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Частный тур по Денверу, парку Ред-Рокс и предгорьям недалеко от Денвера.

Все приключенческие живописные туры индивидуальны, и в этом туре вы увидите как исторические, так и современные здания Денвера, но вы услышите рассказы о его грязном, злобном прошлом. Вы увидите все профессиональные спортивные арены, Капитолий штата, Юнион-Стейшн, Лаример-сквер (где был основан Денвер), а также район уличного искусства Рино и район искусств и театров.

Оттуда мы направимся к всемирно известному парку и амфитеатру Ред-Рокс, где вы сможете полюбоваться величественным видом на Красные скалы и амфитеатр, а также на центр Денвера. Продолжая, вы увидите могилу Буффало Билла, которая находится на вершине горы Лукаут. Баффало Билл хотел быть похоронен там из-за захватывающего вида на горные хребты и Золотой Колорадо.

Этот тур подарит вам, вашим друзьям или членам семьи чрезвычайно комфортные частные гастроли, которые останутся на всю жизнь.
Город: Денвер
Sat 19 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $290.00
Sat 19 Oct
Начинается с $290.00
Что включено
Private transportation
Private transportation
Private transportation
Доступно несколько вариантов времени начала
Автомобиль с кондиционером
Private transportation
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  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла
  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Larimer Square
Larimer Square is where Denver began. It used to be wooden homes that were bured down in 1863 but now it is a beautiful square block with over 40 restaurants and shops.
Molly Brown House Museum
We can visit the area of Capitol Hill where the Molly Brown Museum is located. This museum was the home of Molly Brown for years. In addition, all through out the Capitol Hill area there are many old mansions and beautiful homes to see.
Colorado State Capitol
You will see the all the professional sporting arenas, the State Capitol, Union Station, Larimer Square (where Denver was founded) as well as the RiNo street art area and the Art and Theater District.
Denver Union Station
The clients will see Union Station, LoDo (lower downtown) and the popular RiNo area where there are many unique murals and business es which have beautiful art. After the tour of downtown we will proceed to Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater where the cllients will see spectacular rock formations as well as the world famous amphitheater. We will then proceed to Buffalo Bills Gravesite on Lookout Mountain.
Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave
We will see the mountain ranges that spread through out the area from the top of Lookout Mountain at Buffalo's Bills gravesite.
Golden History Museum & Park
We will drive down the famous Lariat Loop into the historic city of Golden Colorado where the capitol was until it was moved permanently to Denver.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
We will see Red Rocks Park with its numerous red rocks and boulders that shoot up from the ground. Next we will visit the Amphitheater where the Beatles played in August of 1964 and then the Visitor Center and museum.
RiNo Art District
Clients will see the Crush grafiti art that exist in the new upscale RiNo area. Many buildings have different walls that have been painted.
Larimer Square
Larimer Square is where Denver began. It used to be wooden homes that were bured down in 1863 but now it is a beautiful square block with over 40 restaurants and shops.
Molly Brown House Museum
We can visit the area of Capitol Hill where the Molly Brown Museum is located. This museum was the home of Molly Brown for years. In addition, all through out the Capitol Hill area there are many old mansions and beautiful homes to see.
Colorado State Capitol
You will see the all the professional sporting arenas, the State Capitol, Union Station, Larimer Square (where Denver was founded) as well as the RiNo street art area and the Art and Theater District.
Denver Union Station
The clients will see Union Station, LoDo (lower downtown) and the popular RiNo area where there are many unique murals and business es which have beautiful art. After the tour of downtown we will proceed to Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater where the cllients will see spectacular rock formations as well as the world famous amphitheater. We will then proceed to Buffalo Bills Gravesite on Lookout Mountain.
Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave
We will see the mountain ranges that spread through out the area from the top of Lookout Mountain at Buffalo's Bills gravesite.
Golden History Museum & Park
We will drive down the famous Lariat Loop into the historic city of Golden Colorado where the capitol was until it was moved permanently to Denver.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
We will see Red Rocks Park with its numerous red rocks and boulders that shoot up from the ground. Next we will visit the Amphitheater where the Beatles played in August of 1964 and then the Visitor Center and museum.
RiNo Art District
Clients will see the Crush grafiti art that exist in the new upscale RiNo area. Many buildings have different walls that have been painted.
