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Ущелье Рио-Гранде на целый день

Нижнее ущелье Рио-Гранде представляет собой широкий каньон с пышной прибрежной средой обитания вдоль берегов Рио. Фантастическое приключение на целый день для семей, начинающих рафтеров и групп. Первая половина дня — это прекрасное плавание по участку Орилья-Верде в Рио-Гранде с невероятными пейзажами, великолепными остановками на обед на берегу реки и широкими возможностями для работы над греблей в рамках подготовки к захватывающим бурным водам ипподрома, которые придут во второй половине дня. Поездка на целый день в ущелье Рио-Гранде собирается в нашей штаб-квартире в 8:30 утра ежедневно, а минимальный возраст в течение большей части года составляет 5 лет.
Город: Нью-Мексико
Wed 25 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $145.00
Wed 25 Sep
Начинается с $145.00
Что включено
World Class Guides
Safe, Secure Parking,
Full Service Headquarters
All rafting Equipment
Signature, Hot Chicken Fajita Lunch
World Class Guides
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в колясках
  • Варианты транспорта подходят для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки уровни
  • Детей должен сопровождать взрослый
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Соблюдение социальной дистанции на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Rio Grande Gorge
Starting Out We start at our headquarters where you’ll meet your guides for the day who will outfit you with all the gear necessary for the day on the river. At the headquarters, you will find safe secure parking, clean restrooms, changing rooms, shaded picnic tables on our patio rooms, and any last minute items you might have forgotten including sunscreen, water shoes, hats and much more. This is the perfect place to start your adventure.  Craft choices are dependent on water levels. The large majority of our guests like to participate and paddle along with the guide in the back of the boat giving paddling commands, however, you may also choose to sit back and let the guide do the work on an oar boat.  And for the adrenaline junkies, ask about an inflatable kayak at no extra charge. Floating the Rio Grande Gorge After the short drive to the starting point in our vans, your river trip begins with a placid morning float through one of the most scenic parts of the canyon with great opportunities to see a variety of wildlife including mule deer, river otter, beaver and many different birds of prey. This section also affords us time to practice paddling techniques, swimming and simply enjoying the Rio Grande. Somewhere in this stretch, we’ll stop on the side of the river for a nice lunch put together by your guides. After lunch, we run the Class III rapids of the “Racecourse.” The Lower Gorge of the Rio Grande is a broad canyon with lush riparian habitat along the banks of the Rio. As we enter the “Racecourse” section the geology radically changes as we pass onto the Rio Grande fault line, one of the largest intercontinental fault lines in North America. But let’s not forget the whitewater! The Racecourse is 6 miles of action-packed class 2-3 rapids. Perfect for everyone from beginners to intermediate/experts. There is something for everyone to enjoy on this section. With rapids like the Maze, Albert’s Falls, The Narrows, and The Thunderdome make sure you are braced in and ready to get wet! Listen to your guides as they negotiate these rapids and don’t forget to ask them to surf when the water levels are lower. Guides for the Rio Grande Gorge Full Day Our guides are the best in the business, focusing on safety and guest service as a top priority. All are extremely knowledgeable about the area’s geology, ecology and history and just love being on the river. Our Guides have experience on rivers all over the country and across the globe, I know you’ll enjoy each one as much as we do.   They will certainly help to make your day on the river the best possible. Full Day Rio Grande rafting trips available EVERY DAY starting in March through September. Our minimum age at most water levels is 5, however, at the higher flows, that minimum age rises to 13. Book online or call us anytime, 1-800-983-7756, to reserve your space.
Rio Grande Gorge
Starting Out We start at our headquarters where you’ll meet your guides for the day who will outfit you with all the gear necessary for the day on the river. At the headquarters, you will find safe secure parking, clean restrooms, changing rooms, shaded picnic tables on our patio rooms, and any last minute items you might have forgotten including sunscreen, water shoes, hats and much more. This is the perfect place to start your adventure.  Craft choices are dependent on water levels. The large majority of our guests like to participate and paddle along with the guide in the back of the boat giving paddling commands, however, you may also choose to sit back and let the guide do the work on an oar boat.  And for the adrenaline junkies, ask about an inflatable kayak at no extra charge. Floating the Rio Grande Gorge After the short drive to the starting point in our vans, your river trip begins with a placid morning float through one of the most scenic parts of the canyon with great opportunities to see a variety of wildlife including mule deer, river otter, beaver and many different birds of prey. This section also affords us time to practice paddling techniques, swimming and simply enjoying the Rio Grande. Somewhere in this stretch, we’ll stop on the side of the river for a nice lunch put together by your guides. After lunch, we run the Class III rapids of the “Racecourse.” The Lower Gorge of the Rio Grande is a broad canyon with lush riparian habitat along the banks of the Rio. As we enter the “Racecourse” section the geology radically changes as we pass onto the Rio Grande fault line, one of the largest intercontinental fault lines in North America. But let’s not forget the whitewater! The Racecourse is 6 miles of action-packed class 2-3 rapids. Perfect for everyone from beginners to intermediate/experts. There is something for everyone to enjoy on this section. With rapids like the Maze, Albert’s Falls, The Narrows, and The Thunderdome make sure you are braced in and ready to get wet! Listen to your guides as they negotiate these rapids and don’t forget to ask them to surf when the water levels are lower. Guides for the Rio Grande Gorge Full Day Our guides are the best in the business, focusing on safety and guest service as a top priority. All are extremely knowledgeable about the area’s geology, ecology and history and just love being on the river. Our Guides have experience on rivers all over the country and across the globe, I know you’ll enjoy each one as much as we do.   They will certainly help to make your day on the river the best possible. Full Day Rio Grande rafting trips available EVERY DAY starting in March through September. Our minimum age at most water levels is 5, however, at the higher flows, that minimum age rises to 13. Book online or call us anytime, 1-800-983-7756, to reserve your space.
