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Частный тур по старинным автомобилям в районе национального наследия MotorCities

Возьмите с собой в тур до четырех человек на нашем Фаэтоне 1930 года выпуска (открытый автомобиль), чтобы услышать необычные истории о людях, создавших автомобильную промышленность Детройта. Обычные люди с необыкновенным духом «все умеют» превратили Детройт в город автомобилей. В туре мы вспоминаем всех, кого можем, тех, кто и по сей день является нарицательным, и тех, чьи звезды померкли со временем.
Город: Детройт
Sun 23 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $392.00
Sun 23 Feb
Начинается с $392.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Ride in a 90 year old Model A Ford
We have a water cooler so you can fill your bottle with cold water on hot days.
Private transportation
Ride in a 90 year old Model A Ford
We have a water cooler so you can fill your bottle with cold water on hot days.
Private transportation
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум умеренный уровень физической подготовки
  • Дети ростом до 8 и ростом до 4 футов 9 дюймов не могут быть размещены компанией Antique Touring Company из-за законов о детских ремнях безопасности.
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Для гидов требуется вакцинация против COVID-19
  • Мы следуем установленному протоколу штатом Мичиган относительно того, рекомендуются ли маски.
Что ожидать
Ford Plant
The Antique Touring Company garage is in Milwaukee Junction, a small industrial district of Detroit that became the incubator of the automobile industry in the first decade of the 20th Century. Specifically, we are in the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, now a museum dedicated to preserving the first Factory built by the Ford Motor Company, in 1904. In those days Henry Ford was not the only Tinkerer on the block. Meet us at 461 Piquette Avenue and we will take you around the neighborhood to see where it all began, and in many cases where it also ended, for automobile companies such as Studebaker, Ford, EMF, Regal, Nash, Detroit Electric, Brush and Packard, as well for suppliers such as Murray, Briggs and Fisher. The neighborhood looks a little rough these days, but Milwaukee Junction is must-not-miss sacred ground of American automobile heritage. A National Historic Landmark, the Highland Park Plant is where the Ford Motor Company built the first fully automated assembly line. The assembly line was a game changer in automobile production, allowing Ford to manufacture cars so efficiently that they could be priced low enough that working class people could afford them. Besides the assembly line, in Highland Park we will also discuss some of Ford's social experimentation, as well as the critical role of the automobile industry in World War I.
Boston Edison Historic District
When the Milwaukee Junction tinkers became titans of the auto industry, many of them, and their white collar colleagues, built homes in the Boston Edison neighborhood of Detroit. On the way back from Highland Park we drive through Boston Edison to see some grand mansions that the automobile titans build in the years before World War I.
The Ford Piquette Avenue Plant
Hear about the start of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford's third attempt at automobile manufacturing. Also the history of automobile companies in the neighborhood including Studebaker who bought the Piquette Plant from Ford in 1911.
Packard Automotive Plant
Hear the story of why the Packard brothers moved their company from Ohio to Detroit and what made the Packard Plant and Brand special. Plus what ultimately led to the downfall of the company.
Russell Industrial Center
Hear the stories of Murray Body and Anderson Electric Automobile Companies.
Fisher Building
The Fisher Building, designed for Fisher Body and General Motors, is considered to be Albert Kahn's greatest architectural accomplishment.
Ford Plant
The Antique Touring Company garage is in Milwaukee Junction, a small industrial district of Detroit that became the incubator of the automobile industry in the first decade of the 20th Century. Specifically, we are in the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, now a museum dedicated to preserving the first Factory built by the Ford Motor Company, in 1904. In those days Henry Ford was not the only Tinkerer on the block. Meet us at 461 Piquette Avenue and we will take you around the neighborhood to see where it all began, and in many cases where it also ended, for automobile companies such as Studebaker, Ford, EMF, Regal, Nash, Detroit Electric, Brush and Packard, as well for suppliers such as Murray, Briggs and Fisher. The neighborhood looks a little rough these days, but Milwaukee Junction is must-not-miss sacred ground of American automobile heritage. A National Historic Landmark, the Highland Park Plant is where the Ford Motor Company built the first fully automated assembly line. The assembly line was a game changer in automobile production, allowing Ford to manufacture cars so efficiently that they could be priced low enough that working class people could afford them. Besides the assembly line, in Highland Park we will also discuss some of Ford's social experimentation, as well as the critical role of the automobile industry in World War I.
Boston Edison Historic District
When the Milwaukee Junction tinkers became titans of the auto industry, many of them, and their white collar colleagues, built homes in the Boston Edison neighborhood of Detroit. On the way back from Highland Park we drive through Boston Edison to see some grand mansions that the automobile titans build in the years before World War I.
The Ford Piquette Avenue Plant
Hear about the start of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford's third attempt at automobile manufacturing. Also the history of automobile companies in the neighborhood including Studebaker who bought the Piquette Plant from Ford in 1911.
