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Частный гастрономический тур в Новом Орлеане по французскому кварталу

Узнайте, о чем вся суета, в этом частном полудневном туре по некоторым из лучших блюд в знаменитом Французском квартале Нового Орлеана. Ваш знающий, страстный гид сопроводит вас и вашу группу в известные рестораны во Французском квартале и районе реки, в том числе в несколько, часто упоминаемых в поваренных книгах. В зависимости от времени вашего тура вы можете попробовать различные аутентичные дегустации, которые могут включать в себя Гамбо из морепродуктов в ресторане Дики Бреннана, Муффулетту, Джамбалая, креольскую грудинку в креольском ресторане до гражданской войны, пралине, бенье Буден и прогуляться мимо знаменитого кафе. дю Монд. Узнайте о богатом наследии изысканной еды во Французском квартале и о том, какие горячие точки можно посетить позже; вы даже можете работать со своим гидом, чтобы настроить тур в соответствии с вашими интересами.
Город: Жители Нового Орлеана
Sun 02 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $875.00
Sun 02 Mar
Начинается с $875.00
Что включено
Food tastings from various French Quarter locations
Private walking tour for your group
Gratuities included for the French-speaking tour only
Food tastings from various French Quarter locations
Private walking tour for your group
Gratuities included for the French-speaking tour only
Профессиональная фотосъемка до, во время и после церемонии
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Пожалуйста, сообщите о любых пищевых аллергиях в поле "Особые требования" во время бронирования. Этот тур посвящен дегустациям и не гарантирует замены в настоящее время. Пожалуйста, сообщите нам о любых истинных пищевых аллергиях. Примечание. Многие настоящие блюда Луизианы включают свинину.
Что ожидать
French Quarter
Meet your guide in the heart of the French Quarter to embark on your three-hour private walking tour of world-class restaurants and foodie venues. Wander the lively streets of the French Quarter and get an insider's look at the kitchens often seen on food shows and featured in cookbooks. Let your guide know the restaurants you're interested in checking out or perhaps ask your guide to recommend a personal favorite. Indulge in food tastings during your tour. You may have a classic gumbo as a seafood treasure, boudin beignets and other authentic nibbles. Popular New Orleans' cocktails are available for purchase like the distinctive Pimms Cup with a ' twist. Pimms originated in England, but the Pimms Cup cocktail was dreamed up in New Orleans. Your tastings are all included in the price of your tour and many feel these tastings add up to a meal's worth of food. There's a moderate amount of walking involved as you move from one exceptional restaurant to the next, so it's easy to work off the calories!
French Market
Enjoy tastings from this famous market, the oldest of its kind in the US. Your 3-hour tasting adventure concludes in the French Quarter where you can keep exploring on your own or return to a favorite eatery on your own later for a sit-down meal!
French Quarter
Meet your guide in the heart of the French Quarter to embark on your three-hour private walking tour of world-class restaurants and foodie venues. Wander the lively streets of the French Quarter and get an insider's look at the kitchens often seen on food shows and featured in cookbooks. Let your guide know the restaurants you're interested in checking out or perhaps ask your guide to recommend a personal favorite. Indulge in food tastings during your tour. You may have a classic gumbo as a seafood treasure, boudin beignets and other authentic nibbles. Popular New Orleans' cocktails are available for purchase like the distinctive Pimms Cup with a ' twist. Pimms originated in England, but the Pimms Cup cocktail was dreamed up in New Orleans. Your tastings are all included in the price of your tour and many feel these tastings add up to a meal's worth of food. There's a moderate amount of walking involved as you move from one exceptional restaurant to the next, so it's easy to work off the calories!
French Market
Enjoy tastings from this famous market, the oldest of its kind in the US. Your 3-hour tasting adventure concludes in the French Quarter where you can keep exploring on your own or return to a favorite eatery on your own later for a sit-down meal!