Rio Grande Gorge
Starting Out We start at our headquarters where you’ll meet your guides for the day who will outfit you with all the gear necessary for the day on the river. At the headquarters, you will find safe secure parking, clean restrooms, changing rooms, shaded picnic tables on our patio rooms, and any last minute items you might have forgotten including sunscreen, water shoes, hats and much more. This is the perfect place to start your adventure.  Craft choices are dependent on water levels. The large majority of our guests like to participate and paddle along with the guide in the back of the boat giving paddling commands, however, you may also choose to sit back and let the guide do the work on an oar boat.  And for the adrenaline junkies, ask about an inflatable kayak at no extra charge. Floating the Rio Grande Gorge After the short drive to the starting point in our vans, your river trip begins with a placid morning float through one of the most scenic parts of the canyon with great opportunities to see a variety of wildlife including mule deer, river otter, beaver and many different birds of prey. This section also affords us time to practice paddling techniques, swimming and simply enjoying the Rio Grande. Somewhere in this stretch, we’ll stop on the side of the river for a nice lunch put together by your guides. After lunch, we run the Class III rapids of the “Racecourse.” The Lower Gorge of the Rio Grande is a broad canyon with lush riparian habitat along the banks of the Rio. As we enter the “Racecourse” section the geology radically changes as we pass onto the Rio Grande fault line, one of the largest intercontinental fault lines in North America. But let’s not forget the whitewater! The Racecourse is 6 miles of action-packed class 2-3 rapids. Perfect for everyone from beginners to intermediate/experts. There is something for everyone to enjoy on this section. With rapids like the Maze, Albert’s Falls, The Narrows, and The Thunderdome make sure you are braced in and ready to get wet! Listen to your guides as they negotiate these rapids and don’t forget to ask them to surf when the water levels are lower. Guides for the Rio Grande Gorge Full Day Our guides are the best in the business, focusing on safety and guest service as a top priority. All are extremely knowledgeable about the area’s geology, ecology and history and just love being on the river. Our Guides have experience on rivers all over the country and across the globe, I know you’ll enjoy each one as much as we do.   They will certainly help to make your day on the river the best possible. Full Day Rio Grande rafting trips available EVERY DAY starting in March through September. Our minimum age at most water levels is 5, however, at the higher flows, that minimum age rises to 13. Book online or call us anytime, 1-800-983-7756, to reserve your space.
Ущелье Рио-Гранде
Начиная Мы начинаем в нашей штаб-квартире, где вы встретите своих гидов на день, которые снабдят вас всем снаряжением, необходимым для дня на реке. В штаб-квартире вы найдете безопасную охраняемую парковку, чистые туалеты, раздевалки, затененные столы для пикника в наших патио и любые предметы, которые вы могли забыть в последнюю минуту, включая солнцезащитный крем, водные туфли, головные уборы и многое другое. Это идеальное место для начала вашего приключения. Выбор крафта зависит от уровня воды. Подавляющему большинству наших гостей нравится участвовать и грести вместе с гидом в задней части лодки, отдающим команды гребли, однако вы также можете сидеть сложа руки и позволить гиду выполнять работу на весельной лодке. А для любителей адреналина спросите о надувном каяке без дополнительной оплаты. Сплав по ущелью Рио-Гранде После короткой поездки к отправной точке на наших микроавтобусах ваше путешествие по реке начнется со спокойного утреннего сплава по одной из самых живописных частей каньона, где вы сможете увидеть множество диких животных, включая оленя-мула, речную выдру, бобра и многих других. разные хищные птицы. Этот раздел также дает нам время, чтобы попрактиковаться в технике гребли, плавать и просто наслаждаться Рио-Гранде. Где-то на этом участке мы остановимся на берегу реки, чтобы пообедать, приготовленном вашими гидами. После обеда мы бежим по порогам III класса «Ипподрома». Нижнее ущелье Рио-Гранде – это широкий каньон с пышной прибрежной средой обитания вдоль берегов Рио. Когда мы входим в раздел «Ипподром», геология радикально меняется, когда мы переходим к линии разлома Рио-Гранде, одной из крупнейших межконтинентальных линий разлома в Северной Америке. Но давайте не будем забывать о белой воде! Ипподром представляет собой 6 миль захватывающих порогов класса 2-3. Идеально подходит для всех, от новичков до среднего /экспертов. В этом разделе каждый найдет что-то для себя. С такими порогами, как Лабиринт, Водопад