Larimer Square
Larimer Square is where Denver began. It used to be wooden homes that were bured down in 1863 but now it is a beautiful square block with over 40 restaurants and shops.
Molly Brown House Museum
We can visit the area of Capitol Hill where the Molly Brown Museum is located. This museum was the home of Molly Brown for years. In addition, all through out the Capitol Hill area there are many old mansions and beautiful homes to see.
Colorado State Capitol
You will see the all the professional sporting arenas, the State Capitol, Union Station, Larimer Square (where Denver was founded) as well as the RiNo street art area and the Art and Theater District.
Denver Union Station
The clients will see Union Station, LoDo (lower downtown) and the popular RiNo area where there are many unique murals and business es which have beautiful art. After the tour of downtown we will proceed to Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater where the cllients will see spectacular rock formations as well as the world famous amphitheater. We will then proceed to Buffalo Bills Gravesite on Lookout Mountain.
Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave
We will see the mountain ranges that spread through out the area from the top of Lookout Mountain at Buffalo's Bills gravesite.
Golden History Museum & Park
We will drive down the famous Lariat Loop into the historic city of Golden Colorado where the capitol was until it was moved permanently to Denver.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
We will see Red Rocks Park with its numerous red rocks and boulders that shoot up from the ground. Next we will visit the Amphitheater where the Beatles played in August of 1964 and then the Visitor Center and museum.
RiNo Art District
Clients will see the Crush grafiti art that exist in the new upscale RiNo area. Many buildings have different walls that have been painted.
Larimer Square
Larimer Square is where Denver began. It used to be wooden homes that were bured down in 1863 but now it is a beautiful square block with over 40 restaurants and shops.
Molly Brown House Museum
We can visit the area of Capitol Hill where the Molly Brown Museum is located. This museum was the home of Molly Brown for years. In addition, all through out the Capitol Hill area there are many old mansions and beautiful homes to see.
Colorado State Capitol
You will see the all the professional sporting arenas, the State Capitol, Union Station, Larimer Square (where Denver was founded) as well as the RiNo street art area and the Art and Theater District.
Denver Union Station
The clients will see Union Station, LoDo (lower downtown) and the popular RiNo area where there are many unique murals and business es which have beautiful art. After the tour of downtown we will proceed to Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater where the cllients will see spectacular rock formations as well as the world famous amphitheater. We will then proceed to Buffalo Bills Gravesite on Lookout Mountain.
Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave
We will see the mountain ranges that spread through out the area from the top of Lookout Mountain at Buffalo's Bills gravesite.
Golden History Museum & Park
We will drive down the famous Lariat Loop into the historic city of Golden Colorado where the capitol was until it was moved permanently to Denver.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
We will see Red Rocks Park with its numerous red rocks and boulders that shoot up from the ground. Next we will visit the Amphitheater where the Beatles played in August of 1964 and then the Visitor Center and museum.
RiNo Art District
Clients will see the Crush grafiti art that exist in the new upscale RiNo area. Many buildings have different walls that have been painted.
Larimer Square
Larimer Square is where Denver began. It used to be wooden homes that were bured down in 1863 but now it is a beautiful square block with over 40 restaurants and shops.
Molly Brown House Museum
We can visit the area of Capitol Hill where the Molly Brown Museum is located. This museum was the home of Molly Brown for years. In addition, all through out the Capitol Hill area there are many old mansions and beautiful homes to see.
Colorado State Capitol
You will see the all the professional sporting arenas, the State Capitol, Union Station, Larimer Square (where Denver was founded) as well as the RiNo street art area and the Art and Theater District.
Denver Union Station
The clients will see Union Station, LoDo (lower downtown) and the popular RiNo area where there are many unique murals and business es which have beautiful art. After the tour of downtown we will proceed to Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater where the cllients will see spectacular rock formations as well as the world famous amphitheater. We will then proceed to Buffalo Bills Gravesite on Lookout Mountain.
Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave
We will see the mountain ranges that spread through out the area from the top of Lookout Mountain at Buffalo's Bills gravesite.
Golden History Museum & Park
We will drive down the famous Lariat Loop into the historic city of Golden Colorado where the capitol was until it was moved permanently to Denver.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
We will see Red Rocks Park with its numerous red rocks and boulders that shoot up from the ground. Next we will visit the Amphitheater where the Beatles played in August of 1964 and then the Visitor Center and museum.