Packard Automotive Plant
Hear the story of why the Packard brothers moved their company from Ohio to Detroit and what made the Packard Plant and Brand special. Plus what ultimately led to the downfall of the company.
Russell Industrial Center
Hear the stories of Murray Body and Anderson Electric Automobile Companies.
Fisher Building
The Fisher Building, designed for Fisher Body and General Motors, is considered to be Albert Kahn's greatest architectural accomplishment.
Ford Plant
The Antique Touring Company garage is in Milwaukee Junction, a small industrial district of Detroit that became the incubator of the automobile industry in the first decade of the 20th Century. Specifically, we are in the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, now a museum dedicated to preserving the first Factory built by the Ford Motor Company, in 1904. In those days Henry Ford was not the only Tinkerer on the block. Meet us at 461 Piquette Avenue and we will take you around the neighborhood to see where it all began, and in many cases where it also ended, for automobile companies such as Studebaker, Ford, EMF, Regal, Nash, Detroit Electric, Brush and Packard, as well for suppliers such as Murray, Briggs and Fisher. The neighborhood looks a little rough these days, but Milwaukee Junction is must-not-miss sacred ground of American automobile heritage. A National Historic Landmark, the Highland Park Plant is where the Ford Motor Company built the first fully automated assembly line. The assembly line was a game changer in automobile production, allowing Ford to manufacture cars so efficiently that they could be priced low enough that working class people could afford them. Besides the assembly line, in Highland Park we will also discuss some of Ford's social experimentation, as well as the critical role of the automobile industry in World War I.
Boston Edison Historic District
When the Milwaukee Junction tinkers became titans of the auto industry, many of them, and their white collar colleagues, built homes in the Boston Edison neighborhood of Detroit. On the way back from Highland Park we drive through Boston Edison to see some grand mansions that the automobile titans build in the years before World War I.
The Ford Piquette Avenue Plant
Hear about the start of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford's third attempt at automobile manufacturing. Also the history of automobile companies in the neighborhood including Studebaker who bought the Piquette Plant from Ford in 1911.
Packard Automotive Plant
Hear the story of why the Packard brothers moved their company from Ohio to Detroit and what made the Packard Plant and Brand special. Plus what ultimately led to the downfall of the company.
Russell Industrial Center
Hear the stories of Murray Body and Anderson Electric Automobile Companies.
Fisher Building
The Fisher Building, designed for Fisher Body and General Motors, is considered to be Albert Kahn's greatest architectural accomplishment.
Ford Plant
The Antique Touring Company garage is in Milwaukee Junction, a small industrial district of Detroit that became the incubator of the automobile industry in the first decade of the 20th Century. Specifically, we are in the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, now a museum dedicated to preserving the first Factory built by the Ford Motor Company, in 1904. In those days Henry Ford was not the only Tinkerer on the block. Meet us at 461 Piquette Avenue and we will take you around the neighborhood to see where it all began, and in many cases where it also ended, for automobile companies such as Studebaker, Ford, EMF, Regal, Nash, Detroit Electric, Brush and Packard, as well for suppliers such as Murray, Briggs and Fisher. The neighborhood looks a little rough these days, but Milwaukee Junction is must-not-miss sacred ground of American automobile heritage. A National Historic Landmark, the Highland Park Plant is where the Ford Motor Company built the first fully automated assembly line. The assembly line was a game changer in automobile production, allowing Ford to manufacture cars so efficiently that they could be priced low enough that working class people could afford them. Besides the assembly line, in Highland Park we will also discuss some of Ford's social experimentation, as well as the critical role of the automobile industry in World War I.
Boston Edison Historic District
When the Milwaukee Junction tinkers became titans of the auto industry, many of them, and their white collar colleagues, built homes in the Boston Edison neighborhood of Detroit. On the way back from Highland Park we drive through Boston Edison to see some grand mansions that the automobile titans build in the years before World War I.
The Ford Piquette Avenue Plant
Hear about the start of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford's third attempt at automobile manufacturing. Also the history of automobile companies in the neighborhood including Studebaker who bought the Piquette Plant from Ford in 1911.
Packard Automotive Plant
Hear the story of why the Packard brothers moved their company from Ohio to Detroit and what made the Packard Plant and Brand special. Plus what ultimately led to the downfall of the company.
Russell Industrial Center
Hear the stories of Murray Body and Anderson Electric Automobile Companies.
Fisher Building
The Fisher Building, designed for Fisher Body and General Motors, is considered to be Albert Kahn's greatest architectural accomplishment.