French Quarter
Meet your guide in the heart of the French Quarter to embark on your three-hour private walking tour of world-class restaurants and foodie venues. Wander the lively streets of the French Quarter and get an insider's look at the kitchens often seen on food shows and featured in cookbooks. Let your guide know the restaurants you're interested in checking out or perhaps ask your guide to recommend a personal favorite. Indulge in food tastings during your tour. You may have a classic gumbo as a seafood treasure, boudin beignets and other authentic nibbles. Popular New Orleans' cocktails are available for purchase like the distinctive Pimms Cup with a ' twist. Pimms originated in England, but the Pimms Cup cocktail was dreamed up in New Orleans. Your tastings are all included in the price of your tour and many feel these tastings add up to a meal's worth of food. There's a moderate amount of walking involved as you move from one exceptional restaurant to the next, so it's easy to work off the calories!
French Market
Enjoy tastings from this famous market, the oldest of its kind in the US. Your 3-hour tasting adventure concludes in the French Quarter where you can keep exploring on your own or return to a favorite eatery on your own later for a sit-down meal!
French Quarter
Meet your guide in the heart of the French Quarter to embark on your three-hour private walking tour of world-class restaurants and foodie venues. Wander the lively streets of the French Quarter and get an insider's look at the kitchens often seen on food shows and featured in cookbooks. Let your guide know the restaurants you're interested in checking out or perhaps ask your guide to recommend a personal favorite. Indulge in food tastings during your tour. You may have a classic gumbo as a seafood treasure, boudin beignets and other authentic nibbles. Popular New Orleans' cocktails are available for purchase like the distinctive Pimms Cup with a ' twist. Pimms originated in England, but the Pimms Cup cocktail was dreamed up in New Orleans. Your tastings are all included in the price of your tour and many feel these tastings add up to a meal's worth of food. There's a moderate amount of walking involved as you move from one exceptional restaurant to the next, so it's easy to work off the calories!
French Market
Enjoy tastings from this famous market, the oldest of its kind in the US. Your 3-hour tasting adventure concludes in the French Quarter where you can keep exploring on your own or return to a favorite eatery on your own later for a sit-down meal!
Французский квартал
Познакомьтесь с вашим гидом в самом сердце Французского квартала, чтобы отправиться в трехчасовую частную пешеходную экскурсию по ресторанам мирового класса и местам для гурманов. Прогуляйтесь по оживленным улицам Французского квартала и взгляните изнутри на кухни, которые часто можно увидеть на кулинарных шоу и в кулинарных книгах. Сообщите своему гиду рестораны, которые вы хотите посетить, или, возможно, попросите своего гида порекомендовать личный фаворит. Побалуйте себя дегустацией еды во время вашего тура. У вас может быть классический гамбо в качестве сокровища из морепродуктов, буден-бенье и другие аутентичные закуски. Популярные коктейли Нового Орлеана доступны для покупки, например, фирменный кубок Pimms Cup с изюминкой. Pimms возник в Англии, но коктейль Pimms Cup был придуман в Новом Орлеане. Все ваши дегустации включены в стоимость вашего тура, и многие считают, что эти дегустации составляют стоимость еды. При переходе от одного исключительного ресторана к другому требуется умеренное количество прогулок, так что легко избавиться от калорий!
Французский рынок
Насладитесь дегустацией этого знаменитого рынка, старейшего в своем роде в США. Ваше 3-часовое дегустационное приключение завершается во Французском квартале, где вы можете продолжить изучение самостоятельно или вернуться в любимую закусочную позже, чтобы пообедать!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (3)
Feb 2020
Did a tour with Susan, very engaging, high energy, well versed in the history of NOLA. Food choices were excellent, really enjoyed this!
Jan 2020
Suzy was our tour guide. She was very informative, fun and personable. Her knowledge about food and NOLA in general was superior. The portions were much more than expected. I would recommend this tour to anyone wanting to explore the good eats of New Orleans!! Thank you Suzy!
Ответ от хоста
Jan 2020
Thank you so much Fabvent! Whew! Glad you loved our tour and Suzy. Your feedback here is much appreciated. We love our New Orleans, it's food, culture and so much more. Our guides are passionate about sharing our infectious hospitality, warmth and history with a culinary twist. Please come back and visit us real soon! When you do, please remind us that you've been before. Most sincerely and Be-Epicurious!
Dec 2019
What a great way to spend part of our time in NOLA. Walking through the French Quarter while eating and drinking was a fun way to learn about the culture and the different foods NOLA is famous for.

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