch (not included) in this cute western town known for it's Prickly Pear Ice Cream! From Christmas till Easter there is live entertainment on their outdoor patio.
Горы суеверий
Апачская тропа считается одной из самых красивых дорог в Америке. Этот скалистый горный массив находится всего в 30 минутах езды от Финикса.
Город-призрак Голдфилд
Посмотрите, как жили первые поселенцы в конце 1800-х годов. Есть милые маленькие магазины, экскурсия по шахте, одна из лучших коллекций рептилий в Аризоне и несколько отличных возможностей для фото.
Тортилья Флэт
Посетите Tortilla Flat, население 6 человек. Вы можете пообедать (не входит в стоимость) в этом милом западном городке, известном своим мороженым из опунции! С Рождества до Пасхи во внутреннем дворике устраиваются живые выступления.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (5)
Dec 2021
David was a wonderful, Knowledgeable guide. It rained the day we took the tour, and we decided to go forward. We had a different experience seeing the dessert wet. Would highly recommend.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2021
Happy Holidays. Thank you. It was an amazing day, even for me. We never get to see the rain. Safe travels to you and your family. David
Jun 2021
A tremendous experience-everything we wanted. David is an expert on flora, fauna, geology and history. Safe, comfortable, he delivered everything he committed to. Will engage him again. He added tremendous value to our experience. Reasonably priced. Highest recommendation.
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2021
Thank you so much!! I look forward to sharing more of Arizona with you. Have fun.
Apr 2021
Great company, beautiful surroundings! A private tour is the safest and best way to get to now the history and enjoy its espectacular scenery!
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2021
Thank you so much!

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