Ford Plant
The Antique Touring Company garage is in Milwaukee Junction, a small industrial district of Detroit that became the incubator of the automobile industry in the first decade of the 20th Century. Specifically, we are in the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, now a museum dedicated to preserving the first Factory built by the Ford Motor Company, in 1904. In those days Henry Ford was not the only Tinkerer on the block. Meet us at 461 Piquette Avenue and we will take you around the neighborhood to see where it all began, and in many cases where it also ended, for automobile companies such as Studebaker, Ford, EMF, Regal, Nash, Detroit Electric, Brush and Packard, as well for suppliers such as Murray, Briggs and Fisher. The neighborhood looks a little rough these days, but Milwaukee Junction is must-not-miss sacred ground of American automobile heritage. A National Historic Landmark, the Highland Park Plant is where the Ford Motor Company built the first fully automated assembly line. The assembly line was a game changer in automobile production, allowing Ford to manufacture cars so efficiently that they could be priced low enough that working class people could afford them. Besides the assembly line, in Highland Park we will also discuss some of Ford's social experimentation, as well as the critical role of the automobile industry in World War I.
Boston Edison Historic District
When the Milwaukee Junction tinkers became titans of the auto industry, many of them, and their white collar colleagues, built homes in the Boston Edison neighborhood of Detroit. On the way back from Highland Park we drive through Boston Edison to see some grand mansions that the automobile titans build in the years before World War I.
The Ford Piquette Avenue Plant
Hear about the start of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford's third attempt at automobile manufacturing. Also the history of automobile companies in the neighborhood including Studebaker who bought the Piquette Plant from Ford in 1911.
Packard Automotive Plant
Hear the story of why the Packard brothers moved their company from Ohio to Detroit and what made the Packard Plant and Brand special. Plus what ultimately led to the downfall of the company.
Russell Industrial Center
Hear the stories of Murray Body and Anderson Electric Automobile Companies.
Fisher Building
The Fisher Building, designed for Fisher Body and General Motors, is considered to be Albert Kahn's greatest architectural accomplishment.
Завод Форда
Гараж компании Antique Touring Company находится в Милуоки-Джанкшн, небольшом промышленном районе Детройта, который стал инкубатором автомобильной промышленности в первом десятилетии 20-го века. В частности, мы находимся на заводе Ford Piquette Avenue, который сейчас является музеем, посвященным сохранению первой фабрики, построенной Ford Motor Company в 1904 году. В те дни Генри Форд был не единственным механиком в этом квартале. Встретьтесь с нами на Пикетт-авеню, 461, и мы проведем вас по окрестностям, чтобы увидеть, где все началось, а во многих случаях и закончилось, для автомобильных компаний, таких как Studebaker, Ford, EMF, Regal, Nash, Detroit Electric, Brush и Packard, а также для таких поставщиков, как Murray, Briggs и Fisher. Район выглядит немного суровым в наши дни, но Milwaukee Junction — это священная земля американского автомобильного наследия, которую нельзя пропустить. Национальная историческая достопримечательность, завод в Хайленд-Парке, где Ford Motor Company построила первую полностью автоматизированную сборочную линию. Сборочная линия изменила правила игры в автомобильном производстве, позволив Форду производить автомобили настолько эффективно, что их цены могли быть достаточно низкими, чтобы люди из рабочего класса могли их себе позволить. Помимо конвейера, в Хайленд-Парке мы также обсудим некоторые социальные эксперименты Форда, а также решающую роль автомобильной промышленности в Первой мировой войне.
Исторический район Бостона Эдисона
Когда ремесленники из Милуоки-Джанкшн стали титанами автомобильной промышленности, многие из них и их коллеги из белых воротничков построили дома в районе Бостон-Эдисон в Детройте. На обратном пути из Хайленд-Парка мы проезжаем через Бостон-Эдисон, чтобы увидеть величественные особняки, построенные титанами автомобилестроения в годы, предшествовавшие Первой мировой войне.
Завод Форд-Пикетт-авеню
Узнайте о создании Ford Motor Company, третьей попытки Генри Форда в производстве автомобилей. Также история автомобильных компаний по соседству, включая Studebaker, купившую завод Piquette у Ford в 1911 году.
Автомобильный завод Паккард
Послушайте историю о том, почему братья Паккард перенесли свою компанию из Огайо в Детройт и что сделало завод и бренд Packard особенными. Плюс то, что в итоге привело к краху компании.
Промышленный центр Рассела
Послушайте истории компаний Murray Body и Anderson Electric Automobile.
Фишер Билдинг
Fisher Building, спроектированный для Fisher Body и General Motors, считается величайшим архитектурным достижением Альберта Кана.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (49)
Sep 2022
Cool ride in a Model A Phaeton car touring around and learning about Detroit’s automotive history. Our tour guide was gracious and informative. A bonus would have been to have seen photos of the historical buildings and homes in their heyday.
Sep 2022
It was a great tour,, John was a terrific guide and this is a must for anybody into the history of our country… This will really make your trip to Detroit complete.. Very highly recommend
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Thanks for your review Caroline! We appreciate it.
Jun 2022
So much history and the driver was so knowledgeable . He was obviously passionate and well researched in the history of Detroit. The teenagers were very interested and we have talked about the huge areas of decimated factories and how Detroit is coming back!
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2022
Thanks for your review Michal! We appreciate it!

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