Альберта, Узкий проход и Громовой купол, убедитесь, что вы готовы промокнуть! Слушайте своих гидов, когда они преодолевают эти пороги, и не забудьте попросить их заняться серфингом, когда уровень воды ниже. Путеводители по ущелью Рио-Гранде на целый день Наши гиды – лучшие в своем деле, уделяя первостепенное внимание безопасности и обслуживанию гостей. Все они очень хорошо осведомлены о геологии, экологии и истории этого района и просто любят быть на реке. Наши гиды имеют опыт плавания по рекам по всей стране и по всему миру, я знаю, что вы получите от каждого такое же удовольствие, как и мы. Они, безусловно, помогут сделать ваш день на реке максимально комфортным. Рафтинг на целый день в Рио-Гранде доступен КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ, начиная с марта по сентябрь. Наш минимальный возраст на большинстве уровней воды составляет 5 лет, однако на более высоких потоках этот минимальный возраст увеличивается до 13 лет. Забронируйте онлайн или позвоните нам в любое время, 1-800-983-7756, чтобы забронировать место.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (175)
Lana K
Apr 2018
Our adult son came in town so I set up our very 1st rafting trip. We did the Rio Grande Gorge Full Day. NM had a mild Winter so the river wasn’t flowing as hard but it was enough for our 1st time. We had such a great time, laughing so hard at times I thought I was gonna wet myself. My son and I totally loved it, husband not as much, too much work for him but he did have some fun. Check out the pics...LOL Now for the company...I won’t go with any other tour companies. This group was wonderful. Our guide was Emily, this is her 3rd year with NMRA? This young lady worked her butt off for us, and was probably laughing at us bickering cuz one of us was a bit slacking. Half way through our day, we took a break for lunch. The website stated All you can eat Deli meal but we got snacks while Kim & Emily cooked Hot Chicken Fajitas with veggies, Rice, beans, tortillas topped it off with Oreo Cookies...who doesn’t love Oreos. Some great pictures were captured some showing what to do, some...what not to do...LOL Can’t wait to go back and do it again.
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2018
Hi Lana, Thank you for taking the time to write a review for NMRA!! We are glad to hear you had a great time. Emily is a fantastic guide and we are glad you think so too!! We look forward to another adventure in the future!
Aug 2017
We have had a fabulous day! A review from one of the kids.....today was rafting day, to be more specific White Wild Water Rafting. On the Rio Grande, which flows from Colorado to the Gulf of Mexico. We booked the family full day experience with class 2 and 3 rapids... The kids (Girls) where a little nervous, as what to expect. But the outfitters (New Mexico River Adventures) explained all very thorough with a lot of patience and emphasize on safety. After we all were geared up, we had a 20 min drive to the start of our float through the RG Gorch. After a few hours there was a fresh prepared hot (🌶) lunch of Fajitas 🥙! And then the real fun began, we had great runs with class 3 rapids and floats in the river; this part is called the 'Racecourse'! Back at the HQ we were given some fabulous picts! Thanks Hannah and Devon for you great guidance, and the fun experience. You made our trip great!
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2017
Thank you for your excellent review! "White Wild Water Rafting" is our favorite kind of full day family adventure with an emphasis on safety, good food, and fun. Hannah, Devin, and all of our skilled and friendly staff welcome you to join us on another rafting adventure soon.
Katelyn D
Jul 2017
We took our trip on the 17th with Jacob for the full day on the Rio Grande. My boyfriend and I had a wonderful time and we were incredibly lucky to be on the tour with just the two of us! The morning was peaceful and the afternoon was filled with exciting rapids! I was initially hesitant when i booked to take a trip down the rapids, but I am so happy with out decision! We stopped about half way to each lunch, which was delicious. The day was beautiful and definitely one to remember. Jacob told us more about the other trips you offer on the ride back to headquarters, and we both agreed that when we come back, a longer trip will definitely be something that will be on our list. Thank you for everything!
Ответ от хоста
Jul 2017
Katelyn, Thank you for your wonderful review! That Rio Grande Gorge full day trip is a fantastic combination of calm and serene water to exciting and splashy rapids, with a delicious riverside lunch. We are thrilled that you had a memorable day with Jacob and look forward to your next multi day trip with us. Thanks for the fun splashy picture!

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