RiNo Art District
Clients will see the Crush grafiti art that exist in the new upscale RiNo area. Many buildings have different walls that have been painted.
Larimer Square
Larimer Square is where Denver began. It used to be wooden homes that were bured down in 1863 but now it is a beautiful square block with over 40 restaurants and shops.
Molly Brown House Museum
We can visit the area of Capitol Hill where the Molly Brown Museum is located. This museum was the home of Molly Brown for years. In addition, all through out the Capitol Hill area there are many old mansions and beautiful homes to see.
Colorado State Capitol
You will see the all the professional sporting arenas, the State Capitol, Union Station, Larimer Square (where Denver was founded) as well as the RiNo street art area and the Art and Theater District.
Denver Union Station
The clients will see Union Station, LoDo (lower downtown) and the popular RiNo area where there are many unique murals and business es which have beautiful art. After the tour of downtown we will proceed to Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater where the cllients will see spectacular rock formations as well as the world famous amphitheater. We will then proceed to Buffalo Bills Gravesite on Lookout Mountain.
Buffalo Bill Museum and Grave
We will see the mountain ranges that spread through out the area from the top of Lookout Mountain at Buffalo's Bills gravesite.
Golden History Museum & Park
We will drive down the famous Lariat Loop into the historic city of Golden Colorado where the capitol was until it was moved permanently to Denver.
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
We will see Red Rocks Park with its numerous red rocks and boulders that shoot up from the ground. Next we will visit the Amphitheater where the Beatles played in August of 1964 and then the Visitor Center and museum.
RiNo Art District
Clients will see the Crush grafiti art that exist in the new upscale RiNo area. Many buildings have different walls that have been painted.
Площадь Ларимера
Лаример-сквер - это место, где начался Денвер. Раньше это были деревянные дома, сгоревшие в 1863 году, но теперь это красивый квадратный квартал с более чем 40 ресторанами и магазинами.
Дом-музей Молли Браун
Мы можем посетить район Капитолийского холма, где расположен музей Молли Браун. Этот музей долгие годы был домом Молли Браун. Кроме того, на всей территории Капитолийского холма есть много старых особняков и красивых домов, которые стоит увидеть.
Капитолий штата Колорадо
Вы увидите все профессиональные спортивные арены, Капитолий штата, Юнион-Стейшн, Лаример-сквер (где был основан Денвер), а также район уличного искусства Рино и район искусств и театров.
Станция Денвер Юнион
Клиенты увидят Union Station, LoDo (нижний центр города) и популярный район RiNo, где есть много уникальных фресок и бизнес-эс с прекрасным искусством. После экскурсии по центру города мы отправимся в парк Red Rocks и амфитеатр, где клиенты увидят впечатляющие скальные образования, а также всемирно известный амфитеатр. Затем мы отправимся к могиле Баффало Биллса на Лукаут-Маунтин.
Музей и могила Буффало Билла
Мы увидим горные хребты, которые простираются по всей территории с вершины горы Лукаут на могиле Буффало Биллс.
Музей и парк Золотой истории
Мы проедем по знаменитой арочной петле в исторический город Золотой Колорадо, где находилась столица, пока ее не перенесли на постоянное место жительства в Денвер.
Парк Red Rocks и амфитеатр
Мы увидим парк Red Rocks с его многочисленными красными камнями и валунами, торчащими из земли. Затем мы посетим амфитеатр, где в августе 1964 года играли «Битлз», а затем посетитель-центр и музей.
Район искусств Рино
Клиенты увидят граффити Crush, которые существуют в новой высококлассной зоне RiNo. Стены многих зданий окрашены по-разному.
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Отзывы (3)
May 2022
A delightful private tour lead by a very knowledgeable gentleman. We learned so much about the history of Denver and surrounding areas from Brad Hatfield. He's an excellent driver and very entertaining. We felt like we had been with an old friend all day.
Oct 2019
Our half day tour with Brad was excellent. He was informative, entertaining and friendly. We were four senior citizens with limited mobility and he tailored the tour to fit our needs and interests.
Jun 2019
We booked this because we had only one day and wanted an overview of the city and surrounding city and we were not disappointed. Our guide was simply the best he has lived in the area for years and made it the perfect day

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