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Быстрый забег по Долине Изгоев

Сплавы по реке Роуг отправляются восемь раз в день из Феникса, штат Орегон. Эти поездки предлагают ближайший рафтинг к долине реки Роуг и характеризуются постоянным переходом от легких к более крупным порогам. Поездка идеально подходит для семей с маленькими детьми или групп разного уровня подготовки.
Город: Эшленд
Sat 15 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $89.00
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $89.00
Что включено
Transportation to and from the river
A friendly, professional, and knowledgeable guide
All rafting equipment as needed (wetsuits, booties, splash jackets)
Transportation to and from the river
A friendly, professional, and knowledgeable guide
All rafting equipment as needed (wetsuits, booties, splash jackets)
Transportation to and from the river
Дополнительная информация
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки.
  • Минимальный возраст – 8 лет.
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (145)
Aug 2022
This was my first time rafting and a river run. Our guide Miles was great. He made sure we understood everything we were to and what to expect. I was very comfortable and found the experience exhilarating!. I was ready to do it again. Thank you Miles and Darby! The pictures turned out great.
Aug 2022
we really had a fun time over there. both my daughter and my son (8 and 10 years old) are really enjoy it.
Aug 2022
Wow, just had the best time, first time float down the river. My wife bought a rafting trip for us as a family for my birthday. Aaron was the best rafting guide and made the experience a memorable one. We did the three hour float. The rapids had just the right amount of thrill for first timers and there was plenty of flora and fauna to take in as well as historical points of interest. Again, Aaron new his stuff and had us lined up perfectly on each chute. Looking forward to perhaps and overnight trip next time or maybe something with some class 4/5 rapids. I think we are all hooked on the Indigo Creek outfitter experience. Gear was tip top and squared away. It was simply the best time. Thank you!!

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